Dr. Brad Hoge - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dr. Brad Hoge


Experts sort problems by concepts. The Monotillation of Traxoline ... The acquisition of knowledge does not destroy the beauty of experience ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dr. Brad Hoge

  • Dr. Brad Hoge
  • Director of HUNSTEM
  • University of Houston Downtown
  • (713) 221-8289
  • Hogeb_at_uhd.edu
  • http//HUNSTEM.uhd.edu

Inquiry Works Best
  • Research shows that students learn science best
    by engaging in hands-on minds-on lessons through
    a inquiry based curriculum (Abell and Bryan,
    1997 Stepans, et. al., 1995 Metz, 1995
    Glasson, 1989).

What is inquiry in K-12 science education?
  • Inquiry as defined in the National Science
    Education Standards (NRC, 1995)
  • a multifaceted activity that involves making
    observations posing questions examining books
    and other sources of information to see what is
    already known planning investigations reviewing
    what is already known in light of experimental
    evidence using tools to gather, analyze and
    interpret data proposing answers, explanations
    and predictions and communicating the results.
  • Inquiry requires identification of assumptions,
    use of critical and logical thinking, and
    consideration of alternative explanations.

Goals for All Students
  • Learn the principles and concepts of science (the
    big ideas).
  • Be able to do science (the procedural skills and
    mental reasoning abilities needed to carry out an
  • Understand the nature of science as a human
    activity, a way of constructing knowledge.

Skills are more important than knowledge
NSF Standards for Inquiry
  • Students should be able to
  • Identify questions and concepts for
  • Design and conduct investigations
  • Use technology and math to aid an investigation
  • Formulate explanations using logic and evidence
  • Analyze alternative explanations
  • Communicate and defend an argument

NSF Standards for Inquiry
  • Students should understand that in science
  • Investigations involve asking a question and
    comparing the answer to what is known
  • Explanations emphasize evidence
  • Explanations have logically consistent arguments
  • Investigations are repeatable by others
  • Scientists make their results public, review and
    ask each other questions

Unexpected results are often the most important
Classroom Inquiry as a Teaching and Learning
  • Learners are engaged by scientifically oriented
  • Learners give priority to evidence, which allows
    them to develop and evaluate explanations that
    address scientifically oriented questions
  • Learners formulate explanations from evidence to
    address scientifically oriented questions
  • Learners evaluate their explanations in light of
    alternative explanations, particularly those
    reflecting scientific understanding
  • Learners communicate and justify their proposed

Research Base on Learning
  • People build new knowledge and understanding
    based on what they already know and believe
    (prior knowledge)
  • Understanding science is not just knowing facts
    people must organize and actively build them into
    a conceptual framework to be useful in new
    settings (constructivism)
  • People need to monitor and reflect on their own
    learning as they learn (metacognition)

How People Learn, NRC 1999.
How People Learn
  • Individuals do not obtain knowledge by
    internalizing it from the outside but by
    constructing it from within, in interaction with
    the environment (Kamii, Manning, Manning, 1991
    Perkins, 1992 Piaget, 1969 Vygotsky, 1978)

  • Constructivist views of learning provide a
    theoretical framework to teachers in helping
    students reconstruct their own understanding
    through a process of interacting with objects in
    the environment and engaging in higher-level
    thinking and problem solving (Driver, Asoko,
    Leach, Mortimer, Scott, 1994).

Inquiry Is Scientific Method
  • Constructivism provides the theoretical framework
    for all forms of project-based learning (Grant,
  • PBS pedagogy (Schneider, Krajcik, Marx,
    Soloway, 2002) assumes that students constantly
    ask and refine questions design and conduct
    multiple investigations gather, analyze,
    interpret, and draw conclusions from data and
    report findings.
  • . . . by extension, learning scientific process
    (literacy) extends beyond the classroom
    (Bransfield etal, 1999).

Science starts with careful observation
Careful observation means being prepared (making
Mastery of facts is not necessarily understanding!
  • Ideas must be organized or built by the learner
    into a conceptual framework in order to be
  • Students sort physics problems by superficial
  • Experts sort problems by concepts.

The Monotillation of Traxoline
  • It is very important that you learn about
    traxoline. Traxoline is a new form of zionter.
    It is monotilled in Ceristanna. The
    Ceristannians gristerlate large amounts of fevon
    and then bracter it to quasel traxoline.
    Traxoline may well be one of our most lukised
    snezlaus in the future because of our zionter
  • 1. What is traxoline?
  • 2. Where is traxoline monotilled?
  • 3. How is traxoline quaselled?
  • 4. Why is traxoline important?

Use Evolutionary Psychology
  • E.O. Wilson stated, the benefits of metaphor over
    analogy in teaching science is rooted in our
    evolutionary past. We use metaphor to make sense
    of our world.

Scientific Method
  • Scientists explore the physical world for
    reproducible patterns which they represent by
    models and organize into theories according to
    laws (Hestenes, 2004).

The acquisition of knowledge does not destroy the
beauty of experience
Strategies for helping concept-building
  • Plan activities (hands-on, minds-on) rather than
  • Have students predict-observe-explain
  • Have students work in groups
  • Have students relate ideas to existing knowledge
  • Be a guide on the side, not a sage on the

Metacognition Thinking about Thinking
  • Connecting new information to prior knowledge
  • Selecting thinking strategies deliberately
  • Planning, monitoring and evaluating own thinking

A statistic requires at least three data points
Common sense is part of science
  • Q. An army bus holds 36 soldiers. If 1128
    soldiers are being bused to their training site,
    how many buses are needed?
  • A. 31 R 12
  • B. 31
  • C. 32

Use Scientific Method
  • Simply providing knowledge without experience or
    vice versa does not seem to be sufficient for the
    development of metacognitive control (Livingston,
  • The scientific process (historically and in a
    philosophical perspective) is the ultimate
    metacognitive strategy for problem solving.

Science is interdisciplinary
Use your whole brain
  • Three books are sitting on a shelf. Each book is
    two inches thick with front and back covers 1/6th
    of an inch thick. If a book worm chews threw the
    books from page one of the first book to the last
    page of the last book, how many inches does the
    book worm chew through?

Conclusions are only as good as the assumptions
that go into them
New discoveries lead to new problems
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Inquiry in the Classroom Requires an Effective
Learning Community
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