Title: Brad Dean Myrtle Beach | CEO of Discover Puerto Rico
1 Brad Dean Myrtle Beach
- CEO of Discover Puerto Rico
2Successful Business Leader
Brad Dean Myrtle Beach was born in Illinois and
currently lives in Puerto Rico. He has been a
successful business leader and tourism
professional for over 20 years, with a focus on
public policy.
Brad Dean Myrtle Beach
3Experienced In Influencing Public Policy
Brad Dean Myrtle Beach also certified as an ACCE
(2015). He is very experienced in influencing
public policy at the local, state, and national
levels. Brad Dean Myrtle Beach has had a lengthy
track record of success running businesses.
Brad Dean Myrtle Beach
4Focused On Promoting Tourism
He is a successful tourism professional with over
2 decades of experience leading non-profit
organizations. Brad Dean Myrtle Beach is the
current CEO of Discover Puerto Rico, where he
leads a team focused on promoting tourism on the
island through marketing campaigns and events.
Brad Dean Myrtle Beach
5Certified Chamber Executive
Brad Dean Myrtle Beach has been an active member
of the Chamber of Commerce for over 20 years,
where he was instrumental in lobbying for
legislation that would promote greater access to
health care across the state. He has been
recognized for his work by several awards,
including Certified Chamber Executive (CCE) -
ACCE (2015).
Brad Dean Myrtle Beach
6Visit To Know More
tlebeach https//www.artstation.com/braddeanmy
rtlebeach5 https//speakerhub.com/speaker/brad-
Brad Dean Myrtle Beach
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