Title: Brad Dean Myrtle Beach - A Tourism Expert
1Brad Dean Myrtle Beach
A Tourism Expert
2Works In Board Of Director
Brad Dean's work in Myrtle Beach has seen tourism
increase from 11 million visitors to 20 million
visitors every year. Brad Dean now works on the
Board of Directors of the United States Travel
and Tourism Advisory Board. He gained this role
in 2014.
3An Accomplished Servant Leader
Brad Dean is a travel and tourism CEO based in
Myrtle Beach. He is an accomplished servant
leader who has worked in strategic roles with
high-impact organizations. Brad Dean is
personally responsible for launching initiatives
that doubled tourism in Myrtle Beach from 11
million annual visitors to 20 million.
4Receiving The Order Of Palmetto
Brad Dean's work in Myrtle Beach led to him
receiving the Order of Palmetto, the highest
award given to a civilian by S.C. Governor Henry
McMaster. Brad Dean has also worked on several
other tourism projects, such as the recovery
project in Puerto Rico. He helped the island
recover from the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.
5Highest Award Given
Brad Dean's work in Myrtle Beach led to him
receiving the Order of Palmetto, the highest
award given to a civilian by S.C. Governor Henry
McMaster. Brad Dean has also worked on several
other tourism projects, such as the recovery
project in Puerto Rico. He helped the island
recover from the aftermath of Hurricane Maria.
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