Title: ME 257 Intro to Micromechanics
1ME 257 -- Intro to Micromechanics
2Composite types
4Composite coordinate frame
- This class will focus on analysis of continuous
fiber laminated composites with miscellaneous ply
numbers and orientations
5Coordinate frame
- To begin lets define a coordinate frame
6Material Properties
- The material properties we will be concerned with
for plane stress (to be defined soon)
formulations are E1, E2, n12, n21, and G12
7Longitudinal modulus
What material properties can we calculate here?
E1s1/e1 or E11s1/e1
note that I will often avoid the use of
subscripts when using powerpoint for ease in
8Transverse modulus
- What material properties can we calculate here?
E2s2/e2 or E22s2/e2
9Reciprocity relationship
- n21n12E22/E11
- Is it better to calculate n21 using direct
experimental measurement or using reciprocity
10In-plane Shear Modulus G12
pure shear
Iosipescu shear test
11Examples of laminated composites
- Human intervertebral disc annulus fibrosus
12Tensile behavior of annulus fibrosus
Why is value of poissons ratio unusual?
Nonlinear elasticity and anisotropy are apparent!
13Shear behavior of annulus fibrosus
- Non-linear shear stress-strain behavior
- Strain-softening material
14Shear behavior of carbon-epoxy
- Carbon/epoxy AS4/3501-6 has similar
strain-softening effect in shear
15Next steps
- Now that we have a general idea of composite
material behavior, lets figure out how to
calculate stresses, strains and strengths in them
- macromechanics
- The study of composite material behavior where
material is assumed homogeneous - Obtain aberage apparent properties of the
material - Micromechanics
- The study of composite material behavior where
interactions of constituent material is examined
in detail - Emphasize heterogeneity
- Heterogeneous -- material properties vary from
point to point - Homogeneous -- material properties are the same
everywhere - Isotropic -- material properties are the same in
every direction - Anisotropic -- material properties depend on
direction - GE/2(1n)
- Establish material properties from
micromechanical considerations - Homogenize and analyze macromechanically
19Representative volume element (RVE)