Title: Intro to Math Differentiated Instruction
1Intro to Math Differentiated Instruction
- Ms. Denise Armstrong (Credentials)
- Cane Ridge HS
- Mr. Jamal Hutchinson, MPA, MALT
- Numeracy Coach Johnson/ Baxter ALC
- Ice Breaker
- Balanced Math Framework
- Components of Differentiated Instruction
- Follow up
3Ice Breakerhttp//www.chron.com/apps/comics/showC
4Sample DI Lesson Plan
Day 15 min 15 min 40 minutes 5 minutes
1 Math Review Mental Math Concept Lesson Problem solving, small groups intervention, centers, or manipulatives Closure/math journals
2 Math Review Mental Math Concept Lesson Problem solving, small groups intervention, centers, or manipulatives Closure
3 Math Review Mental Math Concept Lesson Problem solving, small groups intervention, centers, or manipulatives Closure
4 Math Review Mental Math Concept Lesson Problem solving, small groups intervention, centers, or manipulatives Closure
5 Assessment/Math Review Quiz Assessment/Math Review Quiz Math activities, centers, games, small group, intervention Math activities, centers, games, small group, intervention
6 Math Review Mental Math Concept Lesson Problem solving, small groups intervention, centers, or manipulatives Closure
7 Math Review Mental Math Concept Lesson problem solving, small groups intervention, centers, or manipulatives Closure
8 Math Review Mental Math Concept Lesson Problem solving, small groups intervention, centers, or manipulatives Closure
9 Math Review Mental Math Concept Lesson Problem solving, small groups intervention, centers, or manipulatives Closure
10 Assessment/Math Review Quiz Assessment/Math Review Quiz Assessment Assessment
5Intro to Differentiated Instruction
6Differentiated Vs Traditional
- Role of the Teacher
- Role of the Student
- Role of Instruction
- Role of Curriculum
- Role of Materials
- Role of Assessments
- Role of Group
7Preparing for Differentiated Instruction
- Preparation involves looking at the end goal in
mind. No matter what the topic, subject, etc.
Start with the end and work backwards - Backward design focuses on assessment first and
instructional activities last - Resources for Backwards Design
- http//tinyurl.com/32jn7cg
- http//www.ascd.org/ASCD/pdf/books/mctighe2004_int
8Backwards Desgin http//tinyurl.com/32jn7cgRetrie
ved 7/20/2010
Backward Design Stages Action steps to refocus the conversation and re-vision an ELA program.
Stage 1 Identify Desired Results What enduring understandings are desired? What should students know, understand, and be able to do? What is worth understanding? Stage 2 Determine Acceptable Evidence of Learning How will we know if students have achieved the desired results and met the standards? What will we accept as evidence of student understanding and proficiency? Stage 3 Design Learning Experiences Instruction __Set the vision. Focus on the big ideas. __Create a shared vision. __Departmental activities to focus on __Enduring Understandings __Standards (national, state, district) __Essential Questions __Determine how students demonstrate their knowledge. __Focus on assessment before designing the learning activities. __Expand the assessment continuum. __Plan instructional activities. __Share best practice. __Build in collaboration. __Ensure success for all learners.
- Differentiated instruction is Driven by
Assessment - Formative, Summative, Informal, Quick Assessments
drive Differentiated Instruction - Differentiated instruction is Driven by
10Student Profile, Interest, Readiness
- Student Learning Profile can be built on
Gardners 9 Intelligence - http//tinyurl.com/hyxfp
- Student Interest can be found by short surveys,
and teacher has to be creative in incorporating
the interest into the lesson - http//tinyurl.com/5tc8xa
- Student Readiness is built on assessment and
responsive feedback on student work. - 25 Quick Formative Assessments
- Differentiating Instruction in a Whole Group
11Management Of DI Classroom
- Classroom Management Procedures
- Transitions
- Groups
- Centers
- Tiered Curriculum
- www.mnpsteacher.org
- http//www.doe.in.gov/exceptional/gt/tiered_curric
- Video of How not to do a PowerPoint
13Questions And Answers
- Student Learning Profile
- http//tinyurl.com/hyxfp
- Student Interest
- http//tinyurl.com/5tc8xa
- Student Readiness
- 25 Quick Formative Assessments
- Differentiating Instruction in a Whole Group
- SDE Chicago Differentiated Instruction
Presentation - Hollas, Betty. (2010, July, 7th) Coaching
Supporting Teachers for Success in
Differentiating Instruction Chicago Illinois SDE
Differentiated Instruction Conference