Title: Exception Resolving System
1Exception Resolving System
- CS 551
- FALL02
2Why the need for our web service?
- The Shawnee Mission Health System admits
thousands of patients each day for various
medical concerns. One of the branches of this
health system is the Mid America Heart Institute
(MAHI), which deals with people who suffer from
some cardiac ailment. Each night a proprietary
application known as the Star Enterprise System
FTPs an ASCII document that contains admission
information about patients to intermediary
systems that will eventually store this
information in a clinical repository. - In this nightly batch processing of Admission
data from the enterprise systems it is possible
for exceptions to occur preventing the creation
of patient or admission data in the Clinical
Explorer database. -
3A Snapshot from the Exception file
ltexception exception_text"Data for 'patient'
entity differs between incoming record and
database record!" record_number"11"
exception_code"5" entity_type"patient"gt-
ltentity record_number"11"gt ltlname
quoted_type"true" uses_table"patient"gtAINSWORTHlt
/lnamegt  ltfname quoted_type"true"
uses_table"patient"gtBETTYlt/fnamegt  ltmiddle
quoted_type"true" uses_table"patient"gtJOlt/middle
gt  ltcpi quoted_type"true" uses_table"patient_xr
ef" xref_id_type"312"gt00648910lt/cpigt  ltadm_date
quoted_type"true" uses_table"admit"gt07/30/2002lt/
adm_dategt  ltdob quoted_type"true"
uses_table"patient"gt11/17/1925lt/dobgt  ltsex
uses_table"patient"gt1650lt/sexgt  ltrace
uses_table"patient"gt360lt/racegt  ltadm_dx
quoted_type"true" uses_table"admit"gtV76.12-SCREE
N MAMMOGRAM NEClt/adm_dxgt  ltmrno
quoted_type"true" uses_table"patient_xref"
xref_id_type"311"gt0000006545lt/mrnogt  ltssn
quoted_type"true" uses_table"patient"gt494209227lt
/ssngt  ltcontact_type uses_table"contact"gt44lt/con
tact_typegt  ltaddress1 quoted_type"true"
uses_table"contact"gt7411 W 101ST
TERRACElt/address1gt  ltcity quoted_type"true"
uses_table"contact"gtSHAWNEE MISSIONlt/citygt Â
ltstate_province_id uses_table"contact"gtKSlt/state_
province_idgt  ltpostal_code quoted_type"true"
uses_table"contact"gt66212lt/postal_codegt Â
ltptacctno quoted_type"true" uses_table"admit"gt02
21100638lt/ptacctnogt  lthosp_location_id
uses_table"admit"gt6lt/hosp_location_idgt Â
lt/entitygt- ltdatabase_recordgt ltpatient_idgt349205lt/
patient_idgt  ltlegacyidgt56387lt/legacyidgt Â
ltlnamegtAINSWORTHlt/lnamegt  ltfnamegtBETTYlt/fnamegt Â
ltmiddlegtJlt/middlegt  ltsexgt1650lt/sexgt Â
ltracegt360lt/racegt  ltssngt493300290lt/ssngt Â
ltdobgt5/8/1930lt/dobgt  ltcompletegt0lt/completegt Â
ltusernamegtdbolt/usernamegt  ltmodify_timegt2/1/2001lt/
modify_timegt  lt/database_recordgt
4A Snapshot from Exception Files
ltexception exception_text"Entity record matches
more than 1 'patient' record in database!"
record_number"27" exception_code"1"
entity_type"patient"gt- ltentity
record_number"27"gt ltlname quoted_type"true"
uses_table"patient"gtANDERSONlt/lnamegt  ltfname
quoted_type"true" uses_table"patient"gtCAMYLAlt/fn
amegt  ltcpi quoted_type"true" uses_table"patient
_xref" xref_id_type"312"gt01464644lt/cpigt Â
ltadm_date quoted_type"true" uses_table"admit"gt07
/30/2002lt/adm_dategt  ltdob quoted_type"true"
uses_table"patient"gt01/25/1979lt/dobgt  ltsex
uses_table"patient"gt1650lt/sexgt  ltrace
uses_table"patient"gt360lt/racegt  ltmrno
quoted_type"true" uses_table"patient_xref"
xref_id_type"311"gt0001314600lt/mrnogt  ltssn
quoted_type"true" uses_table"patient"gt508119412lt
/ssngt  ltcontact_type uses_table"contact"gt44lt/con
tact_typegt  ltaddress1 quoted_type"true"
uses_table"contact"gt195 SE 51 RDlt/address1gt Â
ltcity quoted_type"true" uses_table"contact"gtWARR
ENSBURGlt/citygt  ltstate_province_id
uses_table"contact"gtMOlt/state_province_idgt Â
ltpostal_code quoted_type"true"
uses_table"contact"gt64093lt/postal_codegt Â
ltptacctno quoted_type"true" uses_table"admit"gt02
21100716lt/ptacctnogt  lthosp_location_id
uses_table"admit"gt2lt/hosp_location_idgt Â
lt/entitygt- ltmatchesgt- ltentitiesgt ltentity
weight"1095" entity_id"18433" /gt  ltentity
weight"1095" entity_id"132576" /gt Â
lt/entitiesgt ltentity_countgt2lt/entity_countgt Â
lt/matchesgt lt/exceptiongt
5Why the need for our web service?cont..
- Â A query component was proposed that would query
these exception files when a query by the user
returns no rows against the database. - Our component would locate a record in the
exception files which is in XML format. - The entity data within the exception file will be
extracted and reformatted into another XML file
format, which is used for data recovery in the
Clinical Explorer UI. - This file is then bound to a form in the UI
allowing the user to create the entity in the
database. - Â
7(No Transcript)
8Exception Resolving System
Exception Resolving System
Exception Resolving System
9Exception Resolving System
Advanced search
search request
Query - Mahi DB
more than zero matches
zero matches returned
returning results to
clinical explorer
exception files
no match found
gt1 match found
exactly one match found
returning recovery file to
returning null string
receiving choice
clinical explorer
to clinical explorer
of node
returning results to
clinical explorer
receving confirmation
for deleting node
the node
10Exception Resolving System
Totally new patient no matches found in the
database or Exception Files
1 Advanced Search
2 Find Entity in DB
Clinical Explorer
3 Return zero matches
8 Return null string
4 Find in exception files
7 Pass null string
5 Search in exception files
6 Return zero matches
11Exception Resolving System
No matches found in the Database but a single
match found in exception files
2 Find Entity in DB
1 Advanced Search
Clinical Explorer
3 Return Zero matches
8 Pass Recovery File
4Find in Exception Files
7 Recovery File
5 Search in Exception Files
6 Return Single Record
12Exception Resolving System
No matches found in the database but more than
one found in exception files Â
1 Advanced Search
Clinical Explorer
2 Find Entity in DB
8 Pass all matches
9 Pass selected choice
3 Return zero matches
12 Pass recovery file
13 Send delete confirmation
10 Pass selected choice
4 Find in exception files
11 Pass recovery file
7 Pass all matches
14 Perform Delete
15 Delete the node
5 Search in exception files
6 Return all matches
13Exception Resolving System
One or more match found in the Database
Advanced Search
2 Find Entity in DB
4 Pass all matches
3 Return all matches Â
 Clinical Explorer
14Exception Resolving SystemClass Diagram