Automatic Response System Using Sms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Automatic Response System Using Sms


Automatic Response System Using Sms By – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Automatic Response System Using Sms

Automatic Response System Using Sms
  • Methodology
  • Why Java?
  • Reasons for using java
  • Comparison to other langauges
  • History of Java
  • Introduction
  • Primary goals of using java
  • Types of Java
  • Critisism
  • JSMSSoftware Architecture
  • JSMS Supported Protocols
  • Message Types
  • References

  • Mobile is connected to serial port of computer.
  • Whenever any message arrives on that mobile ,it
    is accepted by java program running on the
  • Program will read message arrived on pc extract
    the contents.
  • Depending upon contents of message, program will
    connect to particular database for specific data
    asked in the Sms.

  • Data is retrieved an sms is framed.
  • This sms is tranferred to the mobile connected to
    pc using JSMS API.
  • It will send sms to requesting mobile using
  • We are using Java for developing the application.

  • Java is a programming language originally
    developed by Sun Microsystems and released in
    1995. The language derives much of its syntax
    from C and C but has a simpler object model and
    fewer low-level facilities. Java applications are
    typically compiled to byte code which can run on
    any Java virtual machine regardless of computer
    architecture. Java now forms the core of Sun's
    Java platform.

Reasons for using JAVA
  • Java Is Small and Simple The most complex parts
    of C were excluded from Java, such as pointers
    and memory management. These elements are
    complicated to use, and are thus easy to use
  • Java Is Object Oriented OOP organizes a program
    as a set of components called objects. These
    objects exist independently of each other, and
    they have rules for communicating with other
    objects and for telling those objects to do

  • Java is Dynamic Java programmes carry with them
    substantial amounts of run-time type information
    that is used to verify and resolve accesses to
    objects at run-time. This makes it possible to
    dynamically link code in a safe and expedient
    manner. This is crucial to the robustness of the
    applet environment.
  • Java is Architecture-Neutral The Java designers
    made several hard decisions in the Java language
    and the Java Virtual Machine in an attempt to
    alter the situation of programmes not running on
    the same machine after few days.

Comparison to other languages
  • Multiple Vendor Choice and Support
  • Java technologies are supported by multiple
    vendors allowing mix and match and best of breed
    solutions. Java standard APIs have always been
    designed to be supported by multiple
  • Compile to Machine Code
  • Java has several solutions to compiling into
    machine code, that is when compiling to byte code
    is an issue for either intellectual property or
    performance reasons.

  • Future Proof Java is future proof or rather
    future portable, in the sense that your existing
    code base will not become obsolete. How so? I can
    run Java on machines today and machines in the
    future. You don't have that assurance for
    Microsoft's technologies like .NET.
  • Most Popular Language in the Corporation
  • A recent survey reveals "Interestingly, the
    strong showing of Visual C .NET divides the
    Microsoft camp and propels Java into first place
    as the most popular language over the coming

  • More Homogeneous and Less Complex Environment
  • The Java environment is more homogeneous and
    less complex than .NET. It is not littered with
    obsolete technologies like COM, DCOM, COM, ADO,
    nor is it dependent on operating system
    indiosyncracies like register settings or most
    recent service patch level.
  • Java IDEs are superior in their support for
    coding tasks. Features like code refactoring,
    intention actions, superior code browsing (i.e
    Find Usages) and robust code completion are
    superior to what you find in Visual Studio.NET.
    In fact, Visual Studio.NET is known to
    unintentionally erase code.

  • Cross Platform Integration with Other Languages
  • Integration with Java from other languages like
    Perl, PHP or Python is cross platform. In
    otherwords, I can take my PHP scripts that talk
    to Java and run in windows, place them in a Linux
    box and have them work without a major porting

History of Java
  • Java started as a project called "Oak" by James
    Gosling in June 1991 for use in a set top box
    project. Gosling's goals were to implement a
    virtual machine and a language that had a
    familiar C/C style of notation. The first
    public implementation was Java 1.0 in 1995. It
    promised "Write Once, Run Anywhere" (WORA),
    providing no-cost runtimes on popular platforms.
    It was fairly secure and its security was
    configurable, allowing network and file access to
    be restricted. Major web browsers soon
    incorporated the ability to run secure Java
    "applets" within web pages. Java became popular
    quickly. With the advent of "Java 2", new
    versions had multiple configurations built for
    different types of platforms.

Introduction to Language
  • Java applications are typically compiled to
    bytecode, although compilation to native machine
    code is also possible. At runtime, bytecode is
    usually either interpreted or compiled to native
    code for execution, although direct hardware
    execution of bytecode by a Java processor is also
  • The language itself derives much of its syntax
    from C and C but has a simpler object model and
    fewer low-level facilities. JavaScript, a
    scripting language, shares a similar name and has
    similar syntax, but is not directly related to
  • Sun Microsystems provides a GNU General Public
    License implementation of a Java compiler and
    Java virtual machine, in compliance with the
    specifications of the Java Community Process,
    although the class library that is required to
    run Java programs is not free software.

Primary goals
  • There were five primary goals in the creation of
    the Java language
  • It should use the object-oriented programming
  • It should allow the same program to be executed
    on multiple operating systems.
  • It should contain built-in support for using
    computer networks.
  • It should be designed to execute code from remote
    sources securely.
  • It should be easy to use by selecting what was
    considered the good parts of other
    object-oriented languages

  • In 1997, Sun approached the ISO/IEC JTC1
    standards body and later the Ecma International
    to formalize Java, but it soon withdrew from the
    process.567 Java remains a proprietary de
    facto standard that is controlled through the
    Java Community Process.8 Sun makes most of its
    Java implementations available without charge,
    with revenue being generated by specialized
    products such as the Java Enterprise System. Sun
    distinguishes between its Software Development
    Kit (SDK) and Runtime Environment (JRE) which is
    a subset of the SDK, the primary distinction
    being that in the JRE the compiler is not
  • On November 13, 2006, Sun released parts of Java
    as free/open source software, under the GNU
    General Public License (GPL). The release of the
    complete source code under GPL is expected in the
    first half of 2007

Platform independence
  • One characteristic, platform independence, means
    that programs written in the Java language must
    run similarly on any supported hardware/operating-
    system platform. One should be able to write a
    program once, compile it once, and run it
  • This is achieved by most Java compilers by
    compiling the Java language code "halfway" to
    bytecode simplified machine instructions specific
    to the Java platform. The code is then run on a
    virtual machine (VM), a program written in native
    code on the host hardware that interprets and
    executes generic Java bytecode. (Further,
    standardized libraries are provided to allow
    access to features of the host machines (such as
    graphics, threading and networking) in unified
    ways. Note that, although there is an explicit
    compiling stage, at some point, the Java bytecode
    is interpreted or converted to native machine
    instructions by the JIT compiler

Automatic garbage collection
  • One of the ideas behind Java's automatic memory
    management model is that programmers be spared
    the burden of having to perform manual memory
    management. In some languages the programmer
    allocates memory for the creation of objects
    stored on the heap and the responsibility of
    later deallocating that memory thus resides with
    the programmer. If the programmer forgets to
    deallocate memory or writes code that fails to do
    so, a memory leak occurs and the program can
    consume an arbitrarily large amount of memory.
    Additionally, if the program attempts to
    deallocate the region of memory more than once,
    the result is undefined and the program may
    become unstable and may crash. Finally, in non
    garbage collected environments, there is a
    certain degree of overhead and complexity of
    user-code to track and finalize allocations.
    Often developers may box themselves into certain
    designs to provide reasonable assurances that
    memory leaks will not occur.

  • In Java, this potential problem is avoided by
    automatic garbage collection. The programmer
    determines when objects are created, and the Java
    runtime is responsible for managing the object's
    lifecycle. The program or other objects can
    reference an object by holding a reference to it
    (which, from a low-level point of view, is its
    address on the heap). When no references to an
    object remain, the Java garbage collector
    automatically deletes the unreachable object,
    freeing memory and preventing a memory leak.
    Memory leaks may still occur if a programmer's
    code holds a reference to an object that is no
    longer neededin other words, they can still
    occur but at higher conceptual levels.

  • The syntax of Java is largely derived from C.
    However, unlike C, which combines the syntax
    for structured, generic, and object-oriented
    programming, Java was built exclusively as an
    object oriented language. As a result, almost
    everything is an object and all code is written
    inside a class. The exceptions are the intrinsic
    data types (ordinal and real numbers, boolean
    values, and characters), which are not classes
    for performance reasons.

ExampleHello world
  • public class Hello
  • public static void main(String args)
  • System.out.println("Hello, World!")

An example that better demonstrates
object-oriented programming
  • //
  • import javax.swing.JOptionPane
  • public class OddEven
  • private int input public OddEven()
  • input integer.parseInt(JOptionPane.showInputDi
    alog("Please Enter A Number")
  • )
  • public void calculate()
  • if (input 2 0)

Odd even
  • System.out.println("Even")
  • else
  • System.out.println("Odd")
  • public static void main(String args)
  • OddEven number new OddEven()

Types of Java
  • There are many types of Java programs which run
  • Applet - can be put online (in web browsers).
  • Application - can only be run on the computer,
    cannot be put online.
  • Servlet - runs on a server and helps to display
    web pages.
  • Swing application - like an application, but can
    have a more graphical look.

  • Java applets are programs that are embedded in
    other applications, typically in a Web page
    displayed in a Web browser

Example of applet
  • import java.applet.Applet
  • import java.awt.Graphics
  • public class Hello extends Applet
  • public void paint(Graphics gc)
    g.drawString("Hello, world!", 65, 95)

  • Performance
  • Java's performance has increased substantially
    since the early versions, and performance of JIT
    compilers relative to native compilers has in
    some tests been shown to be quite similar.The
    performance of the compilers does not necessarily
    indicate the performance of the compiled code
    only careful testing can reveal the true
    performance issues in any system

Look and feel
  • The default look and feel of GUI applications
    written in Java using the Swing toolkit is very
    different from native applications. It is
    possible to specify a different look and feel
    through the pluggable look and feel system of
    Swing. Clones of Windows, GTK and Motif are
    supplied by Sun. Apple also provides an Aqua look
    and feel for Mac OS X. Though prior
    implementations of these look and feels have been
    considered lacking, Swing in Java SE 6 addresses
    this problem by using more native widget drawing
    routines of the underlying platforms.
    Alternatively, third party toolkits such as wx4j
    or SWT may be used for increased integration with
    the native windowing system

Lack of OO purity
  • Java's primitive types are not objects. Primitive
    types store their values in the stack rather than
    being references to values. This was a conscious
    decision by Java's designers for performance
    reasons. Because of this, Java is not considered
    to be a pure object-oriented programming
    language. However, as of Java 5.0, autoboxing
    enables programmers to write as if primitive
    types are their wrapper classes, and freely
    interchange between them for improved flexibility

  • Java Runtime Environment The Java Runtime
    Environment or JRE is the software required to
    run any application deployed on the Java
    Platform. End-users commonly use a JRE in
    software packages and Web browser plugins. Sun
    also distributes a superset of the JRE called the
    Java 2 SDK (more commonly known as the JDK),
    which includes development tools such as the Java
    compiler, Javadoc, and debugger.
  • One of the unique advantages of the concept of a
    runtime engine is that errors (exceptions) should
    not 'crash' the system. Moreover, in runtime
    engine environments such as Java there exist
    tools that attach to the runtime engine and
    everytime that an exception of interest occurs
    they record debugging information that existed in
    memory at the time the exception was thrown
    (stack and heap values). These tools are called

  • Interception or Error Interception tools and
    they provide 'root-cause' information for
    exceptions in Java programs that run in
    production, testing or development environments

  • Sun has defined three platforms targeting
    different application environments and segmented
    many of its APIs so that they belong to one of
    the platforms. The platforms are
  • Java Platform, Micro Edition (Java ME)
    targeting environments with limited resources,
  • Java Platform, Standard Edition (Java SE)
    targeting workstation environments, and
  • Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE)
    targeting large distributed enterprise or
    Internet environments.

  • Open up the world of "Mobile Messaging" to our
    Java application. Using jSMS, our application is
  • quickly enabled to send and receive mobile short
    messages (SMS).

Software Architecture
  • The jSMS SDK does not contain any native code
    and can therefore be run on all available Java2
    platforms (e.g.Solaris, Linux, Windows). When
    using a GSMdevice, your Java Platform must also
    supply an implementation of javax.comm (Java
    Communications API).The jSMS programming
    interface has been designed to be independent of
    the underlaying protocol. You can easily switch
    from one transport facility to another one,
    without needing to change your your application.
    The jSMS Library requires only 180KB and can
    therefore also be used in Embedded Devices.

jSMS supports the most widespread protocols used
today for mobile messaging. Accessing the mobile
network can be achieved by using a GSM device
(e.g. a Mobile Phone), a modem connection or the
Internet (TCP/IP).
jSMS supported protocols
  • GSM 03.38, 03.40 07.05 (GSM Devices with a
    built-in Modem)
  • UCP (Universal Computer Protocol)
  • CIMD2 (Computer Interface to Message
  • SMPP (Short Message Peer-to-Peer Protocol)
  • TAP/IXO (Paging Protocol)
  • MM1 (Multimedia Messaging using WAP/WAP PUSH and
  • MM7 (Multimedia Messaging for Value Added
    Service Providers)

Message Types
  • 7-Bit Text -max. 160 Characters / Message
  • UCS2 (Unicode) Universal Character Set - (e.g.
    for Simplified Chinese)
  • Binary Data (8-Bit) - max. 80 Bytes / Message
  • SmartMessages -Business Cards, Calendar Entries,
    Operator Logos, Picture Messages,Ringtones
  • Status Reports

Message and Sms Message
  • The base class for all messages (except MMS) in
    the jSMS API is called Message. A Message object
    can be sent as an SMS (by using one of the
    SmsService implementations) or as an email (using
    the SmtpService). If you want to have more
    control about the content and attributes of a SMS
    Message, the class SmsMessage should be used.
    SmsMessage extends the base Message class and
    adds additional
  • features like specifying the message's character
    encoding (alphabet), setting the validity period
    of the message, requesting a status report, etc.

Example Code for sms
  • import com.objectxp.msg.
  • public class SendSMS
  • public static void main(String args)
  • try // Create and initialize a SMS service
  • SmsService service new GsmSmsService()
  • service.init()
  • service.connect() // Create a new SMS Message
  • SmsMessage msg new SmsMessage(service)
  • // Set recipient and message
  • msg.setRecipient("0791243657")
  • msg.setMessage("SYS1 Power loss. Shutdown in 5

  • msg.requestStatusReport(true)
  • // Send the SMS
  • service.sendMessage(msg)
  • System.out.println("Message sent successfuly,
    ID is "msg.getMessageId())
  • service.disconnect()
  • catch( MessageException me )
  • System.out.println("Message could not be sent
  • finally if( service ! null )
  • service.destroy() // Destroy the service

Multimedia Message Service (MMS)
  • Currently,jSMS provides a implementation for the
    following protocol(s)
  • MM1 (WSP/WTP using WAP-PUSH and a PPP connection)
  • MM7 (Multimedia Messaging for Value Added Service
    Providers (VASP))
  • The MMS Service interface defines the methods to
    send and receive a Multimedia Message (MMS)
    to/from a MMS-Proxy/Relay.

  • Possible Applications
  • Alarming
  • Remote Control
  • Monitoring
  • Notification
  • Marketing
  • News services

  • GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications)
    The most widely used communication protocol. GSM
    is used generally for mobile telephone calls. GSM
    enables 9.6 Kbps data transfer rate.
  • GPRS (General Packet Radio Service) GPRS allows
    users to be connected to the network at all
    times. GPRS transfer rate is between 30 and 100
    Kbps and only the traffic generated by the user
    is billed.

  • http// /
  • http // /products/ javacomm /
  • http //
  • The Complete Reference-Java by Herbert Shildt
  • Programming with Java E.Balagurusamy
  • Teach yourself Java Joseph ONeil
  • Core Java Gary Cornell
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