Title: XML in Government
1XML in Government
- Dr. Glenda Hayes
- The MITRE Corporation
- 19 Oct 2000
- ghayes_at_mitre.org
- XML-related Activities
- Use of XML, Coordination on Semantics
- Forums for Surfacing Issues and Opportunities
- Policy Regarding Use
- Organizations
- Department of Defense
- Department of Treasury
- Federal CIO Council
3Department of Defense
- XML Use, Coordination on Semantics
- Forums
- XML Namespace Managers Forum
- Policy
- DII-COE Configuration and Control Board (CRCB)
- DoD CIO Executive Board tasking to DISA
DII-COE Defense Information Infrastructure
Common Operating Environment DISA Defense
Information Systems Agency
4DII-COE Data Engineering View of XMLCommon Data
Exchange Language
- Data packaged with interpretation rules
- tailored tags and document structure
- community of interest (namespace) agreement on
tags structure - DBMS not required to examine schema or retrieve
data - unicode text ? machine man readable
- more effective information discovery and
retrieval - 21st Century industry data interchange standard
- Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, Sun, Sybase, Informix
- Messages (USMTF Electronic Commerce /EDI)
- Application
- Database
- other
- File
- Flat
- other
- Application
- Database
- other
- File
- Flat
- other
6DoD Use of XMLpage 1
- DII-COE XML Registry - Provide Market Visibility
for XML components - http//diides.ncr.disa.mil/xm
lreg - XML for submissions to Registry, XML retrieved
from Registry - Domain Values (XML) Document rendered (via XSL)
to HTML - Situational Awareness
- Common Operational Picture (COP) Extensible DB
Interface (XDBI) - XML returned from COP for Database
Synchronization - Bosnia
- XML Retrieved from relational DB as snapshot
w/image - XML docs queried and rendered (via XSL) to HTML
for browser - MIL-STD 6040 Message Format
- XML enable Message Transmission Format (MTF)
7DoD Use of XMLpage 2
- Global Combat Support Systems (GCSS)
- XML doc stores query definition data for GCSS
Portal COP-CSE Drill-down Tool - Joint Battle Center (JBC) - Joint Warfighting
Interoperability Demonstration (JWID) - Exchange of data via XML between COP and Joint
Command Control DB - Intelligence Production - Analytic Packet
- Business Re-engineering ? SGML, migrating to XML
- Defense Finance Accounting Services (DFAS)
- XML interface between legacy application feed and
standard Agency storage DB. - XBRL representation rendered (via XSL) to browser
as Air Force General Fund Statement supporting
drill down to detail data
8DoD Use of XMLpage 3
- Gunter AFB Standard Procurement System
- XML transmitted to relational database
(structured fields XML fragments), database
manufacture of XML, rendered (via XSL) for apps
(e.g., browser and Electronic Posting System) - Global Command Control System Maritime
Process-centric Training Support - XML docs to store training material
- Army Topologic Engineering Center, NIMA - Open
GIS Consortium WMT - http//www.opengis.org
- XML to query geospatially-referenced data, XML
returned from data source - Geography Markup Language (GML)
- Imagery Markup Language (IML)
9DoD Use of XMLpage 4
- Intelink Management Office
- Security.DTD
- Space Surveillance Ontology in XML
- Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS)
- Initializing CORBA Domain Manager
- Product Data Markup Language (PDML)
- Lightweight client for exchange of STEP/EXPRESS
data - DARPA ILLUME Project - Ontology Markup Language
- XML exported from Enterprise Java Beans to
servlets - DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML)
10XML Addresses MultipleData Dimensions
RDF PDML XMI ?CWMI Registry.dtd Registry_domain_va
Degree of Content Structure
- Defense Information Infrastructure (DII)
- Common Operating Environment (COE),
- Data Access Services Technical Working Group
(DATATWG), - Semi-Structured Data and Metadata Subpanel
(SSD-MD) - Objectives
- Develop specifications and/or DTDs
- Select metadata standards and tools
- Create DTD repository / distribution mechanism /
versioning management - Provide guidance for tag terminology
- Develop enhanced XML editors for coded XML docs
- Develop application interpreters for XML
- Reference implementations
- Meetings
- Chartered by DII-COE Architectural Oversight
Group (AOG) Nov 1998 - Distribution List 350 Names, Attendance 70
- Bi-monthly meetings, 9 meetings
- Topics
- XML Activities Survey
- XML Vendor Briefings and Demos
- DII-COE XML Requirements
- DII-COE XML Registry Debut
- XML Technical Discussions
- XML Policy Coordination
13Proposed XML Namespace Managers Forum
- Sponsor
- Common Operating Environment,
- DII-COE Architectural Oversight Group (?)
- Objectives
- Propose, review, and implement DoD XML policy
- Develop and promote best practices in XML
- Seek opportunities for semantic convergence
- Oversee the operation of the Registry
- Determine what metrics to use, analyze and make
recommendations as inputs to DoD and other
policies - Define, review, update the procedures for the
Namespace Mgrs Forum - Review proposals for additional namespaces for
recommendations to DII-COE AOG - Participate, respect, and influence international
and coalitions metadata standards
14Proposed XML Namespace Managers Forum
- Meetings
- Members Namespace Mgrs
- Begun Sept 2000, 2 meetings
- Topics
- DoD XML Registry Implementation Plan
- DII-COE Registry Requirements
- Registry Submission Training
- Namespace Mgr Coordination
15Principles which shapeMarket-Driven Data Strategy
- Focus on Common implementable Components
- Seek commonality mainly within Communities of
Interest (COIs) - Develop common representations for 20 of data to
satisfy 80 requirements - Create market environment to exploit survival of
fit data representations in various domains - PMs and their engineering staffs are primary
marketplace players - Provide visibility for existing implementations
thru Data Component registry with low barriers to
16DII-COE XML Registry Objectives
- Technical Requirement
- Ensure uniqueness of in-use tags, schemas etc.
(like network port assignments) - Management Objectives
- Visibility
- Identify and converge synonyms within CM process
on cost-benefit, prioritization basis - Encourage Re-use
- Information Interoperability
Purpose is uniqueness and visibility, not
standardization through mandate!
17DII-COE XML Registry Status
- IOC 17 May 1999
- Public Access
- Messages (FOUO) Password protected
- Improved Version
- Available Oct-Nov 00
- 10K elements
- SIPRNET version early in CY01
- Handles
- XML Registration
- Namespace Creation Mgt
- NATO Coordination
- NC3A XML Workshop
- Request Receipt of COE Software
- Expanding Scope DoD CIO Exec Council
- XML Registry Implementation Plan
DII-COE Data Emporium http//diides.ncr.disa.mil/s
18DII-COE XML Guidance
- XML Tag Registration Requirement
- Configuration Review Control Board (CRCB) directs
(via IRTS 4.0) DII-COE Developers using XML for
public interfaces to - Consult XML Registry before creating new Tags and
reuse existing XML where practical - Indicate planned use of Registered Tags by
formally subscribing to them - Submit (where required)
- additional XML tags (and amplifying information)
or - recommended modifications to existing tags
- Management of Namespaces
- With CRCB concurrence, DII-COE Chief Engineer
- Charters selected agents to manage XML Namespaces
- Example USMTF Program AO to manage XML-MTF tags
- Manages DoD Core Namespace
19DII-COE Namespaces/Managers
- DoD Core (COE Enterprise)/DISA
- Ground Operations/Army
- General Military Intelligence/DIA
- Aerospace Operations/USAF
- Messages/DISA
- Tracks Reports/Navy
- Combat Support/DISA
- Geospatial Imagery/NIMA
- METOC/Navy
- Personnel/DIMHRS
- Finance and Accounting/DFAS
- Other Proposed
- Logistics
- Info Mgt
20DoD XML Registration Policy Coordination
- CRCB directs Chief Engineer to propose DII-COE
XML process for DoD - Chief Engineer briefs DoD CIO Executive Council
29 Aug - DoD CIO Executive Council asks for
- Draft registration policy memo
- Resource assessment
- Draft DoD XML Registry Implementation Plan
- Staff through ASD C3I, USD ATL, etc.
- Brief to CIO Executive Council for decision
21 DoD XML Registry Implementation Plan
- Implementation Plan features
- implementable in the near term
- minimal unprogrammed resources
- extends existing DII-COE processes
- endorses DII-COE guidance
- uses DII-COE XML Registry
- capitalizes on existing DII-COE groups and
boards - adds CIO Executive Council oversight linked to
CRCB - engages Standards at multiple levels
22Department of Treasury
- Simplified Tax and Wage Reporting System (STAWRS)
- http//www.tax.gov/news.htm
- Harmonized Wage Code (HWC) Request for Agreement
- Federation of Tax Administrators
- http//www.taxadmin.org
- Tax Information Group for EC Requirements
Standardization (TIGER) - XML Business Reporting Language (XBRL)
- http//www.xfrml.org/
- American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants (AICPA)
23Federal CIO Councilhttp//www.cio.gov/
- Federal CIO XML Working Group
- http//www.cio.gov/docs/XML_memo_to_CIOs_9-00.htm
- Co-chairs
- Owen Ambur of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
(Owen_Ambur_at_fws.gov) - Marion Royal of GSA's Office of Governmentwide
Policy (marion.royal_at_gsa.gov) - Meetings Monthly (beginning June 2000)
- Listserv
- listserv_at_www.gsa.gov with "subscribe xmlwg
firstname lastname" in the body of the message. - Listserv Archive
- http//www.gsa.gov/archives/xmlwg.html
24Mission StatementFederal CIO XML Working Group
- Identify pertinent standards and best practices
- Establish partnerships with industry and public
interest groups - Establish partnerships with governmental
communities of interest - Education and outreach
25Business Case for XML
- Lightweight Exchange Poor Mans EDI
- Network Protocol Independent
- Better Leveraging of Training
- XML is Pervasive
- Minimal Resources Required
- Independent of Programming Environment
- Phenomenal Industry Support
- Leverage Existing Metadata
- Common Syntax Attracting
- File formats
- Ontologies
- Metadata
- Better Suited for Hierarchical Data Than
Relational Representation - Stateless Nature Fits Web Paradigm
- Implementations Can Be Done Incrementally
XML Low Risk