Title: Microsoft and XML Formats for Document
1Microsoft and XML Formats for Document
Dirk Tombeur Platform Strategy Manager Microsoft
Belgium Luxembourg
2Evolution of Document Authoring
- Old approach linear, static
- Temporary electronic document, permanent paper
document - Face-to-face collaboration using paper documents
requires physical presence - Binary formats optimized for the high cost of
storage and bandwidth proprietary
- New approach dynamic, interactive
- Permanent electronic document, temporary paper
document - Digital collaboration using electronic documents
participants in many locations - XML-based formats optimized for flexibility,
reusability, and maintainability open standards
3XML in Office a 10-year evolution
Office 2003 Breakthrough XML Support WordProcessin
gML, SpreadsheetML Custom-defined schema
2007 Office system New XML-based Formats XML File
format Default XML PowerPoint Format
Office 2000 Early Innovation XML Document
Office XP First XML Formats Spreadsheet XML
Office 97 Existing binary file formats designed
in 1994, launched in Office 97
4Customers and Partners ask for Office format
- 2000
- Microsoft became serious about using XML in its
Office file formats - Public requests about need for a full
specification for Office file formats - 2003/2004
- EU asks vendors to open their documents formats
and standardize these - IDA (2004) Microsoft should consider the merits
of submitting XML formats to an international
standards body of their choice - IDA EC explicitly ask Microsoft
- to put the evolution of the formats in the
control of a standards body - to build translators to/from ODF
- Governments recommend eventual submission to ISO
- 2006-2008
- December 2006 PEGSCO (Pan-European eGovernment
Services Committee) Report http//ec.europa.eu/id
abc/servlets/Doc?id26971 - Microsoft has adopted a pure XML format
- The Open XML (ECMA-376) standard is freely
available - the OpenXML (ECMA) specifications are freely
available on the web and the main contributors to
both specifications (respectively Sun and
Microsoft) have assured that the specifications
can be implemented by any interested party,
including open-source developers, without
additional obligations and/or costs.
5Office Open XML Broad Support in Belgium
But there is already an XML document Standard??? O
Delaware Consulting Userfull NV Edan Integrator
NV CTG Adifo NV anaXis NV Egemin NV CODit
BVBA Orda-S Sphinx IT Neomatics Traviata TechT
eam Waslet Capito NV Ezos Ikan
Consulting Partena
Avanade Coppens NV DataRex Bits
Bytes InterLight NV iXL-IT NV ComCom Silicon
Center Devocom NV Henno Computers NV C
N TopPower NV InfoSupport Erudict Invenso Sof
tware Spectrum Microcomputing
Dolmen Guidance Sogeti Soft-Naert InnVisttra
Simac INS Euricom Cronos Mobile
Access Guidance Belgium VDS-Computing Digipoint
Amplexor ICT7 ICMS Group Adam Software NV Cegeka
Arinso International Alcopa Concentra Gates
Power Transmission Europe Accel Vision IT
Group ECQ Applications BVBA Kempische
Kantoorsystemen Ferranti Computer Systems ESC
Hard Software Solutions Heens IT Consultancy
BVBA Christiaens Computer Services SDE Software
Developments iFacto Business Solutions
NV HP Getronics Telindus
Econocom MSP S_at_ws NV Itineris ComputaCenter DC
S NV ECX bvba ATEFO bvba NiSH ICT for
you Make IT Easy aCOM-ib NV Electro-Line
NV Trinsy Technics bvba SPICS bvba Nerea Belgium
sprl FOD/SPF Finance Real Software Group
6The Highlander myth
- How many document format standards should their
be? - Some say there can be only one (The Highlander
Principle) - As sensible as the movie! Where otherwise
immortals slay each other! - In fact, there are many standard formats now
- And many more widely used formats
- And there will continue to be many
- AIIM / Adobe PDF has started an ISO fast track
- China UOF format to be submitted
- No format is immortal
- Formats address different needs
- Innovation is not over
7Is it Microsoft against the world?
- Commercial
- Oracle, SAP, IRIS, Adobe, Microsoft,
- Open Source
- Novell, RedHat, MySQL, Alfresco,
- Free Software
- Commercial and Open Source are bridging and
looking for consensus - Novell-Microsoft agreement
- Interoperability Alliance
- Open Specification Promises
- Free Software is radicalizing in confrontational
8DIS29500 Ballot Resolution Meeting
February 25th 29th 2008. International
Conference Centre Geneva CICG, 7 rue de Varembé,
CP13, CH-1211 Geneva 20 tel. 41 22 791 91 11
9The result of the international vote
Voting Rules Final Result Details
Rule 1More than 66.66 of the P-members vote approval 75,00(Need gt66.66) 24 approval forecasts out of 32 P-members(abstentions are taken out of the equation)
Rule 2More than 75 of all members vote approval 86,00(Need gt75) 10 disapprove forecasts out of 71 countries (abstentions are taken out of the equation)
Open XML is an ISO standard!
10ISO member countries control Open XML from now on
- It passes control of the Microsoft file formats
to an international organization and ensures
long-term access for customers and competitors - Open XML is now the default file format of the MS
Office suite used by 400 million people in the
world. - Making Open XML an ISO standards places the
control of the file format evolution in the hands
of countries, not commercial organizations. - MS will not be able anymore to decide alone on
the evolution of the file format. - Competitors can implement and users can exchange
documents without needing any Microsoft software - Applications developers have free access to a
format used by 400 million users.
11Applications with Office Open XML support
- Windows
- Altsoft XML2PDF server 2007
- AltViewer documents preview
- Altova XML Spy
- Corel Office
- Create Word 2007 documents without Word installed
- doxc to RTF
- Madcap Flare
- Microsoft Office 2000, Office XP and Office 2003
- Microsoft Office 2007
- Mindjet's MindManager
- Monarch V.9.0 from Datawatch
- ODF-Converter
- OOX-UOF Converter
- Open ERP Software
- Open XML Translator
- Open XML translator for OpenOffice (for Linux and
Windows Versions of OpenOffice.org) - Open XML Writer
- PythonOffice (Python API to read and write Excel
XML documents from within Python programming
- Mac OS X
- DOCX convertor for the Mac
- docx to html converter
- doxc to RTF converter
- MacLinkPlus Deluxe version 16 by DataViz
- Microsoft Office 2008
- Neo Office 2.1
- Sun Open XML import filter for spreadsheets
- Word Counter 2.2.1
- Iphone and Iworks
- Linux
- Gnumeric open source Spreadsheet
- Open Office Novell edition
- Open XML translator for OpenOffice (for Linux and
Windows Versions of OpenOffice.org) - LinSpire
- Other Operating systems or Operating System
independent - Docx2Doc Web Service
- DOCX convertor on Palm handheld devices
- EMS added OpenXML and ODF support to their tools
for Oracle, IBM DB2, Interbase/Firebird, MySQL,
PostgreSQL and SQL Server
12Choices made for Office Open XML
13Levels of Interoperability Technical
- XML Reference Schemas
- Display-oriented (for example, Bold, Italics,
Tables, Paragraphs, Styles) - Document Format
- Enable Archival and File Formats Interoperability
ltwpgt ltwrgt ltwrPrgtltwb /gtlt/wrPrgt
ltwtgtJohn Doelt/wtgt lt/wrgt ltwrgt
ltwrPrgtltwi /gtlt/wrPrgt ltwtgtHealth
Agencylt/wtgt lt/wrgt lt/wpgt
14Levels of Interoperability Semantic
ltConferenceReportgt ltDategt3/24/2004lt/Dategt
ltAttendeesgt ltAttendee NameJohn
Doegt ltDepartmentgt Health Agency
lt/Departmentgt ltPotentialgt
- Custom-defined Schemas
- Data-oriented (for example, Price, Invoice)
- business information
- Enable System Integration
15File Format CompatibilityEnsuring Free Document
Exchange With Prior Office Releases
- Office XP, 2003 will open, edit and save new
Office formats - Will recognize new Word, Excel and PowerPoint
file format extensions - Enables users to Open XML Formats across multiple
versions - Windows 2000 SP4 and later can convert between
binary and Open XML Formats - Office 2007 users can change the default file
format if desired - Current .doc, .xls, .ppt file formats will be
supported in 2007 Office system - Default file format can be set by users during
deployment or after - Advanced policy controls for enabling and
disabling the use of specific formats
Office release User Experience with new file formats
2007 Office system Default save as Open XML Formats Office 97-2003 formats fully supported Compatibility Mode ensures features are also compatible
Office 2003 Office XP Native support for Open XML Formats (Compatibility Pack installed) Open, Edit and Save Open XML Formats
Office 2000, Windows 2000 SP4 and later (non-Office) Support for Open XML formats via standalone compatibility pack Format conversion within Windows Explorer
16Open Source ODF translator
17Sun ODF Plugin for Microsoft Office
18Server based ODF integration
19Server based ODF integration
20The future?
- Fraunhofer Institute May 2007
- OASIS Organization for the Advancement of
Structured Information Standards
21Thank you!