Title: Telecommunications Modernization Project
1TelecommunicationsModernization Project
- Mr. Kelly Edwards
- Telecommunications Modernization Project Manager
- 25 February 2002
2Telecommunications Modernization Project
- Objectives
- Project Management roles
- Results
Project Brief
3Telecommunications Modernization Project
- VA Strategic Plan Enabling Goal Objective E3
- Implement a One-VA Information Technology
Framework that supports the integration of
information across business lines and provides a
source of consistent, reliable, accurate and
secure information to veterans and their
families, employees and stakeholders.
VA Planning Goals
4 As Is Circuit BasedData Network Architecture
(andthis is the simplified drawing)
5Telecommunications Modernization Project
- Improve network performance and reliability
- Move to a service-based VA network
- No significant interruption to VA operations
during transition - Hold or decrease operational costs
Project Objectives
6Telecommunications Modernization Project
- A four-phased project to simplify and improve
overall performance and fault tolerance of the
wide area network - Phase I - The FTS vendor assumes responsibility
for the core network - Phase II - The network is optimized based on
defined service levels - Phase III - The core network becomes
service-based versus circuit-base - Phase IV - The service-based network is extended
as needed
Project Description
7Telecommunications Modernization Project
- VA
- Technical authority, certification, and
verification - Performance level specification and services
definition - Operations oversight and direction by exception
- Sprint
- Design, implementation and operation
- Infrastructure capitalization and technical
refresh - Contingency response (using VA directed
Project Responsibilities
8Telecommunications Modernization Project Schedule
9 Prototype Managed NetworkServices Architecture
(Post Milestone I)
SPRINT Managed 6 Node Circuit Based ATM Backbone
10Telecommunications Modernization Project
- Proposed Service Level Agreements (Core)
- Backbone protocol IP delivered to the WAN from
VA major points of presence (POP) - 100-millisecond maximum round trip delay
- .01 maximum packet error rate
- .9996 minimum availability (down 17 min/month)
11 Optimized Managed NetworkServices Architecture
(Post Milestone II)
SPRINT Managed Circuit Based ATM Backbone
12 Core Performance BasedData Network
(Post Milestone IIIa)
ONE VA Performance Based Backbone
13 Extended Performance BasedData Network
(Post Milestone IIIb)
ONE VA Performance Based Backbone
14Telecommunications Modernization Project
- Improved, measurable network performance
- Negligible cost impact
- Technical definition for data transport across
the core network will be transferred from VA to
Sprint - VA will vote on matters of assured service
Project Summary