Title: Event Reconstruction
1Event Reconstruction
Ties Behnke, SLAC and DESY
- Event Reconstruction in the BRAHMS simulation
framework - The BRAHMS framework
- Tracking Reconstruction (a brief reminder)
- Calorimeter Reconstruction
- The Goal
- Reconstruction of all 4-vectors in the event
(charged and neutral)
- The Method
- Use information from all available subdetectors
(tracker, calorimeter, etc) - Currently implemented in BRAHMS
- Tracker
- ECAL, HCAL (tile option)
- Muon system still missing (under development)
2(No Transcript)
3Calorimeter Reconstruction
The Goal
Reconstruct the 4-momentum of all particles
(charged and neutral) in the event
Particle / Energy Flow in this context does not
deal with event properties but only with
particles Event properties are part of the
tt event at 350 GeV, no ISR
4The tracking package
- A very brief reminder
- Patrec done separately in VTX, TPC, FCH
- Merging done for the complete event
Performance measured in tracking efficiency in
dd events, full background simulation
5The Calorimeter Reconstruction
Currently available in BRAHMS SNARK package
(author Vasiliy Morgunov)
- The philosophy behind SNARK
- Assume tracks have been found and are perfect
- Start with tracks, associate hits in calo with
the tracks - Look for hits in a tube
- Iterate the size of the tube
- Use the information from the track to determine
the tube parameters - remove the hits associated to tracks
- Do cluster finding (conventional)
- Identify neutral objects
- Advantages
- During clustering more information is
availabel charged/ neutral/ .. - Treatment of overlaps uses full information of
the event - Utilise the strong tracking system of the LC
6The Algorithm
- Collect hits in the calorimeter along the
predicted track (track core) within a
distance of /- one electronic cell. - Make a first particle hypothesis (e.g. MIP,
...) - Predict the transverse shower profile, collect
more hits within the expected road - Iterate, until measurement and expectation agree
best - Any hits which at the end of the procedure are
not associated belong to a neutral particle.
Run conventional clustering, determine
properties of neutral particle
- The system depends on
- high granularity both in ECAL and HCAL
- excellent linking between Tracker ECAL HCAL
- extensive use of amplitude info (optimised for
tile HCAL)
Note a similar program, but optimised for the
digital HCAL, is also under development (Ecole
7Performance Single Particles
Kaon (neutral)
Particle identification as given by the SNARK
8Performance Single Particles
1 gamma 2 electron 3 muon 4 kaon 5 kaon 0 6
pion 7 kaon 0
9Performance Single particles
10Single Particle Performance
- Decent single particle identification
probabilities - Based on simple selections intrinsic to the
program - More sophisticated algorithms can be applied
post mortem
- The difference in neutral and charged particle
treatment is visible in the single particle
reconstruction performance - Larger number of fake objects in charged
particles - Larger tail at high energies for charged objects
- Overall performance quite ok, though (of course)
further imporvements are possible
11Final Reconstructed Particle Objects
- Output of BRAHMS with SNARK Reconstructed
particle 4-vectors
3-momentum px, py, pz Energy E particle ID
hypotheses link to track(s) used link to
cluster(s) used
- The user works with these objects
- Build jets
- Find vertices
- Calculate event properties
- ....
- The system does work (see talk (V.
Morgunov) in top session on top
- Under development common data model for all
simulation and reconstruction systems (US, EU,
J(?), ...)
Fully hadronic top decay (6 jets), full
- BRAHMS offers a complete simulation and
reconstruction framework for a LC detector - Tracking implemented for a complicated geometry,
easily adaptable to other geometries - Tracking interface to MOKKA (Geant4) does exist
- One version of calorimeter reconstruction
software is included - Optimised for SI-W ECAL and tile type HCAL
- Port to other systems is (at the moment) not easy
- Full implementation of the energy flow algorithm
- First results based on this full reconstruction
do look promising
- Further developments
- Tuning and improvements of the calorimeter
reconstruction software - Port of simulation part to GEANT4 (MOKKA)
- Implementation of the new LCIO standard for
persistency and data model to easy portability
of software between systems and regions