Title: Hamstring Tendon Autografts in ACL Reconstruction by Pristyn Care
1Hamstring Tendon Autografts in ACL Reconstruction
by Pristyn Care
2Overviewof TechniquesforACL Reconstruction
ACL reconstruction refers to a surgical procedure
aimed at substituting a ruptured ligament of the
knee to attain its stability and function. This
procedure is aimed to bring the patient back to
his pre-injury level of activity with no
instability or pain in the knee. The choice of
graft in this process is critical because, in
many senses, it determines the success of the
surgery and the experience of the patient in
3Bone-PatellarTendon- Bone(BPTB)Grafts
BPTB graft is the most commonly performed graft
used in ACL reconstructions because it is a
robust and effective graft. It includes a central
strip from the patellar tendon combined with
small bone blocks of the patella and tibia. The
bone ends of the graft allow quicker, more
natural integration into the knee joint since
they enable bone-to-bone healing, which is
thought to be more stable and reliable compared
with other grafts.
- Pristyn Care's expert surgeons carefully evaluate
the individualized patient's needs, lifestyle,
and activity levels before selecting a graft to
be used for that individual patient. This,
therefore, fits perfectly into the principle of
Pristyn Care with optimal balances for every
patient in terms of stability, recovery time, and
long-term health of the joint.