Title: Our Children Are Our Future: No Child Left Behind
1U.S. Department of Education Office of English
Language Acquisition
No Child Left Behind Title III Madison,
Wisconsin September 27, 2007 Margarita
Ackley Lorena Amaya-Dickerson
Our Children Are Our Future No Child Left Behind
2Program Purpose(Section 3101)
- The purpose of Title III is to ensure that
limited English proficient students master
English and meet the same rigorous standards for
academic achievement as all children are expected
to meet, and to support to the extent possible,
the native language skills of such students.
3OELAs Vision
The Vision of the Office of English Language
Acquisition is that all non-English speaking
students be valued as critical assets in US
public education and the nations economy.
4Parental Notification(Section 3302)
- When?
- No later than 30 days after the beginning of the
school year - Enroll during the school year?
- Within the first 2 weeks of placement in a
language instruction program.
5Parent Notification
How the program will help the child
- Reason for identification
- Proficiency level/academic achievement
- Methods of instruction
- How the programs differ
- How program meets educational needs
- Meet age appropriate academic achievement
standards for grade promotion and graduation - Exit requirements/expected rate of transition
- Objective of an individualized education program
6Parental Notification
- Parental rights detailing
- Right to remove child upon request
- Option to decline enrollment, program/method of
instruction - Parental rights assisting parents
- Selection among programs and methods of
7Parental Participation
- Effective means of outreach to parents
- Involvement in their childrens education
- Active participants in assisting their children
to learn English, achieve at high levels in core
academic subjects, and to meet the same
challenging State academic content and student
academic achievement standards as all children
are expected to meet - Children admission/exclusion
8AMAOs Parental Notification
- Meeting Title III AMAOs means meeting all three
objectives making progress in English,
attainment ELP, and making AYP under Title I. - Parental notification must be provided if a Title
III-funded LEA did not meet any one of the three
objectives. - (Section 3302(b-c)
- www.ncela_at_gwu.edu
- www.ed.gov
- www.ed.gov/offices/oela
- http//www.ncela.gwu.edu/pubs/legislation/nclb/ncl
b-iii.pdf -
- Lorena Amaya-Dickerson
- Phone (202) 245-7156
- Email
lorena.dickerson_at_ed.gov -