Title: Aimit eqm
1Aimit eqm
- Get control over your business, - the service
function, the rental department, the sales
department and the total financial function, -
with Aimit eqm based on Navision.
2Who can use eqm?
- The solution may be used by any company selling
objects, servicing objects and offering objects
for rent. This might be machines used by
constructors, boats, cars, lifts, cranes etc.
3Consciousness of costs and income
- The main focus is that the user shall know all
costs and income connected to an object, a type
of object or a group of objects. Different costs
may occur connected to an object before it is
ready for sale. These shall be known, - by a
mouse-click, - for the user in order to set the
right price. - The same applies to objects for rent. It is
important to evaluate all costs and income
connected to the rental object, the type of
objects or the group of objects.
3 levels groups, types and objects
5The object menu
6The object group card
7The object type card
8The object card
9Smart calendars
10Planned service
11The rental menu
12The rental contract
13The return of objects
Dte stamp
Date and time stamp
You can sell not returned items directly
You can grant rent free days in the period
You can print a return confirmation to the
On the types you can set standard additions at
return. More can be added
14Key Benefits
- With Aimit eqm you instantly know where you make
money and where you dont. And you can do
something about it.. - Â Make a better profit on rental. With Aimt eqm
you have the perfect overview. - Thin and perfect integration with Navision
standard modules Service, assets, finance,
purchase and sales.