Title: Electron Microscopy
1Cryo-Electron Microscopy Methods February 4,
2005 Phoebe L. Stewart Molecular Physiology
Biophysics phoebe.stewart_at_vanderbilt.edu
2Suitable Samples for CryoEM
Saibil, Acta Cryst. 2000, D561215
3Single Particles - Suitable Samples (200 kDa
400 MDa)
Asymmetric monomeric proteins e.g. DNA-PKcs,
470 kDa
Protein/RNA or DNA complexes e.g. Ribosome, 2
Icosahedral viruses 60-fold symmetry e.g.
Adenovirus, 150 MDa
Detergent solubilized membrane proteins
e.g. Voltage-sensitive sodium channel 300 kDa,
Sato et al., Nature 2001
e.g. Platelet integrin aIIbb3 230 kDa, Adair
Yeager, PNAS 2002
4Single Particle Method - Overview
1. Cryo-Plunge Samples
2. Collect Micrographs
3. Digitally Select Particle Images
4. 3D Image Processing
5. Structural Analysis Modeling
GOAL ? Use structural information to understand
biological function
Average 100s or 1000s of particle images
51. Cryo-Plunge Samples EM Sample Grids
- For traditional electron microscopy, a copper
mesh grid is covered with a thin carbon film.
6- For cryo-EM, a copper mesh grid is covered with a
holey carbon film (A). Images are collected of
the frozen sample suspended in holes of the
carbon film (B). Any particles that are on the
carbon support are not used in the image
processing because they have a higher background
7Cryo-Plunging Device
- The biological sample is applied to the grid,
blotted to leave a thin film of water, and then
plunge-frozen in ethane slush chilled by liquid
nitrogen. - Cryo sample preparation methods were developed in
the mid 1980s
8Cryo Plunging and Grids
Home built Plunger
Vitrobot Reproducibility
Quantifoil Grids Automation of Data
Acquisition LEGINON System Scripps
Homemade Holey film
9Three Forms of Ice
- Plunge freezing of a thin (1,000Å) layer of
water into a cryogen produces vitrified ice, or
water in a glass-like state. - The diffraction pattern of vitrified ice shows no
regular diffraction spacing, indicating a
non-crystalline structure. - Hexagonal ice is the normal crystalline form of
ice. - Cubic ice is formed when vitrified ice warms up
above approx. -130C. - Cubic and hexagonal ice both have a greater
volume than liquid water - expansion occurs
during non-cryogenic freezing. - This expansion would distort the 3D structure of
the biological sample. -
102. Collect Cryo-Micrographs
Cryo Sample Holder
- The frozen sample grid is normally kept at
liquid nitrogen temperature (approximately
-185C) while in the vacuum of the microscope by
a cryo-holder. - Liquid helium microscopes allow the sample grid
to be kept even colder (12 K, -261C) in the
11Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
- A high energy electron beam is focused by
magnetic lenses, the column is under ultra-high
vacuum, the sample must be dry or frozen.
12Electro-Magnetic Spectrum
- The electron wavelength is much shorter than 1
Å (10-10 m) and does not limit the resolution in
TEM. - Note, electrons are particles with a dual wave
nature, rather than part of the traditional
electromagnetic spectrum.
13TEM Image Collection
- A digital cryo-micrograph of adenovirus (shown
artificially colored to enhance the image
- The images are collected by
- exposing and developing a piece of photographic
film (the negative has to be scanned if you want
to do image processing) - or by digitally collecting the image on a CCD
(charge coupled device) camera
14Radiation Damage
- A low dose of electrons must be used to avoid
radiation damage
- A cryo-electron micrograph of adenovirus showing
radiation damage. The virus particles have been
destroyed by the electron beam.
15Microscope and Camera
- Both the type of microscope and camera can limit
the resolution
120kV non-FEG Nitrogen
300kV FEG Nitrogen Helium High Coherence
4k x 4k camera 0.5 Å pixel High Resolution
1k x 1k camera 4 Å pixel
- Expect 15-20 Å resolution
163. Digitally Select Particle Images
- Individual particle images must be selected from
digital cryo-electron micrographs. This has been
done interactively (non-automatically) in the
past. Software is being developed for automatic
particle selection.
174. Three-Dimensional Image Processing
- Each particle image represents a 2D projection of
the 3D object
3D object (a duck)
2D projections in different views
- The difficult step in 3D image processing is to
determine the orientational angles (Euler angles)
for each projection image
18How many projection images are needed to generate
a 3D reconstruction?
- A single projection image is plainly insufficient
to infer the structure of an object. - (Originally from The New Yorker Magazine, 1991)
19If the particle has no symmetry, projection
images are needed for essentially all possible
- This Euler sphere representation (which is like a
flat map of the globe) shows each projection
image in a cryoEM data set as a dot - The entire Euler sphere should be spanned for an
asymmetric particle.
20If the particle has symmetry, fewer projection
images are needed
- For a highly symmetric object, such as an
icosahedral (60-fold symmetric) virus, projection
images only need to be collected within the
asymmetric unit (1/60th of the surface). - The number of projection images also affect the
resolution that is attainable
213D Image Processing
Particle images (with determined Euler angles)
3D Reconstruction
Reprojections (should match particle images)
22(No Transcript)
23Resolution Assessment
set is split into two halves and two independent
half reconstructions are calculated - A correlation coefficient is then calculated
between the two half reconstructions and plotted
as a function of resolution - The resolution estimate is where the FSC
correlation falls to 0.5
24(No Transcript)
255. Structural Analysis Modeling
Structural Analysis at 20 Å Resolution
- If 20 Å resolution is reached, approaches such
as peptide tagging, antibody labeling, and
fitting the cryoEM density with atomic structures
of components all help to interpret the cryoEM
Hepatitis B capsid with an 8 residue peptide tag
(red) added to the N-terminus of the recombinant
capsid protein. Conway et al., PNAS 1998 9514622
CryoEM reconstruction of adenovirus (just one
capsid protein is shown in yellow) complexed with
a monoclonal antibody (red) analyzed with the
atomic structure of the major capsid protein
(magenta, green, blue). Varghese et al., J.
Virol. 2004 7812320
26Structural Analysis at 10 Å Resolution
- If 10 Å resolution is reached, it is possible to
resolve alpha helices in the cryoEM density - It is also possible to determine if a predicted
homology model for a protein domain agrees with
the shape of the cryoEM density
Jiang et al., 2001, J. Mol. Biol. Helixhunter
Rice Dwarf Virus Zhou et al. 2001, Nat. Struct.
27Structural Analysis at 1 Å Resolution
- If 1 to 4.5 Å resolution is reached, it should
be possible to determine atomic resolution
structures (similar to x-ray crystallography) - The best published resolution by cryoEM single
particle reconstruction so far is 7 Å - Other cryoEM methods (2D crystals and helical
filaments) have reached 3 to 4.5 Å resolution, so
similar resolutions should be possible by single
particle reconstruction - It is predicted that 1 million particle images
will be needed to reach 3 Å resolution - The number of particle images may be divided by
the symmetry. So for an icosahedral virus, 1
million/60 16,000
X-ray crystallography density (red) and atomic
model (yellow) Terwilliger, LANL,
website www.solve.lanl.gov/index.html
28Summary CryoEM Methods
- No crystals are needed
- Cryo freezing preserves the 3D structure of the
sample. (Traditional sample staining usually
produces structural distortions) - The electron dose must be kept low to avoid
damaging the frozen sample - There is low image contrast in cryo-electron
micrographs - Many particle images (projection images) must be
averaged to generate a 3D reconstruction - The difficult part is determining the Euler
(orientational) angles for each projection image - Biological complexes in the range of 300kDa to
400 MDa may be imaged (100 - 1,500 Å in diameter) - Typical resolutions after 3D reconstruction are
7-25 Å - 3-4.5 Å resolution may be feasible with high-end
cryo-electron microscopes and by averaging of 1
million particle images
29CryoEM - Applications
On Monday (2/7) we will discuss two cryoEM
papers Z. Hong Zhou et al., Electron
cryomicroscopy and bioinformatics suggest protein
fold models for rice dwarf virus. (2001) Nat.
Struct. Biol. 8868 Brian D. Adair and Mark
Yeager, Three-dimensional model of the human
platelet integrin IIb3 based on electron
cryomicroscopy and x-ray crystallography. (2002)
PNAS 9914059