Scanning Electron Microscopy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Scanning Electron Microscopy


Scanning Electron Microscopy – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Scanning Electron Microscopy

Scanning Electron Microscopy
  • Prof. Jun Jiao
  • Office Hours Wednesday, 1400 1700
  • Office Location SB 2, room 370
  • Tel. (503) 725-4228
  • E-mail

Course Description The
course is designed to introduce the theoretical
and practical concepts of scanning electron
microscopy (SEM), and to provide extensive lab
opportunities for students. Topics studied
include SEM optical principles, specimen
preparation, SEM imaging, and microchemical
analysis covering qualitative and quantitative
X-ray analyses. Lectures consider basic design of
the SEM and energy-dispersive X-ray systems and
are intended to relate operational procedures to
functions or features of these electronic
systems. Through "hands-on" SEM operation,
students will become proficient in the operation
of SEM and EDX system.
Instrument Scanning electron microscope (SEM)
used in this class is the ISI SS-40 SEM equipped
with Oxford Link ISIS 300 EDX microanalysis
History of SEM
  • The earliest recognized work describing the
    concept of an SEM is that of M. Knoll (1935) in
    Germany working in the field of electron optics.
  • The improvement of the secondary electron
    detector was accomplished by Everhart and
    Thornley in 1960. The Everhart-Thornley Detector
    is a detector used in SEM. It is named after its
    designers, T Everhart and RFM Thornley. The
    Everhart-Thornley Detector has been available
    since the fifties, but remains the most
    frequently used detector in SEMs.
  • The first commercial scanning electron microscope
    became available in 1965 by Cambridge Scientific
  • The SEM is one of the most versatile instruments
    available for the examination and analysis of the
    microstructural characteristics of solid objects.
  • The SEM provides two outstanding improvements
    over the optical microscope it extends the
    resolution limits and improves the depth-of-focus
    resolution more dramatically (by a factor of
  • The SEM is also capable of examining objects at a
    large range of magnifications. This feature is
    useful in forensic studies as well as other
    fields because the electron image complements the
    information available from the optical image.
  • The coupling of an energy-dispersive x-ray
    detector to an SEM makes it possible to obtain
    topographic, crystallographic, and compositional
    information rapidly, efficiently, and
    simultaneously for the same area.

Comparison of the LM, TEM, and SEM
Courtesy of James S. Young
A Human Hair vs. Carbon Nanotubes
Comparison of Resolution and Depth of Focus
Optical Micrograph
SEM Micrograph
SEM image shows the skeleton of a small marine
organism (the radiolarian Trochodiscus
Electron Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA)
  • The primary function of EPMA is to obtain
    compositional information, using characteristic
    x-ray lines, with a spatial resolution on the
    order of 1 ?m in a sample.
  • Nowadays, EPMA capability can be achieved by
    installing an energy-dispersive x-ray
    spectrometer or wavelength dispersive x-ray
    spectrometer into a SEM.
  • In 1913, Henry Moseley (British physicist) found
    that the frequency of emitted characteristic
    x-ray radiation is a function of the atomic
    number of the emitting element. This discovery
    led to the techniques of x-ray spectroscopy
    chemical analysis, by which the elements present
    in a specimen could be identified by the
    examination of the directly or indirectly excited
    x-ray spectra.
  • Since electrons produce x-rays from a region
    often exceeding 1 ?m wide and 1 ?m deep, it is
    usually unnecessary to use probes of very small

Electron Optics
  • Functions of the SEM Subsystems.
  • Why Learn about Electron Optics?
  • Thermionic Electron Emission.
  • Field Emission.
  • Electron Guns (W gun, LaB6 gun, Field emission
  • Comparison of Electron Sources.
  • Lenses in SEMs.
  • Lens Aberrations.

Basic Components of the Scanning Electron
Important Definitions
  • Filament heating current the current used to
    resistively heat a thermionic filament to the
    temperature at which it emits electrons.
  • Emission current the flow of electrons emitted
    by the filament.
  • Beam current the portion of the electron
    current that goes through the hole in the anode.
  • Electron Column consists of an electron gun and
    two or more electron lenses, operating in a
  • Electron Gun produces a source of electrons and
    accelerates these electrons to an energy in the
    range of 1-40 keV. The beam diameter produced
    directly by the conventional electron gun is too
    large to generate a sharp image at high
  • Electron lenses are used to reduce the diameter
    of this source of electrons and place a small,
    focused electron beam on the specimen. Most SEMs
    can generate an electron beam at the specimen
    surface with a spot size of less than 10 nm while
    still carrying sufficient current to form an
    acceptable image.

Important Definitions continued
  • Working Distance (WD) The distance between the
    lower surface of the objective lens and the
    surface of the specimen is called the working
  • Depth-of-Focus The capability of focusing
    features at different depths within the same
  • Secondary Electron are electrons of the specimen
    ejected during inelastic scattering of the
    energetic beam electrons. Secondary electrons are
    defined purely on the basis of their kinetic
    energy that is, all electrons emitted from the
    specimen with an energy less than 50 eV.

Types of Electron Guns
  • Tungsten (W) Hairpin Electron Gun The typical
    tungsten electron gun is a ? shape wire
    filament about 100 ?m. To achieve thermionic
    emission, the filament is heated resistively by
    the filament heating current.
  • Lanthanum Hexaboride (LaB6) Electron Gun is a
    thermionic emission gun. It is the most common
    high-brightness source. This source offers about
    5-10 times more brightness and a longer lifetime
    than tungsten, but the required vacuum conditions
    are more stringent.
  • Field Emission Electron Guns The field emission
    cathode is usually a wire of single-crystal
    tungsten fashioned into a sharp point and spot
    welded to a tungsten hairpin. The significance of
    the small tip radius, about 100 nm or less, is
    that an electric field can be concentrated to an
    extreme level. If the tip is held at negative 3-5
    kV relative to the anode, the applied electric
    field at the tip is so strong that the potential
    barrier for electrons becomes narrow in width.
    This narrow barrier allows electrons to tunnel
    directly through the barrier and leave the
    cathode without requiring any thermal energy to
    lift them over the work function barrier.

The Electron Gun
Courtesy of James S. Young
Courtesy of James S. Young
Beam Current Saturation (Tungsten)
  • A constant flow of electrons into the column
    (beam current) is needed for proper operation.
  • As the filament heating current is increased, so
    is the beam current to a point called saturation,
    where any further increase in filament current
    will not increase the beam current.

Saturation point
Beam Current
False peak
Filament Current
Lanthanum Hexaboride Filament
  • Single crystal of LaB6
  • Tip is 100µm
  • Chemically reactive when it gets hot
  • Crystal is held by glassy carbon or graphite
  • Carbon not reactive with LaB6

Comparison of Lanthanum Hexaboride and Tungsten
Hairpin Filaments
  • Tungsten Hairpin
  • stable beam current
  • short life
  • large tip
  • large area (probe diameter)
  • LaB6
  • stable beam current
  • longer life
  • smaller tip
  • smaller area (probe diameter)
  • high work function
  • low brightness
  • lower vacuum
  • low resolution
  • 2700 K
  • lower work function
  • higher brightness
  • higher vacuum
  • higher resolution
  • 1800 K

Field Emission Filaments
  • Cold Field Emitter (CFE)
  • single crystal of tungsten
  • operate at room temperature
  • very bright
  • long lasting
  • require very high vacuum (lt 10-10 Torr)
  • contaminates easily
  • require frequent flashing (sudden heating)
  • poor current stability
  • Thermal Field Emitter
  • like a cold field emitter, but heated to 1800 K
  • does not contaminate easily, no flashing
  • larger energy spread than CFE
  • The Schottky Field Emitter
  • single crystal of tungsten coated with zirconium
    oxide (ZrO)
  • heated to 1800 K
  • ZrO lowers the work function
  • larger emitting area than CFE
  • larger virtual source size
  • small energy spread
  • high current density
  • good current stability
  • does not easily contaminate no flashing
  • long life

Field Emission Filaments
  • A very fine wire of single- crystal tungsten
    fashioned to a sharp point
  • Tip is 100nm or less
  • Local electric field forms at tip, which
    decreases the energy (work function) needed by an
    electron to escape the cathode.
  • Three types of FE cathodes

Field Emission Filaments
The Electromagnetic Lens
Soft iron casing
Top polepiece
Polepiece gap (brass)
Copper wire windings
Bottom polepiece
The Electromagnetic Lens
  • The electrons move through the lens in a helical
    path, a spiral, not a straight line.
  • One effect is that the image in an SEM will
    appear to rotate if you vary the accelerating
    voltage or the working distance.

The Electromagnetic Lens
  • The focal length of the lens can be adjusted
    changing the amount of DC current running through
    the coils.

Point of crossover
Multiple electron trajectories
Point on specimen
Lens Aberrations
  • Chromatic aberration
  • Electrons of different energies focus at
    different focal points.
  • More energetic electrons (shorter wavelength)
    have longer focal lengths.
  • Results in larger focal points.
  • Caused by low kV, variations in lens current,
    large aperture angle, and in TEM thick specimens.
  • Can be seen at low magnifications, sharp in the
    center, out of focus near the edges.

Chromatic aberration of a single lens causes
different wavelengths of electron to have
differing focal lengths.
Lens Aberrations
  • Spherical aberration
  • Electrons near the edge of the lens are bent more
    than those near the center.
  • Because the magnetic field between the lens
    polepieces is not uniform.
  • Results in unsharp point and image distortion.
  • Can be corrected with small aperture.

Lens Aberrations
  • Pin cushion and Barrel distortions
  • Spherical aberration at the final imaging lens.

Pin cushion distortion
Barrel distortion
Lens Aberrations
Pin Cushion Distortion or Chromatic Aberration?
Lens Aberrations
  • Astigmatism
  • Strength of lens is asymmetrical it is stronger
    in one plane than another.
  • Caused by machining errors, non-homogeneous
    polepiece iron, asymmetrical windings, dirty
  • Results in out-of-focus stretched image.
  • Corrected with stigmator coils.

Key Points for Imaging and Microanalysis
  • High Depth-of-Focus Images This is the SEM
    capability most often used in routine microscopy.
    High depth of focus is attained when different
    heights in the image of a rough surface are all
    in focus at the same time. This mode requires a
    small convergence angle so that the beam appears
    small over large height differences on the
    specimen. The small beam angle can be obtained by
    using a small objective lens aperture, a long
    working distance, or both.
  • High-Resolution Images High-resolution images
    require a small probe size, and adequate probe
    current, and minimal interference from external
    vibration and stray AC magnetic field. Electron
    optically, the high resolution is obtained by
    selecting the smallest probe and a short working
    distance. The penalty for using a very small
    probe is typically a very low probe current. High
    brightness sources, small probe size and short
    working distance are ideal conditions for high
    resolution imaging.

Key Points for Imaging and Microanalysis
  • High Beam Current for Image Quality and X-ray
    Microanalysis While a probe current of at
    least 10-12A is required to produce a
    photographic image, the image may be so noisy
    that image detail is lost. By increasing probe
    size (weakening the first condenser lens), the
    probe contains more current and image quality
    improves. But, the resolution decreases. Currents
    of at 10-10A are needed for x-ray detection by
    the energy-dispersive x-ray spectrometer (EDS)
    while the wavelength-dispersive x-ray
    spectrometer (WDS) requires at lease 10-8A.
    Often the probe diameter must be intentionally
    enlarged to obtain an adequate signal for

Carbon coated magnetic nanoparticles
Field Emission SEM Images of Carbon Nanotubes
Arc-discharge of Carbon Nanotubes
SiO2 Nanowires
1 ?m
The length and diameter of the SiO2 nanowires
varied, ranging from a few microns to tens of
microns. The diameter ranges from 50 nm to 800 nm.
FESEM Images of CdS Nanowires
1 ?m
100 nm
  • CdS/SiO2 Composite Nanowires were observed as
    curved wires terminated with a Au nanoparticle.

SiO2 Nanowires with Sharp Tips
Position Controlled Growth of Carbon Nanotubes
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