Title: Kein Folientitel
1PROIECT APUSENI Sustainable development of a
traditional landscape in Eastern Europe
Evelyn Rusdea, Katja Brinkmann Albert Reif
University of Freiburg
- Proiect Apuseni structure
- Study area and traditional land-use
- Interdisciplinary research aims and methods
- (Dr. Evelyn Rusdea)
- Evaluation methods and model based scenarios
- (Katja Brinkmann)
- Participatory methods and Leading projects
- (Dr. Evelyn Rusdea)
3(1) Proiect Apuseni Structure
Technical data Duration 15.9.2000 - 30.9.2003
(3 years) Support German Ministry of Education
and Research (BMBF) FKZ 0339720 Directors Prof.
Dr. Werner Konold - Institute for Landscape
Management Prof. Dr. Albert Reif - Institute
of Silviculture Freiburg Coordination Dr. Evelyn
Rusdea, Institute for Landscape Management (D)
Dr. Ioan Povara, Institute of Speleology
Bucharest (RO) Partners 9 German
institutions/partners 9 Romanian
institutions/partners 80-90 partners
(35 German, 55 Romanian)
... an interdisciplinary, intercultural,
participatory research project
4(2) Study area Geographical position
5(2) Study area Transect core area
308 ha 175 ha forest 133 ha open land
6.000 ha - 3.800 ha forest - 2.200 ha open land
6Study area Region
Region Tara Motilor
7(2) Study area Colonisation
permanent settlements for the last 120
years Romanian Moti dispersed settlements
- small farms 1-3 ha meadows, pastures, small
fields, gardens - subsistence
- production
8(2) Traditional land use Meadows
9(2) Traditional land use Animal rearing
Animals per family 1- 2 cows, calfs 1-2 horses
pigs, chickens, dogs, cats Most animals on the
high pasture during the summer Milk processed to
cheese, whey and horse manure used as pig feed
Main means of subsistence
10(2) Traditional land use High pasture
11(2) Drastic changes since 1995
- Increased social differences
12(3) Interdisciplinary research
Methodological principles
(1) Scaling up from an inventory of the core
area of Ghetari towards a transect between the
village Girda de Sus and the high pasture to
the region Tara Motilor
(2) Interdisciplinary research between the
disciplines of natural, economic and social
(3) Active participation of the people and
local key actors provides the basis for
(4) Analysis of land-use and society,
evaluations and model-based scenarios are
fundamental to exemplary implementation
(5) Intercultural cooperation between German
and Romanian scientists, and the local actors,
contribute to a common understanding and exchange
of knowledge and expertise
13(3) Interdisciplinary research and results
14(3) Interdisciplinary research and results
Soil map of Ghetari (308 ha)
(by M. Parichi)
15(3) Interdisciplinary research and results
Vegetation map of Ghetari (308 ha)
Vegetation types
Spruce forest (Piceetum)
Beech-Fir forest (Fagetum)
Shrubland (Corylus, Spiraea)
Pasture (Festuco-Brometea)
Meadow (Festuco-Brometea)
Field, garden
Meadow (Polygono-Trisetion)
Track margin, pathways
Pasture/meadow (Violion can.)
Path, track
Meadow (Calthion)
16(3) Interdisciplinary research and results
Households interrelation of handcrafts,
agronomy, forestry
(by E. Auch)
17(3) Interdisciplinary research and results
Transdisciplinary structure of the project
Analysis of frame conditions Natural
conditions Socio-economic conditions
Analysis of landscape, land-use and land-use
techniques in agriculture in forestry
Socio-economic analysis of the rural economy at
the level of households at the level of the
village at the level of regional economical
Integrated Evaluation of potentials for
development (with participation of the local
population, the local authorities and regional
organizations) Integrated planning for land-use
managementStrategies and scenarios for a
regional development
18(4) Evaluation and scenarios
Interdisciplinary evaluation methods and
development of model based scenarios
- Definition of scenarios for future developments
- Interdisciplinary modelling and visualisation
of scenarios
- Analysis of alternative developments-
19(4) Evaluation and scenarios Problem analysis
Social problems
Economic and ecological problems
20(4) Evaluation and scenarios Problem analysis
Problem tree
21(4) Evaluation and scenarios Analysis of
Clustering of Objectives
22(4) Evaluation and scenarios Definition of
Action strategies and frame scenarios
23(4) Evaluation and scenarios Definition of
action strategies
24(4) Evaluation and scenarios Modelling of
25(4) Evaluation and scenarios Modelling of
Spatial modelling with GIS
26(4) Evaluation and scenarios Modelling of
Data Processing in MS Excel
Non-spatial modelling with MS Excel
(by E. Auch)
27(4) Evaluation and scenarios results
Example of two scenario types depicted as an
amoeba diagram
Traditio- none EU 2017
28Transdisciplinary structure of the PROIECT APUSENI
Transdisciplinary structure of the project
Analysis of frame conditions Natural
conditions Socio-economic conditions
Analysis of landscape, land-use and land-use
techniques in agriculture in forestry
Socio-economic analysis of the rural economy at
the level of households at the level of the
village at the level of regional economical
Ecological evaluation
Socio-economic evaluation
Integrated Evaluation of potentials for
development (with participation of the local
population, the local authorities and regional
Strategies and scenarios for a regional
29(5) Participatory methods
Participation in the PROIECT APUSENI
Public relations, opening ceremony, flyers,
discussions, lectures
- Information / Motivation
- Participation
- Co-operation
Interviews (locals and experts), PRA,
workshops, consulting
Leading projects, Forum comunal Association
Platoul Ghetari - Calineasa
30(5) Participatory methods Participatory actions
Meeting with the mayors from the region
Planning for Real
31(5) Participatory methods Participatory actions
Capital- investitio
Role-playing Future of Ghetari until 2017 3
32(5) Participatory methods Leading projects
Participation through Leading projects
- Grassland management and fertilisation
- Animal breeding, construction of stables
- Vegetable crops
- Medicinal plants Arnica montana
- Water supply
- Rural tourism
33Leading project Animal breeding
- Animal breeding
- Planning of stable
- building
- Winterschool
34(5) Participatory methods Leading projects
Leading project Crop cultivation
- New vegetable species and varieties -
Greenhouse (plastic film) - Seedling
procurement - Winterschool
35Leading project Medicinal plants
Arnica montana
36Leading project Rural tourism
New tourist pension
SeminarRural tourism
37(5) Participatory methods Leading projects
Leading project Rural tourism
Tourists Information center in Ghetari A
traditional blockhouse stable, roof made from
spruce branches
38Thank you for your attention!