Title: DAMS
- Joe Rathbun
- Michigan Dept. Environmental Quality
- Water Division
- Impoundments sediment traps
- Contaminated sediments
- Impoundments ? real lakes
- Physical effects of dams
- Hydrology
- Geomorphology (hungry water)
- Physical effects of dam removal
3Basic Concept
- Rivers do two things very well
- Move water
- Move sediment
4Reservoirs are Sediment Traps
- Trap up to 95 of the sediment that enters from
upstream - Large sediment particles form deltas at upstream
end - Small sediment particles transported farther into
reservoir - Most sediment transported during floods
5Issues with Contaminated Sediments
- Direct toxicity to organisms
- Acute
- Chronic
- Bioaccumulation in organisms
- Alter benthic community
- Contaminate overlying water
- Affect disposal of dredged material
6Sediment Contamination Sources
- Direct discharges to impoundment
- Upstream point or nonpoint sources
- Industries, mines, ag runoff, urban runoff
- Atmospheric deposition
- Mercury
- PCBs
7Hard to assess without a survey
Gravel Bar
Silt Bar
8Ponar grab sampler
Core Tube
Plastic tube drive in with fence post driver or
Cant drive in farther than can be pulled out by
hand, or with small winch
10Vibrocoring from the R.V. Mudpuppy
11Vibrocoring from the R.V. Mudpuppy
12Vibrocoring from john boats
13Cores lots of information
14Chemical Sediment Quality Guidelines
Presumed Toxic
Possibly Toxic
Increasing Concentration
Presumed Nontoxic
15Freshwater Bioassay OrganismsMidge larvae
16Bioaccumulation Testing
- Caged organisms
- Ideally expose until equilibrium
- More often, 28 days
- Organism choice important
- Benthic?
- Pelagic?
17Almost always have to sample
- Because of potential for unexpected historic
contaminant sources - Orchards tobacco fields As, Hg
- Tanneries Cd, As, Hg
- Coal gasification plants PAHs, metals
- Glass factories As, other metals
- Cemeteries Pb, As
- Dye manufacturers metals
18Impoundments ? Real Lakes
- Greater surface area/volume ratio
- Greater sediment deposition rates
- Further downstream in WS
- Lower hydraulic retention times
19Impoundments ? Real Lakes
- Lateral gradients like rivers
- Vertical gradients like lakes
- Deepest at downstream end
- Shorelines can be more irregular
20Impoundments ? Real Lakes
- Water levels often quite variable
- Discharge often from hypolimnion
- Flow patterns often reverse of natural lake
discharges - Discharges less variable disconnects river
channel from floodplain
21(Nislow et. al., 2002)
22Impoundment Limnology
- Temperature stratification in warm months
23Impoundment Limnology
- Hypolimnion
- Low dissolved oxygen
- High(er) phosphorus ammonia
- High(er) dissolved metals
- Water discharged from impoundment
- Colder or warmer
- Low or high dissolved oxygen
- Higher nutrients (?)
- Lower sediment content (hungry water)
24Hungry Water
- Impoundments can trap up to 95 of the incoming
sediment - 80 of sediment load suspended
- Bedload sediment gravel, cobble
- Water exiting impoundment seeks to regain its
sediment load
25Effects of Hungry Water
- Stream bank erosion
- Stream bed erosion (incision)
- Channel slope decreases
- Bed material coarsens
26(Hadley and Emmett, 1998)
27Meadowbrook Lake dam, Rouge River, MI
28Original bank toe
Downstream of Meadowbrook Lake dam, Rouge River,
29(Hadley and Emmett, 1998)
30(Hadley and Emmett, 1998)
31But not always
- In cohesive soils, downstream channel can become
shallower hungry water offset by lower peak
flows - Yegua Creek, TX, after 35 years
- Depth decreased by 61
- Capacity decreased by 65
- Other studies 20 to 70 decrease
32Physical Effects of Dam Removal
- Restore stream flow variability
- Re-form channel features
- Decreasing channel size u/s of dam
- Re-form gravel/cobble riffles
- Re-form riffle/pool sequences
- Reconnect river to floodplain (?)
33Physical Effects of Dam Removal
- Temporary increase in sediment transport
- Silt in pools, riffles
- Start to reconnect river to floodplain
- But, not all impounded sediment will be
transported downstream
34Sediment Transport after Dam Removal
- Dam Result
- Chagrin R., OH 9 13 moved
- Hudson R., NY 33
- Muskegon R., MI 40
- White Salmon R., WA 65
- North Poudre R., CO 70 80
- (Doyle et al., 2002)
35Response Rates after Removal
- Outcome Days/Weeks Months gt 1 Yr.
- Sed movement X X X
- Stable channel X
- Bed armoring X X X
- Reverse incision X
- Increase sedimentation downstream rapid, but
temporary - Reconnect to
- floodplain X
- Riparian veg.
- return X
- Contaminated sediment always a potential problem
usually need a sampling survey - Impoundments not real lakes
- Biology
- Chemistry
- Morphology and hydrology
- Dam installation
- Change in hydrologic regime
- Hungry water
- Channel capacity changes ( or -)
- Dam removal restoration of many, but not all,
prior conditions - Biology
- Chemistry
- Morphology and hydrology
38- Still glides the stream,
- and shall forever glide
- the form remains
- the function never dies.
- William Wordsworth, 1820
- Unless you put a dam on it