Title: Dams and mitigation of their effects Ch' 9
1Dams and mitigation of their effects(Ch. 9)
- Introduction (see Ch. 3, pp. 60-67)
- Effects of dams
- Blockage
- Mortality
- Time of travel
- III. Mitigation of dam effects
- Fish passage
- Predator control
- Transportation
- Spill
- Flow augmentation
- Reservoir drawdown
- Dam removal
2Increase in dams in the PNW
Volume levels off does not
Hells Canyon 1961
Chief Joseph 1950
Grand Coulee 1941
Number of dams
Volume of dams
3Dam utility
- Hydropower (first and foremost for major dams)
- Irrigation (first dams)
- Navigation
- Flood control
4Major Dams in the Columbia River Basin
5Habitat lost to dams
Complete fish blockage Columbia River Grand
Coulee Dam Chief Joseph Dam Snake River Hells
Canyon Dam
6Many other dams
Constitution of Oregon Territory (1848)
prohibits dams on salmon-bearing rivers unless
upstream and downstream fish passage allowed.
7Plus, splash dams
8II. Effects of dams
- Blockage
- Complete
- 1/2 of former habitat in Columbia Basin is lost
- Difficult to assess in other systems because of
lack of records - Incomplete
- - Loss of spawning habitat (inundation)
- - Gain in rearing habitat?
9B. Mortality
- Upstream
- Drop back from fish ladders (into spill-ways,
turbines) - Delayed spawning
- Interdam losses (up to 25 between Bonneville and
John Day on lower Columbia) - Average estimates 4-5 per project
10B. Mortality
- 2. Downstream
- a. Direct contact (e.g., turbines, deflection
screens) - b. Delayed development
- c. Predation
- i. Stress/disorientation
- ii. Concentration of prey (e.g., in outfalls of
11Accounting of mortality
- Direct carcass counts mortality 1 for
downstream migrants - Including all bypass-related mortality 5-7
12Cumulative mortality effects
- Downstream 5 per dam
- 9 mainstem Columbia dams (below impassable Chief
Joseph dam) - N1 N0 (1-m) 100 (1-0.5) 95
- N2 N1(1-m) 95 (0.95) 90.25
- Nx N0(1-m)x 100 (0.95)9 63
13C. Time of travel
- Depends on life history (e.g., subyearling vs.
yearling Chinook) - Early data from 1970s unreliable
- We just dont know.
14III. Mitigation of effects
- Most solutions aim to resolve all three major
issues (blockage, mortality, time) to greater or
lesser degrees.
15Selection of alternatives
- Spill at Snake River
- Eliminate transportation
- Flow augmentation
- Drawdown Snake River resevoirs
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