Title: Sodexho Sustainability
- Introduction to Sodexho
- Sodexho Sustainability globally
- Sustainable procurement
3Introduction to Sodexho
- Global food integrated facilities management
company operating in 80 Countries - UK Ireland employees - 48,000 people
- Provide food facilities management at over
2,500 locations - Operate in the following sectors
- Business Industry
- Education
- Healthcare
- Defence
- Sodexho Prestige
4Sodexho Sustainability - Global
- Selected as Sustainability leader by Dow Jones
for 3rd consecutive year. - Definition Ensuring a better quality of life
for everyone now and for generations to come. - Focus on issues where we have the greatest social
environmental impact, and which are our core
5Sodexho Sustainable - Global
- Focusing on key areas-
- Corporate governance
- Brand management
- Risk management
- Food Safety
- Environment
- Stakeholder management
- Suppliers management
- Social Economic
6Sustainable Procurement in UK
7Sustainable procurement Suppliers
- All suppliers are required to sign up to the
following Sodexho documentation- - Sodexho Supplier Code of Conduct dated September
2007 - Sodexho Food Safety Code of Practice
- Sodexho works closely with suppliers to develop
long term agreements and relationships which
enable us to provide a leading edge purchasing
function that reacts to the specific needs of
8Sustainable procurement Logistics
- Remodel distribution network and consolidate
number of distribution service providers. - Consolidation of Grocery, Frozen, Ambient and
Fruit Vegetables to one logistics provider. - Consolidate food orders to reduce frequency of
deliveries. - Multi-temperature deliveries.
- Reduction of 35,000 deliveries to our unit which
equates to 18 - Reduction of fuel usage and CO2 emissions.
- Incentives in place for both units and
distributors to reduce the number of deliveries
9Sustainable procurement Packaging
- Reduce Packing within the supply base
- Pasta Reduction of outer layer
- Fruit Vegetable buffet boxes Redesigned by
supplier - 30 bigger but 18 less cardboard.
- Ongoing activity to identify further areas for
10Sustainable procurement Fairtrade
- The Fairtrade mark is an independent consumer
label which appears on products as an independent
guarantee that disadvantaged producers in the
developing world are getting a better deal. - Up to 30th September 2006 we supplied 15 tonnes
of fairtrade products. - Coffee
- Coffee with Principles Fairtrade, Rainforest
Alliance Soil Association and Organic - Sugar
- Tea
- Produce
- Fruit juice
- Chocolate
- Wine
11Sustainable procurement Food - Meat
- Russell Hume supply our business on a national
basis with fresh meat. Our product list now
offers 127 different cuts of meat, of which 91
are UK sourced
12Sustainable procurement Food - Meat Cont..
- We will continue to work closely to take
advantage of local produce where viable - Menus will be developed to promote the use of UK
meat within our business - Russell Hume are committed to producing products
that have a minimal effect on the local and
global environment - Practical initiatives have been to promote
reusable trays, reduce recycle cardboard usage,
use of fluorescent lighting, reduce water and
energy consumption
13Sustainable procurement Food - Fish
- Promotion of sustainable and under-utilised
species. - No species on IUCN Red list of endangered species
- Availability of The Marine Stewardship Council
(MSC) authorised species to units. - New Zealand Hoki, Wild Alaskan Salmon and South
West Handline Mackerel. - Traceability MJ confirm to BRC higher
standards and have full traceability of product
from suppliers that are visited and audited
14Sustainable procurement Food - Cheese
- The Irish Dairy Board (IDB) currently supply
Sodexhos block and grated cheese requirements - The Cheese Cellar, the leading independent cheese
specialist in the UK, is Sodexhos supplier of
speciality cheeses and provides Sodexho with
access to an extensive and diverse range of
British cheese products
15Sustainable procurement Fruit Veg
- Pauleys Fruit Veg supplier to Sodexho
- Wherever possible, when quality is best British
Produce is used. Imported produce is used for
availability, consistency, and commerciality - Poor Growing areas
- Inconsistent Product
- Limited Supply
- Uncommercial
- Unsafe
- Higher carbon footprint
- Provenance, Traceability, Sustainability and
Technical Assurance is critical - 43 of product by volume is local to UK.
16Sustainable procurement Local Sourcing
- Sodexho are committed to providing local sourced
products. - Recruitment of a local sourcing buyer.
- Implementation of a 3 Level approach within
Sodexho Prestige- - Local Suppliers
- 50 mile radius. Produce, grow on site or act as
hub - Products sourced from UK national supply network.
- Items not gown by local supplier or required to
support local growers. - Products on national agreements negotiated
through central purchasing e.g. Pasta.
17Sustainable procurement Disposables
- Introduction of sustainable disposables
- Fully compositable paper cup with smaller
manufacturing energy requirement. - Paper cup v Plastic cups
- Eco friendly PLA cold drink cups.
- BioWare Salad container. Totally compostable
- Sodexho Delifresh Premier sandwich range made
from 100 sustainable material. - Just One dispenser Reduced use of 4 napkins to
1.86 per person. - Cost in use products.
- Introduction of Save a cup recycling company
- Collection of paper cups which are incinerated
for energy - Recycling of polystyrene filter packs.
18Sustainable procurement Recycling Waste
- Working party put together to provide clients
with a recycling and waste collection option. - Move individual desk bins to internal recycling
system - Single locations for collections
- Recycling minimises landfill
- Currently operating in a number of our clients
- Sustainability is a large and complex area
- No One size fits all
- Unique to each company, although we can learn
from each other - Questions?