Title: Diapositive 1
1Kingdom of Morocco
All-China Womens Federation and UNDP
China First impacts of the Gender Budget
Process in Morocco Hind Jalal Ministry of
Finance and Privatization, Morocco Beijing ,
22-23 AUGUST, 2007
2- Outline
- GRB international and national context of
introduction - Snapshot of the Moroccan situation
- GRB integration process by MFP
- Budget Reform
- GRB objectives
- Main steps of GRB project
- Main resources on GRB
- Budget Reform Guide
- Manual on GRB
- First impacts
- Illiteracy rates by gender
- Adult literacy programs outcomes
- Basic infrastructures (drinking water,
electricity, accessibility) - GRB perspectives
3- Moroccan ratification of CEDAW (Convention on
elimination of all forms of discrimination
against woman). - Moroccan engagement to realize MDGs (2005, 2nd
national report is genderized). - Moroccan engagement to implement 20-20 initiative
(20 budget expenses and 20 of foreign help
dedicated to finance basis social services). - Moroccan admission for the first time to the
Millennium Challenge Account (MCA) witch aims
poverty reduction and economic growth promotion.
4- Reinforcement of the democratic process (public
liberties code, family code, nationality code ) - Set up of the National Human Development
Initiative 2005 - Modernization of public sectors in terms of
governance reinforcement - Adoption of a national list in the Parliament
reserving 30 seats for women (10,77 of elected
representative). This situation classify Morocco
among the first Arab countries and 83th at world
level over 186 - Reinforcement of decentralization / locales
collectivities roles - New dynamic of the State - civil society
5- Outline
- GRB international and national context of
introduction - Brief snapshot of the Moroccan situation
- GRB integration process by MFP
- Budget Reform
- GRB objectives
- Main steps of GRB project
- Main resources on GRB
- Budget Reform Guide
- Manual on GRB
- First impacts
- Illiteracy rates by gender
- Adult literacy programs outcomes
- Basic infrastructures (drinking water,
electricity, accessibility) - GRB perspectives
6- Population 29,892 millions (49,3 male 50,7
Female) - Urban population 16,464 millions (55 ) (2004)
- Rural population13,428 millions (45)
- National poverty rate 14,2 (2004)
- Unemployment Rate 10,8 (11,4 of women) (2006)
- Female LFP 27,9.
7Growth rates 5,5 in average from 2002 to 2006
Inflation under control 2 between 2002 and
2006 Budget deficit around 3,15 during the
period 2002-2006.
8- Important Budget effort in social sectors
- 55 of State General Budget 2007 versus 41 in
1992. - Persistent social deficits
- Poverty 14,2 in 2004 versus 19 in 1994.
- Illiteracy rates 38,5 in 2006 versus 54,9
in 1994. - Persistent gender inequalities
- Net education rates in the rural primary school
(basic education) 88,5 for boys versus 78,5
for girls en 2004 - Literacy rates 69 man versus 53 woman in
2006. - Mother mortality 228 for 100.000 births in 2003
- New born babies mortality 40 for 1000 alive
births (2003).
9- Outline
- GRB international and national context of
introduction - Brief snapshot of the Moroccan situation
- GRB integration process by MFP
- Budget Reform
- GRB objectives
- Main steps of GRB project
- Main resources on GRB
- Budget Reform Guide
- Manual on GRB
- First impacts
- Illiteracy rates by gender
- Adult literacy programs outcomes
- Basic infrastructures (drinking water,
electricity, accessibility) - GRB perspectives
10- Budget reform process, performance oriented since
2002 - Multi-annual budget programming MTEF (Medium
Term Expenditures Framework). - Reinforcement of performance oriented budgeting
Generalization of the new budget results-based
management. - Audit adaptation at performance logic less
prior control and reinforcement of control of
results. - Integrated information systems development.
11- Objectives
- Take into consideration different preoccupations
and needs of woman, men, girls and boys when
formulating, monitoring and evaluating public
policies - Provide equity and improve public policy
efficiency and coherence through a better
allocation and targeting of budget resources.
12- 2002 Preliminary study with World Bank support
on Methodological feasibility of gender budget
accounts in Morocco. - 2003 GRB Project in MF with UNIFEM support.
- Cycle I (2003-2004) outputs
- Initiation and advocacy of some key departments.
- Elaboration of a handbook on gender responsive
budgeting (for budget professionals). - Elaboration of a practical Guide of budget reform
and gender (for civil society and parliament
13- Cycle II (2005-2008) in progress currently
- Elaboration since 2005 of the Moroccan Gender
Report coming with the FL (integrating
progressively new departments) in a participative
process (actually 19 departments) . - Reference to gender indicators in the Call
Circular for the year 2007. - Refine the poverty map in a gender perspective.
- Introduce local dimension with targeted
departments. - Training of members of Parliament and NGOs.
14- Outline
- GRB international and national context of
introduction - Brief snapshot of the Moroccan situation
- GRB integration process by MFP
- Budget Reform
- GRB objectives
- Main steps of GRB project
- Main resources on GRB
- Budget Reform Guide
- GRB Handbook
- First impacts
- Illiteracy rates by gender
- Adult literacy programs outcomes
- Basic infrastructures (drinking water,
electricity, accessibility) - GRB perspectives
15- First resource on gender budget (Arabic and
French) elaborated in collaboration with
Parliament members and NGOs in 2002. - Target Parliament members and NGOs.
- www.finances.gov.ma
16- Handbook on mainstreaming gender in planning and
budgeting which is a technical supplement to the
first guide (elaborated in 2007). - Target budget professionals in ministries.
- www.finances.gov.ma
17- Outline
- GRB international and national context of
introduction - Brief snapshot of the Moroccan situation
- GRB integration process by MFP
- Budget Reform
- GRB objectives
- Main steps of GRB project
- Main resources on GRB
- Budget Reform Guide
- Manual on GRB
- First impacts
- Illiteracy rates by gender
- Adult literacy programs outcomes
- Basic infrastructures (drinking water,
electricity, accessibility) - GRB perspectives
18Source SE Alpha
19First impacts Illiteracy rates, Gender
disparities 2006
201982-2001 (20 years) 2 millions beneficiaries
2002-2006 (4 years) 2 millions beneficiaries
80 are women
675.000 bf. enrolled in 2006-2007
Source SE Alpha
21Source ONEP
22PERG 84 rural pop. 2006 versus 17 in 1996
(generalization 2007)
23Basic infrastructures rural roads
accessibility rates
Source Ministère de lEquipement
- 36 in 1995 before PNRR1
- 61,5 by end of 2007
- 80 by 2015.
24- Outline
- GRB international and national context of
introduction - Brief snapshot of the Moroccan situation
- GRB integration process by MFP
- Budget Reform
- GRB objectives
- Main steps of GRB project
- Main resources on GRB
- Budget Reform Guide
- Manual on GRB
- First impacts
- Illiteracy rates by gender
- Adult literacy programs outcomes
- Basic infrastructures (drinking water,
electricity, accessibility) - GRB perspectives
25- Generalization of the gender evaluation of public
expenditures in 2008. - Pursuing the organization of workshops and
training programs for key persons in ministries
at the central and local level / Parliament
Members and NGOs. - Building gender aware performance indicators
- Reinforcement of the politic engagement and a
strong adhesion of all GRB stakeholders - Improvement of the statistic system in terms of
developing gendered data and indicators and a
geographic targeting of poverty through, a
poverty map gender aware - Implementation of a gender responsive taxation
26Thank You