Title: Quantitative rotational spectroscopy for atmospheric applications
1Quantitative rotational spectroscopy for
atmospheric applications
- Laboratoire de Physique des Lasers, Atomes et
Molécules (UMR CNRS 8523) and CERLA - Université de Lille 1, France
- Improvement of existing databases reliable data
for the analysis of satellite data - Test values for the theoretical calculations
- Detailed lineshape analysis
3ODIN satellite
4ODIN satellite
- launched in february 2001
- Radiometer118.25-119.25 GHz 486.1-503.9 GHz
541.0-580.4 GHz resolution 0.1 to 1 MHz - astrophysical observations (CI, H2O, O2, H2S,
NH3, H2CO, CS, 13CO, H2CS, SO, SO2..) - aeronomy stratospheric ozone depletion, coupling
between the upper and lower atmosphere - Optical spectrometer 280-800 nm and 1270 nm
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8EOS MLS experiment (NASA)
- LaunchAURA platform, jan. 2004 (5 years of
operation) - Radiometers 190 GHz (H2O, HNO3), 240 GHz (O3),
640 GHz (HCl, ClO, N2O), 2.5 THz (OH) - Coupled with infrared high resolution dynamics
limb sounder (HIRDLS), infrared tropospheric
emission spectrometer (TES), UV ozone monitoring
instrument (OMI) - Improving our understanding of atmospheric global
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10JEM/SMILES Experiment
- global mapping of atmospheric trace gases ClO,
HCl, HO2, HNO3, BrO, O3 isotopic species - 624.32-626.32 GHz and 649.12-650.32 GHz
- SIS receivers
- launch 2005
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12MASTER experiment (ESA)MM-wave acquisition for
stratosphere-troposphere exchange research
- Launch ???, ACECHEM baseline mission
- Bands 294.00-305.50 GHz (band B)
- 316.50-325.50 GHz (band C)
- 342.25-348.75GHz (band D)
- 497.00-506.00 GHz (band E)
- 624.00-626.50 GHz (band F)
- Flying demonstrator MARSCHALS (bands B,C,D), oct.
2003 - Target species O3, H2O, HNO3, CO, N2O, HCl, ClO
- Brightness temperature
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14Rotational lineshapes
n or Eu, El m G or g, n D or d
n or Eu, El m G or g, n D or d
15Frequency measurements
- For the target molecules, spectroscopy is well
known - But implementation in the databases not always
done! - Combined rovibrational analysis of microwave and
infrared data H2CO, HNO3, O3, CH3Cl, ClONO2,
16Intensity measurements
- Not easy to perform
- For rotational transitions, intensity is a
function of the permanent dipole moment - Pb some experimental values rather old
- Dipole moment for isotopic species (HDO, 18O
species ) - Ab initio calculations
17Broadening coefficients
- Voigt profile commonly used (convolution of the
Doppler profile (Gaussian) and the collisional
profile (Lorentzian) - collisional linewidth DgL ga-a(T) Pa
ga-b(T) Pb where a denotes the absorbing gas and
b the foreign perturbing gas, ga-a(T) and ga-b(T)
are the pressure broadening parameters for self-
and foreign-broadenings at the temperature T, and
Pa and Pb are the partial pressures of absorbing
and foreign gases respectively. - Broadening by O2 or N2
- Temperature dependence n exponent
- g(T)g(296) (296/T)n
18Line broadening measurements
- Classical MMW absorption spectrometers
- Lille, Bologna, JPL, OSU, NAIR, Ibaraki,...
- FIR laser Cambridge,...
- Transient phenomena Kiel, Lille
- Acoustic detection Nizhnii Novgorod
- Resonator Nizhnii Novgorod
19Line broadening measurements
- Pressure range usually lt 1 Torr except for FTIR
and resonator experiments - Temperature range 200-350 K
- Modulation techniques used (amplitude or
frequency) see Poster M29 ( frequency modulation)
20Line broadening measurements
- differences observed for the same transition
studied by different groups larger than for
frequency measurements - pressure measurement
- temperature determination, homogeneity
- baseline substraction, power fluctuations of the
source - adsorption of the sample, stability
- need for intercomparison to provide the most
reliable data
21Line broadening measurements
- OCS J9-8 transition, self-broadening coefficient
- O12CS 6.022 (18) MHz/Torr ampl. modulation
- O13CS 6.076 (69) MHz/Torr ampl. modulation
- O13CS 6.133 (30) MHz/Torr freq. modulation
- CO J1-0 transition, self-broadening coefficient
- 3.354 (8) MHz/Torr ampl. modulation
- 3.414 (5) MHz/Torr freq. modulation
- from C. Puzzarini et al. J. Mol. Spectrosc. 216,
428 (2002)
22Line broadening measurements
- Ex1. CO J3-2 line at 345 GHz, air-broadening
- Lille (BWO) 2.728(17) MHz/Torr
- DLR (FTIR) 2.745(55) MHz/Torr
- Bologna (multiplier) 2.687(18) MHz/Torr (13CO)
- Ex2. Ozone
- See poster J17 for intercomparisons
(Lille/Bologna) for lines located in the bands C
and D of MASTER - See also poster L21
23HCl, J1-0
- Drouin (JQSRT, 2003, in press) multiplier
- gair3.42(4) MHz/Torr
- Davies et al (J Mol Spectrosc 220, 107-112,
2003)TuFIR - gair3.30(6) MHz/Torr
- Pine et al (J Mol Spectrosc 122, 41, 1987) FTIR
- gair3.52(4) MHz/Torr
- Yamada et al (Dijon 2003, poster L22)
24Pressure broadening of HCl projected at 296 K in
N2 (black) and O2 (grey).
25N2O Linewidths
26O2 Linewidths
27H2O313-220 transition, 183 GHz
- Fig. 5. Measured values of the water line air
pressure broadening parameter. The authors
responsible are as follows. (1) Rusk 5 (2)
Dryagin et al. 3 (3) Frenkel and Woods 6
(4) Hemmi and Straiton 17 (5)Ryadov and
Furashov 2 (6) Bauer et al. 4 (7) Bauer et
al. 14 (8) Goyette and DeLucia 18
(9)Pumphrey and Buehler 1MLS (10) Pumphrey and
Buehler 1MAS (11)Krupnov et al. 7 (obtained
using the calculated apparatus function) (12)
This work (M. Yu. Tretyakov et al, J Mol.
Spectrosc, 2003)
Fig. 7. Comparison of pressure broadening
measurements for species and transitions in Table
1 and Table 3. The horizontal axis are OSU
measurements, and on the vertical axis the solid
circles, the HNO3O2/N2 measurements of JPL
reported in this work the open circles, the
H2OO2/N2 measurements of Refs.9 and13 and
the solid square, the COHe measurement,
Refs.11 and12. The error bars are 5
29HNO3 Linewidths
- Can have a high impact on the retrieval
- Smaller than infrared values very few reliable
data in the MMW range - Ex1. CO J5-4 at 576.3 GHz
- self6 (3) kHz/Torr (Markov 2002)
- 45.8 (214) kHz/Torr (Yamada 2003)
- Ex2. CO J1-0 at 115 GHz
- dself-27 (24) kHz/Torr (Fabian 1997)
- Generally too small to be determined only
measurable if d gt1/20 g - Measured for NH3, H2O (307(4) kHz/Torr for the
110-101 transition at 556 GHz, -70(20) kHz/Torr
for the 313-220 transition at 183 GHz), HCl
31HCl lineshift J1-0 line
Drouin, JQSRT, 2003 dair 0.146 MHz/Torr
32Theoretical calculations
- Complex Robert-Bonamy formalism generally used
- Semi-classical model using curved trajectories
based on the isotropic part of the intermolecular
potential - Total potential VT Ve Va-a, where Ve is the
electrostatic potential and a short range
atom-atom component (Lennard-Jones 6-12) - Various temperature dependence models tested
(when the temperature range is large) - See Posters J10 (C2H2), M27 (H2O) for CRB
calculations, M24 (semi-empirical approach)
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For all these transitions the calculated
lineshift is less than 10 kHz/Torr
36K-Dependence of the pressure broadeningCH3CN,
J12-11 (220 GHz)
37approximate theoretical model When
dipole-quadrupole interaction is only considered,
the Birnbaum model (1) leads to the following
simple expression for the pressure broadening-para
meter (1) G. Birnbaum, Adv. Chem.
Phys. 12, 487 (1967).
- Need for complementary measurements (see also
conclusions of the San Diego meeting, oct. 2001
www.atmoschem.jpl.nasa.gov) - Intercomparison of the data obtained by various
(or identical) techniques - Dont claim unrealistic error bars
- Need for an unified up-to-date database (with IR
data) - Non resonant absorption continuum (H2O)
measurements in all spectral ranges including MMW
(see posters H10 and O20)
39 40Line shape analysis
- Departure from Voigt profile observed in
rotational transition lineshapes for O3, N2O, CO,
NO, CH3Cl, CH3CN, HCN,.. - Deviations observed for some time in
rovibrational spectra - Systematic deviation of the broadening
coefficients (up to 2 ) - Influence on the retrieval not yet considered
(may be not negligible in upper stratosphere)
41Line shape analysis
- velocity/speed changing collisions (Dicke
effect) lead to a Galatry profile (soft
collisions, magtmb) or Rautian profile (strong
collision, maltmb) - Galatry model two parameters, G0 ,relaxation
rate, and b, diffusion rate - speed dependence of the relaxation rate G speed
dependent Voigt profile - quadratic dependence G(va) G0 G2 ((va /
va0)2 -3/2) - two parameters G0 and G2
- from the analysis of the residuals, both models
are equivalent but - b is not linear with pressure when pressure
increases (theory predicts that G0 , G2 and b
are linear with pressure)
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43Line shape analysis
- Conclusion speed dependent profile more
appropriate - In case of small profile narrowings, we can
write - b/3G2 1(3G2/aG0)(G0/kvao)2
- Doppler regime G0 lt kvao b/3G2 1, both
profiles equivalent - Collisional regime G0 gt kvao b is non linear
versus pressure and becomes very large and for a
limit pressure no line fitting is possible
(observed for HCN/CH3Br in infrared) - See J-F dEu, B. Lemoine, F. Rohart, J. Mol.
Spectrosc. 212, 96-110 (2002) and poster J14 - Confirmation by theoretical calculations of the
speed dependence of the relaxation rates - Full agreement with previous studies on the J1-0
line of N2O
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- CNRS Programme National de Chimie Atmosphérique,
Programme National de Planétologie - European Spatial Agency
- B. Bakri, J-F dEu, D. Priem
- J-M Colmont, F. Rohart, J. Demaison
- A. Perrin (Orsay)
- G. Cazzoli, L. Dore, C. Puzzarini (Bologna)
- M. Birk, G. Wagner (DLR)
- C. Verdes, S. Buehler (Bremen)
- B.J. Drouin (JPL)