MRSEC - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MRSEC – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: MRSEC

MRSEC Facilities
MRSEC Facilities
Morphological Cluster
Separations Cluster
Rheological Cluster
Film Formation Cluster
Spectroscopic Cluster
Synthesis Cluster
Thermo-Mechanical Cluster
MRSEC Facilities
CRDPF operates from a substantial base of shared
facilities that are vital to the research
activities of the Center as well as the entire
research community. They are easily accessible to
to the Center's researchers and are grouped into
Morphological Cluster facilitates access to
state-of-the-art transmission electron
microscopy, environmental scanning electron
microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and X-Ray
analysis. Rheological Cluster provides access to
a variety of modern rheological instrumentation
that can be exerted for research of polymeric
blends, polymeric fluids and other
systems. Separations Cluster facilitates liquid,
gas, and gel permeation chromatography as well as
other separation methods to allow researchers to
fully characterize monomeric and polymeric
species utilized for further studies.
Spectroscopic Cluster is equipped with
state-of-the-art liquid and solid NMR, high
throughput FTIR and Raman spectrometers with
imaging capabilities and
surface/interfacial analysis. Fluorescence, light
scattering, and radionuclide measurements are
also available. Thermo-Mechanical Cluster
offers a spectrum of thermal and mechanical
methods utilized in modern polymer analysis
including differential DSC, TGA, and
DMA. Synthesis Cluster provides Center
researchers a modern synthetic apparatus which
allows synthesis and polymerization of
water-soluble and other polymers applied in
stimuli-responsive polymeric films. Film
Formation Cluster facilitates all necessary
equipment for film fabrication and film
formation, and includes powder coatings labs, UV
curing facilities and thin film deposition
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Film Formation Cluster
  • Q-FOG Salt Fog chamber
  • QUV Accelerated Weathering Testers
  • BYK-Gardner Micro Tri Gloss Meter
  • BYK-Gardner Handheld Color Spectrophotometer
  • BYK Gardner Byko Spectra 5 Light Booth
  • BYK Gardner Haze gloss system
  • Fostoria Industries Experimental Infrared Curing
  • Brinkman Lauda RM6 / Kruss Surface Tension
  • Dynisco Friction Tester

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Q-FOG Salt Fog chamber
Cyclic corrosion tests expose test specimens to a
series of different environments in a repetitive
cycle. Simple cycles like Prohesion may consist
of cycling between salt fog and dry conditions.
With the Q-Fog, one can cycle through all of the
most significant corrosion environments in one
chamber and the chamber control also has the
facility for programming complex test cycles.
Numerous accelerated corrosion tests may be
performed in Q-Fog model SSP, including
Prohesion, ASTM B117, STM G85, BS 3900 F4 F9,
DIN 50.021 and ISO 9227.
Contact Thames-Rawlins Research Group
QUV Accelerated Weathering Testers
QUV Accelerated Weathering Testers from Q-Panel
Lab Products reproduces the damage caused by
sunlight, rain and dew.  The QUV tests materials
by exposing them to alternating cycles of light
and moisture at controlled, elevated
temperatures.  The QUV simulates the effect of
sunlight with fluorescent ultraviolet (UV)
lamps.  It simulates dew and rain with condensing
humidity and water sprays.  Exposure conditions
can be varied to simulate various end-use
environments. In a fraction of the time the QUV
reproduces the damage that occurs over months or
years outdours.  Types of damage include color
change, gloss loss, chalking, cracking, hazing,
embrittlement, and strength loss. QUV test data
can help in the existing materials or the
evaluation of changes in formulations.
Contact Thames-Rawlins Research Group
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BYK-Gardner Micro Tri Gloss Meter
The Micro-TRI-gloss combines portability and ease
of use with a unique functionality. With three
measuring angles and an expanded gloss range of
up to 2,000 gloss units, the Micro-TRI-gloss is
flexible for any application, whether paint,
plastic or highly reflective metals.
International standards specify three geometries
to guarantee reliable results when reading matte
to high-gloss finishes.
Contact Thames-Rawlins Research Group
BYK-Gardner Handheld Color Spectrophotometer
The overall appearance of a product is influenced
by color and gloss. A sample of the same color
but higher gloss level is visually perceived
darker and more saturated than a low gloss
sample. In order to get a uniform appearance,
both attributes need to be controlled. The
spectro-guide is unique as it measures both
attributes simultaneously. Thus, the cause of a
mismatch can be clearly defined in any situation.
Color (45/0 or sphere) and 60 gloss are
displayed at the same time. In compliance with
international specifications - DIN approval for
gloss measurement. Tolerances for color and gloss
allow quick pass/fail decisions in production.
Contact Thames-Rawlins Research Group
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BYK Gardner Byko Spectra 5 Light Booth
BYK-Gardner light booths can help take the
guesswork out of color matching, saving costly
rejections, time, and customer confidence. The
byko-spectra line of light booths helps reduce
product returns and mismatches and allows to see
what your product will look like indoors and
outdoors. Light sources include (controlled
individually with one bulb each) Daylight (D65)
Incandescent light (A) Cool White
Fluorescent (CWF).
Contact Thames-Rawlins Research Group
BYK Gardner Haze gloss system
The haze-gloss was designed for the needs in the
laboratory. Gloss, haze and mirror reflection can
be all measured with one instrument for low to
high gloss surfaces. Gloss 20, 60, 85 and
haze. Mirror reflection for materials with very
high reflection capabilities, such as metals.
Reference beam, closed optics and self diagnosis
guarantee accurate quality control. Statistics
with average, min/max and standard deviation.
Contact Thames-Rawlins Research Group
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Fostoria Industries Experimental Infrared Curing
Electric infrared emitters provide flexibility in
producing the desired wavelength for a particular
application. Fostoria offers a wide selection of
electric infrared heat sources to meet the
various requirements of industrial applications.
Each of the different types of heat sources has
particular characteristics which determine the
suitability of the heat source for a particular
application. For most applications, it is
sufficient to know that short wavelength,
tungsten filament sources (quartz lamps) provide
high radiant efficiency, deep penetration and a
fast rate of response. Medium and longer
wavelength nickel chrome filament sources (quartz
tubes and metal rods) are less radiant efficient,
but are more rugged, less expensive, and in some
cases provide the best wave length for the
application. Includes 3 zone 6 bank variable
wavelength IR with conveyor belt for curing
Contact Thames-Rawlins Research Group
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Brinkman Lauda RM6 Kruss Surface Tension
Lauda / Brinkmann RM6- RMS Refrigerating
Circulating Bath Capacity -6 L Temperature range
-15 C--120 C Uniformity -0.01 C Kruss
Tensiometers for measurement of surface tension,
interfacial tension, and CMC - Critical Micelle
Dynisco Friction Tester
The D1055D provides an accurate and repeatable
test of the static and kinetic friction of
plastic films and sheets, using a digital force
gauge. Tests can be performed with plastic
sliding over itself or against other surfaces
such as stainless steel. The D1055D has a fixed
sled speed of 6 inches per minute as per the ASTM
standard D1894. The D1055D features a force gauge
with 0.1 grams force resolution, and 250 grams
full scale as standard. The gauge can be
configured to capture static(starting) friction,
or kinetic(sliding) friction. The D1055D also
features a 0.0-2.0 VDC analogue output and RS232
communications, for connection to a chart
recorder or a computer.
Contact Marek Urban Urban Research Group
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Morphological Cluster
  • Small Angle X-Ray Scattering (SAXS) System
  • Siemens XPD-700P X-ray Diffractometer
  • JEOL 2100 Transmission Electron Microscope
  • FEI Quanta 200 Scanning Electron Microscope
  • Emitech K550X Gold and Carbon Sputter Coater
  • Atomic Force Microscopy
  • Hysitron Triboindenter Nanomechanical Testing
  • Rigaku Ultima III X-ray Analysis System
  • Spectra-Physics BeamLok 2065-7S Ion Laser
  • Leica EM UC6 Ultramicrotome and
    Cryoultramicrotome FC6
  • Carl Zeiss Transmission Electron Microscope
  • Rame-Hart Goniometer

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This SAXS system was custom built. It uses a
Siemens 18 kW rotating anode, Charles Supper
focusing mirrors, pinhole collimation, and a
Bruker High Star area Detector. Using this system
we can characterize the nanoscale structure in
ionomers, including average distances between
Contact Robert Moore Robert Moore's Page

Siemens XPD-700P X-ray Diffractometer
Siemens XPD-700P diffractometer equipped with a
two-dimensional, position sensitive area detector
capable of both small angle and wide angle X-ray
scattering. A sealed tube source is used to
produce the Cu K (radiation 1.54 Å) with
sample-to-detector distances of 8-50 cm. Data
analysis is carried out using the GADDS software
package. Features include end-window x-ray tubes,
close-coupled optics, microprocessor control,
integrated sample changers, and built-in
reliability. Designed to handle a workload of
10-300 samples per day. High sensitivity
throughout the periodic table is possible due to
a carefully designed tandem detector arrangement.

Contact Robert Moore Robert Moore's Page
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JEOL 2100 Transmission Electron Microscope
The JEM-2100 electron microscope provides
solutions for a wide range of problems in the
fields of materials, nanoelectronics, and
biological sciences. High stability of the high
voltage and beam current along with the lens
system achieves a resolution of 0.19nm at 200kV.
Based on MS Windows software, the JEM-2100 is
intuitive and easy to use with external control
functions including the optional SIRIUS remote
control system. The advanced control system
allows integration of STEM, EDS, and EELS. The
JEM-2100 features a high-stability goniometer
stage specifically tuned for high tilt
tomographic applications. The optional JEOL
TEMography software system automatically
acquires and registers images, automatically
calculates the 3-D reconstruction, and provides
3-D visualization software to display and rotate
the image on a variety of axes. An x/y piezo
stage is an available option. The JEM-2100 has
three independent condenser lenses and produces
the highest probe current for any given probe
size, which allows for improved analytical and
diffraction capabilities. The patented JEOL Alpha
Selector allows a user the selection of a
variety of illumination conditions, ranging from
full convergent beam to parallel illumination.
The standard incorporation of the objective mini
lens means that Lorentz microscopy is a standard
feature of this microscope. A high contrast
aperture is available for any choice of
polepiece, allowing high contrast imaging and
simultaneous EDS. The JEM-2100 offers a number of
pumping options including full dry-pumped/turbo-pu
mped versions for lab environments that do not
allow for oil-based or rotary pumps. Gatan 655
Dry Pumping Station and 626 Cryo-transfer
Holder The model 655 incorporates the latest
diaphragm pump and molecular drag pump
technologies to produce a clean, dry vacuum in
the low 10-6 Torr range. Pumping times from
atmosphere to near the base pressure are
typically less than 2 minutes, the pressure being
monitored by a simple, reliable Penning guage.
Applications include removing condensed water
from cold holders, evacuation of dewar-type
cryotransfer holders, testing the operation of
heating holders, storage of specimens under
vacuum, and testing vacuum transfer holders.
The model 626 is a single tilt cryotransfer
system. This cryostage has excellent
high-resolution performance and is robust and
easy to use. It allows for rapid, frost-free
transfer and precise temperature control. EDAX
Energy Dispersive X-Ray Microanalysis EDS
Detector EDAX uses SAPPHIRE detectors with LEAP
crystals light element performance of a Si(Li)
detector. The Sapphire process provides
consistently high quality yields in detector
crystal manufacturing for 10mm and 30mm crystals.
JEOL Ltd. JEM-2100 LaB6
Contact Marek Urban Marek Urban's Page
EDAX EDS Detector
Gatan Pumping Station and Cryo Holder
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FEI Quanta 200 Scanning Electron Microscope
The Quanta 200 is a versatile high performance,
low vacuum scanning electron microscope. The
Quanta enables data collection from any sample
without sample preparation without sacrificing
resolution. Quanta is the tool to run in-situ
dynamic experiments in a controlled environment,
such as tensile testing and heating and cooling,
and results can be recorded live in digital
format. Quanta is the analytical tool for EDS,
WDS and EBSD. Key benefits include seamless
"point and click" transition between imaging
superior low vacuum, low kV imaging simultaneous
secondary electron (SE) and back-scattered
electron (BSE) imaging in low vacuum mode. Allows
for in-situ dynamic experiments. There is true
surface (SE) imaging in all vacuum modes and
voltages. It has an easy-to-use, four
quadrant/single quadrant user interface that
simultaneously provides surface information and
phase distribution through the live imaging of
secondary electron (SE) and back-scattered
electron (BSE) images. A single mouse click
switches imaging modes. The Quanta 200 has a
tungsten electron source, with three imaging
modes (high vacuum, low  vacuum and ESEM) to
accommodate the widest range of samples of any
SEM system. The low vacuum detectors are not
sensitive to light generated during sample
heating, so in-situ dynamic heating experiments
can be imaged and recorded live at temperatures
up to 1500 C. The Quanta is a versatile system
which can be equipped with various analytical
systems such as EDS, WDS and EBSD. It has a 50 mm
(2 inch) motorized stage (x/y travel), with a
motorized z-range of 25 mm. Typical resolution on
this instrument is 3.5 nm at 30kV and 15 nm at
3kV in variable pressure mode. The CryoCooled
EDS X-ray Detector option replaces the standard
liquid nitrogen (LN) dewar, providing for No-LN
convenience at LN-cooled performance levels.
Ideal in cleanroom or other No-LN settings, the
CryoCooled detector option provides
maintenance-free, uninterrupted operation, and
superior resolution and light element
sensitivity. The detector option consists of two
parts a compressor and a cooler head mounted on
a standard x-ray detector unit. The compressor
can be located up to 50 feet from the detector
head assembly. The only utility requirements are
normal line voltages.
FEI Company Quanta 200
Thermo NORAN Digital Microanalysis System
Contact Marek Urban Urban Research Group
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Emitech K550X Gold and Carbon Sputter Coater
The K550X has a Rotating Specimen Stage which can
also be tilted, built in as standard and
accommodates a range of specimens and stubs,
which together with pre-selectable parameters
and fully automatic control, gives defined and
repeatable film thickness depositions. Employing
a magnetron target assembly, which enhances the
efficiency of the process using low voltages, the
K550X gives a fine grain, cool sputtering,
without the need to cool the target or the
specimen stage. The Chamber is 6 inches diameter,
which allows very easy access to loading and
removing specimens. The Instrument is fitted with
60mm Diameter and 0.1mm thick gold quick change
target, giving optimum consumable cost
performance. The sputtering parameters are
pre-set, including the gas bleed needle valve
which has electromagnetic valve back-up, so it
does not need to be adjusted. The system can
easily switch to the K250 Carbon Coating
Attachment. The independent vacuum pump is
controlled by the Instrument throughout the fully
automatic coating cycle.
Emitech Sputter Coater
Contact Marek Urban Urban Research Group
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Atomic Force Microscopy
The Nanoprobe Instrumentation Cluster is
comprised of a Veeco Nanoscope MultiMode
Scanning Probe Microscope (SPM) with multiple
application modules, Dimension 3000 AFM (atomic
force microscope) with NanoScope IIIa controller
from Veeco, and a Hysitron Triboindenter
nanomechanical testing system. In addition to
standard tapping and contact-mode AFM operation,
a range of testing application modules can be
employed with the MultiMode SPM. Modules for the
SPM include conductive AFM, high temperature
testing, fluid cell, and nanoindentation/scratchin
g application modules. The conductive AFM module
allows mapping of electrical conductivity for
conductive or semi-conductive samples, critical
to work in conductive polymers. The high
temperature testing module allows contact or
tapping mode operation up to 250C, which is
important to determine capabilities of high
performance polymers and coatings at elevated
temperatures. The fluid cell capability is
particularly critical for studies of biopolymers
and biofilms, where stimuli-response behavior in
the presence of water or biological fluids is
central to MRSEC research. The nanoindentation/scr
atching module allows testing of surface hardness
and defects of films and coatings.
Dimension 3000 AFM Contact Sarah Morgan Sarah
Morgan's Page Kenneth Mauritz Kenneth Mauritz's
Multi-Mode ScanningProbe Microscope Contact
Sarah Morgan Sarah Morgan's Page Kenneth
Mauritz Kenneth Mauritz's Page
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Hysitron Triboindenter Nanomechanical Testing
The Hysitron Triboindenter nanomechanical
testing system provides complementary capability
to the SPM. While the AFM instrument allows
imaging of surfaces with a resolution of a few
nanometers, and probes the relative distribution
of mechanical and thermal properties across
surfaces, nano-indenters are designed
specifically to probe mechanical properties of
thin films and coatings and operate on a larger
scale (hundreds-of-nanometers to micrometers).
Additionally, the Hysitron Triboindenter
includes dynamic test capability and software
analysis for evaluation of local dynamic
mechanical properties. These systems are ideal
for measuring the hardness and elastic modulus of
thin films and coatings, as well as scratch
resistance and friction coefficients. The
instrument is ready for use in high throughput
screening of polymers and is directly applicable
to the SPHPM thrust in this area. In combination
with the topographical and phase imaging
capabilities of the AFM, the Triboindenter
provides capabilities for direct mechanical
properties measurements and dynamic testing,
providing comprehensive morphological/mechanical
property evaluation of polymer films and coatings
spanning from nano to macroscopic scale.
Hysitron Triboindenter Nanomechanical Testing
 Contact Sarah Morgan Kenneth Mauritz Sarah
Morgan's Page Kenneth Mauritz's Page
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Rigaku Ultima III X-ray Analysis System
X-ray diffraction (XRD) is one of the most
important non-destructive tools to analyze all
kinds of matter - ranging from fluids, to powders
and crystals. From research to production and
engineering, XRD is an indispensable method for
materials characterization and quality control.
Rigaku Ultima III is a diffractometer that
provides the most technically advanced, versatile
and cost-effective diffraction solutions
available today. This unit is able to run samples
of powder (polycrystalline, bulk) or thin film
(ferroelectric, magnetic, low-k...)Applications
of this instrument include phase identification,
crystal structure indentification, crystallite
size, preferred orientation, crystal quality,
crystallinity, residual stress, radial
distribution function, thin film orientation and
structure, nano-pore/particle size distribution,
and multilayer structure analysis (thickness,
density, roughness). Most polymers have some
order and can be identified and studied by X-ray
diffraction methods. These polymers are, at least
in part, crystalline or pseudocrystalline with
partially ordered structures which cause
diffraction peaks. Percent crystallinity in a
polymer can be determined by X-ray diffraction
methods. This crystalline/amorphous ratio is
often related to processing methods and is of
much importance in polymer chemistry. Other uses
of XRD in polymer research and production
include determination of unit cell type and
lattice parameters, determination of the
microstructure, and determination of
crystallographic orientation through pole
Rigaku/MSC Ultima III
Contact Robert Moore Robert Moore's Page
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Rame-Hart Goniometer
This tool is proven for its accuracy and ease of
use. Many modular options are available --
including an imaging upgrade kit with camera and
software -- and allow the user to make
sophisticated measurements. This model provides
the surface scientist or technician with the
tools necessary to make contact angle
measurements quickly and accurately. The
microscope produces a sharply defined image of a
sessile or pendant drop - which is observed as a
silhouette. This is a classic design with over 40
years of proven experience and has been
referenced in many technical papers. The highly
favorable comments by its users attest to its
sophisticated simplicity.
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Spectra-Physics BeamLok 2065-7S Ion Laser
The BeamLok 2060 is an industrial small frame
ion laser designed for 208V, 3-phase operation
and will be individually configured and specified
for each customer. It offers a wide range of
output power options in both visible and UV
wavelengths to meet any scientific or industrial
need. The best resonator in the business and the
patented BeamLok technology lock the beam
position and power from turn-on to turn-off,
setting the industry standard for stability.
Z-Lok automated single-frequency accessory sets
the standard for convenient, stable,
mode-hop-free single-frequency performance for
maximum productivity. Patented wavelength-selectiv
e mirrors enable the most efficient and
convenient single-line and single-frequency
operation available resulting in higher power,
longer life, and greater stability. Unique J-Lok
jitter reduction accessory provides unprecedented
single frequency enabling the most demanding
spectroscopy and holography applications. Easily
adjustable intracavity aperture for simple,
precise laser mode control. Hand-held remote
control units provide complete, simple laser
control and performance feedback from almost any
convenient location. Complete computer control
available through RS-232 or IEEE, 488 interface
for remote or automated operation. Applications
include spectroscopy, materials processing,
interferometry, holography, lithography, pump
source for dye and Tisapphire lasers, light
scattering and LDV/LDA.
Contact Joe Whitehead Department of Physics
Spectra-Physics BeamLok 2065-7S
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Leica EM UC6 Ultramicrotome and
Cryoultramicrotome FC6
The Ultracut UCT is designed for state-of-the-art
biological, clinical and industrial applications.
Its high precision mechanics and intuitive layout
make it ideal for producing ribbons of semi- and
ultrathin sections. The world of cryosectioning
is open to you within 30 seconds simply equip
the UCT with the Leica EM FCS. Whether at room-
or at low temperatures all parameters affecting
the quality of the sections can be varied within
an extensive range. This makes it possible to
achieve ultrathin sections down to 10nm. The
ergonomic arrangement on the separate control
unit allows the user to observe and mani-pulate
sections while changing settings e.g. to pre
stored values. All knife and specimen alignment
movements have self locking precision drives.
Leica Ultracut UCT
Contact Sarah Morgan Kenneth Mauritz Sarah
Morgan's Page Kenneth Mauritz's Page
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Carl Zeiss EM 109 T Transmission Electron
Transmission Electron Microscope with Normal
Imaging, Diffraction, Minimum Dose Focusing, and
High Magnification modes. The system consists of
two condenser lenses (and one condenser
aperture), an objective lens (and objective
aperture), and three projector lenses (and three
projector apertures). These lenses work in
correlation in order to provide a magnification
range from 150x to 250,000x in normal imaging
circumstances. Images are projected onto a large
fluorescent screen which is located directly
above the camera system. All lens controls and
lens coils are water cooled. The chiller cycles
are constantly monitored by a series of
thermocouples. Line Resolution obtainable 0.344
nm Rated Voltage 3/N 380/220 V Frequency 50
Hz or 60 Hz Power consumption 5.5 kVA Standby
0.1 kVA Users have the power to align/calibrate
equipment in order to maintain optimum
performance. Beam alignment, condenser alignment,
aperture alignment, correction of spherical
aberrations, and stigmation are some of the
user-controlled parameters. The pumping system is
comprised of both a high-performance
turbomolecular pump (170 l/s pumping capacity)
and a two-stage rotary pump (8 m3/h pumping
capacity). An aperture (200 .m) divides the two
vacuum regions within the electron-optical column
(high-vacuum and lower vacuum). The higher vacuum
region contains the specimen chamber, the cathode
chamber, the spectrometer, and the
electron-optical system. The lower vacuum region
houses the camera airlock and viewing chamber.
Both of these regions are regulated by a
microprocessor for failsafe operation.
Contact Kenneth Curry
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Rheological Cluster
  • Stormer Viscometer
  • ICI Cone and Plate Viscometer
  • Werner-Pfleiderer Extruder/Mixer
  • Henschel Extruder/Mixer
  • Anton-Paar Physica MCR 501
  • Advanced Rheometric Expansion System
  • Cambridge Optical Shearing System
  • RH 7 Flowmaster Advanced Capillary Extrusion
  • Microtruder
  • HAAKE Capillary Break-up Extensional Rheometer
  • HAAKE PolyDrive
  • HAAKE Minilab
  • Daca Microinjection Molder
  • Tinius Olsen MP 993 Controller Extrusion
  • HAAKE Rheocord 90
  • Prism 16mm Twin Screw Extruder
  • Contraves Low Shear 30 Viscometer
  • Rheometric Scientific SR-5000
  • Cincinnati Milacron CAMAC Injection Molding

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Stormer Viscometer
Viscometers define viscous properties of a fluid
at ambient or defined temperatures. Viscometers
are used to define the viscous properties of a
fluid at ambient or defined temperatures. This
viscometer employs a paddle the measures the
viscosity of a fluid based on the resistance to
flow while stirring.
Contact Thames-Rawlins Research Group
ICI Cone and Plate Viscometer
This Cone/Plate Viscometer/Rheometer gives
researchers a sophisticated instrument for
routinely determining absolute viscosity of
fluids in small sample volumes. Its cone and
plate geometry provides the precision necessary
for development of complete rheological data.
This Viscometer/Rheometer has a precise torque
meter which is driven at discrete rotational
speeds. The torque measuring system, which
consists of a calibrated beryllium-copper spring
connecting the drive mechanism to a rotating
cone, senses the resistance to rotation caused by
the presence of sample fluid between the cone and
a stationary flat plate. The resistance to the
rotation of the cone produces a torque that is
proportional to the shear stress in the fluid.
The amount of torque is indicated either on a
dial or digital display, depending on model. This
reading is easily converted to absolute
centipoise units (mPas) from pre-calculated
range charts. Alternatively, viscosity can be
calculated from the known geometric constants of
the cone, the rate of rotation, and the stress
related torque.
Contact Thames-Rawlins Research Group
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Werner-Pfleiderer Extruder/Mixer
Werner Pfleiderer mixer/extruder. Stainless
steel. 160 liter (42.2 gal) total 80 liter (21.1
gal) working capacity. Jacketed bowl. Jacket
rated 8 bar (117.6 psi) _at_ 200 deg C (392 deg F).
Bowl 20.3" L-R x 20.3" F-B x 23.4" DP. Sigma
blades tangential. Front blade 28 rpm (16.5 hp/11
kw). Rear blade 21 rpm (16.5 hp/11 kw). 3.9"
diameter screw discharge (15.5-65 rpm) with 22.5
hp (15 kw) all 3/50/380 volt operation. Vacuum
rated. Complete with control panel, roller
bearings, packing glands counter balanced
vacuum top cover.
Contact Thames-Rawlins Research Group
Henschel Extruder/Mixer
This is a mixing tool designed with a jacketed
bowl, hinged lid, discharge and cover plate and a
scraping tool for the walls and lid.
Contact Thames-Rawlins Research Group
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Anton-Paar Physica MCR 501
This rheometer performs a wide range of steady
and dynamic tests in both Control Sheear Rate and
Control Shear Strain mode. From generating simple
flow curves to the dynamic analysis of complex
fluids, melts, and co-polymers, this rheometer
offers simple programming and test setup. This
equipment can be used to run different types of
analysis such as Creep and recovery, Normal
force, Stress relaxation, Linear tensile and
compression, including tack, Amplitude sweep,
Frequency sweep, Temperature sweep, Time sweep,
Multiwave, Oscillation with superimposed rotation
or any combination of the above. (http//www.anton
Contact Otaigbe Research Group
Advanced Rheometric Expansion System
The Advanced Rheometric Expansion System (or
ARES) is a rheometer (mechanical spectrometer)
that is capable of subjecting a sample to either
a dynamic (sinusoidal) or steady (linear) shear
strain (deformation), then measuring the
resultant torque expended by the sample in
response to the strain. Through this instrument,
the rheological properties can be measured.
Strain is applied by motor, and a transducer
measures the resulting torque. This is truly one
of the best rheometers in the world.
Contact Otaigbe Research Group
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Cambridge Optical Shearing System
The Cambridge Shearing System (CSS) has been
developed in collaboration with the Department of
Chemical Engineering at Cambridge University. It
is designed to fit on any standard upright
microscope and has a temperature range of ambient
to 450C. The entire system is driven from a
Windows program running on a PC. The system can
work in three modes steady velocity, step
movement at constant velocity and an oscillatory
motion with constant frequency and amplitude. The
shear rate may also be set separately. The
temperature may be programmed with up to nine
ramps. The main advantage of this system is that
the changes occurring in the sample as it is
sheared can be visually observed through the
microscope or on the PC through a video capture
Contact Otaigbe Research Group
RH 7 Flowmaster Advanced Capillary Extrusion
The RH 7 Flowmaster is an advanced, and powerful
floor standing capillary rheometers suitable for
research and product development.The Rosand RH7
has set new standards in research level capillary
rheometryand is used in several hundred research
laboratories around the world for a range of
applications including polymers, foods, coatings
and ceramics. Bohlin Instruments has continuously
developed the original RH7 design and its
operating software to produce a new generation of
floor standing capillary units with market
leading performance characteristics and
capabilities. The RH7-D retains much of the
robust 'H' frame design principle, which lies at
the heart of the instruments' ability to operate
under high loading conditions.
Contact Otaigbe Research Group
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The Microtruder is a laboratory scale (tabletop
size) single screw extruder. The size is micro
but the application is almost same as a
commercialized large-scale extruder. This
particular vertical screw design gives us micro
space occupation and natural gravitational
feeding of the polymers. The special die design
provides the manufacturing possibility for shaped
samples (e.g. Tensile Dog Bone). The micro design
is suitable for expensive materials that are
developed in small amounts from laboratory scale
Contact Otaigbe Research Group
HAAKE Capillary Break-up Extensional Rheometer
Materials that behave similarly in a shearing
flow often behave very differently in an
extensional flow. The unique HAAKE CaBER 1
rheometer provides valuable information about the
material's extensional properties that rotational
rheometers simply cannot provide. With the CaBER
1, stringiness, filament breakup-time and
extensional viscosity can be quantified to
quickly optimize fluid formulations.
Contact Otaigbe Research Group
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HAAKE PolyDrive
The HAAKE PolyDrive is a torque rheometer
equipped with a single screw extruder for process
optimization or product development. It is a
robust plug play instrument featuring automatic
sensor recognition with calibration and control
of testing procedures via software or the simple,
ergonomic keypad and display.  A range of
accessories is available for extruding polymers,
ceramics, food or drugs.
Contact Otaigbe Research Group
HAAKE Minilab
The HAAKE Minilab allows compounding and
rheological characterization of expensive
materials such as nano-composites, bio-polymers
or pharmaceuticals is no problem . Continuous
extrusion with a force feeder is possible with
little sample quantities. The MiniLab micro
rheology compounder combines real compounding and
real rheological measurements with smallest
amounts of materials. This is of interest in RD
applications for new polymer development, testing
of expensive additives, i.e. pharmaceutical drugs
and material studies. The MiniLab compounder can
be equipped with conical co and counter rotating
screws. Continuous viscosity measurements in the
back flow channel up to 350 C.
Contact Otaigbe Research Group
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Daca Microinjection Molder
DACA Instruments MicroInjector is a small
injection molding machine that quickly and
efficiently produces parts using a maximum of 4
cc (0.14 oz) of material. The simple yet powerful
design will process commodity thermoplastics,
making the MicroInjector suitable for prototyping
and small production runs. The tall
configuration of the mold lends itself to
producing standard tensile test bars and other
long parts that must be injected from the end of
the part. Other applications include the
production of mechanical and rheological test
samples, color testing, and small experimental
parts. The low volume of material required and
the ease of operation coupled with the low
tooling cost, make this instrument ideal for the
research and development of new and exotic
polymeric materials. The temperatures of the mold
and barrel are precisely controlled to allow
processing of materials from room temperature to
400 C. The mold can be heated to 250 C or
cooled below room temperature to process
materials with low melting points. The instrument
consists of a heated block to support the
conical, self clamping mold and a heated barrel.
The barrel can be easily removed from the frame
to be manually filled with powders or pellets.
Contact Otaigbe Research Group
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Tinius Olsen MP 993 Controller Extrusion
ASTM D 1238 Melt Flow Index This machine measure
the melt flow rate of molten plastics through a
die using specified elevated temperatures and
force.  Once the test specimens are extruded they
are cutoff at a specified time and weighed to
determine their melt flow rate. Measurement
capabilities include melt density (g/cm3), shear
stress (Pa), capture time (sec), shear rate
(1/s), viscosity (Pa-s), flow rate (g/ 10 min),
volume rate (cm3/ 10 min), and cut-off weight
(g). http//
Contact Mississippi
Polymer Institute
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HAAKE Rheocord 90
The HAAKE Rheocord 90 is a versatile computer
controlled instrument that is capable of mixing,
extruding and reading capillary rheometry data.
It consists of two main components, the Computer
Processing Unit (CPU) and the Measuring Drive
Unit (MDU). The CPU controls and records all the
information during the run of the experiment. The
MDU measures the torque, temperatures, pressures
and speeds that are then recorded by the CPU.
This mixer, a Rheomix600/610, has the capability
to mix at temperatures up to 450ÁC. It contains
three heated zones controlled by the MDU. The
advantages of using the mixer are a small sample
size, more complete mixing, ease of
assembly/disassembly, and ease of cleaning.
Several different rotor types are available
including Banbury, cam, roller, and sigma.
Contact Otaigbe Research Group
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Prism 16mm Twin Screw Extruder
Contact Robert Moore Robert Moore's Page
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Contraves Low Shear 30 Viscometer
Controlled strain, for steady shear measurements
of viscosity in a concentric cylinder geometry.
This highly sensitive instrument can measure the
viscosity of air to three significant figures,
and can measure the shear rate dependence of
viscosity for fluids with viscosities less than 2
Poise, between 0 C and 80 C. This rheometer
requires 2 ml of liquid sample, and has a shear
rate range between 10-2 s-1 and 102 s-1. The
outer cup rotates at a prescribed speed, and the
inner bob is connected to a torsion wire. The
deflection of the torsion wire determines the
torque. This rheometer is currently used to study
polyelectrolyte solutions, which are strongly
shear thinning at low concentrations. It has been
interfaced to a computer using LabView.
Contact Roger Hester Charles McCormick Roger
Hester's Page McCormick Research Group
Rheometric Scientific SR-5000
Stress-controlled Rheometer with
dynamic-mechanical and measurement of viscosity
capabilities. Ability to do compliance, flow
curves. Has a temperature range of - 40 lt T lt
350C. G Plate-Plate 50 mm, 25 mm, 8 mm
Couette Cone-Plate 50 mm, 25 mm. Rheometric
Scientific SR-5000 dynamic and steady state
testing from -40C to 250C. Applied to
rheological studies of various polymeric
solutions and melts.
Rheometric Scientific
Contact Roger Hester Charles McCormick Roger
Hester's Page McCormick Research Group
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Cincinnati Milacron CAMAC Vista Sentry VSX 85-ton
Injection Molding Machine
Vista Sentry VSx Series Camac VSx Control 32 mm
frame 40261 hours, Sprue heater, 12.2" clamp
stroke, 27.95" maximum daylight,15.7/5.9
maximum/minimum mold height, 24" x 22.2" platen
size (HxV), 15.95" x 14.17" distance between tie
rods (HxV), 2.76" tie rod diameter, with a 4.72"
ejector stroke.
Contact Mississippi
Polymer Institute
Battenfeld Unilog 4000 17-ton Injection Molding
Uses a control unilog 2040, 25.2" x 25.2" platen,
screw diameter1.57 in, clamp stroke16.73in, max
open daylight 24.61in, with tie rod diameter
2.56in. And the distance between tie rods
Contact Robert Moore Robert Moore's Page
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Gas Atomizer
The Gas Atomization of Polymers (GAP) can be used
to produce powders from materials that could not
presently be made into powders using other
available methods. The Gas Atomization unit is a
hand built unit by the group and is divided into
three zones. The heating zone is the area where
the polymeric material is melted. It is comprised
of a large metal crucible and heating components.
The atomization zone is the area where the
material is atomized into a powder. This area is
at the bottom of the crucible, where a specially
designed stainless steel pour tube has the
polymeric material forced through it at extremely
high pressures. The collection zone is by far the
largest zone and is simply used to collect the
powder after atomization.
Contact Otaigbe Research Group
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Separations Cluster
  • Microtrac Particle Size Analyzers
  • Microtrac Nanotrac 250 Particle Size Analyzer
  • Zetasizer Nano Series Dynamic Light Scattering
  • Viscotek TDA 302 Gel Permeation Chromatograph
    Triple Detector Array
  • Waters Gel Permeation Chromatograph
  • Gel Permeation Chromatographs with DAWN detectors
  • Waters Gel Permeation Chromatograph and High
    Performance Liquid Chromatograph
  • Agilent 1100 Series Liquid Chromatograph / Mass
    Selective Detector
  • Perkin Elmer Auto-system XL Gas Chromatograph
  • Varian CX Series Star 3400 Gas Chromatograph
  • Thermo-Electron Trace 2000 Gas Chromatograph with
    Dual FID
  • Hewlett Packard 6890 Gas Chromatograph / 5972A
  • Varian Star 3600 CX Gas Chromatograph
  • Hewlett Packard 5890A GC with Diffusion Setup
  • Agilent Technologies 6890N Network GC System with
    Diffusion Setup
  • Thermo Electron Corporation IEC Centra CL2
  • Thermo Electron Corporation IEC Micromax/Micromax
  • Mocon Ox-Tran Model 2/21 Oxygen Permeability
  • Mocon Aromotron Solvent Vapor Transport Unit

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Microtrac UPA 250 Particle Size Analyzer
Particle Size Analyzer - Includes a sub-micron
analyzer with dynamic light scattering detector
It is used for liquid samples and can detect
particle size 10 micron and lower.
Contact Thames-Rawlins Research Group
Microtrac (SRA) Particle Size Analyzer
Particle Size Analyzer - Range 0.7 - 780 microns,
with powder (dry) and liquid capabilities.
Measurement Technique is laser diffraction
Contact Thames-Rawlins Research Group
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Microtrac Nanotrac 250 Particle Size Analyzer
The Microtrac Nanotrac 250 has a range of 0.8 to
6500 nanometers (0.0008 to 6.5 microns). The
repeatability is 1 for 100nm polystyrene. It has
fixed laser and detector positions with a 780 nm
semiconductor laser directed to sample through a
fiber optic cable. Alignment of optics is never
needed. The measurement angle is 180 Degrees. It
comes with a solid-state optical bench, Pentium
IV computer, CRT or flat screen monitor, complete
data management software, and printer options.
Advanced Microtrac FLEX Software offers
unparalleled capability for graphics, data
export/import, customized printed reports, and
all data handling demands including export to
Adobe PDF, as well as other export formats for
sharing data over the internet. FLEX software
provides data storage in Microsoft Access
database format utilizing OLE. Volume, number,
area and intensity weighted distributions as well
as percentile and other summary data. Data
integrity is ensured using FDA 21CFR Part 11
compliant security features. It handles powders,
fluids and all particles suspended or suspendable
in fluid. Samples may be measured by dipping
probe directly into sample using Nanotrac 250.
Compatible with any organic solvent and most
acids and bases generally used to deliver
particulate samples. Typical analysis time is 30
to 120 seconds.
Contact Marek Urban Urban Research Group
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Zetasizer Nano Series Dynamic Light Scattering
The new Zetasizer Nano series is ideal for
protein characterization. The user friendly
software includes customizable protein specific
reports, a solvent builder library, and protein
utilities to assist with the interpretation of
data. The new technology incorporated in these
systems delivers unequalled sensitivity and
versatility. Protein size NIBS/DLS technology
enables measurements of protein molecules down to
0.3nm hydrodynamic radius (equivalent to less
than 1 kDa). Highest sensitivity - 0.1 mg/ml
Lysozyme, for larger molecules even lower
concentrations can be detected. Low sample volume
- only 12µl sample volume are required and hence
only small amounts of protein, and the sample can
be recovered. Precision temperature control
Peltier elements provide software controlled
temperature range from 2ºC to 90ºC for accurate
temperature scans. Absolute molecular weight -
An avalanche-photodiode detector and fiber
detection optics give the sensitivity and
stability required for absolute molecular weight
measurement. The Zetasizer Nano S provides a
powerful, easy to use protein characterization
tool for every laboratory. All systems are
compatible with the MPT-2 autotitrator to enable
trend measurements and sample preparation to be
automated. In principle, any small particle can
be measured using DLS - if sufficient light is
detected and the particles are diffusing freely.
For sub-nanometer particles, however, the level
of scattered light, even at high concentrations
is usually so small that only the most sensitive
experimental setup can detect them. In this
application note cholesterol (MW 387Da) in
butanone, is prepared at 20 mg/mL. The
hydrodynamic radius is found to be 0.3nm, or 3
Angstroms. This value agrees with expectations
for this molecular weight range.
Contact Charles McCormick McCormick Research
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Viscotek TDA 302 Gel Permeation Chromatograph
Triple Detector Array
Viscotek TDA 302 Gel Permeation Chromatograph
Triple detector array with RI, laser light
scattering, and viscosity detectors. This GPC
utilizes a DMF mobile phase and Agilent pump.
The Triple Detector Array (TDATM) is used as a
method for characterizing natural and synthetic
polymers and proteins. The TDATM employs a
concentration detector, viscometer and light
scattering detector acting in concert, with each
detector providing complimentary but different
information. In a single GPC experiment, obtain
absolute molecular weight, molecular size,
intrinsic viscosity, conformation, and structure.
The new TDATM combines the power of
traditional triple detection with all new UV/VIS
and Low Angle Light Scattering (LALS) options.
Measure concentration with an RI, UV or both.
When used simultaneously, the RI and UV provide
information necessary for the determination of
copolymer composition. LALS, a breakthrough in
light scattering technology, is the only GPC
detection method that provides absolute molecular
weights without extrapolation or correction.
Operating at an angle of 7Â (degrees), LALS
directly measures molecular weight for an
extensive range of natural and synthetic polymers
and proteins.
Contact Charles McCormick McCormick Research
Waters Alliance 2695 GelPermeation Chromatograph
Waters Alliance 2695 Separations Module GPC with
THF mobile phase and Waters 2487 dual wavelength
absorbance (UV) detector, a Waters 2410
refractive index (RI) detectors, and a Wyatt
Mini-DAWN laser light scattering detector.
Waters Alliance 2695 GPC with HFIP mobile phase
and Waters 2410 refractive index (RI) detector.
Contact Robson Storey Storey Research Group
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Gel Permeation Chromatograph
Gel Permeation Chromatograph with a Wyatt
Technologies Optilab DSP Interferometric
Refractometer (RI detector), a Polymer Labs LC
1200 UV-Vis detector, and a DAWN Enhanced Optical
System (DAWN EOS) 18-angle light scattering
detector for chromatography. The DAWN EOS uses a
30mW Gallium-arsenide 690nm laser light source.
It also contains a flow-to-batch conversion kit,
thermostatic control options, depolarization
options, and interfacing options. This GPC
utilizes an Agilent pump and an aqueous mobile
phase. This instrument is used for
characterization of synthetic polymers.
Contact Charles McCormick McCormick Research
Gel Permeation Chromatograph
Gel Permeation Chromatograph with a Polymer Labs
LC 1200 UV-vis detector, Optilab DSP
Interferometric Refractometer (RI) detector and a
DAWN DSP laser photometer. Its light source is a
5mW HeNe laser, wavelength 630nm. The DAWN DSP is
an 18 angle detector with a molar mass range of
approximately 103 to 109 g/mole (daltons) and a
molecular size range of approximately 10 to
500nm. This GPC utilizes an Agilent pump and an
aqueous mobile phase.

Contact Charles McCormick McCormick Research
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Waters Gel Permeation Chromatograph and High
Performance Liquid Chromatograph
Waters 515 HPLC pump with Eppendorf dual column
heater Waters 2414 RI detector, Polymer labs 1000
evap light scattering detector (ELSD), Perkin
Elmer LC 295 UV-Vis Detector Waters 1525 Binary
HPLC pump with Reverse (C18) or Normal (Silica
Gel) Phases Waters 2414 RI detector, Polymer labs
1000 evap light scattering detector, Perkin
Elmer LC 295 UV-Vis Detector The Waters binary
1525 pump is an integrated, high-pressure HPLC
pump that feature on-board pulse dampening and
efficient mixing. Their pulse-free solvent flow
makes them the perfect choice for use with highly
sensitive detectors. The Waters 515 HPLC Pump
combines the most important aspects of eluent
delivery for HPLC high precision, reliability,
smooth eluent flow, and proven performance. The
515 Pump is the heart of the Waters 515 Series
HPLC systems. Available in isocratic, gradient,
and semi-preparative configurations, Waters 515
Series systems offer industry standard
performance in traditional, component-based HPLC
systems. The Polymer Labs 1000 Evaporative Light
Scattering Detector (ELSD) is able to deliver
high performance for demanding HPLC or GPC
applications. The nebulizer and evaporator can be
operated at very high temperatures to efficiently
handle high boiling point solvents commonly used
in GPC that other ELSDs simply cannot manage.
This ELSD combines universal detection for
non-volatile compounds, compatibility with high
boiling point solvents, high sensitivity, rapid
equilibration, eluent flow up to 5ml/min,
easy-to-use software control, compact design, and
easy connection to any HPLC system. Features
include wide temperature range, heated transfer
line, gas save function, and unique solvent
Contact Thames-Rawlins Research Group
Waters Alliance 2695 Gel Permeation Chromatograph
Waters Alliance 2695 Separations Module GPC with
THF mobile phase. Utilizes a Waters 2487 dual
wavelength absorbance (UV) detector, a Waters
2410 refractive index (RI) detectors, and a
Polymers Labs GPC column.
Contact Marek Urban Urban Research Group
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Agilent 1100 Series Liquid Chromatograph/ Mass
Selective Detector
The Agilent 1100 Series Liquid Chromatograph/Mass
Selective Detector (LC/MSD) offers the
sensitivity, selectivity, and depth of molecular
information inherent in mass spectrometer in a
rugged, reliable, easy-to-use benchtop system.
Now, two models of the popular LC/MSD set new
standards for performance and value for
quadrupole LC/MS systems. For chromatographers
and mass spectrometrists who need the utmost in
sensitivity, the LC/MSD SL make analyses in the
very low picogram range possible. The economical
LC/MSD VL lowers the barrier to putting the power
of Agilent's LC/MS technology in every LC
laboratory. Includes a Hewlett Packard P1047A RI
Detector. The Agilent 1100 Series refractive
index detector is the ideal detector for fast and
reliable HPLC results when analyzing non-UV
absorbing substances, such as carbohydrates,lipids
and polymers. Hewlett Packard HP1047A RI
Detector has an RI range of 1 to 1.75 analog
output. The PL-LC1200 is a versatile,
multi-featured UV detector, offering high
sensitivity at an attractive price. The optical
system has been designed to include the minimum
number of moving parts to ensure maximum
reliability, while maintaining high accuracy and
precision. The high energy deuterium lamp ensures
the optical signal with the lowest background
noise for easy integration and excellent
quantitation. The PL-LC1200 is extremely easy to
operate and the flow cell is conveniently
accessed for easy maintenance. The PL-LC1200 has
been designed with a small footprint and to stack
with either the isocratic or gradient pump to
conserve valuable bench space.
Agilent 1100 Series HPLC
Polymer Laboratories LC 1200 UV/Vis Detector
Contact Roger Hester Roger Hester's Page
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Perkin Elmer Auto-system XL Gas Chromatograph
This Perkin-Elmer Autosystem XL gas chromatograph
has PE-5 capillary column installed with a
split/splitless injector and one
detector-FID. The gas chromatograph is employed
to study the composition of volatile substances
such as solvent mixtures. It is used for the
quality control both of raw materials and of
finished products. The vapours of the solvent
mixture are forced to pass through a very thin
tube usually 30 meters long (called column) they
are transported by a constant flux of an inactive
gas, usually nitrogen. The sides of the tube are
covered with a particular substance. Different
solvents have different degrees of " attraction "
towards the substance that covers the sides of
the tube. So the solvents more "attracted" to the
tube will be moving at a slower pace, whereas
those that have less attraction will be the first
ones to exit the tube. A detector placed at the
end of the tube calculates the time necessary for
every solvent exit. Every solvent has its
constant time characteristic. Therefore, it is
possible to identify the solvent according to the
time it needs to exit the tube.
Contact Marek Urban Urban Research Group
Varian CX Series Star 3400 Gas Chromatograph
Gas chromatography involves a sample being
vaporized and injected onto the head of the
chromatographic column. The sample is transported
through the column by the flow of inert, gaseous
mobile phase. The column itself contains a liquid
stationary phase which is adsorbed onto the
surface of an inert solid. This GC is an FID TSD
Gas Chromatograph with 120 Volts and 50/60 Hzs.
Contact Robson Storey Storey Research Group
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Thermo-Electron Trace 2000 Gas Chromatograph
with Dual FID
The TRACE GC UltraTM is built around the
recognized quality, reliability and ruggedness of
the established TRACE GC. Ultra performance,
reliability, and usability make this a must-have
GC for any laboratory. Automated features result
in a tremendous increase in sample throughput,
with analyses performed up to 30 times faster
than before, without compromises in precision.
Contact Thames-Rawlins Research Group
Hewlett Packard 6890 Gas Chromatograph / 5972A
Hewlett Packard - 6890 GC including 6890 with
Purge Packed Inlet, Twin Flame Ionization
Detector (FID) and Tekmar 7000/7050 Headspace
Autosampler, HP 6890 is an Agilent GC. The HP
6890 Series gas chromatograph system delivers
high levels of performance. The HP 6890 series GC
features electronic pneumatics control of all gas
pressures and flows. Onboard sensors
automatically compensate for ambient temperature
changes and barometric pressure differences to
routinely achieve more accurate and reproducible
results. By providing stable results, EPC reduces
recalibration frequency and improves laboratory
productivity. Includes auto sampler
Contact Thames-Rawlins Research Group
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Varian Star 3600 CX Gas Chromatograph
Gas chromatography involves a sample being
vaporized and injected onto the head of the
chromatographic column. The sample is transported
through the column by the flow of inert, gaseous
mobile phase. The column itself contains a liquid
stationary phase which is adsorbed onto the
surface of an inert solid. This GC is an FID TSD
Gas Chromatograph with 120 Volts and 50/60 Hzs.
Contact Kenneth Mauritz Kenneth Mauritz's Page
Hewlett Packard 5890A GC with Diffusion Setup
HP 5890A GC, Split/Splitless Injector, Single
Detector FID or TCD single FID, capillary column,
electronic integrator
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Agilent Technologies 6890N Network GC system
with diffusion setup
  • At the forefront of Agilent analytical solutions
    is the 6890N network gas chromatograph (GC).
    Built-in local area networking (LAN) allows you
    to share business and scientific data across
    sites--for fast and informed decision making.
    Just as its 6890 GC predecessors, this GC has all
    the flexibility and performance needed for
    research and method development in any industry.
    It is also rugged and reliableperfect for
    routine methods that require multiple columns or
    valves, specialty inlets or detectors, or a broad
    temperature range. This GC system offers proven,
    fourth-generation electronic pneumatics control
    (EPC) that keeps pressure and flow setpoints
    constant from run to run. This technology enables
    retention time locking, which allows reproduced
    retention times within hundredthseven
    thousandthsof a minute on any other Agilent 6890
    GC with EPC or 6850 GC, regardless of operator,
    location, detector, or column length. Features
    include fast installation and configuration,
    quick method setup, with simplified parameter
    entry and system control, a large range of
    inlets, including the Agilent programmable
    temperature vaporizing inlet, large-volume
    injection, eliminating s
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