Title: Isola
1Isola Technology and Product Update June 2005
2 Isola Technology Agenda
- Isola Product Technology Roadmap
- Isola Lead Free, FR4 Replacement Product
Solutions - Isola High Speed, Signal Integrity Product
Solutions - Reliability
- Overview of Isola Test Capabilities
3Isola Technology Overview
4Emerging Trends
- High Speed Digital
- - High Gbps Data rates.
- - High Clock speeds
- Optical Solutions
- - 5-10 Gbps data rates and beyond
- Lead free and Thermal Reliability
- Higher Thermals
- Higher Thermal Cycling resistance
- Miniaturization
- - Thinner Dielectrics
- - Embedded passives
- - Packaging
- Thermal Management
- - Thermal conductive Substrates
- Environmental
- - Halogen Free
- Manufacturing and Process Technology
Signal Integrity
Lead Free
5 Isolas Product offering- High Tg High
T288 -60 Mins/Td.400
P95 260 Tg Polyimide HB
L e a d
P96 260 Tg Polyimide V0/V1
T260 -60 Mins/Td.350
IS620 Tg 215 Low Loss .008 _at_10 Ghz Laminate
IS640 Next Generation Low Loss-.005
IS410 180 Tg
FR408 180Tg Low Dk Df
Thermal Performance T260/ Decomp./IST
G200 BT Epoxy Laminate
High Speed Digital / Base stations/Routers/Servers
/Burn in
Higher Reliability
High Speed /High Frequency
T260 -10 Mins/Td.300
FR406 High Tg 170 Epoxy
2.5-10 Gbps
1.5-2.0 Gbps
Low Freq and speed
1 -1.5Gbps
Electrical Performance Loss /DK
Speeds a function of design such as line length
Laminate Data- IST performance is a function of
Hole dia/board thickness,plating parameters and
laminate attributes.
6 Isola Product Offering
Tg 260 Polyimide Laminate V0/V1
IS640-300 Low Loss
Tg 260 Polyimide Laminate HB
Next Gen Low Loss -.0035 _at_10GHz-
IS640-320 Low Loss
Tg 215 Low Loss .008 _at_10 Ghz Laminate
IS640-325 Low Loss
BT / Epoxy Laminate
IS640-338 Low Loss
Tg 180 Low Dk Df
High Tg Lead free Signal Integrity
Thermal Conductive
IS640-345 Low Loss
High Tg Lead free High Reliability
Chip Packaging
High Tg 170 Epoxy
Low Flow No Flow
High Tg 180 Halogen free
FR406 NF/A11
Tg 150 Halogen Free Laminate
FR406BC IS410 BC FR408 BC
Buried Capacitance Applications
Tg 140 Multifunctional
Tg 130 FR-4 Multifunctional
Tg 150 Lead Free High Reliability
7Signal Integrity- Overview
- Drivers
- Overview of Technical issues
- High Speed Basics
- Key definitions
- Measurements
- Time domain measurements
- Losses
- Dielectric losses
- Conductor losses
- Conductor roughness losses
- Frequency domain measurements
- Isola offering
- Product selection criteria
8Drivers - High Speed and High Frequency
9High Speed Digital basics
- High Speed digital communication involves sending
bits of information coded on Trapezoidal
waveforms. - The Information - Zeros and ones are coded on the
rise time or on both the rise time and fall time. - High Voltage is 1 and Low voltage is zero
- The conductive paths between a chip that sends a
signal to the chip that receives a signal are
called interconnects, A group of interconnects
represents a bus - The sharper the Rise time the faster the signal
- To achieve faster rise times Sinusoidal wave
forms are superimposed on one another. - The range of frequencies used is called bandwidth
- The bandwidth is given as 0.35/Rise time
- Example a 2.5 Gbps signal with a rise time of 70
Ps will have a fundamental frequency 1.25 Ghz
and a second cut off frequency of 4.5 Ghz and a
2.5 Gbps signal with a rise time of 125 Ps will
have a fundamental frequency equal to 1.25 Ghz
and a bandwidth or second cut off frequency
2.5 Ghz.
Frequency is a function of Data rate and
bandwidth is a function of Rise Time
10Time-domain definition of a periodic digital
clock signal with analog definitions of rise
time, fall time, and duty cycle.
From Practical RF circuit Design for Modern
Wireless systems Vol1 Les Besser and Rowan
11Digital detector output signal - eye diagram -
shows the effect of random jitter. A large eye
amplitude and small difference between bit window
and eye duration are necessary for low bit error
12 Eye Pattern Analysis
- Height of the central eye opening measures noise
margin in the received signal - Width of the signal band at the corner of the
eye measures the jitter - Thickness of the signal line at the top and
bottom of the eye is proportional - to noise and distortion in the receiver output
- Transitions between the top and bottom of the
eye show the rise and fall - times of the signal
Reference Handbook of Fiber Optics
13The effect of Laminate substrate on Signal
After 40 inches through IS640
After 40 inches through 406
14Isola Products and Signal integrity in time domain
Simulated Eye Diagrams _at_ 5 Gbps -1 M -50 Ohms
impedance 5 Mil Track width PRBS 35 PS Rise time
At Source
Zero Dielectric Loss IS640 Df
IS620 DF.008 FR408
DF.012 FR4 Df .020
15High Speed Digital Drivers
- Trends
- Rising Bandwidths- Bandwidth Approx.0.35/Rise
time - Faster edge rates ----gt 35 PS and lower
- High Data rates 10 Gbps/ 4 Channels at 3.125 Gbps
- Longer Lines up to 1 M long
- Narrower lines with higher conductor loss
16Lossy transmission line Model
- Characterisitic impedance Zo v(RJwL)/(GJwC)
- R and G are not negligible
17What is attenuation (loss)?
?a iß Where a is the attenuation co-efficient
and ß is the phase related co-efficient
20 Log Vout / Vin Loss in dB
- The Voltage of a signal drops exponentially as
the energy is absorbed in the dielectric
medium, dissipated as conductor loss and radiated
18Dielectric loss
aDieletric(in dB) approx 2.3 f(In Ghz) df vDk
19Conductor loss
- Wider lines are less lossier due to reduced skin
effect - A lower loss product like IS620 allows the
designer to use thinner lines.
aConductor(in dB/inch) approx 36/(w(line width
in mils)Z0(impedance) ) v f(In Ghz)
20Effect of Conductor Roughness
Surface roughness difference between 1 and 5
Microns Dielectric loss tangent of 0.0028
approx - 28-30 of the dielectric loss
21- IS620 is the best in class product for
dissipation factor
22- FR406 and IS415 are best in class - Loss close to
Getek type products - PCL 370 HR is the highest loss product in this
23Material Challenges
- Line Lengths and widths dictate the use of
materials - More More Standard materials will be used
- Focus on equalization technologies
- Key factors will be the ability to predict
accurately P.U.L characterisitcs - While Dielectric losses dominate at higher speeds
- Copper losses are not insignificant- Focus on
Lower tooth profile
24Isola Roadmap High Speed/High Frequency
- Enabling High Speed Digital Speeds beyond 10
Gbps - Low Dk / Df Solutions with Conventional Process
Friendly Technologies - Flat Df Response vs. Frequency for Higher Signal
25Selection High speed products
- Key design factors in selecting products for very
high speed applications - Data rates
- Higher data rates require the use of Lower DF
products - Faster Rise times
- Lower DF
- Higher Frequency range or bandwidth
- Stable Dissipation factor over frequency and
lower DF - Thinner packages
- Narrower Lines- Lower DK and Lower Dissipation
factor - Large Backplanes
- Longer lines- Lower dissipation factors
- Error correction- Predictable PUL properties
- Equalization-
- Pre emphasis
- Reliability
- Higher CAF, Thermal Cycling and Lead free
assembly compatibility - Cost
- Extendibility and scalability
- Lower dissipation factor
26- Overview Lead free assembly
- Overview Thermal Analysis
- Thermal Resistance
- Thermal Cycling Resistance
- Isola Lead free product offering
- Product selection for Lead free assembly
- Restriction of Hazardous Substances
- Legislation bans the following Six substances for
shipment to EU countries effective July 1 -2006 - Lead
- Mercury
- Hexavalent Chromium( Cr6)
- Polybrominated biphenyl
- Polybrominated diphenyl ether
- Cadmium
- High End Networking companies exempt
Max Conc. By Wt. lt 0.1
Max Conc. By Wt.lt 0.01
28Liquidus and Reflow Temperatures of Candidate
Lead-Free Solder alloys for Replacing Eutectic
Tin-Lead Solder
Patented compositions may require licensing or
royalty agreements before use. For more
information see Phase Diagrams Computational
Thermodynamics, Metallurgy Division of Materials
Science and Engineering Laboratory, NIST.
Source NIST Website
29Candidate Alloys for Replacing Lead-Alloy Solders
Table 3.1. Criteria for Down-Selection of Alloys
Criteria for Down-Selection of Alloys
Source NIST Website
30Thermal Resistance Drivers - Lead Free
- Legislation driven lt 1000 PPM of lead.
- Lead Free Solders
- Ternary alloys of Tin/Silver /Copper
- Average reflow temperature 20-40 Deg C higher
31(No Transcript)
32(No Transcript)
33Lead Free Laminate Attributes
Lead Free Reflow
Sn/Pb37 Reflow
34(No Transcript)
35Thermal Analysis Overview
36Overview DSC / TMA / DMA /TGA
- Isola ASL equipment
- Dual cell DSC with autosampler
- Dual Cell DSC
- Pressurized DSC/Dual cell DSC with autosampler
- Test Method
- IPC-TM-650 2.4.25 Glass Transition and Cure
Factor by DSC - TMA
- IPC-TN-650 2.4.24 Glass Transition and Z-axis
Thermal Expansion by TMA
37DSC Differential Scanning Calorimetry Definitions
- DSC measures the temperatures and heat flows
associated with transitions in materials as a
function of time and temperature in a controlled
atmosphere. - These measurements provide quantitative and
qualitative information about physical and
chemical changes that involve endothermic and
exothermic processes, or changes in heat
capacity. - A DSC measures the heat into or out of a sample
relative to a reference while heating the sample
and reference with a linear temperature ramp. - Endothermic Heat flows into the sample.
- Exothermic Heat flows out of the sample.
- What is happening to the sample?
- As the sample is heated, it absorbs energy in
order to change the temperature of the sample - Energy units (W/g) Watts per gram of sample.
38Glass Transition
- A sample goes through the Glass Transition when
the amorphous or not crosslinked areas change to
(or from) a viscous or rubbery condition to (or
from) a hard and relatively brittle condition - This is a fully reversible change
- The glass transition takes place over a
temperature range. - The glass transition temperature (Tg) is a
temperature chosen to represent the temperature
range over which the glass transition takes
PIECE OF SAMPLE - Delta Tg Tg(run 2) - Tg(run 1)
- What does a Delta Tg tell us?
- Degree of Cure of the Laminate or Printed Wiring
Board - Printed Wiring Board
- All parts are cured equally
Selection of Tg - Inflection
40TMA Thermo Mechanical Analysis
- TMA measures linear or volumetric changes in the
dimensions of a sample as a function of time,
temperature, and force in a controlled
environment. - As the sample is heated, the material expands
according to its Coefficient of Thermal
Expansion (CTE) - Upon reaching its decomposition temperature (Td)
delamination occurs - TMA Measurements
- Glass Transition Temperature (Tg)
- Temperature of Decomposition (Td)
- Time to Decomposition at 260C (T-260)
- Time to Decomposition at 288C (T-288)
- Coefficient of Thermal Expansion (CTE)
- X, Y Z Axis
- Below Tg, Above Tg Overall (20 - 288C)
- Tg measurement
- Materials exhibit a dramatic increase in CTE as
it goes through the Tg region. - Measurement of the onset of the change determines
the Tg - Temperature at which delamination of the sample
occurs - Analysis can be obtained from 2nd scan Tg
- Decomposition temperature
- Measurement of onset of the dramatic change in
probe position determines the Td - Similar onset analysis to T-260 T-288
42TMA T-260 T-288
Typical TMA Decomp Curves
- Sample time at temperature before delamination
occurs - Typical temperatures are 260C and 288C
- Sample is heated at 100C/min to the desired
temperature and quickly equilibrated - Sample is then held isothermally at the desired
temperature until delamination occurs - T-260(288) Time(delam) - Time(temp equilib)
- TMA T-260 T-288 Method variations
- Other laboratories heat sample at 10C/min
- Side by side testing of 100C/min v 10C/min shows
no measurable difference between the two methods
43TGA Thermogravimetrical Analysis
- TGA measures the amount and rate of change in the
weight of a material as a function of temperature
or time in a controlled atmosphere. - Instrument made up of extremely sensitive balance
within a controlled atmosphere - TGA What is happening to the sample?
- As the sample is heated, volatiles escape causing
a loss of weight in the sample. - Upon decomposition, a dramatic weight change
occurs. - TGA Measurements
- Temperature at which x percent of weight is lost
- Decomposition Temperature (Td)
TGA Typical Curve
44DMA-Dynamic Mechanical Analysis
- The periodic application of stress and strain to
the material as the temperature is varied. - Measurement of the modulii of the material
provides important physical information for the
material as well as the Tg - Storage modulus Measurement of the materials
ability to store energy - Loss modulus Measurement of the materials
ability to dissipate energy - Tan Delta Ratio of the storage modulus to the
loss modulus - What is happening when the sample is being
heated? - While the sample is being heated, it is
physically displaced from parallel by a set
force, to a set amplitude at a set frequency - The instrument measures the samples resistance to
displacement and its ability to return to its
original position. - These properties change as the temperature of the
sample is changed - Sample becomes more elastic as it goes through
the glass transition range - If cross-linking is occurring during the
temperature increase, the sample becomes more
rigid. - Measurements
- Glass Transition Temperature (Tg)
- Delta Tg
- Modulus information
- Two most common methods for selecting the glass
transition temperature - Onset of the Storage Modulus
- Peak of the Tan Delta
45DMA Transitions
46Thermal Resistance and Lead-Free
47Thermal Resistance- Drivers
- Drivers
- Process conditions
- Lead Free
- OEM reliability requirements.
- Failure mechanism - Matrix Decomposition and
48Thermal Resistance - Laminate factors
- Laminate factors
- Td- Decomposition temperature of laminate
measured by weight loss by TGA. Function of Resin
Chemistry - T-260,T-288 - Resistance to De-lamination at
elevated temperatures. This follows a Power law.
Function of Resin Chemistry and board design. - Tg - Marginal effect
49Thermal Cycling Resistance
50Thermal Cycling Resistance-Drivers
- Drivers
- OEM reliability requirements due to harsh service
conditions - Failure mechanism - Mainly metal Fatigue
51Thermal Cycling Resistance -Tests
- Tests - Simulated tests such as
- IST Electrically heating interconnects in
cycles of 3 minutes and cooling - HATS-Air to Air
- Liquid to liquid and other cycling tests
52Thermal Cycling Resistance-Laminate Factors
- Laminate factors
- CTE Z axis - Lower CTE reduces Stresses on the
interconnect - Modulus in the Z-direction, Poisson ratio, Lower
Modulus helps reduce the Stress. - Tg (TMA) - Higher Tg
- Thermal resistance - Higher Thermal resistance
avoids degradation during pre conditioning or
actual process. May over ride other factors
53Thermal Cycling Resistance-Fabrication Factors
- Board design factors
- Ductility of the copper - Higher is better
- Thickness of the board
- Hole diameter- Smaller holes and higher aspect
ratio reduce cycles to failure. - Plating Thickness and quality
54Reliability Roadmap - Thermal Cycling - Drivers
- Average thermal cycling conditions may not push
copper into plastic range - Higher strains during preconditioning IST change
the failure mechanism
55Thermal Cycling Resistance-Data presentation
56Typical Stress Strain Curve
Copper has a modulus 17.6 E6 Psi and a Yield
strength of 30Ksi which means it reaches its
Yield point at lt 0.2 elongation or 35 Deg C
excursion on a board
57Material Properties of Cu Layer and Composite
- Cu Layer Elastic/Plastic
- ECu 15.6x106 psi, sy,Cu 20,000 psi,
CTECu17x10-6/oC - Composite Substrate Linear Elastic
- Esubstrate15 GPa, CTEsubstrate80x10-6/oC
(RT-180oC), CTEsubstrate320x10-6/oC
Simulated Thermal Cycles
58Stress/Strain (average) in Cu Layer
Cyclic stress behavior in Cu layer during thermal
59Mises Stress Analysis
Cycle 1, 260oC
Cycle 1, 21oC
Cycle 6, 260oC
Cycle 1, 21oC
Stress in Cu is highest in the first thermal
cycle and stabilizes in subsequent cycles.
60What attributes do we need for Thermal cycling
- Laminate factors
- CTE Z axis - Lower CTE reduces Stresses on the
interconnect - Modulus in the Z-direction, Poisson ratio, Lower
Modulus helps reduce the Stress. - Tg (TMA) - Higher Tg
- Thermal resistance - Higher Thermal resistance
avoids degradation during pre conditioning or
actual process. May over ride other factors
- Modeling results show that the Overall Expansion,
CTE and Preconditioning are biggest factors
governing the IST performance - Isolas Low expansion and High TMA Tg products
such as IS620,IS420,IS400 perform better on
Thermal cycling
61Isola Roadmap Thermal Resistance
Td and T-260/T-288 are key factors determining
Thermal Resistance from a Laminate standpoint -
Isolas response - IS410, IS415 and IS620.
62What attributes do we need in a lead free
- Higher Decomposition temperature
- Higher than 340 Deg C
- Higher T-260 performance
- Higher than 60 minutes
- Higher T-288 performance
- Lower overall Z axis expansion
- Less than 3.5
- Low Wt loss at elevated temperature (Lower vols.)
63Very High Thermal strains
Very High performance
High Performance
Acceptable service life
Precondition 6x - 260C 0.010 PTH 0.100 MLB
Based on Published papers and discussions with
fabs and OEMs
64Isola Lead Free Compatible Laminate Product
65 Isola Technology Agenda
- Isola Product Technology Roadmap
- Isola Lead Free, FR4 Replacement Product
Solutions - Isola High Speed, Signal Integrity Product
Solutions - Reliability
- Overview of Isola Test Capabilities
66 Isola Thermal Reliability Products
Low Df
Lead-free solderable
Applications 6 x solder float, lead-free
Applications Severe thermal cycling, lead-free
Applications High data rate Severe TCT,
lead-free solder,
67Isola Product Ad
68Isola Lead Free Compatible Products
70 IS400 Product Strengths
- Features
- Better Thermal Reliability With Non-dicy Cured
Chemistry - Excellent Z-axis Thermal Expansion
- Excellent Solder Heat Resistance Low Moisture
Absorption - Higher Tg 150oC (DSC) Than Standard Epoxies
- Standard FR-4 Epoxy Processing
- UV Blocking AOI Compatible
- Applications
- Computers, Servers, Workstations,
Telecommunications, Consumer Electronics
71 IS400 Laminate Thermal Properties
Item FR402 IS400
Tg (oC) DSC TMA DMA 140 5 135 5 150 5 150 5 145 5 155 5
Z-axis CTE (ppm/oC) Room Temp to Tg Tg to 288 oC Room Temp to 288 oC 70-80 270-330 150-170 40-50 180-240 120-140
Solder Dip _at_288oC (sec) gt 60 gt 180
Decomposition Temp (oC, TGA) 300-310 325-335
Time to Delamination (min, TMA) T288 T260 1-5 10-15 10-15 gt 60
For 0.71mm (0.028²) Laminate, 38 Weight Resin
72 IS400 Laminate Physical Properties
Thickness 0.028²
Peel Strength (1oz) Flexural Strength
Cross Volume Resistivity Surface
Resistivity Dielectric Constant
(500MHz) Dissipation Factor (500MHz) Water
Absorption Solder Dip _at_288oC Glass Transition
Temp. (DSC) Flammability
lb/in psi W .cm W - - sec oC -
A A C-96/35/90 C-96/35/90 C-24/23/50 C-24/23
/50 D-24/23 A A UL94
68 70000 80000 60000 70000 5x1014
5x1015 1x1013 1x1014 4.3 0.0150.018 0.120.1
8 gt 180 150 V-0
911 70000 80000 60000 70000 5x1014
5x1015 1x1013 1x1014 4.3 0.0150.018 0.150.2
0 gt 60 135145 V-0
73 IS400 Thermal Reliability Testing
- Test condition
- TCT (-40oC to 125oC) 15 min/10 sec/15 min for
200 cycles, then microsection and E-testing. - Sample
- 8L MLB
Result Pass
Current State No delam, copper crack, resin
recession been found.
75IS500 Halogen Free 180 Tg
76 IS410 Product Strengths
- High Tg FR4 (180C TMA)
- Enhanced thermal stability High Decomposition
Temperature (350C) - Superior PTH reliability due to very low z-axis
CTE - Unique resin chemistry contributes to CAF
Resistance - Lead-Free Compatible PCB substrate (6x peak 260C
reflow) - Un-filled resin matrix enhances Hi-pot resistance
on thin cores - Enhanced drilling performance on high aspect
ratio holes - Low Cost of ownership
- Wide market acceptance and North American and
Asia Pacific manufacturing
77 IS410 Product Positioning
- As a substitute for Std. FR4 requiring lead-free
performance - As an improvement over FR4 materials by achieving
CAF resistance - An alternative to filled phenolic resin systems
that are more susceptible to insulation
resistance failures
78IS410 Laminate Thermal Properties
Property Units FR406 IS410 G200 FR408 IS620
Tg, (DSC) ºC 170 180 185 180 215
Td, (TGA) ºC 290 350 320 360 352
x-axis (amb - Tg) ppm/ºC 14 11 15 13 14
y-axis (amb - Tg) ppm/ºC 13 13 15 14 12
z-axis (amb - 288C) 4.4 3.5 3.5 3.5 2.8
Solder Float, 288C sec gt220 gt500 gt1200 gt500 gt 800
T-260, (TMA) min 10 gt60 20 gt60 gt60
T-288, (TMA) min lt1 gt15 8 20 gt15
Material Tested 0.008, 44 Resin
79IS410 Laminate Physical Properties
Material Tested 50 Resin Content Material
Tested 0.008, 44 Resin
80IS410 CAF Test Results
IS410 vs. High Tg FR4 Immersion Silver Finish
100 V Bias 25 Coupons
B1 11 mil diagonal spacing B2 15 mil diagonal
spacing B3 20 mil diagonal spacing B4 25 mil
diagonal spacing
Spacing - PTH to PTH
81IS410 IST (9.8 mil PTH)
Mean Time to Failure (MTTF) 325 cycles
82IS410 Dk Matrix
83IS410 Df Matrix
84 IS410 Processing Cross Reference
FR406 IS410 IS415
Scaling See Scaling Table in Process Guide Same as FR406 Similar to FR408
Oxide Multiple options available Same as FR406 Same as FR406/8
Lamination ROR 8 - 12F/min Cure 360F (60 min) Pressure 250 - 300 psi ROR 8 - 12 F/min Cure 375F (50 min) Pressure 250 - 300 psi ROR 8 - 12 F/min Cure 375F (90 min) Pressure 250 - 300 psi
Drilling See Drilling Table in Process Guide Same as FR406, longer drill life Same as FR406 longer drill life
Desmear Chemical Desmear (single pass) Same as FR406 Similar to FR408 (double pass cyclic amine)
Next Generation in Thermally Reliable Laminate
and Prepreg
86IS500 Halogen Free 180 Tg
87 IS415 Product Strengths
- Superior PTH reliability due to very low z-axis
CTE - Very high Tg (200C by TMA) compared to FR4
(160ºC by TMA) - Non-phenolic based resin system
- Very high decomposition temperature (375C)
suitable for Pb-free assembly - Dielectric constant comparable to Std High Tg FR4
- Dissipation factor comparable to Std High Tg FR4
(20 lower than phenolic resin systems) - Low cost of ownership relative to modified epoxy
systems with Mid-Dk, mid-Df performance
88 IS415 Product Positioning
- The only low cost, non-phenolic, lead free
substrate in the market - As a substitute for Std. FR4 requiring lead-free
performance without sacrificing electrical
performance - An improvement over phenolic-based FR4 materials
by providing lower loss comparable to Std FR4
materials - An alternative to filled phenolic resin systems
that are more susceptible to insulation
resistance failures -
89IS415 Laminate Thermal Properties
Property Units FR406 IS410 IS415 P95
Tg, (DSC) ºC 170 180 190 260
Td, (TGA) ºC 290 350 375 416
a 1, z-axis (amb - Tg) ppm/ºC 65 50 50 55
Solder Float, 288C sec gt220 gt500 gt1000 gt1200
T-260, (TMA) min 10 gt60 gt60 gt60
T-288, (TMA) min lt1 gt10 gt20 gt60
Dk (2 GHz) 3.9 3.9 3.8 4.2
Df (2 GHz) .018 .023 .017 .014
Isola Material Tested 0.008, 44 Resin Content
90IS415 Laminate Thermal Properties
IS415 Tg by TMA 196C (Better Thermal Performance)
91IS415 Dk Matrix
92IS415 Df Matrix
93IS415 Attenuation Comparison
- FR406 and IS415 are best in class - Loss close to
Getek type products - PCL 370 HR is the highest loss product in this
94 IS415 Processing Cross Reference
FR406 IS410 IS415
Scaling See Scaling Table in Process Guide Same as FR406 Similar to FR408
Oxide Multiple options available Same as FR406 Same as FR406/8
Lamination ROR 8 - 12F/min Cure 360F (60 min) Pressure 250 - 300 psi ROR 8 - 12 F/min Cure 375F (50 min) Pressure 250 - 300 psi ROR 8 - 12 F/min Cure 375F (90 min) Pressure 250 - 300 psi
Drilling See Drilling Table in Process Guide Same as FR406, longer drill life Same as FR406 longer drill life
Desmear Chemical Desmear (single pass) Same as FR406 Similar to FR408 (double pass cyclic amine)
96IS500 Halogen Free 180 Tg
97 IS500 Product Strengths
- High Tg (180C) Halogen-Free PCB substrate
- Superior Dk across frequency (3.8 - 4.3) closely
matching High Tg FR4 - Loss Tangent comparable to High Tg FR4 (.016 -
.018) - Very Low z-axis CTE (2.3), as compared to Std
FR4 (4) - Superior Thermal Reliability, capable of meeting
lead-free requirements (T260 and T288 gt60
minutes) - Low moisture absorption (0.2)
- Very high copper peel strength 8 lb/in. (1.4KN/m)
after thermal stress - Global product availability (N. America, Europe,
Asia) by early 2005
98 IS500 Product Positioning
- Competitive Products Hitachi E-67G(H), Hitachi
E-679FG, Polyclad PCL-HF-571F, Nelco D1049 (beta) - Superior Dk relative to all currently available
Halogen-Free substrates (3.8 vs. 4.5 - 5.0) - Globally manufactured High Tg, Halogen Free PCB
Substrate - Low z-axis CTE, ideal for IST critical
applications - 40 higher peel strengths than competitive
materials - Significant Cost Advantage
99 IS500 Thermal Characteristics
TG DSC - 180C TMA - 170C DMA -
210C CTE (z-axis, RT - 120 C) lt TG 35 -
40 ppm/C gt TG 180 ppm/C T260 (TMA) gt
60 min T288 (TMA) gt 60 min TD
(TGA) 400C Thermal stress tests
Solder dip _at_ 288C gt 5 minutes passed 10x
10 sec _at_ 288C passed High Pressure Cooker
Test passed (30 min solder dip 20 sec _at_ 260
100 IS500 Physical Characteristics
Flammability V-0 Moisture uptake (D24/23)
0.12 Dk _at_ 10 GHz 4.0 Df _at_ 10 GHz 0.0147
- 0.0154 Alkali Resistance passed (D24/125,
20 min. _at_ 70C 20 min. _at_ in 10 NaOH) CTI
(Comparative Tracking Index) 300 Color Dark
Yellow Peel Strength gt 7.0 lb/in. (1.4KN/m)
101IS500 Dk matrix
102IS500 - Df matrix
103 IS500 Attenuation Comparison
- FR406 and IS415 are best in class - Loss close to
Getek type products - PCL 370 HR is the highest loss product in this
104 IS500 Processing Cross Reference
FR406 IS410 IS500
Scaling See Scaling Table in Process Guide Same as FR406 Currently using FR406 scaling factors (additional characterization reqd)
Oxide Multiple options available Same as FR406 Same as FR406/8
Lamination ROR 8 - 12F/min Cure 360F (60 min) Pressure 250 - 300 psi ROR 8 - 12 F/min Cure 375F (50 min) Pressure 250 - 300 psi ROR 8 - 12 F/min Cure 390F (90 min) Pressure 300 psi
Drilling See Drilling Table in Process Guide Same as FR406, longer drill life See Drilling table in following slides
Desmear Chemical Desmear (single pass) Same as FR406 Similar to FR408 (double pass cyclic amine)
105 Isola Technology Agenda
- Isola Product Technology Roadmap
- Isola Lead Free, FR4 Replacement Product
Solutions - Isola High Speed, Signal Integrity Product
Solutions - Reliability
- Overview of Isola Test Capabilities
107IS500 Halogen Free 180 Tg
108FR408 Positioning and Value Proposition
- Positioning
- FR408 is a high performance FR-4 epoxy laminate
and prepreg system designed for advanced
circuitry applications. - As an improvement over Std. FR4, FR408 offers
improved electrical properties as well as Pb-Free
compatibility. - As an alternative to PPO resin systems, FR408
offers lower signal loss improving electrical
performance. - As an alternative to PPO resin systems, FR408
offers a 33 lower CTE improving PTH reliability - As an alternative to modified epoxy systems with
Cyanate Ester, FR408 offers better fracture
toughness making it the product of choice for
high density designs and CAF resistance - Value Proposition
- High thermal performance Tg of 180C by DSC
- Very high decomposition temperature, Td of 360C
by TGA suitable for Pb-Free assembly - Improved Dielectric Properties (Dk 3.3 3.8 Df
0.010 - 0.012) - Superior Processing, closest to conventional FR-4
as compared to all high speed materials
109FR408 Laminate Thermal Properties
Property Units FR406 IS410 G200 FR408 IS620
Tg, (DSC) ºC 170 180 185 180 215
Td, (TGA) ºC 290 350 320 360 353
x-axis (amb - Tg) ppm/ºC 14 11 15 13 13
y-axis (amb - Tg) ppm/ºC 13 13 15 13 14
z-axis (amb - 288C) ppm/ºC 140 140 140 120 110-120
Solder Float, 288C sec gt220 gt500 gt1200 gt500 gt 800
T-260, (TMA) min 10 gt60 20 gt60 gt60
T-288, (TMA) min lt1 gt10 8 20 gt15
Material Tested 0.008, 44 Resin
110FR408 Laminate Physical Properties
Material Tested 50 Resin Content Material
Tested 0.008, 44 Resin Content
111FR408 Dk matrix
112FR408 Df matrix
114IS500 Halogen Free 180 Tg
115IS620 Ad
116 IS620 Product Strengths
- Superior Electrical Performance - The Loss With
IS620 is Lower at Higher Frequencies and Stays
Stable, the Response With APPE is Not Stable and
it Increases With Frequency - IS620 is a Thermoset Resin, Unlike APPE Resins
Which Are Thermoplastic Blends. The APPE Resin
Conforms While IS620 Flows - IS620 Does Not Use Special Glass and is Therefore
Available in Standard Sizes and is Not Subject to
the Supply Issues - The Cost of Ownership vs. Performance is Very
Favorable With IS620 - Superior PTH reliability due to very low z-axis
CTE - The Only Lead-Free Compatible Product in its Class
117 IS620 Product Positioning
- Appropriate for High Speed Digital applications
up to 5 Gbps - As a performance upgrade replacement for Nelco
N4000-13 Product due to its ease of processing
and superior thermal and electrical attributes at
a slightly lower cost of ownership - As a substitute for Nelco N4000-13SI Products due
to its ease of processing, availability and lower
cost of ownership - As a replacement for APPE resin systems due to
its much lower cost of ownership and availability - As a replacement for Rogers 4350 in the lower to
mid end designs due to its stable electrical
performance at a substantially reduced cost - As a substitute for G-200/BT applications due to
its better thermal and electrical performance at
similar cost - As the lead-free low loss product
118IS620 Laminate Thermal Properties
Property Units FR406 G200 IS415 IS500 IS620 IS640
Tg, (DSC) ºC 170 185 190 170 215 220
Td, (TGA) ºC 290 320 370 400 353 350
x-axis (amb - Tg) ppm/ºC 14 15 13 13 11 11
y-axis (amb - Tg) ppm/ºC 13 15 14 14 13 10
z-axis (amb - 288C) 4.4 3.5 2.9 2.8 2.8 3.6
Solder Float, 288C sec gt220 gt1200 gt1200 TBD gt800 TBD
T-260, (TMA) min 10 20 gt60 gt60 gt60 gt60
T-288, (TMA) min lt1 8 gt20 gt15 gt15 gt10
Material Tested 0.008, 44 Resin
119IS620 Laminate Physical Properties
Property Units FR406 G200 IS415 IS500 IS620 IS640
Dk, 2 GHz 3.9 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.6 3.0-3.6
Dk, 10 GHz 3.8 - 3.7 3.8 3.55 3.0-3.6
Df, 2 GHz .018 .012 .016 .016 .008 lt.0045
Df, 10 GHz .019 - .017 .017 .008 lt.0045
Electrical Strength V/mil 1100 1175 gt1000 1000 1400 TBD
Peels, 1oz lbs./in. 8 7 gt6.3 gt6.3 gt6.3 gt5.5
Flammability 94V-0 94V-0 94V-0 94V-0 94V-0 94V-0
Moisture Absorption 0.20 0.14 0.26 0.12 0.15 0.40
UL Recognition FR-4 FR-4 FR-4 TBD GPY Non ANSI
Material Tested 0.030(5-2116), 52 Resin
120IS620 Dk Matrix
121IS640 Df matrix
122IS620 vs. Modified Epoxy Special Glass
123IS620 Attenuation 16 Transmission Line
Data courtesy Northrup Grumman
124IS620 Attenuation Comparison
- IS620 is the best in class product for
dissipation factor
125IS620 TDR Measurements - Siemens
Figure a shows a TDR measurement of the impedance
profile of a 1m conductor in layer HF 1. For
comparison purposes TDR results of conductors in
a board made from IS 620 and R04350 are
confronted. The difference of the impedance
course can be basically attributed to 2 reasons
1. Inevitable different geometrical
dimensions (line width, height of chamber etc.)
of the two boards 2. Different dielectric
figures for both materials Due to different
dielectric figures of different types of material
there are varying delays of electrical signals.
Also these delays can be taken from TDR
measurements. The difference in time of the
scarped flanks at the end of the effective range
marks the double difference in delay (feed and
return run of signal) of electrical signals.
a) Time Domain Reflectometry
126IS620 S21 Measurements - Siemens
TDR measurements allow a very precise
determination of running time differences and
thereof the differences of dielectric figures.
However, in order to identify damping
characteristics, gauging in the frequency range
are more suitable. In order to do so scattering
parameters S21 (transmisson damping) of both
materials are compared. Figure b shows that
there are no differences in damping features of
both materials in a range of up to 15GHz. As a
result of this it can be said that both materials
hold nearly the same dissipation factors tan d.
b) Frequency Domain
127IS620 Lead Free Assembly Testing
128IS620 Pb-Free Simulation NEMI Parameters
129IS620 Lead-Free Assembly European Customer A
130IS620 Lead-Free Assembly European Customer B
131Plated-Thru Holes after 8x Reflow Process
132IS620 Thermal Analysis (before and after 8x
Reflow Simulation)
Before Reflow Simulation After Reflow
Simulation CTE before Tg 61.2 ppm/?C -
181?C CTE after Tg 259.0 ppm/?C -
181-269?C CTE after Tg 786.0 ppm/?C -
269-288?C Overall CTE 155.9 ppm/?C -
20-288?C TGA 350?C 349?C DSC Tg
Cleave A 199-200?C Delta 1?C DSC Tg Cleave
B 198-199?C Delta 1?C Peak Tan Delta 171?C and
269?C T-260 by TMA 60 minutes 60
minutes T-288 by TMA 2.8, 2.9, 3.0, 3.7
minutes Weight Loss 0.4 to 260?C
0.4 to 260?C
Samples of the finished test cards were sent to
Isola for thermal analysis prior to reflow
simulation. The results shown support the claim
that the IS620 would perform as expected in the
reflow simulation. Additional, samples were
submitted to the Isola RD lab after 8 reflow
133IS620 Lead-Free Assembly Summary
- Feedback from the Market
- IS620 Passes Lead-Free Assembly Testing 7x at
Merix - IS620 Passes Lead-Free Assembly Testing 6x at PPC
- Positive Results at all customers to date
- Finished Board thermal analysis demonstrates T260
greater than 60 minutes - Finished Board decomposition temperature greater
than 350 C - Joint Press-Release with Merix on Lead-Free
IS620 Lead Free is getting great traction in the
market and we are already seeing a strong Ramp
up. It is now the only Lead Free product in its
134 Isola Processing Cross Reference
FR408 IS620 IS640
Scaling 30 greater in Grain Similar to FR408 in Fill Currently evaluating (using IS620 factors)
Oxide Same as FR406/8 Same as FR406/8 Same as FR406/8
Lamination ROR 8 - 12 F/min Cure 375F (90 min) Pressure 275 - 350 psi 40 min soak 200F ROR 4 F/min Cure 390F (120 min) Pressure 350 - 400 psi ROR 3 - 5 F/min Cure 390F (150 min) Pressure 200 - 250 psi
Drilling Similar to N4000-13 or N4000-13SI Similar to N4000-13 or N4000-13SI Similar to R4350 FS Drill life substantially better than R4350
Desmear Double Pass Desmear Plasma Desmear Similar to FR408 (prefer Plasma Desmear) Similar to FR406
Next Generation Low Loss
136IS640 Ad
137IS500 Halogen Free 180 Tg
138 IS640 Product Strengths
- Superior Signal Integrity - flat Df from 2 to
15 GHz - Stable Dielectric Constant from 2 to 15 GHz
- Customized Dk for different applications
(ie.3.0, 3.20, 3.25, 3.38, 3.45) - Utilizes Standard E-Glass
- Standard Thicknesses Available
- Tack-free prepreg for ease in handling
- Superior Drilling performance
- Conventional FR-4 processing
- Compatible with Isola IS410, FR406 FR408
- Lower Cost of Ownership
139IS640 Product Positioning
- Applicable for RF Microwave/High-Speed Digital
Market (5 Gbps) - Capable of meeting lead-free requirements
- IS640 prepreg is non-tacky, unlike Rogers 4350
- Significant Cost Advantage
- Rogers 4350 has 60 ceramic filler in the
resin, more difficult drilling
140IS640 Material Properties
Electrical Properties Values Dk _at_ 2
GHz 3.43 Dk _at_ 5 GHz 3.43 Dk _at_ 10 GHz
3.43 Df _at_ 2 GHz 0.0037 Df _at_ 5
GHz 0.0038 Df _at_ 10 GHz 0.0038 Mechanical
Properties Values Peel Strength - after thermal
stress 4 lbs/in (1/2 oz)RT Flammability 94
V-0 T- 260 gt 60 minutes Tg - DSC 220
Degrees C All tests run on 0.030 2116
with 52 retained resin Electrical properties
tested by Bereskin Stripline Method
141IS640 Stripline Dk Comparison
142IS640 Stripline Df Comparison
143IS640 Dk matrix High Speed Digtal
Electrical test data by Bereskin Stripline Method
at ambient temp.
Tg tested by DSC Td tested by TGA _at_ onset
144IS640 Df matrix High Speed Digital
Electrical Data tested by Bereskin Stripline
Method at ambient temp.
Tg tested by DSC Td tested by TGA _at_ onset
145IS640 RF/ Microwave 3.45 and 3.38 Dk
Tested per IPC TM 650
146IS640 Rf/ Microwave Df matrix 3.45 and 3.38 Dk
Tested per IPC TM 650
147IS640 RF/ Microwave 3.25 3.20 Dk
Tested per IPC TM 650
148IS640 RF/ Microwave Df matrix 3.25 3.20 Dk
Tested per IPC TM 650
149IS640 RF/ Microwave - 3.00 Dk
Tested per IPC TM 650
150 Isola Processing Cross Reference
FR408 IS620 IS640
Scaling 30 greater in Grain Similar to FR408 in Fill Currently evaluating (using IS620 factors)
Oxide Same as FR406/8 Same as FR406/8 Same as FR406/8
Lamination ROR 8 - 12 F/min Cure 375F (90 min) Pressure 275 - 350 psi 40 min soak 200F ROR 4 F/min Cure 390F (120 min) Pressure 350 - 400 psi ROR 3 - 5 F/min Cure 390F (150 min) Pressure 200 - 250 psi
Drilling Similar to N4000-13 or N4000-13SI Similar to N4000-13 or N4000-13SI Similar to R4350 FS Drill life substantially better than R4350
Desmear Double Pass Desmear Plasma Desmear Similar to FR408 (prefer Plasma Desmear) Similar to FR406
151 Isola Technology Agenda
- Isola Product Technology Roadmap
- Isola Lead Free, FR4 Replacement Product
Solutions - Isola High Speed, Signal Integrity Product
Solutions - Reliability
- Overview of Isola Test Capabilities
152PWB Reliability Test Methods
- Interconnect Stress Testing (IST)
153Interconnect Stress Testing (IST)
- IST is an accelerated stress test method
- Creates uniform strain from within substrate
- DC current is used to heat the PTH barrels and
forced convection cooling to cycle PTH - Technique identifies and assesses the severity of
post separation and barrel cracks
154Test Method Comparison
155IST Data Analysis
- Failure defined as resistance degradation
156IST Weibull Analysis
- Benefits of Weibull Analysis method
- Accounts for infant mortality
- Requires few data points to fit data
- Attributes of Weibull Distribution
- Good Fit of data Shape parameter (slope) gt 3
- Number of cycles at 1 failure gt 75 cycles
- MTTF (Mean Time to Failure) is a meaningful
summary of data
157PWB Reliability Test Methods
158Hi-Potential Testing (Hi-Pot)
- Hi-Pot testing is analogous to high voltage
testing - Determine the state of the materials electrical
insulation - Synonymous terms
- Voltage withstanding test
- Dielectric strength testing
- Insulation breakdown testing
- Technique to test the insulation resistance of
materials - ZBC used in buried distributive capacitance
Reference Buried Capacitance and thin laminates
159PWB Reliability Test Methods
- Conductive Anodic Filament (CAF) Failure
160Conductive Anodic Filament (CAF)
- CAF formation was first reported in 1976, but
field failures were identified later in the 1980s - Electrochemical failure
- Growth of copper containing filament along
epoxy-glass interface - Bell Laboratories investigated mechanism of CAF
formation - Physical degradation of glass/epoxy bond
- Moisture absorption occurs under high humidity
conditions - An electrochemical pathway develops and
electrochemical corrosion occurs - Water acts as electrolyte, the copper circuitry
becomes the anode and cathode, and the operating
voltages acts as the driving potential
161CAF Pathways
162CAF Test Vehicle
- Sun Microsystems Test Board
- 10 Layer Board, .050
- Single Ply 2116 Construction
- All Layers, B and C-Stage
A1 - A4 Hole to Hole In Line with Glass B1 - B4
Hole to Hole Diagonal to Glass C1 - C4 Hole
to Plane Clearance (antipad) D1 D2 Plane to
163PWB Reliability Test Methods
164Registration Summary
- Registration error composed of several different
sources - Types Offset error, Compensation error, angle
error, random noise - Offset error
- Related to tooling processes
- Punch, pinning, and drilling
- Compensation error
- Related to scaling artwork
- Material movement or artwork movement
- Angle error
- Related to a rotational misalignment
- Post-etch punch machines that are miscalibrated
- Random noise
- Ready, W. Jud, Turbini, Laura J., Conductive
Anodic Filament Failure A Material Perspective
/PRICM_1998/materialsperspective_short.pdf - Biunno, Nicholas, Schroeder, Greg, Buried
Capacitance and Thin Laminates.
ry/BNPCoverStoryItem/0,2135,119345,00.html - PCB reliability testing with Interconnect Stress
Test. http//www.polarinstruments.com/support/reli
ability/ap301.html - McQuarrie, Wm. Gray, Control of Key Registration
Variables for Improved Process Yields on Dense
MLBs. www.isola-usa.com
166 Isola Technology
- Isola Product Technology Roadmap
- Isola Lead Free, FR4 Replacement Product
Solutions - Isola High Speed, Signal Integrity Product
Solutions - Reliability
- Overview of Isola Test Capabilities
167Isola Laboratory Capabilities
168Isola Analytical lab Capabilities
IPC-4101A Qualification and Conformance Testing
- Thermal Analysis
- Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC)
- Tg, delta Tg
- Thermomechanical Analysis (TMA)
- X, Y, Z- CTE, Tg, T-260, T-288
- Dynamic Mechanical Analysis (DMA)
- Tg, Modulus
- 4 Camera CTE (X and Y)
- Rheometer
- Gel Window, Minimum Viscosity
- Microscopy
- Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
- Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS)
- Optical Microscopy (Microsectioning including
thermal stress) - Fourier-Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
- Coulometric Titration (Moisture Content)
169Isola Analytical Lab Capabilities
- Electrical Testing
- Dielectric Constant/ Dissipation Factor
- 1 MHz (Two Fluid)
- 100 MHz to 1.5 GHz (HP 4291A)
- 1 GHz to 20 GHz (Bereskin Method)
- Network Analyzer and full signal integrity bench
- Electric Strength
- Hi-Pot
- Arc Resistance
- Insulation Resistance
- Conductive Anodic Filament (CAF)
- Physical Testing
- Dimensional Stability
- 4 Camera System
- Peel Strength
- UL Flammability
- Oxygen Index
- Flexural Strength
- Compressive Strength
- Bond Strength
- Shear Strength
- Warp and Twist
- Surface Profilometry
170Agilent PNA/PLTS Signal Integrity Bench
171Signal Integrity with Eye Diagrams
172Mechanical Analysis
173Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)
174Isola Competitive Advantage Product Technology
- Development Methodology
- Modeling
- Large IP Portfolio and Large Data base of
Research - Strong Development and Process Technology group
- Neat Resin characterization and modeling
- Infrastructure
- Pilot manufacturing facilities
- Best in class Analytical Labs
- Global footprint with Regional Centers of
excellence - Investment in new Technology
- Focus on cost effective technologies
- Isolas new Technologies based on unique
formulas using components vs. prepackaged value
priced Technologies from Vendors
Leading Technology Player