Title: Biomes: Global Patterns of Life
1Biomes Global Patterns of Life
- Biomes - Areas sharing similar climate,
topographic and soil conditions, and roughly
comparable communities. - Temperature and precipitation determine biome
distribution. - Identified by the dominant plants
- Climatograms-a graph of the average monthly
rainfall and average monthly temperature from a
given area
5Aquatic Biomes
- 2 types
- Marine (ocean, estuaries, coral reefs)
- Freshwater (lakes, streams, rivers, wetlands)
6Aquatic Living
- Differences from land
- fewer physical boundaries
- more complex food webs and chains
- more difficult to monitor
- Limiting factors
- temperature
- access to sunlight
- dissolved oxygen content
- availability of nutrients
7Marine Ecosystems
- Cover about 3/4s of the Earths surface and
include oceans, coral reefs, and estuaries - Described by depth and distance from the shore
- Organisms tend to form distinctive vertical
sub-communities. - Phytoplankton or algae basis of food web
- Ocean currents help distribute
nutrients and phytoplankton
- largest of all the ecosystems
- dominate the Earths surface
- separate zones
- Intertidal
- Pelagic
- Abyssal
- Benthic
- richest diversity of species even though it
contains fewer species than there are on land
10Intertidal Zone
- Where the ocean meets the
land - Sometimes submerged and at
other times exposed - Waves and tides come in and out
- Communities are constantly changing
- Types of organisms that live here?
11Pelagic Open Ocean
- Water further from the land, basically the open
ocean - Generally cold though it is hard to give a
general temperature range - Thermal stratification with a constant mixing of
warm and cold ocean currents
13Epipelagic Open Ocean
- extends down to around 200m
- lowest depth that light can penetrate (photic
zone) - flora in the epipelagic zone include surface
seaweeds - fauna include many species of fish and some
mammals, such as whales and dolphins - many feed on the abundant plankton
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15Mesopelagic Zone
- "twilight zone" of the ocean
- photic zone above
- darkness below
- food becomes scarce some animals
- migrate up to the surface at night to feed
- rely on food that falls down from above
- eat each other
- sometimes the only things to eat may be bigger
than the hunter - developed long sharp teeth
- expandable jaws and stomachs
16 ctenophore related to
jellyfish Big Scale - ambush predator
cilia can be illuminated
Firefly squid
three kinds of
photophores Hatchet Fish only a few
inches long
specially adapted
hinged skull Dragonfish - stomachs hold
big meals Snipeel up to 1.2m
Siphonophores are colonies of animals
related to jellyfish
best known is Portugese Man of War
17Bathypelagic Zone
- extends down from 1000 to 4000m
- only light is from bioluminescent organisms
- only food is what trickles down from above, or
from eating other animals - water pressure at this depth is considerable
(100 400 atmospheres) - most animals are either black or red in color
- very little blue/green light penetrates this deep
red is not reflected and looks black
18 Narcomedusa Vampire Squid Snake
Dragon Angler Fish
Amphi - crustacean
voracious predator
Deepstaria very slow swimmers,
no tentacles, close flexible bells
(up to a meter across) around
their prey
Big Red
grows to over
a meter across
19Abyssopelagic Zone - the Abyss
- 4000m to the sea floor
- home to pretty inhospitable living conditions
- near- freezing temperatures
- crushing pressures
20- Deep Water Squid
Basketstar -
Sea Pig
Sea Spider
- Shrimp
Winged Sea Cucumber -
Medussa -
- Deep Sea Smoker - 648F
Deep-sea Anemone
Hydrothermal Vent
21Coral Reefs
- Coral Reefs made up of skeletons of coral
(calcium carbonate) algae live in top layer
which is alive - Highly productive area
- Usually found near land in shallow, warm salt
water - Lots of light
- Tropical temperatures, averaging 70-85 F
- Most coral cannot survive below 65 F
22Human Impacts on Coral Reefs
- Increased sediment from construction,
agriculture, development - Inhibits growth of coral polyps
- Inhibits algae growth
- Destructive fishing
- Rampling by tourists and divers
- Ship groundings, pollution,
- overfishing
23Tidal Environments
- Tidal Marshes and Estuaries partially enclosed
body of water formed when rivers and oceans meet - Brackish water
- Salinity typically grades from normal marine
salinity at the tidal inlet to fresh water at the
mouth of the river. - Carry rich sediments from downstream
- Estuaries are extremely fertile because nutrients
are brought in by rivers and recycled from the
bottom because of the turbulence. - High species diversity and productivity
- Estuaries are sometimes called marine nurseries
- habitats for many juvenile organisms, especially
for fishes - many fish are born and grow up in estuaries
- 2/3 of all marine fish and shellfish spawn or
develop in estuaries - migrate to the open ocean
25Barrier Islands
- Barrier Islands - Low, narrow, sandy islands that
form offshore from a coastline. - Protect inland shores from storms, waves and
tides - Human impacts
- Development
- Loss of vegetation triggers erosion
26Freshwater Ecosystems
- Freshwater is defined as having a low salt
concentrationusually less than 1
- Lakes
- Divided into three different zones determined
by depth and distance from the shoreline - littoral zone
- limnetic zone
- profundal zone
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29Littoral Zone
- warmest since it is shallow and can absorb more
of the Suns heat - sustains a fairly diverse community, which can
include several species of algae (like diatoms),
rooted and floating aquatic plants, grazing
snails, clams, insects, crustaceans, fishes, and
amphibians - the egg and larvae stages of some insects are
found in this zone - vegetation and animals living in the littoral
zone are food for other creatures such as
turtles, snakes, and ducks
30Profundal Zone
- Plankton have short life spanswhen they die,
they fall into the deep-water part of the
lake/pond - much colder and denser than the other two
- little light penetrates all the way through the
limnetic zone into the profundal zone - animals are decomposers
31Limnetic Zone
- near-surface open water surrounded by the
littoral zone - well-lighted (like the littoral zone) and is
dominated by plankton, both phytoplankton and
zooplankton - variety of freshwater fish also occupy this zone
32Lake Temperature
- Varies seasonally
- In summer warm layers on top, colder at bottom,
separated by thermocline-where temp of water
changes rapidly with depth - In fall water turns over, mixing occurs.
- In winter ice forms cold at the top, warmer at
the bottom. - In spring another turnover. Spring turnover
stimulates algae growth!
33Ponds and Lakes
34Streams and Rivers
- characteristics change during the journey from
the source to the mouth - At the source, temperature is cooler, water is
clearer with high oxygen levels - At the middle, width increases, as does species
diversitynumerous aquatic green plants and algae
can be found - At the mouth, water becomes murky from all the
sediments decreasing the amount of light that can
penetrate through the water
35Streams Rivers
- Land surface is covered with standing water at
least part of the year. - Swamps - Wetlands with trees.
- Marshes - Wetlands without trees.
- Bogs and Fens - Waterlogged soils that tend to
accumulate peat. - Importance
- Major breeding, nesting and migration areas
- Flood control, coastal protection, ground water
recharge, water purification - 1 acre of wetland holds 1.5 million gallons of
39Use and abuse of fresh water
- dams, diversions, canals fragment large rivers,
alters wildlife habitats - levees alter and destroy habitat
- cities and farms add pollutants and excess
nutrients - draining or filling more than ½ in U.S from
1600 no longer exist