CSIR NET Life Science Important Topics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CSIR NET Life Science Important Topics


Know about the Important topics from the Life Science subject of CSIR NET Exam conducted by NTA. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: CSIR NET Life Science Important Topics

CSIR NET Life Science Important topics
Being a broader subject, life science has many
topics which make the CSIR NET syllabus
huge. So, how you have to deal with all these
topics? Dont worry as here weve provided the
list of important topics of CSIR NET life science
subject. You are suggested to check the complete
Unit -1 Molecules and their Interaction Relevant
to Biology
  • The stabilizing bonds between macromolecules
  • Protein conformations, dihedral bonds and
    Ramachandran plot, techniques to determine
    different conformations, and their sequencing.
  • Metabolic pathways of carbohydrates including
    glycolytic and TCA cycle steps, regulation
    (specially allosteric and feedback inhibition),
    enzymes cofactors involved and stoichiometry, ETC
    and ATP synthesis (along with inhibitors) (very

Unit -1 Molecules and their Interaction Relevant
to Biology
  • Protein conformations, dihedral bonds and
    Ramachandran plot, techniques to determine
    different conformations, and their sequencing.
  • Numerical questions on molarity, pH buffer and
    thermodynamic (delta G calculation in various
    cellular processes).

Get Detailed information for CSIR NET Life
Science from Here.
Unit -2 Cellular Organisation
  • Protein transport pathways to various organelles,
    cytoskeletal components like actin, dynein,
    kinesin and their function in different cellular
    processes, enzymatic contents of cellular
    organelles like Golgi, lysosomes, peroxisomes,
    diseases associated with their impaired
    functions, protein modifications in ER.
  • Lipid rafts, FRAP, freeze etching.
  • Cellular fractionation-based questions will also
    be asked.

Unit -2 Cellular Organisation
  • Various types of ion channels, pumps, and
    transporters, their inhibitors (its very
    important to memorize their names and exact mode
    of inhibition, membrane destabilizing agents,
    detergent treatments (mostly experimental based
    questions are expected), membrane potential and
    what causes a change in the potential.
  • Membrane structure and function The composition
    and nature in detail, all types of phospholipids
    and proteins, their distribution in the membrane,
    RBC membrane components such as Band.

Unit 3 Fundamental Processes
  • RNA Transcription Transcription factors in
    prokaryotes and eukaryotes, RNA polymerase,
    machinery, initiation complex formation, capping,
    polyadenylation, types of RNA splicing
    spliceosome components, RNA editing.
  • DNA Replication Meselson Stahl Experiment,
    prokaryotic and eukaryotic replication, different
    types of DNA polymerases and their specific

Unit 3 Fundamental Processes
  • Gene regulation in eukaryotes Phage gene
    regulation Lytic and lysogenic phases and genes
  • Individual stages of the processes (initiation,
    elongation, termination) and the components
    involved (like enzymes, activators, inhibitors,
  • Gene silencing methods, RNAi

Unit 4 - Cell Communication and Cell Signaling
  • The 1st subunit
  • The 2nd subunit deals with cell signalling
  • The 3rd subunit is about cell communication
  • 4th subunit

Unit 5 Developmental Biology
  • Gametogenesis with special emphasis on stages and
    chromosome number, fertilization process, slow
    block and fast block to polyspermy.
  • Types of eggs and various cleavage patterns and
    examples of organisms in which it takes place,
    fate maps.
  • The important terms and terminologies such as
    potency, commitment, induction, competence,
    cytoplasmic determinants and morphogenetic
    gradients in-depth concepts with reference to
    the different developmental processes.

Unit 5 Developmental Biology
  • Drosophila developmental stages all types of
    maternal and zygotic genes involved with the
    detailed process of function. Very scoring topic
  • Differentiating between terms such as
    specification, differentiation, and
    determination. Types of specifications such as
    autonomous, conditional and regulative with
  • From plant development focus on topics such as
    double fertilization, leaf development, meristems
    and their transition to flowering, and complete
    floral development (along with ABC model) with
    emphasis on the genes involved in Arabidopsis and

Unit 6 System Psychology - Plant
  • Biotic and abiotic stress Plants detailed
    mechanisms for adapting to different stress
  • Sensory photobiology phytochrome, cryptochrome,
    phototropin, photoperiodism, short-day plants,
    long-day plants, behavior and response of a plant
    to different colored lights.

Unit 6 System Psychology - Plant
  • Photosynthesis C2, C3, C4, CAM pathway, TCA,
    photorespiration, oxidative phosphorylation,
    cyclic and noncyclic photophosphorylation.
  • Solute transport, Water potential concept.
  • Stomatal opening and closure by various triggers.

Unit 7 System Psychology Animal
  • Cardiac cycle, heartbeats, blood pressure, blood
    volume regulation, different serum contents.
  • Different neurotransmitters and action potential,
    you may expect a combined question with Unit 2
    with respect to membrane or Unit 4 with respect
    to cell signaling.
  • Gaseous exchange hemoglobin, myoglobin, their
    behavior with oxygen like left and right shift.

Unit 7 System Psychology Animal
  • Kidney filtration system, structure, and function
    of different parts of a nephron, regulation of
    water balance.
  • Sense organs structure and function of
    different parts of the ear.
  • Reproduction-hormones in processes such as
    gametogenesis and ovulation.

Unit 8 Inheritance Biology
  • Different genetic crosses, pedigree, ABO blood
    grouping, multiple genes, complementation,
    mitotic and meiotic non-disjunction, tetrad
  • Mutations (mutational studies based questions
    expected) which can be also covered under Unit 3.
  • Microbial genetics and interrupted mating
    experiments, (Hfr mapping, methods of genetic
    transfers transformation, conjugation,
    transduction and sex-duction, mapping genes by
    interrupted mating).

Unit 8 Inheritance Biology
  • Mendelian ratios, their statistics, terms like
    codominance, incomplete dominance, pleiotropy,
    genomic imprinting, penetrance, expressivity,
    phenocopy, linkage, crossing over, sex linkage,
    sex limited and sex influenced characters,
    maternal inheritance and various gene interactions

Unit 9 Diversity of Life Forms
  • Different protozoan and bacterial diseases.
  • alpha-beta-gamma taxonomy.
  • binomial nomenclature.
  • The evolutionary relationships among taxa
    (graphical or phylogenetic tree, common ancestor
    based questions expected).
  • Hierarchical taxa.
  • common parasite and pathogens for different hosts.

Unit 10 Ecological Principles
  • Rules in Ecology like Bergmanns rule, Allens
    rule, Glogers rule, Yodas law.
  • Pyramids of energy and population, thermal
    stratification in lentic ecosystem
  • Population Ecology r and k selection, Hardy
    Weinberg Law, gene pool, Concepts and rate of
    change in gene frequency through natural
    selection, survivorship curves, population
    characteristics and regulation, population growth
    curves, metapopulation, terms like demes,
    dispersal, interdemic extinction, age-structured
    population are important.

Unit 10 Ecological Principles
  • The structure of an ecological organization, like
    organisms, population, community, ecosystem,
    biomes, and biosphere. It is required to have a
    good knowledge of the major biomes of the world.
  • Basic Ecology Fundamentals of Ecology by Eugene
    P. Odum.
  • Biosphere reserves and sanctuaries in different
    states of India, the difference between
    adaptation and acclimatization, recent concerns
    like anthropological activities, global warming,
    environmental pollution, monitoring, its effects
    on biodiversity, Project Tiger.
  • Structure and components of different types of
    ecosystems like terrestrial, forest, grassland
    and aquatic.

Unit 11 Evolution and Behavior
  • Phylogenetic tree and cladogram, molecular
    evolution, molecular divergence, clocks, tools,
    protein, and nucleotide gene analysis, new
    protein or gene origin, duplication, divergence.
  • The concept of speciation types such as
    allopatric, parapatric and sympatric
  • Genetic drift changes through natural selection.
  • Ensure you know all the types of selection like
    directional, stabilizing and disruptive
  • Concept clarity should be there about the
    founders effect and bottleneck effect

Unit 11 Evolution and Behavior
  • Natural selection Lamarck concept, Darwinism,
    adaptation, variation, struggle, fitness, the
    spontaneity of mutation.
  • Geological time scale Ontology, evolutionary
    history, Major events in different eras, periods,
    epochs. You can use some mnemonic code to
    memorize them.
  • Concept of Oparin and Haldane Experiment of
  • Adaptive radiation, endosymbiotic theory.

Unit 12 Applied Biology
  • Various bioresources, and uses in biodiversity,
    bioremediation and phytoremediation, purpose and
    the different organisms involved.
  • You may expect some experimental questions on
    marker-assisted selection breeding of qualitative
    and quantitative traits or for disease resistance
    in plant breeding.
  • Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer process.
  • Gene therapy.
  • Different tissue culture requirements for both
    plants and animals.
  • Biosensors.

Unit 13 Methods in Biology
  • mmunological techniques such as ELISA, RIA,
    western blot, immunoprecipitation, flow
    cytometry, immunofluorescence microscopy, FISH
    and GISH.
  • T-test, X2 test
  • Recombinant DNA technology RNA, DNA and proteins
    isolation, separation and analytical techniques
    (1D and 2D gel electrophoresis, isoelectric
    focusing gels), cloning,
  • Recombinant protein expression using various
    bacterial, animal and plant vectors (cosmid, BAC
    and YAC vectors), genomic and cDNA libraries.

Unit 13 Methods in Biology
  • Statistical Methods Mainly questions will be
    asked from probability distributions such as
    Binomial, Poisson and normal.
  • Biophysical methods such as UV/visible,
    fluorescence spectroscopy, circular dichroism,
    NMR, ESR spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction, NMR,
    different types of mass spectrometry.
  • Electrophysiological methods Single neuron
    recording, patch-clamp recording, ECG, Brain
    activity recording, PET, MRI, fMRI, CAT.

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