1ß Thalassemiaan Overview by Abdullatif
2What is thalassemia?
- Thalassemia is a group of inherited disorders of
hemoglobin synthesis characterized by a reduced
or absent output of one or more of the globin
chains of adult hemoglobin . - The name is derived from the Greek words
Thalasso Sea" and "Hemia Blood" in reference
to anemia of the sea.
3Alpha (? ) thalassemia
- It appears when a person does not produce enough
alpha chains for hemoglobin. -
- It is mainly prevalent in the Africa, the Middle
East , India, and occasionally in Mediterranean
region countries.
4Beta (ß) thalassemia
- It appears when a person does not produce enough
beta chains for hemoglobin. - It is mainly prevalent in the Mediterranean
region countries , such as Greece, Cyprus,
Italy, Palestine and Lebanon.
5Types of Thalassemia
- ? thalassemia There are four types categorized
according to the severity of their effects on
persons with thalassemia. - ß thalassemia There are 3 types categorized
according to severity - Thalassemia minor
- Thalassemia intermedia
- Thalassemia major
6Genetics of ß thalassemia
- Monogenic disorder a single gene disorder
- ß thalassemia result from over 150 mutations of
the ß globin genes that result in the absence or
a reduction of the ß globin chains
Source Thalassemia.com
8Transmission of ß thalassemia
- If a carrier (thalassemia minor) marries a
non-carrier, on average half of their children
will be carriers, but none will develop
thalassemia major.
9Transmission ß of thalassemia- Cont
- However if two carriers marry, in each pregnancy
there is a 25 chance of a non-carrier child, a
50 chance of a carrier child (thalassemia
minor), and a 25 chance of a child with
thalassemia major.
10An example of inheritancea carrier married to
a normal person
Source Emirates Thalassemia Society
11An example of inheritance- Contmarriage
between two carriers
Source Emirates Thalassemia Society
12Types of ß thalassemia
- Thalassemia Minor (Trait).
- This can also be called (carrier state),
meaning that the person carries the genetic trait
for thalassemia. - Such people usually practice normal life, but
may suffer from a mild form of anemia.
13Types of ß thalassemia- Cont
- Thalassemia Intermedia.
- Caused by the reduced availability of beta
chains in hemoglobin and can lead to moderate to
severe anemia and an array of complications
including bone deformities and splenomegaly.
14Types of ß thalassemia- Cont
- Thalassemia Major (Cooley's Anemia).
- Caused by the unavailability of beta chains in
hemoglobin leading to a very severe and fatal if
left untreated anemia. - It requires regular blood transfusions leading
to iron-overload which is treated with chelation
therapy to prevent death from organ failure.
15ß thalassemia and malaria
- Thalassemic RBCs offers protection against severe
malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum. - The effect is associated with reduced parasite
multiplication within RBCs. - Among the contributing factors may be the
variable persistence of hemoglobin F, which is
relatively resistant to digestion by malarial
16Signs and symptoms
- Thalassemia carriers (trait)
- Usually no signs or symptoms are apparent,
except for a mild anemia. - Carriers are usually initially detected
through screening, or when performing routine CBC
(complete blood count). Later it can be confirmed
using hemoglobin electrophoresis.
17Signs and symptoms- Cont
- Thalassemia major
- Signs such as paleness and growth
retardation, are readily detectable since the
first year of life. Those are mainly due to
severe anemia. Later bone deformities and
hepato-splenomegaly develops.
18Laboratory diagnosis
- Thalassemia minor
- -Blood smear shows hypochromia and
microcytosis (similar to Iron Deficiency Anemia). - -Blood indices MCVlt 75 fl, Hb usuallygt 10,
Hematocritgt 30, RDW lt 14. - -Hemoglobin A2 often elevated gt 3, sometimes
reaching 7-8.
19Laboratory diagnosis- Cont
- Thalassemia major
- -Blood smear shows profound microcytic
anemia, with extreme hypochromia, tear drop,
target cells and nucleated RBCs. - -Hemoglobin may be very low at 3-4 g/dl.
20Blood picture of a ß thalassemia major patient
Source Cooleys Anemia Foundation
21Prenatal diagnosis
- Early prenatal diagnosis can be done using first
fetal blood sampling, and later chorion villus
biopsy and direct analysis of the globin genes. - The error rate in experienced centers is now well
under 1.
22Management and treatment
- Thalassemia minor (trait)
- No need for any treatment, since the carriers
are usually symptomless. - Thalassemia major
- The severe life-threatening anemia, requires
regular life long blood transfusion, to
compensate for damaged red blood cells.
23Management and treatment- Cont
- Thalassemia Major
- The continuous blood transfusion will
eventually lead to iron overload, which must be
treated with chelation therapy to avoid organ
24Source Cooleys Anemia Foundation
25Management and treatment- Cont
- Thalassemia Major -Continued
- Other novel treatments like bone-marrow
transplantation are very costly. - New treatments includes the use of oral
chelators, to replace the chelation treatment
using Desferal delivered by infusion under the
skin through a battery-operated pump. - Gene therapy is also an option still
26Prevention efforts
- Pre marital screening to make sure that the
couple are not both carriers. - Provision of counseling and health education for
the thalassemics, their families and the public . - Provision of prenatal testing for thalassemia.
- Reduction of marriages between relatives.
27Thalassemia and migrants
- Countries with migrants coming from areas with
high prevalence of thalassemia such as the
Mediterranean region, should be aware of this
problem. - Families with thalassemia carriers may have
increased number of cases including thalassemia
major due to intermarriages between relatives,
especially in closed communities
28Thalassemia and migrants -Cont
- The following recommendations are advised
- 1- Training physicians and medical staff on
thalassemia diagnosis and treatment. - 2- Provision of screening and counseling
services for those exposed. - 3- Provision of appropriate health care and
management for thalassemia patients.
29Thalassemia and migrants -Cont
- 4- Overcoming the communication problems,
including language barrier through utilizing
translators and nurse practitioners. - 5- Community educational programs, involving
community leaders and providing social support.
30Problems commonly faced by thalassemia major
patients in developing countries
- Reduced availability of blood for transfusion.
- Reduced availability of Desferal pumps, less than
third of the patients have access to pumps. - High cost of treatment.
31Problems commonly faced by thalassemia major
patients in developing countries -Cont
- Limited services that blood banks are able to
give. - Unavailability of counseling services.
- Lack of experience and appropriate training among
the health providers to handle thalassemia cases.
- Acknowledgement
- I would Like to thank Dr. Hisham Darwish Dr.
Bashar al-Karmi from - Thalassemia Patients Friends Society (TPFS)-
Palestine - For the valuable information they provided.
- I would also like to express my sincere thanks
for the Palestinian American Research Center
(PARC) for providing me with a grant which
allowed me to conduct research at the University
of Pittsburgh, where I started preparing this