Title: Cagle
1Cagles COMM 142 Review Questions
- Prepare to write a 3-5 paragraph essay in
response to each question. - Each question should be looked at as a
springboard from which you can demonstrate what
you have learned in this course.
2What is rhetorical criticism?
3What is the essential methodology of
neo-classical or traditional criticism?
4- Explain these critical standards
- Rhetorical effect.
- Rhetorical artistry.
- Ethicality or morality.
- Fittingness or propriety.
- Rhetorical competency.
- Truth.
5What is the critical rationale for textual
6What is cultural criticism? How is it different
from traditional criticism?
7- Explain
- The only standard of correctness that exists
relative to rhetorical criticism is that the
critic makes a sound case for any judgments
rendered about the rhetorical act.
8- What did Wichelns mean?
- Literary criticism is concerned with evaluating
the wisdom, beauty, and truth contained in great
works of fiction, while rhetorical criticism is
devoted to assessing the persuasive effect of
situated oratory.
9What did Blair mean? The object which criticism
proposes is, to distinguish what is beautiful and
what is faulty in every performance from
particular instances to ascend to general
principles and so to form rules or conclusions
concerning the several kinds of beauty in works
of genius.
10- What did Parrish mean?
- The effect of a speech is difficult to assess,
but the quality can be determined separately from
its actual impact on an audience.
11- What did Wrage mean?
- Rhetorical criticism can make important
contributions to social and intellectual history.
12- What did Thonssen Baird mean?
- Insightful synthesis integrates the many parts
and makes the seemingly discrete components a
whole piece.
13Explain this approach to criticism common
standards of accuracy, beauty, or effectiveness
are used to assess the manifest features of
14Explain this approach to criticism attempt to
probe the implicit features of messages and
understand the ways in which those features
govern human experience
15In historical research, what are important tests
of evidence?
16Explain the relationship between history and
criticism in rhetorical criticism.
17In cultural criticism, what purpose does the
identification of myths, fantasy themes, and
values serve?
18How would you criticize the arguments in a speech?
19Why would a critic analyze metaphors in
understanding a speech?
20How and why would a critic look at a speakers
use of language and condensation symbols in a
21Traditional criticism is characterized by
objectivity, relying on aesthetics or
effectiveness as critical standards. Contrast
ideological criticism as a methodology.
22How should a film be criticized?
23When a critic does a rhetorical criticism, who is
the audience?