Title: By Jacqui Harrington
1The Awesome 1970s!
- Music
- People
- Current Event
- Science and Technology
- Fashion
- Credits
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It was a sad days night when the beetles broke up
in the 70s!
- Abba are a Swedish group who are still very
popular! - They have bought millions of new fans when Mamma
Mia came out, a film based on most of the songs
they wrote
In the 1970s music became very cool!
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- The queen is still ruling to this very day but
soon 1 of her grandsons will take to the throne.
One of the group members is still very famous
that is Michael Jackson
Watch the Queen on her silver Jubilee
The Jackson 5 were also popular with the younger
generation in the 1970s!
6Current Events
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Also in Britain 15th of February1971 it was
Decimalisation Day!
Free School Milk
Watch These Espresso clips on Current Events
7Science and Technology
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Click on the Video to find out about the
Concorde That was invented during the 1970s!
- The concord was invented in the 1970s
- Many people came and saw its first flight
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- Fashion in the 1970s (nothing like now)
Platforms were extremely popular in the 1970s
because ABBA helped introduce them!
ABBA catsuits
Click here to listen to Money Money Money
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