Title: Vietnam in Revolution Part II: The American War, 19541975
1Vietnam in Revolution Part II The American War,
2Diem and General Joseph Collins, 1955
3Vietnam After Geneva
- Ngo Dinh Diem (1901-1963)
- Republic of Vietnam (RVN)
- Agrovilles
- Ho Chi Minh (1890-1969)
- Democratic Rep. of Vietnam (DRV)
- Land reform
- NLF (Viet Cong)
Ngo Dinh Diem meets with Dwight Eisenhower
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5The Ho Chi Minh Trail
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8America Goes to War
- Advice and Support
- Flexible Response
- MACV 1962
- Strategic Hamlets
- 1963 Coup
- Tonkin Gulf Incident 1964
- Rolling Thunder 1965
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10Buddhist monk immolates himself in protest
against Diems policies, 1963
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12War and Peace in Vietnam
- War of attrition
- Body Count
- Combined Struggle
- Tet Offensive 1968
- Vietnamization
- Paris Peace Accords 1973
- Fall of Saigon 1975
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14MACV Commander Gen. William Westmoreland
15Chief of RVN National Police Force Nguyen Ngoc
Loan executes NLF suspect during Tet Offensive
16Vietnamese trying to get into U.S. Embassy in
17Last helicopter leaves from the roof of the US
embassy in Saigon, April 30 1975 (Most people
trying to board were turned away)
18PAVN tanks on the lawn of the presidential palace