Title: NSW TAB
- By Amy, Ben, Rebecca and Rochelle
2Presentation Overview
- What does TAB mean?
- TAB A look at history
- Filling in the betting card
- Literacy practices used by the TAB
- Text types used by the TAB
- Getting the TAB to the public
- Conclusion
3What does TAB mean?
4Totalizator Agency Board
5Totalizator Agency Board (TAB)A look at history-
- First TAB created in Vic. In 1961
- Est. in NSW in 1964 by NSW Government
- Aim of TAB
- - To provide safe, corrupt free off course
wagering service in thoroughbred, harness and
greyhound racing - Replace legal off course book makers
- Provide support by returning profits to the
racing industry - Responsible for accumulating the investments of
various pools and calculating dividends
6Can you fill in the betting card?
7How did you know how to fill in the card?
- Previous experience with the TAB
- Someone else gave you assistance
- If you are not a part of the TAB discourse
filling in the betting cards correctly is
impossible if you dont get assistance - There are no alternatives for individuals who are
blind - The operations differ in the TAB between states
8What literacy practices are used by the TAB?
- Information screens assembled throughout the TAB
displaying the following information - Dividends (price)
- Races that are coming up, including place, time
and date - Next race to jump
- Results including runner, jockeys name and full
dividend details for all bet types - Interstate price comparisons
- Quinella/Exacta screen which allows for instant
comparison of quinella and exacta price
10Customer Coupons
- These are a paper-based form of cash
- A customer coupon is used to provide customers
with change that result from a transaction with
a self-serve terminal - Cash value of the coupon is labelled on the
11Phone TAB
- Phone TAB is a telephone account which is held
with the TAB in your state - It enables individuals to place bets from home
using the telephone - Your account is paid by entering a TAB and giving
them you account details, which they then use to
top up your account - Winnings are credited to your account
- Losses are debited from your account
- Bets are made through calling the phone TAB
number and following the prompts
12Race TAB
- Internet TAB, race and sports TAB
- www.nswtab.com.au
13What text types are used by the TAB?
- Graphs are used in various TAB web sites to
illustrate - -The slowing of wagering growth in NSW along with
the reason for this occurrence which is the
increased growth in gaming eg. casinos
15Graph examples.Total NSW wagering revenue
16NSW Gaming Revenue by Product - FY 1987 to FY
- Used to display information on the tab text
screen - The horse, rider, time and price are displayed in
tables so that they are easy to read - Tables are also used in information and
instruction booklets
- Used to assist individuals with filling in the
betting card - Used to assist with using the terminals (ticket
scanning machines) when placing bets and
collecting winnings
19Getting the TAB into the public
- News paper full race guide lift out
- Television Sky Channel
- Radio 2ky radio station dedicated to racing and
sports betting - Internet betting including full race guide and
sports TAB
- Our group found after extensive research that, in
order to fully understand how the TAB works one
needs to be an insider in the TAB discourse. We
discovered that the instruction booklets were
difficult to understand and did not provide
enough information to adequately allow us to fill
in the betting cards. We found it was much easier
to ask an attendant and have them give us a
visual demonstration.
21We also discovered that the TAB used
various text types and literacy practices. Such
as graphs, tables, forms and abbreviations. All
of which if you weren't familiar with, would be
difficult to process the information in order to
be able to use the TAB successfully.