Title: Foe (on Chapter 2) by J. M. Coetzee
1Foe (on Chapter 2) by J. M. Coetzee
- The characters relationships -- Roy,
- Language Tongue -- Chelsea,
- Susan Barton Her daughter -- Annie,
- Susan as a writer - Siobhan
2The changes of their relationships among Susan,
Cruso and FridayA. Cruso and FridayB. Cruso
and SusanC. Susan and Friday
3A. Cruso and Friday
- In chapter 1, Cruso is like a king. He treats
Friday like his slave. - Cruso is like a colonizer and Friday to be a
colonized aboriginal. He only teaches him some
words. (P.56) - Cruso is suspected to cut out Fridays tongue.
(P. 68) - Cruso dies then.
4B. Cruso and Susan
- In chapter 1, Cruso also wants to subordinate
Susan and not let her go around. gtcolonizer and
someone to be colonized - Later Cruso appreciates Susans help on the ship.
- In chap.2, Susan regards Cruso as her friend. She
dreams of him (P. 54) and the island of Cruso.
5Susan and Friday
- In chap.1, Susan is afraid of Friday because she
doesnt know him at all and the lost tongue. - In chap 2, Susan and Friday are like friends.They
are like mother and son. She takes care of him.
(P. 47) - She tries to teach him simple English and
observes his behavior in order to understand him
more. (P. 56)--Fridays dance - She has sympathy on him.
6The ThemeLanguage Tongue
7The Lost Tongue
- The lost ability of living independently P. 48
- The inability of expressions (murmur, grief) P.
23, p. 49 - The lost sense of selfness P. 51
- The bereft interest of learning to express freely
8- The lost chance of sharing and supporting P. 70
- No world of play boring life p.85
- The abiding sleep of awareness (a scourage of
Africa) P 82 - The dead heart p.57, P. 70, P.85
- The lost freedom p. 100
9The motivation
- For fear of the idleness and stupidness
- will destroy him.
- PP. 56,57
- Abolish the notion of speech p. 57
- reborn the memories p.57
- return to the world of words p. 60
10Susans view on language
1. Establishprogress peoples relationships
p. 58 2. Make awareness p. 58 3.
Recordoutlive the memories/story p. 58 4.
Make a fortune p. 58
11Susan Barton Her daughter
- In Chap.1, to search for Susans lost daughter,
she became the castaway in Chap.2, Susan refused
to acknowledge the daughter. (75, 77, 89-91) Why? - Major reasons
- Susan regarded the daughter as one false girl who
was arranged and sent by Foe. (74-75, 78) - Susans strong attempt to be an author.
12- Special Scene (104-105)
- When Susan took Friday to Bristol, she
saw a parcel of the dead babe in the ditch. At
the sight of this scene, Susan assumed that the
dead babe was herself. - Susan thought that she refused the false daughter
cruelly. - Susan felt the pathetic fate of the abandoned
children. (This can show Susans sympathetic
13Other Reference Roxana
- Roxanas story, which was introduced by Coetzee,
is the other similar story as Susans. - Similarities
- 1.Roxana and Susan made choices between
- the mother and the author.
- 2.They both refused to admit their daughters.
14Differences 1. The reason of refusing to admit
the daughter is different. ---Roxana did
not want to go back her past. ---Susan wanted
to pursue her ideal---be an author. 2.
Roxana became an independent woman and
author while Susan still did not succeed
in being an author.
15Susan Bartons Attitude
- To Susan, Friday and the false girl are not her
consanguinities. However, Susan treated them in
the different way. - To Friday (---Mother-son relationship)
- 1. The process from fearing Friday to
- showing Susans sympathy,
patience, and - concerns.(84-85, 95, 104, 111)
- 2. Susans attempt to teach language and
- music. (96-98)
- 3. Susans way in talking to Friday. (77)
16To Young Susan Barton
- Susan treated the girl indifferently,
- showed no trust to the girl, and
- she wanted to send the girl away as soon as
- possible.
- Clues
- Their dialogs (72-74, 77-78)
- The scene in the forest (89-91)
- Susan kept the distance with the girl---showing
her indifference. (73, 90)
17Study question
- What do you think about Susans attitude toward
Friday and the young girl? Friday and the young
girl both do not have ties of blood with Susan,
why did Susan treat Friday more well than the
18Why Susan wrote those letters?
- ---Susans writing style
- ---Authorship
- ---Express What
19The power to speak
- ---Authorship
- ---Individualism
- ---Not to be Victimize
20Susan FridayParallelism
- ---A reflection of Susan
- ---Out of tongue, out of power
- ---reduplication
- ---Why Susan cannot teach Friday well?
- ---A dumb person cannot teach people
- how to speak.
21The titleFoe
- ---A male writer?
- ---A female writers foe?
- ---Foe of Female Authorship