Title: Physics with lepton pairs at the CDF experiment
1Physics with lepton pairs at the CDF experiment
- Julia Thom, Fermilab
- HEP Seminar
- University of Washington, 12/7/04
2Particle Physics Today
- Impressive progress made over last decades
- Precision test of the Standard Model (SM)
- Closing last gaps
- Key questions Can we find the Higgs? Physics
beyond the SM? Connection with cosmology? - Hadron Collider experiments are a tool to address
these questions today - CDF and D0 are taking data
- LHC in preparation discover Higgs, New Physics?
3Addressing key questionsat the Tevatron
- Is there Physics beyond the Standard Model?
- top quark properties
- Bs physics
- SUSY searches
- Mechanism of EWK symmetry breaking
- Searches for the Higgs
- Understanding important backgrounds to Higgs
searches - I will cover physics analyses that I have done,
and that address some of these key questions
4Outline of the talk
- Introduction to the Tevatron and CDF
- Physics with Lepton Pairs, or Searching for
New Physics at CDF - Top production with two leptons in the final
state - WW production an important background to
Higgs-searches - search for rare Bs?mm- decays and implication
for SUSY parameters - Conclusions
5Tevatron Run II
Tevatron Peak Luminosity
For this talk results with 200pb-1 (2x Run I
data set) Now analyzing 400pb-1 Will have 2 fb-1
by 2007
6pp Collisions at the Tevatron
W, Z, photon, etc
Initial state radiation
Underlying event
final state radiation
Very complex event structure, need a complicated
detector to study the physics
7 The CDF Detector
8 Muon
installing silicon tracker, before detector
9Event observables
Top candidate
- Leptons
- tracking and cal.
- High-PT lepton id
- eff. of 90
- jets
- Collimated flow of hadrons
- Calibrate calorimeter response
- (3 systematic)
- Missing ET (ET)
- From ET balance
- correct for undermeasured tracks and
mis-measured jets
10Why lepton pairs?
- Simple signature, low background (not QCD!)
- e.g. electron identification cuts
- Small ratio of HAD/EM energy
- Calorimeter isolation
- Matching track
- Shower shape
- Many interesting processes accessible at CDF and
LHC have dilepton signatures
11TOP production with leptons in the final state
12Why measure TOP properties?
- Only quark at weak scale
- ?Window into EWSB?
- New physics may appear
- in production (e.g. topcolor)
- or in decay (e.g. charged Higgs)
- Start by establishing a top sample and measuring
the top production cross-section!
13Top Decay into Lepton Pairs
- Signature
- Two high-PT leptons
- ET from ns
- 2 or more jets (from b)
- BR only 11, good S/N
- (other final states
- Leptonjets BR44
- All hadronic BR45)
14Selection of top dilepton sample
- Identify leading lepton, ETgt20 GeV
- Instead of 2nd lepton
identify isolated track
(new technique) - Require ETgt25 GeV
- Require 2 jets,
ETgt20 GeV
- Require opposite charge
15Experimental challenge background
- Drell-Yan (DY)
- Major background source!
- Must have fake ET
- Not modeled well in MC, use data as much as
possible - Wjets
- Major background source!
- Jet fakes a lepton
- determine fake rate from data (0.3)
- Diboson (WW,WZ,..)
- Small cross-section
- estimate from MC
16DY background
Missing energy
- fake missing energy
- Incomplete detector coverage
- Mis-reconstructed jets
- Undermeasured MIPs
- reduce this background
- ETgt25 GeV
- if dileptons in Z mass window
- ETgt40 GeV
17DY background
- How many DY background events in signal sample?
- Find bad MC modeling of tails! But poor data
statistics - Number of events in Z mass window from data
- Ratio of events inside/outside Z mass window from
MC -
Z?mm data
Number of events
Missing Energy
18DY background
- Main systematic due to data statistics (30)
- Checked technique by
- varying ET cut
- Veto all events inside Z mass window
- results in lt2 variation on top cross-section
19 Fake Background
Whats the rate for jet to look like isolated
track? In a generic jet data sample determine
Fake Rate Fake
Fake rate
Fake rate
20 Fake Background
- Predict number of fakes
- (fake rate from Jet50 sample)
- Compare with number of fakes in Jet20, Jet70
sample -
Jet20(50, 70) trigger at least one jet with
Etgt20(50,70) GeV
observed predicted
21Signal and Background Table
signal region!
Control samples Check 0, 1 jet first
22Dilepton Kinematics
HTSum of all ET (jets, leptons, ET)
Lepton transverse momentum
good agreement with SM
23Run I a SUSY explanation of dilepton event
SM ttbar 300 GeV
Barnett and Hall, Phys. Rev. Lett. 77 3506 (1996)
24Top production cross-section
- Systematics
- Backgrounds 30
- Selection efficiency 6 from acceptance, trk
ID - Luminosity 6
First Run II high-pt paper at Tevatron PRL
93142001, 2004 hep-e/0404036
hep-ph/0303085 (Mangano et al)
25Other top decay channels
- comparison with other
- cross-section measurement
- Working on combination
26TOP with dileptons summary
- Established higher statistics Run II sample, new
techniques! - looks consistent with SM
- Cleared up Run I kinematic inconsistencies
- Many analyses ongoing that make use of this
27- Top Mass measurements with dileptons, e.g.
- Top decay
- BR(t-gtWb) (identify jets from b-quarks)
- Limits on t?Hb (charged Higgs)
- Leptont final state
- Angular correlations between leptons due to top
spin -
28Physics with high-PT lepton pairs WW production
29Why measure WW production?
- Background for top measurement
- Interesting in its own right
- Run I only 5 events observed
- calculate cross-section with higher statistics
- Interesting test of SM ? 2 TeV!
- Critical channel at LHC
30 WW irreducible background for Higgs search at
CDF/LHC. Need to know production rates. At CDF
Dilepton invariant mass
31WW signal and background table
Same signature as top, except look at zero (or
one) jet sample!
32Reducing DY background
Reject events consistent with ET being a
fluctuation of the total ET flow again
estimate DY using data-based methods.
33WW cross-section
- 200pb-1
- (to be submitted to PRL)
- In good agreement
- with NLO calculation
RunII measurements from CDF, D0
34WW kinematic distributions
..good agreement with SM prediction
35 WW production summary
- Interesting test of SM
- checked WW cross-section at 2 TeV consistent
with NLO calculations - Can use similar methods at LHC important
background in H?WW discovery channel
36Physics with low-PT lepton pairs search for
Bs?mm- decays
37Why search for Bs?mm- decays?
- Highly suppressed in SM (FCNC to leptons)
- Not yet experimentally observed
- Good indirect search channel for New Physics!
Buchalla, Buras, Nucl.Phys.B398,285
CDF, PRD 57(1998)3811R
38Bs?mm- decays in SUSY
- 2 Higgs doublets Hd, Hu
Md3x3Yd3x3ltHdogt C ltHuogt - M,Y NOT simultaneously diagonalizable
- ?off-diagonal quark-neutral scalar couplings
- large tanb enhances BR(Bs?mm) by 1-2 orders
of magnitude, observable in Run II!
Raby, Hamzoui, Babu, Kolda
39B-physics at CDF
- Large production rates
- s(pp?bX)30mb (central, PTgt6 GeV)
- Heavy states produced (Bs, Bc, Lb,..)
- Backgrounds 3 orders of magnitude higher
- Inelastic cross-section 100mb
- Using a di-muon trigger (PTgt1.5 GeV, htriglt1)
40CDF Di-Muon Triggers
- Pink used in this analysis
- Bs?mm expect at most 5 events
- ? beat down 104 background events !
41Bs?mm- topology
Signal - M(mm) M(Bs) - long
lifetime (ct 438 mm) - few addl tracks
- LT and PT(mm) co-linear Backgrounds
- semileptonic b decays - continuum mm,
mfake, fakefake
42Silicon Vertex Detector
8 layers 704 ladders 722,432 channels
Improve IP resolution
Forward tracking
3D vertexing, Tracking Trigger (L2)!
Use SVX information to reconstruct lifetime of
the Bs cand. Require gt4 hits on each muon leg,
require good vertex
43Bs?mm- signal vs. background
- Discriminating variables
- - invariant mass M(mm)
- - Lifetime ctLxyM/PTB
- - Pointing angle FBs-Fvtx
- isolation ratio PTB/(StrkPTB)
Signal MC bkg dominated data
Blind analysis Optimize selection cuts
excluding search region
- Search Region
- 4s search window
- s(Mmm) 27 MeV/c2
- Sideband Regions
- additional 0.5 GeV/c2 on either side
45Background estimate
- Usually apply all cuts, count events in side-band
- ?leaves few surviving events
- Alternative factorize analysis cuts
- Only if correlations are small!
- Background prediction cross-checked in control
samples (e.g. same sign leptons)
ltBgdgt in 171 pb-1 1.1 /- 0.3 events
46Bs?mm results
171 pb-1
Observe 1 event in search window At 90 CL
Phys.Rev.Lett.93032001,2004 hep-ex/0403032
- 3x better than previously published limit
- Competitive with Belle Bd result
- improve limit by factor of 2 by adding data on
47Combining with results from D0
240 pb-1
D0 BR(Bs?mm-)lt3.8 x 10-7 _at_ 90 C.L. Combining
CDFD0 limits BR(Bs?mm-) lt 2.7 x 10-7 _at_ 90 C.L
Example for mSUGRA constraints
Tighter constraints on Bs?mm forces heavier M0 or
smaller tan b
(Dedes, Dreiner, Nierste, PRL (2001) 251804)
BR(Bs?mm) lt1x10-7
Higgs mass
Light Higgs mass
49 Bs?mm- summary
- Extremely interesting search channel for SUSY
(large tanb) - Improved previous limit significantly
- Starting to cut into parameter space of many
mSUGRA, SO(10),..models - Future
- Use more data (gt2x on tape)
- Use L00 for primary vertex finding
- Include forward triggered muons
50Outlook whats next?
- Working on now
- Same sign lepton pairs or trileptons very low SM
background - Predicted in many SUSY scenarios
- Search for medium PT leptons to gain acceptance
for SUSY signatures - Intermediate decays to charginos and neutralinos
at least one lepton PTgt5GeV
51Talk Summary
- Tevatron Run II Wealth of physics topics, have
looked for New Physics in different processes
using lepton signatures - Most precise top dilepton cross-section
measurement using new techniques - WW cross-section measurement at hadron collider
- Improved upper bound on BR(Bs?mm) ?important
constraint on SUSY parameter space - Will take at least 10 times more data before
LHC-era - Exciting times ahead! Gaining experience for
head-start on LHC physics
52Bs-gtmm and Dark Matter
(P. Ko, SUSY 04)
- Probe mSUGRA parameter space consistent with WMAP
data - Upper limit on BR(Bs?mm) could strongly affect DM
cross-section - Bs-gtmm complementary to direct DM detection
CDFD0 Limit
Consistent with WMAP data
M0300 GeV, A00