Title: Recent Results on New Phenomena from CDF PASCOS
1Recent Results on New Phenomena from CDFPASCOS
04, August 16-22Boston, MA
- Dmitri Tsybychev on behalf of CDF Collaboration
- U. Florida/SUNY at Stony Brook
- Introduction
- SM and BSM Higgs searches
- Supersymmetry searches
- Di-Lepton and Di-Photon searches
- Other searches
- Summary
3Major Challenges
- Predicted new physics cross-sections are within
the reach of the Tevatron - Cross-sections are strongly dependent on particle
masses, less so on model parameters - Backgrounds can be orders of magnitude larger
than the signal
- Challenge for the experimentalists HOW !
- Production rates, luminosity,
- Trigger (keep 1 out of 24000 collisions)
- Detection efficiency
- Suppress background
- Differentiate signal and background
Higgs LQ LED
Use combination of data/simulation to devise
cuts, predict backgrounds/estimate acceptances
4Searches for New Phenomena
- Models
- Higgs
- Extra Dimensions
- Leptoquarks
- Compositeness
- W, Z
- Experimental signatures
- g
- e, m (generically lepton)
- t
- Jets (quarks and gluons)
- Heavy Flavor tagging (b,c)
- Missing transverse energy
- Use both
signature/model based searches
- Sensitivity to many models
Best sensitivity for given model - Unbiased
- Investigate all possible
signatures - Report results on searches with Run II
data (L200 pb-1) - Coming soon first results in 500 pb-1 dataset
5SM Higgs
- Higgs boson is crucial to our understanding of
EWSB - For mh lt 135 GeV/c2
- h?bb dominates
- gg?h suffers from large SM background
- For mh gt 135 GeV/c2
- h?WW dominates
- Can look for gg?h ?WW,ZZ
- Low SM background
- Many additional Higgs bosons in models beyond SM,
some of them have higher sensitivity
6SM Higgs
- For Mh gt 135 GeV/c2 h?WW?l?l? (e?)
- Require 2 isolated opposite sign leptons (pTgt20
GeV/c) - Missing ET gt 25 GeV
- No jets
- Z removal
- Dilepton ivariant Mass Mlllt ½Mh
- Mh 160 170 180
- WW 4.5 0.5 5.4 0.6 6.5 0.8
- Other 1.3 0.4 1.9 0.5 2.4 0.7
- Data 3 7
8 - Expected signal 0.2
- Extract 95 CL limit using likelihood fit
- To angular distribution
7SM Higgs
- Golden mode hW?bbl? (e?)
- Require exactly 1 lepton (pTgt20 GeV/c)
- Missing ETgt20 GeV
- Excatly 2 jets ( 1 or more SVX b-tag)
- Need highly efficient, pure b-tagging
- ?b 53 (in t-tbar events)
- ?c 3 ?uds,g lt 1
- Need excellent di-jet resolution
- currently 17 ? 10 achievable
- Expect 60.5 4.4 background events
- 25.2 3.2 W hf
- Observe 62
- Signal 0.7 for Mh 115 GeV/c2
- Use di-jet mass spectrum to exctract 95 CL
8SM Higgs
- Still order of magnitude higher than SM
prediction - Combine with other channels
- hZ?bb??
- Need more data
- Interesting for other EWSB mechanisms
- Technicolor
- Results depend on m(?T) and m(?T)
9MSSM Higgs
- SUSY new type of symmetry
- Fermions ? Bosons
- Many models
- In MSSM 5 Higgs particles
- CP-even h,H
- CP-odd A
- Charged H
- tan? - ratio of VEV of scalar fields
- For neutral Higgs couplings to third generation
can be enhanced at high tan? - A?bb is tough - consider A???
- Narrow jet of track/energy for hadronic ?-id
- Isolated from nearby tracks/energy
- Add reconstructed ?0
10MSSM Higgs
- Select events with one ??l (e?) and one hadronic
? deacy - HT gt 50 GeV (scalar sum of ? momenta and missing
ET) - Missing ET should not point in opposite direction
to ? decay products
- Mass resolution worse at higher masses
- Use binned likelihood fit to mass spectrum set
95 CL limit - Limit is order of magnitude higher than
prediction (tan?)
11Search for H
- H predicted in models that contain Higgs
triplets - Left-Right (LR) symmetric models
- SUSY LR models low mass (100 GeV 1 TeV)
- Partial decay width
- hll Yukawa coupling, free parameter, determines
- H stable or prompt
12Search for H
- Stable H
- Two heavily ionized tracks in tracking chamber
- Muon-like in muon chambers
- MIP-like in calorimeter
- Require a muon with pTgt20 GeV/c and another
track with pTgt20 GeV/c - 0 events observed
- Prompt H
- Two same sign leptons (ee,e?,??)
- Very small SM background
- Search for a lepton pair in mass window of
?10M(H) (3s detector resolution) - 0 events observed
13Sbottom from Gluino Decay
- 3rd generation squarks could be light
- Large top mass ? light stop
- At large tan? ? light sbottom
- If gluino is light enough the pair production at
Tevatron is large - Assume R-parity conservation
- LSP stable
- Good candidate for dark matter
- Branching ratio strongly depends on sparticle
masses - Assume
- Assume m(gluino) gt m(b1) gt m(?10), m(t) m(?1
) gt m(b1) - BR (b1 ? b?10) 100
4 b-jets Missing ET
14Sbottom from Gluino Decay
- Event selection
- Missing ET gt 80 GeV
- 3 jets ( 1 or 2 SVX b-tags)
- Missing ET direction is not
- collinear with jets
- No isolated leptons
- No excess observed in data
- Large exclusion in sbottom-gluino plane
15Searches in Di-Leptons
- Looked at di-lepton invariant mass and angular
distributions to search for new phenomena - Select events with 2 high pT leptons
- Many model predict enhancement at higher mass
- Extra Dimensions, Z, Technicolor
- Expect mass peaks, enhancement in the spectra
- Data in good agreement with SM predictions
- Extract limits on many new models from the spectra
16Search for Z in ?? channel
- Look in high mass region for
- new physics
- M (Missing-ET,?,?) gt 120 GeV
- Missing-ET gt 15 GeV
- ?f(Missing-ET, ?) gt 30º
- Expect 2.830.39 events, see 4
- Exclude Zlt394 GeV/c2 95 CL
- (Z with SM couplings)
17Extra Dimensions
d?/dM (pb/GeV)
- The large gap between EW and Planck scales is
assumed to be due to the extra dimensions - Models predict different geometry, number of
extra dimensions - Only Graviton propagates in the ED, SM particles
are trapped in - 3-D brane
- The gap is narrowed by reducing the effective
fundamental scale to 1 TeV - In the compactified ED, gravity expands into a
series of Kaluza-Klein (KK) states - For example
- Randall-Sundrum ED Model
- 1 highly curved extra dimension
- Gravity localized in the ED
- Scale of physical phenomena on the TeV-brane is
specified by the exponential warp factor - ?? MPle-kRc?
- New parameters
- First graviton excitation mass m1
- Ratio k/MPl
10-2 10-4 10-6 10-8
1 0.7 0.5 0.3 0.2 0.1
Tevatron 700 GeV KK graviton
- Search for high mass ?? events in 345 pb-1
- 2 isolated ?
- ETgt15 GeV
- In addition to ee, ?? channels
- Can combine ??, ee, ?? channels to set a more
stringent limit - qq channel in progress
19Leptoquarks at the Tevatron
- Pair produced at the Tevatron
- Assumed to couple to leptons and quarks within
the same generation - b branching ratio to charged lepton
- Decay
- Experimental signatures
- Missing ET 2 jets
- 1 isolated lepton
- Missing ET 2 jets
- 2 isolated leptons 2 jets
- Remarkable symmetry between quarks and leptons in
SM ? new symmetry - Leptoquarks are predicted in GUT models, SUSY
(with RPV), Technicolor and Compositeness - Connect leptons and quarks in the SM
- Leptoquarks are color triplet bosons (scalar or
vector) with lepton number - and fractional electric charge
201st and 2nd Generation Leptoquarks
- Generation ? Mass Limit(GeV/C2)
- 1 1 gt230
- 0.5 gt176 (182
Run I) - 0 gt117
- 2 1 gt241
- 0.5 in progress
- 0 gt124 (Run
LQ1LQ1 ? eejj
LQ2LQ2 ? ??jj
m(LQ) gt 230 GeV/c2 95 CL
21Magnetic Monopole
- Produced in pairs in Drell-Yan like processes
- Search for highly ionizing tracks in
Time-of-Flight system and tracking chamber - Dedicated monopole trigger based on TOF
- 0 events observed
- Good sensitivity beyond existing limits for new
physics at Tevatron - Have now 5x more data than in Run I
- Many more analyses in progress
- Stay tuned
- Visit CDF physics result web page for new results
- http//www-cdf.fnal.gov/physics/physics.html
- Can address key SM question before LHC
- Much excitement at both Tevatron experiments for
physics beyond SM - Will be more exciting if see some evidence for
new physics