Measurement of the Top Quark Mass at CDF - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Measurement of the Top Quark Mass at CDF


Measurement of the Top Quark Mass at CDF Igor Volobouev Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Measurement of the Top Quark Mass at CDF

Measurement of the Top Quark Mass at CDF
  • Igor Volobouev
  • Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Top Mass in the Standard Model
  • Fundamental parameter
  • Enters into a variety of electroweak calculations
    at one loop level
  • Example W mass receives quantum corrections
    proportional to Mt2 and log(MH)
  • Highly correlated with MH in the current
    precision SM fit

CDF/D0 2 fb-1goal
Top Mass and Higgs Constraints
  • Old Standard Model fit
  • Mt 174.3 5.1 GeV/c2 MH 9660 GeV/c2
  • New world average (hep-ex 0404010)
  • Mt 178.0 4.3 GeV/c2 MH 11362 GeV/c2
  • 95 CL upper bound on MH is now at 237 GeV/c2

Top Mass Beyond the SM
  • Heavy top is important because of its large
    Yukawa coupling. SM Yt Mt?2/? ?1
  • Consistent with strong dynamical EWSB (topcolor)
  • MSSM bare lightest mH is smaller than MZ ?
    must have heavy top to drive mH above the current
    experimental limit. Mt lt 160 GeV/c2 would kill
  • Excellent Mt measurement is necessary for a
    meaningful SUSY-EW precision fit

MSSM mmax scenario
What is Mt?
  • Depends on who you are talking to
  • Pole mass (experimentalist)
  • Bare mass (lattice QCD theorist)
  • MS mass (gauge theorist)
  • Threshold mass (LC phenomenologists)
  • Potential-subtracted mass
  • Kinetic mass
  • 1S mass
  • Hadron collider experiments measure the pole mass

Tevatron Run 1 Mt Measurements
  • Based on about 106 pb-1 of data collected from
    1992 to 1995
  • Took a while to analyze, final CDF papers were
    published in 1999
  • Experimental challenges
  • Top was very new
  • Background
  • Combinatorics
  • Jet energy calibration
  • Best single measurement is the recent (published
    in June 2004!) D0 re-analysis of Run 1 data
  • Mt GeV/c2

Run 2 Tevatron
  • New Main Injector Recycler
  • Improved antiproton source
  • CM energy increased from 1.8 TeV to 1.96 TeV (tt
    cross section up by ?35)
  • 36x36 bunches, 396 ns between bunch crossing (was
    6x6 with 3.5 ?s in Run 1)
  • Increased luminosity. Goals by the end of FY09
  • 4.4 fb-1 base
  • 8.5 fb-1 design

CDF II Detector
h -ln(tan(?/2))
  • Improved Si coverage
  • h lt 2
  • up to 8 layers
  • New central tracker
  • 96 layers
  • Time of Flight
  • Expanded muon system
  • Forward calorimeter
  • Trigger and electronics

Run 2 Data Sample
  • Total current sample on tape ?470 pb-1
  • Winter 2004 analysis sample 160-200 pb-1
  • 8-13 pb-1/week
  • ?85 efficiency

On Tape
Total Luminosity (pb-1)
Winter 2004 sample
Store Number
Top Production and Decay Basics
  • At Tevatron, top quarks are produced
    predominantly in pairs (85 qq annihilation, 15
    gluon fusion at 1.96 TeV)
  • ?tt (1.96 TeV) 6.7 pb (theory), 5.6 1.4 pb
  • Single top production cross section is about 40
    of ?tt . Single top has not been observed yet.
  • Top quark decays into Wb in ?99.9 of the cases
    (SM). Observed tt final states are classified
    according to subsequent decays of the W.

Top Reconstruction
  • Main signatures
  • High pT leptons and/or jets
  • Missing energy due to escaping neutrinos
  • Two b jets in the final state
  • Production near threshold ? spherical topology
  • Leptonjets channel is the best for initial top
    mass and cross section measurements
  • Lepton in the final state reduces the QCD
    background (S/B 2/1 vs. 1/10 in the all
    hadronic channel)
  • Manageable jet combinatorics, especially with one
    or two b tags
  • 5 kinematic constraints (momentum conservation in
    the transverse plane, two W masses, Mt Mt), 3
    unknowns (neutrino momentum)
  • Although exceptionally clean (S/B 10/1), the
    dilepton channel has smaller branching fraction
    than ljets by factor of 6. There are 6 unknowns,
    so full event reconstruction is impossible.

High PT Lepton Triggers
  • Electron trigger
  • Requires central EM cluster with ET gt 18 GeV and
    EHAD/EEM lt 0.125
  • A good quality track with PT gt 9 GeV/c must be
    matched to the cluster
  • About 96 efficient for triggerable electrons
    with ET gt 20 GeV in the W ? e? sample.
    Inefficiency is dominated by tracking.
  • Muon trigger
  • Requires a match between a good quality track and
    a muon chamber stub
  • About 95 efficient for triggerable muons in
    the Z ???- sample

Jet Reconstruction
  • We are still using the Run 1 seeded cone
    algorithm JetClu
  • Build pre-clusters using adjacent seed towers
    with ET gt 1 GeV
  • Find pre-cluster centroids in the ? ? ? space
  • For each pre-cluster, add all towers within the
    cone of R 0.4 in the ? ? ? space and
    recalculate the centroid. Iterate this step until
    the cone center stabilizes. Seeds are not allowed
    to leave the cones (ratcheting).
  • Stable cones are merged if they share more than
    75 of one cones energy. Otherwise, common
    towers are split between the cones.

Jet Energy Calibration
  • Extremely important for the top mass
  • Electromagnetic calorimeter is calibrated
    using Z ? ee-
  • Central part of the hadronic calorimeter is
    calibrated by
  • Referencing MIP response to the test beam data
  • Photon-jet pT balancing
  • Jet response in the wall/plug regions is studied
    using dijet balance. Jets outside the 0.2 lt h
    lt 0.6 region are scaled to jets inside.

B Tagging with Silicon
  • At least two well-reconstructed tracks with ? 3
    silicon hits
  • Secondary vertex LXY significance at least 3?
    (typical ? ? 150?m)
  • Efficiency to tag a tt event is 55
  • tt tag fake rate ? 0.5

Mass Reconstruction by Run 1 Method
  • Simplified ?2 expression is constructed using
    transverse momenta of the jets and tt recoil, as
    well as kinematic constraints
  • Solution with best ?2 value is found (up to 24
    solutions possible due to jet/neutrino
    combinatorics, less if there is one or more b
    tags). This solution is used as the reconstructed
    top mass in the event.
  • MC samples generated with different Mt are used
    to populate mass templates. Background templates
    are added later.
  • Value of Mt is found for which likelihood of the
    data sample is maximized using templates as
    probability density.

Mass Templates
  • Top mass templates are obtained from MC and
    parameterized by continuous functions

Run 1 Method Result
  • Background is constrained in the fit to its
    expected value using the cross section
  • From 28 events with at least one b tag and c2 lt
  • Mtop 174.9 7.1 (stat.) 6.5 (syst.) GeV/c2

Systematic Errors
Mass Reconstruction Run 2
  • Two other methods have emerged in the leptonjets
  • Multivariate Template Method (MTM) a new
    template technique aimed at the improvement of
    the systematic error as the integrated luminosity
  • Dynamical Likelihood Method (DLM) a slight
    variation on the original matrix element method
    proposed by Kunitaka Kondo in 1988.
  • D0 has reanalyzed Run 1 data using a matrix
    element approach. Promising for Run 2.

MTM Kinematic Fit
  • Idea calibrate jet energy in-sample using W mass
    as a reference.
  • Jet energy scale factor is included into the W
    mass kinematic fit with a Gaussian constraint.
    The constraint is a tunable parameter.
  • All jets in the event are multiplied by the jet
    energy scale value obtained in the W mass fit.
  • Fitted scale is different from one jet
    permutation to another. For the correct
    permutation, scale shifts due to the W mass
    constraint compensate on average systematic
  • Statistical error is increased.
  • Global energy scale fit in the top events is
    possible but difficult due to background and

Closer Look at the Mass Templates
  • Idea reweight events using the probability to
    pick the correct jet permutation
  • Correct permutation template has much better
  • In case of negligible background, exact knowledge
    of the signal subsample would improve the mass
    resolution by factor of ?1.7
  • Use ? wiTi(m, ) to represent the signal
    template. Weights are different for each event.
  • Uniform treatment of events with any number of b

Preparing Template Mixture
Best Permutation c2
  • How to assign wi? By itself, ?2 of the best
    permutation provides little separation power
    between templates
  • Must use a more advanced model

Permutation Diffusion
Blue dots permutation 0 is correct Red dots
permutation 1 is correct
Correct Permutation Probability
  • In addition to using ?2 values from all
    permutations, we update pcp using information
    from the tt production and decay dynamics
  • cos(l,b) in the rest frame of the W which decays
    into l?
  • tt spin correlation term

1 b tag
2 b tags
Multivariate Templates
  • Idea templates can use several variables
  • Mostly helps with S/B separation
  • Kernel density estimation method is used to
    create multivariate signal and background
  • Inverse of a robust covariance matrix is used as
    a metric. Standard plug-in algorithm determines
    global bandwidth.

Signal / Background Separation
  • Statistical divergence measures are used to study
    how useful a variable may be in separating
    signal from background

KS is the Kolmogorov-Smirnov distance
Likelihood Continuity
  • Idea smooth event likelihoods instead of
  • Expectation from physics for each event,
    likelihood dependence on Mt should be continuous
    and smooth
  • Run 1 method enforces continuity of the
    likelihood by introducing explicit dependence of
    the template parameters on top mass
  • KDE templates do not guarantee likelihood
    continuity because each template is generated
    using an independent set of MC events with finite
  • We use local quadratic polynomial regression to
    interpolate and smooth likelihood curves

Smoothed Likelihoods
Tuning the JES Constraint
  • The total expected error is studied with pseudo
    experiments as a function of the jet energy scale
    constraint in the kinematic fit
  • Several variable sets provide similar
    performance, we choose the one with the best
    background suppression
  • In the future systematic error will be more
    important the choice of variables will have to
    be adjusted accordingly

Applying MTM to the Data
Pull Parameters
Background Fraction
  • Background fraction floats freely in the current
    MTM template fitting procedure
  • The fraction is correlated with the mass but the
    mutual dependence is not trivial
  • In the future, we plan to perform a simultaneous
    measurement of Mt and the tt production cross

Dynamical Likelihood Method
For event number i, likelihood of mt is
Bayesian transfer function probability for
parton momenta x when y are observed
Integral over parton momenta
Sum over jet assignments/n solutions
Probability of the tt transverse momentum pt
Production and decay matrix element function of
x and mt
Parton distribution function
Event sample likelihood is
Calorimeter Transfer Functions
  • Obtained from MC
  • Expressed as functions of
  • 9 bins in ET, 3 in h
  • Checked using different generators (HERWIG and
    PYTHIA) and by reconstructing the W mass

Background Treatment in DLM
  • Background fraction is minimized by choosing
    events with exactly 4 jets
  • Maximum likelihood mass is remapped using
    expected background from the cross section

Properties of the DLM Estimator
  • Tested on pseudo experiments (19 background)
  • After mapping the estimator is unbiased and pull
    distributions are unit Gaussians

DLM Data Likelihood
Mt 177.8 4.5 6.2 GeV/c2
Top Mass in the Dilepton Channel
  • Based on 126 pb-1
  • Mass templates are built by sampling the z
    momentum of the tt system to get the most
    probable mass for each event. Use jet
    permutation/neutrino solution with the smallest
    tt mass.
  • Background is 0.5 events

Mt 175 17 8 GeV/c2
Summary of Top Mass Results
  • Four preliminary CDF Run 2 measurements, three of
    them are in the ljets channel ? highly
  • Combining correlated measurements with asymmetric
    errors is an unsolved statistical problem
  • Can be done using a nonparametric technique but
    this requires too much CPU power
  • BLUE can be used if the errors are symmetrized
  • For now, quote DLM as the CDF Run 2 result (best
    expected error)

Why Run 2 isnt Better Than Run 1 Yet
  • Systematics calorimeter response studies take
  • Run 1 was lucky. Expected statistical errors for
    the Run 1 leptonjets Mt measurements

Pseudo Experiments
Statistical Error (GeV/c2)
Future Plans for Mt at CDF
  • Expect a significant improvement in the
    systematic error in the next pass of top mass
    measurements (aim for leptonjets publications by
    the end of 2004)
  • Fully explore the dilepton and all hadronic
  • Add other b taggers and events without tags
  • Measure efficiency and fake rates
  • Verify background modeling
  • Improve jet energy resolution by taking jet
    fragmentation into account
  • Separate (statistically) light quark jets from
    gluon jets. Develop separate jet energy
    calibration constants for quarks and gluons.
  • Switch to a better clustering algorithm

Towards Ultimate Mt Measurement
  • Tevatron/LHC with current methods, the jet
    energy systematic error will eventually limit the
    Mt precision at 1-2 GeV
  • A new method will be needed for hadron collider
    experiments to take advantage of very high
  • Measure Mt/MW rather than Mt?
  • Emphasize angular distributions over energies?
  • Be careful about potential non-SM contributions!
  • Threshold scan at a high energy ee- linear
    collider can be used to measure Mt up to ?100 MeV

  • Precision top mass measurements are necessary for
    checking the consistency of the Standard Model.
    Mt and MH are highly correlated.
  • Up to now all measurements are consistent with
    the Standard Model top with Mt ?178 GeV/c2.
  • Tevatron has already accumulated enough Run 2
    data for a significantly better Mt measurement
    than Run 1 result. Improvements in calibration
    and simulation are on the way.
  • MTM and DLM are powerful Run 2 analysis tools
    aimed at reducing both statistical and systematic
    uncertainties on Mt. Read PRD at the end of the

  • Backup Slides

Electron Identification
  • Good quality track with pT gt 10 GeV/c
  • Track z0 lt 60 cm
  • CEM transverse energy ET gt 20 GeV
  • ET/pT lt 2.0 when pT lt 50 GeV
  • Cluster EHAD/EEM lt 0.055 0.00045 E
  • Track-to-shower match ? 3 cm
  • Fractional calorimeter energy isolation lt 0.1
  • Shower profile consistent with electron
  • Fiducial to CES
  • Conversion veto

Muon Identification
  • Good quality track with pT gt 20 GeV/c
  • Track z0 lt 60 cm
  • Cosmic ray veto
  • Track impact parameter lt 0.02 cm with silicon
    hits, 0.2 cm without
  • EEM lt 2 max(0, 0.0115 (p - 100)) GeV
  • EHAD lt 6 max(0, 0.0280 (p - 100)) GeV
  • Fractional calorimeter energy isolation lt 0.1
  • Track match to a muon chamber stub 3, 5, and 6
    cm for CMU, CMP, and CMX, respectively

MTM Basic Ideas
  • Reduce systematics by calibrating jet energy
    scale in the sample of top candidates.
  • Reduce statistical uncertainty by estimating the
    probability to pick correct jet permutation on
    event-by-event basis. Reweight events according
    to this probability.
  • Improve signal/background separation by utilizing
    other kinematic variables in addition to the
    reconstructed top mass. Avoid hard cuts.
  • Introduce fewer assumptions into the analysis by
    using nonparametric statistical techniques

MTM Likelihood
MTM Reconstructed Mt and JES
MTM Systematic Errors
Expected Statistical Errors
Pseudo Experiments
Error (GeV/c2)
Run 1 Method
DLM Likelihood Examples
Signal likelihoods, generator-level input
Blue all added up Red right perm. Black
wrong perm.
DLM Systematic Errors
Sources ? Mtop(GeV/c2)
Jet Energy Scale 5.3
ISR 0.5
FSR 0.5
PDF 2.0
Generator 0.6
Spin correlation 0.4
NLO effect 0.4
Bkg fraction(5) 0.5
Bkg Modeling 0.5
MC Modeling(jet,UE) 0.6
Transfer function 2.0
Total 6.2
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