Title: Basic Physiology of Cross Country Training
1Basic Physiology of Cross Country Training
- Key Parameters of Aerobic Fitness
- Maximal Oxygen Uptake (VO2max )
- Running Economy
- Interaction of VO2max and Economy
- Lactate Threshold
3Maximal Oxygen Uptake - VO2max
- Defined
- Maximum amount of oxygen consumed by the body
during one minute of exercise
4Maximal Oxygen Uptake - VO2max
- Supply versus Demand
- Determinants of Maximal Oxygen Uptake
- Cardiac Output
- Oxygen Carrying Capacity
- Skeletal Muscle Mass Oxygen Utilization
5Maximal Oxygen Uptake - VO2max
- Cardiac Output
- Stroke Volume X Heart Rate
- Adaptations of Training
- Increased Cardiac Output
- Increased Plasma Volume
- Increased Stroke Volume
- Maximal Heart Rate Unchanged
- Runners Bradycardia
6Maximal Oxygen Uptake - VO2max
- Oxygen Carrying Capacity
- Red Blood Cells
- Hemoglobin
- Erythropoietin
- Extraction
7Maximal Oxygen Uptake - VO2max
- Skeletal Muscle Mass Oxygen Utilization
- Aerobic enzyme activity
- Free fatty acid metabolism
- Capillary density
8Maximal Oxygen Uptake - VO2max
- Skeletal Muscle Mass Oxygen Utilization
- Most important in terms of training adaptation
- Muscle Fiber Type
- Type I (Slow Twitch)
- Type IIa
- Type IIx
Fast Twitch
9Physiology of Skeletal Muscle
- ATP is the Energy Source for all Muscle
Contractions - Three Source of ATP
- Creatine Phosphate
- Anaerobic Glycolysis
- Oxidative Phosphorylation
10Physiology of Skeletal Muscle
- Creatine Phosphate
- Minimal Amounts Stored in Cell
- Very Rapid Reaction
- Short Bursts of Speed or
Power (10 seconds or less)
11Physiology of Skeletal Muscle
- Anaerobic Glycolysis
- Utilizes local glycogen stores
- Supplies energy for 1-3 minutes
- Lactic Acid is formed as byproduct
12Physiology of Skeletal Muscle
- Oxidative Phosphorylation
- Utilizes Glucose and Free Fatty Acids
- Exercise greater than 1 minute
13Energy Source Based on Distance
14Running Economy
- Defined
- Oxygen uptake required by a given exercise
intensity - Considerable variability among athletes
15Running Economy
- Affects of Training of Running Economy
- Higher values seen with
- Typical / Comfortable pace
- Older more experienced runners
- Higher weekly miles
- Improvements take time in trained athletes
16Running Economy
- Potential Adaptations with Training
- Improved muscle oxidative capacity
- Changes in motor unit recruitment
- Improved technique
- Maybe related to Elasticity / Flexibility
17Running Economy
- Methods for Improving
- Varying training pace
- Resistance Training
- Improve technique
- Possibly improve elasticity / flexibility
18VO2max and Economy
- V- VO2max
- Running speed (Velocity) at VO2max
- Highly predictive of endurance performance
19VO2max and Economy
- Morgan et. al
- Group of Trained Male Runners
- Similar VO2max 65/ml/kg/min
- Running speed at VO2max correlated highly with
10K performance
20Lactate Threshold (LT)
- Defined
- Exercise intensity at which blood lactate levels
increase above resting levels. - Specific to exercise task
21Lactate Threshold
- Factors Affecting LT
- Exercise Intensity
- Training Status (60, 70, 80)
- Muscle Fiber Type
- Distribution of Workload
- Blood Lactate Clearance
22Lactate Threshold
23Lactate Threshold
- Training at LT allows high intensity stimulus
without lactate accumulation that decreased
training duration
24Maximal Lactate Steady State (MLSS)
- Defined
- Highest running speed at which lactate levels
remain stable.
25Maximal Lactate Steady State (MLSS)
- What is Tapering?
- A progressive non-linear reduction of the
training load during a variable period of time in
an attempt to reduce the physiological and
psychological stress of daily training and
optimize sports performance.
- Goal
- Minimize accumulated fatigue without comprising
acquired level of fitness.
- Proven Benefits
- Reduced Perception of Effort
- Reduced Mood Disturbance
- Reduced Perception of Fatigue
- Increased Vigor
- Improved Quality of Sleep
- Bottom-line
31Type of Taper
- Stepped Taper
- Exponential Taper
- Slow Decay
- Fast Decay
32Stepped Taper
33Exponential Slow Decay
34Exponential Fast Decay
35Swimmers at Ball State
- Step Reduction
- Training reduced 67 (10,000 to 3,200 yard per
day) for 15 days - Times improved by 3.6
- Arm strength and power increased by 25
Costill DL, King DS, Thomas R. Effects of reduced
training on muscular power in swimmers. Physician
and Sportsmedicine. 198513(2)94-100.
36Runners at McMaster University
- Well conditioned runners
- (45-50 miles per week)
- 3 one-week tapers
- 100 Step Do nothing
- 64 Step 18 miles leisurely running
- 87 Exponential Decay (5,4,3,2,1x500m followed
by one day of rest) - Results
- 100 Step no improvement
- 64 Step improved time by 6
- Exponential decay improved time by 22
MacDougall JD. Medicine and Science in Sports and
Exercise, vol. 22(2), Supplement, 801, 1990
375K Runners at ECU
- Step Reduction
- Training reduced 70 for 3 weeks
- No improvement in times or muscle power
- Exponential Decay
- Volume reduced each day for one week with 85
decrease in weekly training volume - Marked improvement in time and muscle power
Houmard JA, Scott BK, Justice CL, Chenier TC. The
effects of taper on performance in distance
runners. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 1994
- Essential component of training
- Shorter workouts
- Maintain training intensity
- High training frequency (80 pre-taper)
- Minimizes accumulated fatigue
- Muscles are able to rebuild
- Improved Performance!
39Other Elements of Taper
- Nutrition
- Race Preparation
40Thank You