Title: JS 96GY The Real CSI
1JS 96GY The Real CSI
- Welcome and Introductions
- Steven Lee- Instructor
- Small Groups-Your background, interests
- Overview of the course
- Description- Requirements
- Introduction to Criminalistics
- Role of the Crime Scene Investigator
- Goal of CSI
- Physical Evidence- Locards Exchange
2My Background
- Who am I? Scientist, Teacher and Dad
- Consultant -Director of RD, Biotech (MiraiBio)
- Adjunct Prof Chem FIU, Adjunct Prof Biology SFSU
- Blessed to have been a mentor to my students
- Husband and Dad to 4
- Interests music, running, meditation
- How did I get here? Research and Teaching
Experience - CA DOJ DNA (94-99), Adjunct SFSU (96- ), Biology
UNC (92-94) - SUNYB, AECOM, NYU, Columbia, UCB, UGA
- Courses Mol Genetics, Genetics of Forensic DNA
typing (UC Davis), Chem. of DNA typing (Web
Based- FIU- F 2001, Sp 2003) - Forensic Experience? All in DNA
- CA DOJ DNA Research, Validation and Training
- Served on TWGDAM 1994-1999
- AFDIL mtDNA QA, ASCLD-LAB certified, AAFS full
member, CAC full member - Qualified expert DNA witness
3Small group formation
- 5 per team- Designate one team leader
- Gather emails and phone numbers
- Find out the following. Total of 4 teams
- 1) Name, Major, Home town or country, HS
- 2) Why are you interested in CSI?
- 3) Something to remember you by- Hobbies,
Favorite food, favorite sport, other?
4Contact Information
Instructor Dr. Steven Lee,
Professor Office MH 521 Office Hrs W
1445-1845 Set 20 minute appointments via
email email sblee999_at_gmail.com,
steven.Lee_at_sjsu.edu Phone 408-924-2948
5Peer Mentor Contact
- Peer Mentor
- Director Dr. Jill Steinberg
- Office Royce Hall Lounge
- 355 S 8th Street
- Phone 408-924-2198
- Peer mentor- Sandy Ng
- Email sandyn21_at_gmail.com
- Hours Mondays 2-4, Wedesdays 2-3
6Overview of the Course
- Course Description Develop your skills in the
science of crime scene investigation through
hands-on learning exercises. Basics of crime
scene investigation and forensic science will be
covered in this introductory course. Learn the
appropriate methods for processing, securing, and
isolating a crime scene. Topics include recording
the scene, searching for evidence,
decision-making about what evidence is
appropriate and necessary to collect, procedures
for collecting physical evidence, and maintaining
the chain of custody to avoid contamination.
Scientific concepts, methods, practices and
analytical instrumentation utilized by forensic
scientists for the recognition, collection,
preservation, identification, comparison,
analysis and documentation of physical evidence
will also be covered. Hands-on activities will
include securing the scene, searching for
physical evidence, documenting the scene, taking
accurate measurements, and collection and
interpretation of physical evidence such as
fingerprints, blood spatter, shoeprints and DNA.
Court testimony, professional requirements,
standards, training, ethics, and quality
assurance will also be covered. The interface
of science and law will be discussed using case
examples, current events, news, and magazine and
journal research articles.
7Student Learning Outcomes
- Learn how to use MLK Jr. Library, online
databases, and the Internet to find reliable
forensic science and crime scene investigation
information. - Examine the science of crime scene
investigation. - Learn the basics of searching, securing,
recording and reconstructing crime scenes. - Develop skills in applying the scientific
method to CSI.
8GE Area B1 Goals
- Laws of thermodynamics will be discussed in
arson and explosives investigation. - Structure of matter will be covered in sections
on organic and inorganic Analyses (Carbon and
non-carbon containing evidence for drug
investigation) - Interaction of matter and energy will be
presented in the sections on the firing a gun. - Behavior of physical systems through time will
be covered through the discussions on evaluation
and typing of biological forensic evidence from
exhumed bodies, missing soldiers and ancient
bones. - Systems of classification will be covered in
discussions on differences between class and
individual characteristics - Physical processes of the natural environment
will be presented through discussions on
degradation of forensic evidence due to
evaporation or mold.
9Course Website
- http//www.sjsu.edu/faculty_and_staff/course_detai
10Course Text and materials
- Required Text
- CRIME LAB A Guide for Nonscientists, 2nd. Ed.
2005. ISBN 978-0-9658286-4-2 Calico Press.
http//www.calicopress.com/ - Will be in bookstore within a few days.. Handouts
and presentations will first be used to cover
first chapters and will be posted on my website. - Required reading and internet materials
- Journal articles and other readings will be
accessible at the SJSU library, on reserve or
will be accessible on line. Citations and URLs
for on line materials will be provided in
assignments. - NIJ on line documents (eg Crime scene
investigation guidelines http//www.ncjrs.org/pdff
iles1/nij/178280.pdf, Crime Scene Investigator
Web sites- http//www.crime-scene-investigator.net
/ and the CA Dept of Justice Physical Evidence
Bulletins http//www.cci.ca.gov/Reference/peb/peb
.html and other web sites will be required.
11Course Format
- The course will include lectures by the
instructor, assistants and guest lectures from
crime laboratory forensic scientists.
Discussions, videos, small-group hands-on
activities, and laboratories will also be
included throughout the semester. If possible,
on-line chats and field trips (to at least one
crime laboratory) will be scheduled (Weds Sept
12Course requirements
- Course requirements
- Exams Three exams will be given in this course.
Exams will be cumulative and will include all
material covered up to the date of the exam.
Exams may include multiple choice, matching,
true/false, short answer, diagrams, drawings and
sketches, short essay and/or long essay. - Exam 1 10/08/08
- Exam 2 11/19/08
- Final Monday, December 15 -0945-1200
13Quizzes and CSI exercises
- Quizzes
- Quizzes on assigned readings, laboratories, small
group activities and other assigned materials
will be given during the semester. These will
generally be multiple choice, matching,
true/false and short answer but may also include
essay questions. There will be a total of 5
quizzes. Total 50 points - Hands-on Crime scene Exercises and Assignments
- Three hands-on crime scene exercises will be
required. Each will be worth 50 points. The
format and grading of the laboratory reports will
be provided at the first laboratory session.
Bound notebooks are required for all 3 laboratory
reports. Participation in the crime scene
exercises will be graded and will be worth 50
points total. Total 150 points
14Crime Scene Notebook Guidelines
- Written guidelines to be provided
- Handouts on format
- Need to use proper format Abstract,
Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results,
Discussion with conclusions, References,
Appendices - Handouts on Self Evaluation (Begin with the end
in mind) - Administrative Review
- Technical Review
- Examples of A, B and C Laboratory Notebooks
- You will have your notebooks at every class
sessions - At any session, I may select 1 notebook per group
to grade. In this way you will get feedback
early in the semester to follow. - I will be providing a portion of the CSI exercise
grade from group participation
15MUSE workshops
- Formerly called MUSE workshops, now "Student
Success Programs". - You must attend a minimum of 2 success programs
- You also must hand in summaries (format to be
provided) - Two weeks of programs will be posted in every
MUSE class room and in the Peer Mentor Center. - http//www.sjsu.edu/muse/
- http//www.sjsu.edu/muse/Student_Success_Programs_
xformerly_MUSE_Workshopsx/ - 25 points each for a total of 50 points
16Policy on late work and missed exams
- No late work will be accepted or in-class
assignments or exams rescheduled except by prior
consent from the instructor or with a written
medical excuse. If you have a problem with a
given assignment or exam, speak to me before the
due date or exam time, not afterwards. - Make-up exams will not generally be permitted.
However, under extraordinary circumstances, with
proper documentation and approval by the
instructor, a 15 page single-spaced term paper of
an instructor assigned topic, may substitute for
1 exam.
- Quizzes 50 points
- Exam 1 50 points
- Exam 2 50 points
- Final exam 100 points
- Crime Scene Reports 150 points
- Success Program sum. 50 points
- Participation points 50 points
- Total required 500 points
18Extra Credit
- A total of 20 points may be granted for small
group assignments and other assignments during
the semester. - These may include attending seminars and
providing a brief summary of the seminar (no more
than 150 words). - Other extra credit may be gained by your team.
Team assignments for extra credit may be in class
or at home (need to work together). - Each assignment will be worth 1-2 points each.
These extra credit points may be used to augment
your final point total.
20Course Add/Drop Statement
- Instructors are permitted to drop students who
fail to attend the first scheduled class meeting
and who fail to inform the instructor prior to
the second class meeting of the reason for any
absence and their intention to continue in the
class. Some instructors will drop students who
do not meet the stated course prerequisites.
However, instructors are not required to drop a
student from their course. It is the students
responsibility to make sure classes are dropped. - You, the student, are responsible for
understanding the policies and procedures about
add/drops, academic renewal, late drops,
withdrawal, etc. found at http//sa.sjsu.edu/stu
dent_conduct - http//info.sjsu.edu/web-dbgen/narr/soc-fall/rec-3
24.html - http//www.sjsu.edu/sac/advising/latedrops/policy/
21Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
- Any cheating or plagiarism will be treated as a
very serious offense. Documentation of any cases
of violation of these policies will result in
academic sanctions and will be placed in the
students record. The documentation of any
violations will be kept on record with the Office
of Judicial affairs, and may result in
administrative disciplinary action. Furthermore,
these violations may be discovered in any
background checks for employment and may restrict
violators from applying for jobs in the future.
22Academic Integrity and Plagiarism
- All students are required to read the following
academic integrity policy and complete a tutorial
on plagiarism. Visit - at http//www2.sjsu.edu/senate/S04-12.htm , and
http// for
the academic policy and the plagiarism tutorial - http//tutorials.sjlibrary.org/tutorial/plagiarism
/index.htm - (http//tutorials.sjlibrary.org)
- Read each document in its entirety.
- You are required to document that you have read
these policies by printing out a copy of the quiz
grade for the plagiarism tutorial. - For the academic integrity policy, you are
required to hand in a signed, dated, printout to
me - All due by class period 09/03/08
23Course Schedule
- 16 weeks- No classes Mon 01 Sept
- Exams 10/08/08, 11/19/08 Final 12/15
-0945-1200 - Last class 12/10/08
- Student Led Review dates 10/6, 11/17, 12/10
- 10/15/08 Lee will be at the the 19th Annual
International Symposium on Human Identification
Video will be shown with required questions. - All CSI Report due dates to be announced
- Group assignment 1. Gather your team emails and
submit them to your team leader. - Team leaders should email me their teams email
addresses and cc copies to all their teammates.
Place the name of your team in the subject. Due
by 09/01/08- 1900 (7pm) - Individual assignment 1. Bring a folder with your
name (last name first) - Individual assignment 2. Read Introduction and
Chapter 1 handout from Houde book. - Individual assignment 3. Read the academic
integrity policy and take the plagiarism tutorial.
25Role of the Crime Scene Investigator
- Crucial step in investigation
- Four Basic Fundamental Concepts
- Secure- preserve evidence, safety
- Search Critical v Supporting v Property
- Record sketching, measuring, photography,
videography etc - Reconstruct- final goal
- From the analysis of the crime, an experienced
CSI will determine what type of physical
evidence, where and how to recognize it, how best
to collect, preserve and process the evidence and
combined with laboratory examinations,
reconstruct the crime
26Crime Scene InvestigationGoal- reconstruct the
27Locards Exchange Principle
- Contact results in a cross-transfer of evidence
- 1910 Edmund Locard, successor to Lacassagne as
professor of forensic medicine at the University
of Lyons, France, established the first police
crime laboratory.
28CSI Exercise 1- Types of Evidence
- In your small teams examine one of your team
mates shoes. - Team leaders should collect all the observations.
- Write down as many characteristics of the shoe
that you and your teammates believe will assist a
CSI in determining if a shoeprint was left by a
particular shoe. - Once completed be sure everyone signs the paper
and indicate you are done.
29Overview of the types of Physical evidence
- Blood, semen, saliva
- Documents
- Drugs
- Explosives
- Fibers, Hair, Paint
- Fingerprints
- Firearms and ammunition
- Glass
- Impressions
- Organs and physiological fluids
- Pertoleum produts
- Plastic bags
- Rubber, other polymers
- Powder residues
- Serial numbers
- Soil and minerals
- Tool marks
- Vehicle lights
- Wood and other vegetative matter
30Office Hours Policies
- Set up 15 minute appointments by email
sblee999_at_gmail.com, steven.lee_at_sjsu.edu - Benefits (to you and me)
- Review the course material.
- Show me how hard you are working
- Provide feedback
- Ask specific questions or Ask for help
- Extra credit may be provided for coming to
discuss questions on the reading, exams, DNA,
assignments, forensics, news articles,
department, college and campus scholarshipsetc