Title: Peninsula School District StudentParent Reunification Process
1Peninsula School District Student/Parent
Reunification Process
2Sample Field Layout - FEMA Fire Districts
trained our safety team using similar format
process. Consistent simple reunification
process to coordinate staff, calm parents
reunite them with their children.
Student Holding Area should include an activity
section a quiet section. First Aid area for
minor injuries could be close to quiet area for
students. First Aid for major injuries should be
farther away with a counselor ready to take
parents back if needed.
- PSD Staff only at Request Gate to review
confidential emergency forms, volunteers or
students can fill most other positions.
3- Emergency Information Forms completed each year
for each student by Parent/ Guardian with
releasing options clearly marked
4- Prior to the drill or event
- Train staff, student runners, parents in the
reunion procedures - Decide location for parent request / check-in
student holding first aid release and have
signs ready to post - Supplies ready pens, pencils, tape, paper, lots
of Student Release/Runner forms - Keep Emergency Information forms alphabetized in
orange CONFIDENTIAL binders- split up if needed
for more than one staff but keep alpha A-I J-P
Q-Z. - Now You are Ready
VISIBLE sign at Release Gate to avoid confusion - If possible have multiple runners available,
students or volunteers. Have Security, Staff or
Parent volunteers placed before Request Gate
explaining process handing out forms pens to
parents arriving on-site avoids confusion
calms parents
5- Building is evacuated in a calm quiet manner.
Grab easy to access coats, bags, emergency
supplies - Teachers take their classes to field take
attendance - Make a note of any students that go to first aid
on class list or on student accounting form
provided in district incident response manual - Teachers have runner take the attendance
list/form to Student Holding / Attendance Area
- Parent completes Release Form box 1 at Request
Gate - Only Staff members can check Confidential
Emergency Information forms - Staff to verify Identification sign off in box
2 - Back copy of form stays at Request Gate behind
emergency form in binder - Parent goes to Student Release Gate Area to wait,
may be escorted by runner if necessary
7- Form-Runner takes top 2 copies of form then goes
to student Attendance / Holding-Area - Attendance / Holding-Area Staff sends their
Runner to get student in holding area while
Form-Runner waits - If a student is in First Aid, Attendance /Holding
Area staff will mark the first aid box on the
form their Runner will then go to First Aid.
First Aid Security/Counselor Staff will either
release student or get parent at Release Gate
themselves if student is not able to be released - Attendance / Holding-Area Staff completes box 3
returns both copies to Form-Runner with student
8- Form-Runner takes top 2 copies of form with
student and goes to Release Gate - Release Gate staff checks box 4, verifies
identity is the same person in box 1 - Release Gate staff signs off on box 4
- Parent or person picking up student signs in box
5, writes destination/phone, time date - Parent Student are then released!
9- 2nd copy / yellow Release form stays with Release
Gate kept in alphabetical order for back-up - Runner takes top white copy back to Request Gate
staff to file behind Student Emergency Form - Form Runner is now ready for next form
- So later if someone else listed on Emergency
form comes looking for same student, Request Gate
Staff can let them know who picked up student and
where they went at what time
10SUMMARY - Student / Parent Reunification Process
- Parent completes Release Form box 1 at Request
Gate - Only Staff members can check Confidential
Emergency Information forms staff verifies
identification sign off in box 2 - Back / pink copy of form stays at Request Gate
behind emergency form in binder - Parent goes to Student Release Gate Area to wait,
may be escorted by runner if necessary - Form runner takes top 2 copies of form then goes
to student Attendance / Holding-Area - Attendance / Holding-Area Staff sends their
runner to get student in holding area while form
runner waits - If a student is in first aid, attendance /holding
area staff will mark the first aid box on the
form their runner will then go to First Aid.
First Aid Security/Counselor Staff will either
release student or go get parent themselves if
student is not able to be released - Attendance / Holding-Area Staff completes box 3
returns both copies to form runner with student - Form runner takes top 2 copies of form with
student and goes to Release Gate - Release Gate staff checks box 4, verifies it is
the same person as box 1, verifies
identification Release Gate personnel signs off
on box 4 - Parent or person picking up student signs in box
5, writes destination/phone, time date - 2nd copy / yellow Release form stays with Release
Gate in alpha order as a back-up - Runner takes top white copy back to Request Gate
staff to file behind Student Emergency Form in
case someone comes there looking for same student
at a later time - Form Runner is now ready for next form
- After event, everything but white release form
can be thrown out, white should be kept alpha in
separate file send to district office to keep
as incident report for 3 years. - Return to Safety Page http//www.peninsula.wednet