Title: Concepts and Measurement
1Intention to Purchase
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3Theory of Reasoned Action
- Behavior is a direct result of intention
- Two factors involved in behavioral intention
- Attitude toward an act
- Subjective norm
4The Fishbein Model
where, A Attitude towards a brand Bi
Belief that the brand possesses attribute i Ei
Evaluation or desirability of attribute i I
attribute 1, 2, m
5An Application of the Fishbein Model
Research Question What is the listeners
attitude towards KBYU radio?
Measurement scales Beliefs about specific
attributes For example Do you believe that
KBYU plays lots of music? Yes 3 2 1 0
-1 -2 -3 No Evaluation weights for each
attribute For example How appealing is it to
you when a radio station plays lots of
music? Very appealing 3 2 1 0 -1 -2
-3 Not appealing
6An Application of the Fishbein Model
7Attitude toward the Act
where, Aact Attitude toward the act of
purchasing a particular brand Bi Belief that
performance of a certain behaviorbrand purchase
will lead to an anticipated outcome Ei
Evaluation of an anticipated outcome, either a
positive benefit or the avoidance of a
negative consequence i anticipated outcome 1,
2, m
8Subjective Norm
- SN refers to the perception of what other people
think we should do with respect to a certain
behavior, such as brand purchase, and what the
response to this pressure will be - SN consists of
- Normative beliefs the perceived expectations
that significant others think the consumer should
or should not behave in a certain way (buy the
brand) - Motivation to comply the extent to which the
consumer considers the possible opinions of
significant others when forming an intent to
9Attitude toward the Act
where, SN Subjective normthe motivation
toward an act as determined by the influence of
significant others NBj Normative
beliefsbelief that significant others (j)
expect the consumer to engage in an action MCj
Motivation to complythe extent to which
the consumer is motivated to realize the
expectations of significant others (j) j
significant other 1, 2, n
10Combining Act and Subjective Norm
where, B Overt behavior, i.e., brand
purchase BI Behavioral intention or purchase
intention Aact Attitude toward purchase of
brand SN Subjective norm W1 and w2
empirically determined evaluation weights
11Survey I Passenger Sentiment Survey
- Research Plan
- Overall Interest Level (High Low Interest)
- Event impact on Desire to take a 7 day cruise
- Personalization Impact Statement Agreement
- Experience with Cruises
- Demographics State, Gender
12Interest in Planning a CruiseInterest in Taking
a Cruise
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15Survey II Intention to Purchase
- A or B or C
- A Test of Three Alternative Concepts
16The Research Plan
- Introduction
- Concept Introduction
- Appeal of Concept (Delight)
- Impact on Decision (Importance)
- Value
- Name that Concept
- Experience as a Cruiser
- Demographics (State, Gender)
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21Survey III Appeal Intention with Qualification
- Warm-Up, Days at Sea
- Interest in Cruising to Europe in Next 2 Years
- Appeal of Mediterranean Destinations
- Appeal of Northern-European Destinations
- Exotic or Non-Exotic Destination Traveler
- Traveling Companion
- Overall Attitude about Celebrity
- Cruise Experience
- Demographics State, Gender
22Why This Type of Survey?
- Recognition of Market Segments
- Non Cruiser
- Experienced Cruiser
- Exotic (want something a little bit more)
- Been There, Done That, Have the T-Shirt
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28Survey IV Intention to Buy a Complex Product
- Slot Machines and Photography Services Study
- Can You Determine the Research Plan?
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37The Research Plan
- Intention to Play Each Machine (Scale)
- Intention/Preference Most likely to Play (First
Choice) - Attribute Preference Why most preferred
- Preference of Shopping Credit v. Cash
- Appeal Machine Background
- Other Attributes Machine Attributes (Pick)
- Gambling Attitudes
- Frequency and Amount of Play
- Choice Criteria for Machine
- Motivation to Gamble
- Appeal of Cruise Gambling
- ---------------------------------------
- Likelihood of Using Photo Kiosk
- Appeal of Onboard Professional Photographers
- Preference Photograph Distribution Mode
- Likelihood of Purchasing Photo Concept at 15 /
5x7 - ---------------------------------------
- Cruise Experience
- Demographics State, Gender