An Introduction to Flow Measurement - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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An Introduction to Flow Measurement


An Introduction to Flow Measurement Training Course Metering basics The table and graph below show the results of a flow meter calibration Metering basics If we ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: An Introduction to Flow Measurement

An Introduction to Flow Measurement Training
  • Definition of flow measurement
  • Why flow is measured
  • Oil gas applications
  • Flow basics
  • Fluid properties
  • Reynolds number
  • Velocity profile
  • Oil and gas flows
  • Multiphase flow

  • Metering basics
  • Measurement concepts
  • Accuracy and uncertainty
  • Calibration concepts
  • Flow meter performance measures

Definition of flow measurement
  • Flow is the movement of material from one place
    to another
  • We see examples of flow around us in everyday life

Definition of flow measurement
  • Water flowing in a river to the sea

Definition of flow measurement
  • Sand flowing in an egg timer

Definition of flow measurement
  • Traffic flowing on a busy road

Definition of flow measurement
  • Normally when we describe flow our descriptions
    are in qualitative terms

Definition of flow measurement
  • e.g. the flow in the river is very fast

Definition of flow measurement
  • e.g. The traffic on the road is very heavy

Definition of flow measurement
  • Flow measurement is the practice of describing
    flow in quantitative terms, i.e. putting a
    numerical value on the flow
  • It is easy to see how this could be done for some
    of the flow examples we have already introduced

Definition of flow measurement
  • Traffic flowing on a busy road

10 cars in 20 seconds or 1800 cars per hour
Definition of flow measurement
  • When we are quantifying flow in terms of both
    quantity and time then we are describing a flow
  • The units of quantity and time that we use can be
    changed to suit the situation
  • One person may be interested in total number of
    cars per day pass on a certain road
  • Another may want to know how many cars pass per
    hour in the morning and how per hour in the

Definition of flow measurement
  • Sand flowing in an egg timer
  • We could count the grains of sand before we put
    then in and seal the timer
  • 9,000 grains of sand
  • 3 minutes to flow from top to bottom
  • 50 grains per second

Definition of flow measurement
  • If we were to use a similar device to add salt to
    food in production process in a factory then we
    would want to know the quantity in grams not
  • We could do this by weighing a quantity of salt
    and timing how long it took to flow out
  • We could then quantify the flow in mass terms
  • e.g. Grams per minute

Definition of flow measurement
  • If we then know that the salt flows at our device
    flows at 5 grams per minute and that our recipe
    calls for 10 grams of salt, then we can allow the
    device to flow for two minutes to add the correct
    amount of salt to our recipe

Definition of flow measurement
  • In summary
  • Flow measurement is the practice of quantifying
    the movement of material
  • Flow rate is specified in units of quantity and
  • e.g.
  • cubic meters per hour
  • gallons per minute
  • barrels per day
  • kilograms per second

  • Definition of flow measurement
  • Why flow is measured
  • Oil gas applications
  • Flow basics
  • Fluid properties
  • Velocity profile
  • Metering basics
  • Measurement concepts
  • Accuracy and uncertainty
  • Calibration concepts
  • Flow meter performance measures

Why flow is measured
  • Flow is normally measured for one of two reasons.
  • The fluid has a value that is determined by
    quantity and quality, or
  • The flow rate or total amount of flow has
    important consequences such that the flow must be
    controlled or the process managed accordingly

Why flow is measured
  • Examples where the fluid has a value that is
    determined by quantity and quality include
  • Water
  • Steam
  • Crude oil
  • Natural gas
  • Petrol
  • Lubricants
  • Bottled gases
  • Pharmaceuticals

Why flow is measured
  • Examples where the flow rate or total amount of
    flow has important consequences such that the
    flow must be controlled or the process managed
    accordingly include
  • Intravenous drug injection in hospitals
  • Chlorination of drinking water supplies
  • Feedwater flow in nuclear power plants

Why flow is measured
  • Why does Fiscal Metering attract so much effort
    and expense ??
  • We Meter because we need to know the MARKET VALUE
    of the hydrocarbon products
  • The MARKET VALUE impacts on the Operating
    Companys PROFITS which impacts on WAGES and
    BONUSES !!!!

Why flow is measured
  • Its a MIS CONCEPTION that Production Quantity
    must be MAXIMISED at any cost
  • The REALITY is that you need to MAXIMISE YOUR

Why flow is measured
Assume an Oil Field Producing - Assume an Oil Field Producing - 50,000 bbls / day  
Assume a market value of - Assume a market value of - 100 / bbl  
Metering Uncertainty Daily Flow Error Daily Cost Error Annual Flow Error Annual Cost Error
bbls / day bbls / day
0.1 50 5,000.00 18250 1,825,000.00
0.2 100 10,000.00 36500 3,650,000.00
0.25 125 12,500.00 45625 4,562,500.00
0.3 150 15,000.00 54750 5,475,000.00
0.5 250 25,000.00 91250 9,125,000.00
1 500 50,000.00 182500 18,250,000.00
Why flow is measured
Assume a Gas Field Producing - Assume a Gas Field Producing - 100 mmscfd  
Assume a market value of - Assume a market value of - 5000 / mmscf  
Metering Uncertainty Daily Flow Error Daily Cost Error Annual Flow Error Annual Cost Error
mmscfd mmscfd
0.6 0.6 3000 219 1095000
0.8 0.8 4000 292 1460000
1 1 5000 365 1825000
1.5 1.5 7500 547.5 2737500
2 2 10000 730 3650000
5 5 25000 1825 9125000
Why flow is measured
  • It is obvious that flow could be measured by
    collecting the fluid in appropriate containers
    and counting those
  • However, it is also obvious that transporting
    fluids in pipes has great advantages and that it
    is inconvenient to measure all of the input or
    output by using buckets or barrels
  • Filling your car at the petrol station would be
    very inconvenient if you had to transfer the
    petrol using 1 litre containers

Why flow is measured
  • In order to avoid the inconvenience of measuring
    the flow in containers, we require a device that
    can be installed in a pipe to make a continuous
    measurement of flow as illustrated below
  • We call this a flow meter
  • Flow measurement is often referred to as metering

  • Definition of flow measurement
  • Why flow is measured
  • Oil gas applications
  • Flow basics
  • Metering basics

Oil and gas applications
  • Oil and gas flow measurement applications
    normally fall into at least one of the four
    categories below
  • Custody Transfer
  • Fiscal
  • Allocation
  • Management and Control
  • In oil and gas applications the flow can be a
    mixture of oil, water and gas we will discuss
    the importance of this later

Oil and gas applications
  • Custody transfer is a term used to describe a
    change of ownership or responsibility
  • A custody transfer transaction normally involves
    one party paying the other for a product on the
    basis of the total quantity delivered
  • e.g. 500,000 barrels of crude oil at 100 per

Oil and gas applications
  • Typical examples of custody transfer include
  • crude oil shuttle tanker loading and offloading
  • oil and gas pipeline export from offshore
    facilities and
  • road tanker loading and offloading of refined
  • Custody transfers normally involve processed
    fluids, i.e. stabilised crude oil with water
    and gas removed, refined oil products or dry
    natural gas

Oil and gas applications
  • Fiscal metering refers to flow measurement that
    is related to government tax revenues, i.e. the
    results are used to calculate oil and gas
    production figures that determine how much tax
    the oil companies have to pay the government
  • It is normal for most countries to have specific
    regulations for fiscal metering
  • In addition to the regulations, which will tend
    to be of a legalistic nature, there may also be
    technical guidelines to follow or standards to
    comply with

Oil and gas applications
  • Fiscal metering is normally associated with
    custody transfer but allocation metering can also
    have a fiscal use

Oil and gas applications
  • Allocation is a term used to describe the process
    of attributing a proportion of production to a
    particular source
  • Allocation metering often has a similar purpose
    to custody transfer metering, i.e. it has a
    financial implication

Oil and gas applications
  • In this example, if field A and field B have
    different owners, allocation metering is required

Oil and gas applications
  • Allocation metering often has a fiscal
  • If field A and B have different owners then the
    tax on the export will be split according to the
  • Even if A B have the same owner, if different
    tax regimes are applied then the allocation
    meters would have a fiscal use

Oil and gas applications
  • Management and control application for oil and
    gas production tend to fall into the following
    broad categories
  • Reservoir management
  • Well management and control
  • Production management and control
  • Environmental management
  • There are many different specific uses for flow
  • A few are given here as examples

Oil and gas applications
  • In reservoir management it is important to
    quantify both production and injection flow rates

Oil production
Water injection
Oil and gas applications
  • In well and flow line management flow measurement
    can play an important part in operations such as
  • Production monitoring to evaluate the
    effectiveness of well clean up operations
  • Gas lift to optimise the gas flow rate to get
    the maximum oil flow without using excessive
    amounts of gas
  • Injection of corrosion inhibitor to protect
    flow lines and risers
  • Injection of scale and hydrate inhibitors to
    prevent blockage of flow lines and risers

Oil and gas applications
  • In the production train flow measurement is used
    to control the rate of flow through heaters and
    separators to ensure the fluids are processed
    properly prior to export, storage or overboard

Oil and gas applications
  • Measurement of production into storage on a
    platform with gravity base storage and shuttle
    tanker export is an other example of an important
    measurement that is not itself an allocation or
    custody transfer measurement

Oil and gas applications
  • Gas can be flared as part of the production
    process, either if there is no gas export
    facility or more often to dispose of waste gases
    or to cope with emergency process shut downs
  • Quantification of flare gas is often required to
    comply with environmental legislation
  • A growing number of companies are now taxed and
    hence the flare is a fiscal measurement

  • Definition of flow measurement
  • Why flow is measured
  • Oil gas applications
  • Flow basics
  • Fluid properties
  • Reynolds number
  • Velocity profile
  • Oil and gas flows
  • Multiphase flow
  • Metering basics

Flow basics
  • Fluids are materials that flow easily, i.e.
    liquids and gases
  • Liquids will sit in a open container and cannot
    easily be compressed

Flow basics
  • Gases can be compressed and will expand to fill
    whatever contains them

Flow basics
  • Density is used to describe a fluid in terms of
    mass per unit volume
  • In metric units density is normally expressed in
    kilograms per cubic meter (kg/m3)
  • The approximate densities of some common
    materials are given below
  • Steel 7800 kg/m3
  • Water 1000 kg/m3
  • Oil 800 kg/m3
  • Atmospheric air 1.3 kg/m3

Flow basics
  • Density is important in flow measurement for two
    main reasons
  • It influences the way fluids behave and interact
    with objects and other fluids
  • For certain fluids the value of the fluid can be
    related to its density
  • If we mix two liquids of different densities,
    such as oil and water, and then allow them to
    settle out, then the liquid with the lowest
    density will float to the top and high density or
    heavy liquid will sink to the bottom

Flow basics
  • As far as flow measurement is concerned, the
    density of the fluid will influence how some
    types of flow meter respond to the flow
  • A useful example is to consider the flow of air
    in a breeze and the flow of water in a river
  • A fast flowing river has more power to displace
    objects than wind blowing at the same speed

Flow basics
  • All fluids are compressible to some extent and
    density changes occur in both gases and liquids
    with both temperature and pressure
  • Because gases expand and compress much more
    easily than liquids, the density changes with
    pressure in a gas are more significant than for a

Flow basics
  • Density changes with pressure
  • Liquid change is /- 4 kg/m3, less than 0.5
  • Gas change is /- 50 kg/m3, around 80

Flow basics
  • Density changes with temperature
  • Liquid change is /- 20 kg/m3, around 2
  • Gas change is /- 5 kg/m3, around 10

Flow basics
  • Because the density of liquids and gases are
    sensitive to pressure and temperature, it is
    common for volumes to be quantified at a
    reference or normal temperature and pressure
  • The most commonly used reference conditions are a
    temperature of 15 degrees Celsius and an
    atmospheric pressure of 1 bar

Flow basics
  • Viscosity is a term used to describe the tendency
    of a fluid to resist flow and is sometimes
    described as internal friction
  • The more viscous a fluid the more it resists flow
  • A commonly used unit of absolute viscosity is the
    centipoise (1 cP 10-3 Pascal seconds)
  • Water has a viscosity of approximately 1 cP
  • Honey has a viscosity of around 10,000 cP

Flow basics
  • Gases have low absolute viscosities
  • For example, air at atmospheric conditions has a
    viscosity of approximately 0.018 cP
  • Another commonly used measure of viscosity is the
    centistoke (1 cSt 10-6 m2/s)
  • The viscosity in cSt is called the kinematic
    viscosity is obtained by dividing the absolute
    viscosity in cP by density in kilograms per litre

Flow basics
  • The viscosity of liquids tends to decrease with
    increasing temperature whereas for gases the
    opposite is true
  • The variation of viscosity with temperature is
    most significant in liquids

Flow basics
  • Hydrocarbon liquid viscosities vs temperature
  • Note that for oils of higher viscosity, the
    gradient of viscosity change with temperature is

Flow basics
  • The viscosity of a fluid affects its flow
  • Viscosity can also have a direct effect on the
    performance of some types of flow meter
  • The way in which viscosity influences fluid flow
    is best described with reference to Reynolds

  • Definition of flow measurement
  • Why flow is measured
  • Oil gas applications
  • Flow basics
  • Fluid properties
  • Reynolds number
  • Velocity profile
  • Oil and gas flows
  • Multiphase flow
  • Metering basics

Flow basics
  • Reynolds number describes the balance between the
    dynamic (driving) forces and the viscous
    (frictional) forces in a fluid flow
  • For circular pipes Reynolds number, Re, can be
    written as

where U is the average flow velocity in meters
per second, D is the diameter of the pipe in
meters and ? is the kinematic viscosity in cSt
Flow basics
  • Reynolds number can be used to classify flow in
    to different flow regimes
  • If Reynolds number is small (less than around
    2,000) then viscous forces dominate and the flow
    is described as laminar flow
  • When the flow is laminar it can be thought of as
    moving along in thin layers with no mixing
    between the layers

Flow basics
  • If we were to inject dye or tracer particles into
    a laminar flow, we would expect them to move in a
    straight line, parallel with the pipes axis

Flow basics
  • If Reynolds number is large (more than around
    5,000) then dynamic forces dominate and the flow
    is described as turbulent flow
  • When the flow is turbulent the general motion is
    parallel to the pipes axis but with mixing
    occurring between the different layers

Flow basics
  • If we were to inject dye or tracer particles into
    a turbulent flow then we would expect the dye
    stream to break up or the particles to move
    forward with random movements superimposed
  • This superimposed random motion can be in any
    direction and is called turbulence

Flow basics
  • In between laminar and turbulent flow the flow is
    described as transitional
  • In this flow regime, the flow switches back and
    forth between laminar and turbulent behaviour
  • The transitional flow regime is less predictable
    than turbulent or laminar flow and can cause
    difficulties in terms of flow measurement

  • Definition of flow measurement
  • Why flow is measured
  • Oil gas applications
  • Flow basics
  • Fluid properties
  • Reynolds number
  • Velocity profile
  • Oil and gas flows
  • Multiphase flow
  • Metering basics

Flow basics
  • Velocity profile is a term used to describe how
    fast the fluid is flowing at different points in
    a circular cross-section of the pipe
  • If we had a long straight pipe with a completely
    frictionless pipe wall, then the fluid would move
    all at the same velocity, as if it were a solid

Flow basics
  • In the uniform velocity profile shown on the
    previous slide is not possible as the pipe wall
    creates friction
  • This means that a tiny thin layer of fluid next
    to the pipe wall will not move, i.e. its velocity
    will be zero

Flow basics
  • As we move away from the pipe wall, the drag
    caused by the pipe wall becomes less and the
    fluid moves at increasingly higher velocities

Flow basics
  • In a very long straight piece of pipe the highest
    velocity occurs in the centre of the pipe, i.e.
    at the point that is furthest away from the pipe

Flow basics
  • The way that the velocity changes from the pipe
    wall to the centre of the pipe is dependent on
    flow regime and Reynolds number
  • In laminar flows the viscosity effect or
    internal friction dominates and does an
    effective job of transferring the drag of the
    pipe wall from layer to layer
  • This results in a profile where the velocity
    changes fairly gradually as you move from the
    pipe wall to the centre line

Flow basics
  • When flow enters a long straight piece of pipe
    from a tank, a pump or some pipe bends, the
    velocity profile will be changing shape
  • As the flow moves down the straight piece of pipe
    the profile will gradually stabilise or develop
  • Once the shape of the velocity profile is no
    longer changing, the flow is said to be fully

Flow basics
  • The length of straight pipe that is required to
    ensure fully developed flow is dependent on the
    velocity profile entering the straight section of

Flow profile no longer changing i.e. fully
developed flow
Flow profile changing
Flow basics
  • The shape of a fully developed velocity profile
    can be described mathematically
  • The equations are not required in this course but
    it is useful to understand some features of fully
    developed velocity profiles
  • Fully developed laminar flow has a velocity
    profile that has a parabolic shape as shown in
    the following slide

Flow basics
  • The maximum velocity in the centre of the pipe
    has a value that is twice the average velocity

Flow basics
  • Fully developed laminar flow has the same
    velocity profile shape for the full range of
    Reynolds number in the laminar regime, i.e. from
    0 to 2,000
  • Fully developed turbulent flow has a velocity
    profile that is flatter in the middle and varies
    steeply in the boundary layer next to the pipe,
    as shown in on the following slide

Flow basics
  • The maximum velocity in the centre of the pipe
    has a value between around 1.1 and 1.3 times the
    average velocity

Flow basics
  • In fully developed turbulent flow the profile
    shape varies slightly with Reynolds number and
    also pipe roughness
  • As Reynolds number increases, the central area of
    the velocity profile gets flatter
  • A smooth pipe will also produce a flatter
    turbulent velocity profile than a rough pipe

Flow basics
  • When fluid flowing in a pipe encounters a
    pipeline component such as a partially closed
    valve, a reducer or a bend, then the flow is
    forced to change direction and this will distort
    the velocity profile
  • We can consider flow round a 90-degree bend as a
    good example of how velocity profiles become

Flow basics
  • As the flow goes round the bend the fluid on the
    outside of the bend is forced to move more
  • This means that instead of the symmetrical flow
    profile that we get in a straight pipe, we get a
    skewed or asymmetric profile

Flow basics
  • The previous animation illustrates that the
    greatest distortion occurs close to the fitting
    (the bend in this case) and that it gradually
    returns to a fully developed profile the further
    along a straight pipe we go
  • As most flow meters rely on the flow profile
    being relatively close to a fully developed
    profile, guidance from standards or meter
    manufacturers will often advise on the minimum
    length of straight pipe that should be installed
    in front of the flow meter

Flow basics
  • Flow round bends or through any other pipe
    components that cause a significant change in
    direction of the flow also create secondary flows
  • Taking the example of a single pipe bend again,
    the flow coming round the bend is forced against
    the pipe wall on the outside of the bend and
    rebounds towards the opposite side of the pipe

Flow basics
  • This sets up two rotating vortices

Flow basics
  • This shows that rather than having all of the
    fluid moving forward in the pipe in a straight
    line we can have some up and down and side to
    side movement in the cross section of the pipe

Flow basics
  • If two changes in direction in two different
    planes occur relatively close to one another, the
    result is a distortion of the axial velocity
    profile and a single vortex

Flow basics
  • The vortex causes the distorted profile to rotate
    such that the high velocity will corkscrew down
    the pipe
  • The single vortex shown in the previous slide is
    commonly called swirl
  • Swirl can persist very far downstream of the
    bends and could have an impact on flow meter

Flow basics
  • Flow profiles that are different from ideal fully
    developed flow tend to cause flow meter to
    indicate a flow rate that is different from what
    they would indicate in the ideal situation
  • The reading could be higher or lower and could be
    large or small, depending on the meter type and
    the nature of the distorted flow profile
  • These differences in indicated flow rate are
    often referred to as installation effects, as
    they are dependent on the layout of the pipe
    system into which the meter is installed

  • Definition of flow measurement
  • Why flow is measured
  • Oil gas applications
  • Flow basics
  • Fluid properties
  • Reynolds number
  • Velocity profile
  • Oil and gas flows
  • Multiphase flow
  • Metering basics

Flow basics
  • Oil flow pipelines and systems tend to be
    designed such that the flow velocity is around5
  • Pipe sizes from 1-inch to 24-inch then most of
    the likely conditions will be covered
  • Many light crudes and refined oils have viscosity
    in the range of 2 10 cSt
  • Some fuel oils and lubricating oils may have
    viscosity of around 50 cSt
  • Heavier crude oils can exceed 1000 cSt

Flow basics
  • The table below shows that most oil flow
    applications are in the turbulent flow regime
    (i.e. Re gt 5000)
  • For heavy oils or small pipes it is possible that
    flow can be in laminar and transitional regimes

Flow basics
  • If we recalculate Reynolds number for a lower
    velocity of 1 m/s then some more of the
    applications now come into the laminar and
    transitional regimes

Flow basics
  • Flow of water and other liquids of relatively low
    viscosity such as condensate and petrol will
    generally be in the turbulent regime
  • Gas pipelines and systems tend to be operated at
    higher velocities than liquid systems
  • For the majority of oil and gas applications,
    pipe sizes, pressures, viscosities and flow
    rates, gas flow is in the turbulent regime

Flow basics
  • The compressibility of gas results in the
    possibility of more dramatic changes in flow
    conditions in gas systems than in liquid systems
  • For all fluids mass flow is conserved, that
    means if we look at a cross section of the pipe,
    the mass flow into and out of the cross section
    are the same
  • For liquids this seems obvious. However, for a
    gas, consider what happens if you change the gas
    the pressure significantly

Flow basics
  • Because density changes significantly with
    pressure, the volume occupied by the gas will
  • If we reduce pressure, the flow in volume terms
    will increase, and hence the velocity of the flow
    will increase
  • This means that the same mass flow of gas could
    have significantly different behaviour depending
    on the pressure and temperature at a particular
    time or location

Flow basics
  • Because density changes significantly with
    pressure, the volume occupied by the gas will
  • If we reduce pressure, the flow in volume terms
    will increase, and hence the velocity of the flow
    will increase
  • This means that the same mass flow of gas could
    have significantly different behaviour depending
    on the pressure and temperature at a particular
    time or location

  • Definition of flow measurement
  • Why flow is measured
  • Oil gas applications
  • Flow basics
  • Fluid properties
  • Reynolds number
  • Velocity profile
  • Oil and gas flows
  • Multiphase flow
  • Metering basics

Flow basics
  • When oil and/or gas is produced from a well, it
    is often in the form of a mixture of oil, water
    and gas, sometimes also containing sand
  • This means that flow measurement can be required
    for multiphase mixtures of oil and/or water
    and/or gas as well as for the individual fluids
    once separated
  • Sometimes measurements are made following a
    first stage separation, where the fluid is
    composed mainly of one component but could have
    small quantities of the other components

Flow basics
  • Multiphase flow is much more complicated than
    single component flow of oil, water or gas
  • The way that individual fluids mix and flow is
    dependent on a number of factors including the
    properties of the fluids, the flow rate of each
    component and the layout of the pipe
  • In horizontal pipes the heavier fluids tend to
    separate out to the bottom of the pipe so that we
    tend to get mainly water at the bottom, with a
    layer of oil above and gas at the top

Flow basics
  • This separation effect is particularly true when
    the flow is slow moving, which is why separator
    vessels have a large diameter so that the flow is
    slowed down as it comes out of the inlet pipe
  • At higher flow rates and in vertical pipes the
    fluids mix more evenly in the cross section
  • Like single component flow, multiphase flow can
    be described in terms of a number of different
    flow regimes

Flow basics
  • General multiphase flow regimes found in
    horizontal pipes are described in the following
  • In these descriptions the oil and water are
    considered to behave as a combined liquid phase,
    though these can sometimes separate into layers

Flow basics
  • Stratified flow is oil, water and gas flowing in
    layers at relatively slow velocities

Flow basics
  • Slug flow is similar to stratified flow but with
    occasional slugs of liquid that completely fill
    the pipe cross section

Flow basics
  • Bubble flow is mainly liquid flow at relatively
    high velocity and with small bubbles dispersed
    throughout the liquid

Flow basics
  • Annular/mist flow is mainly gas flow at quite
    high velocity with some liquid spread around the
    pipe walls in a film and also carried in the gas
    form of droplets

Flow basics
  • In vertical pipes the flow regimes have some
    differences as the effects of gravity are
  • General multiphase flow regimes found in vertical
    pipes are described in the following slides

Flow basics
  • Bubble flow in vertical pipes is similar to
    horizontal bubble flow, with relatively small gas
    bubbles dispersed throughout the liquid

Flow basics
  • Slug flow has some similarities to slug flow in
    horizontal pipes, but in this case gas bubbles
    join together to form large bullet shaped gas
    bubbles which fill the cross section are
    separated by regions of liquid with dispersed gas

Flow basics
  • Churn flow occurs at higher flow velocities and
    the liquid appears to oscillate back and forward
    as the multiphase mixture flows up the pipe
  • This results in a very chaotic churning flow

Flow basics
  • Annular/mist flow in vertical pipes is very
    similar to annular/mist flow in horizontal pipes

Flow basics
  • Multiphase flow is a complex subject and not one
    that can be covered in great detail in this
  • Measurements tend to be inaccurate when flow
    meters designed for measurement of a single fluid
    are subjected to multiphase flow
  • In general it is true that the greater the
    quantity of the additional fluid components, the
    poorer the accuracy will be
  • It is also generally true that liquid/liquid
    mixtures such as oil/water flows are less
    difficult to measure than liquid/gas flows

  • Definition of flow measurement
  • Why flow is measured
  • Oil gas applications
  • Flow basics
  • Metering basics
  • Measurement concepts
  • Accuracy and uncertainty
  • Calibration concepts
  • Flow meter performance measures

Metering basics
  • Earlier in this section we introduced the concept
    of a flow meter as a device that is installed in
    a pipe to quantify the flow through that pipe
    without having to take the fluid out of the pipe
  • Over the years many different types of flow meter
    have been developed and some of the most common
    and useful ones will be introduced later in this
  • Now we will discuss some of the concepts and
    common issues that are important for all flow

Metering basics
  • Most flow measurement systems use a primary
    element or flow meter that gives an output in
    mass or volume flow rate
  • Mass flow rate is given by

where t is the time taken for the mass M to pass
through a given cross-section
Metering basics
  • In practice, the mass flow rate can also be
    obtained by making simultaneous measurements of
    density ? and volumetric flowrate, Q, and
    multiplying the two

Metering basics
  • Volumetric flowrate is defined as the passage of
    a given volume of fluid, V, in a given time

Metering basics
  • In practice, the volumetric flow rate can also be
    obtained by making a measurement of the flow
    velocity U and multiplying this by the
    cross-sectional area of the pipe, A

What the equation above shows in a very basic
form is that it is possible to obtain flow rate
information in mass or volumetric terms by
measuring some other property of the flow, in
this case the flow velocity
Metering basics
  • Referring back to the initial examples of
    different types of flow at the start of this
    course, if we take the example of a fast flowing
    river we can now devise a method of flow

Metering basics
  • If we drop a stick into the river and measure the
    time it takes to flow downstream a certain
    distance we can estimate the flow velocity

d 20 m t 2 s U 10 m/s
Metering basics
  • We can then measure the width and depth of the
    river to estimate the flow area

w 10 m h 2m A 20 m2 U 10 m/s Q 200 m3/s
Metering basics
  • The fact that the word estimate is used in this
    example is important. The reasons for this will
    be discussed later in this lecture when we talk
    about accuracy and uncertainty

Metering basics
  • Another useful example of how flow measurements
    can be made by measuring some other property of
    the flow is the use of a hot wire flow meter

Metering basics
  • If electricity is passed through a thin wire
    (like a light bulb element) then it will heat up
  • If there is no flow then a constant current
    flowing through the wire will produce a constant

Metering basics
  • If we now blow air over the element this will
    have a cooling effect on the wire
  • We can then use a thermometer to control the
    electric current to maintain a constant

Metering basics
  • The electrical current will now vary as a
    function of the flow rate, i.e. the faster the
    air flows the more current will be needed to heat
    the element
  • The above example illustrates another form of
    inferential flow measurement where flow can be
    inferred by measurement of a related property in
    an physical system of some sort
  • In this example we now have an electrical signal
    that represents the flow rate

Metering basics
  • It is a common feature of many modern flow meters
    that they use sensors or transducers that convert
    flow to electronic signals
  • It is also common that the reading or output from
    the flow meter can be given in electronic form,
    typically as a current in the range 4 20
    milliamps, or as a voltage pulse output where
    each pulse corresponds to a certain mass or
    volume of fluid

  • Definition of flow measurement
  • Why flow is measured
  • Oil gas applications
  • Flow basics
  • Metering basics
  • Measurement concepts
  • Accuracy and uncertainty
  • Calibration concepts
  • Flow meter performance measures

Metering basics
  • If we think of the previous example of the river
    flow measurement, we would not expect our attempt
    to quantify the flow rate to be very accurate
  • Perhaps we were unable to measure the width of
    the river and had to estimate it, or perhaps we
    realised that we only measured the depth in the
    middle of the river and that it is shallower at
    either side

Metering basics
  • Maybe we even realised that the velocity of the
    stick on the surface of the water may not be the
    same as the velocity of the water below the
  • All of these factors create uncertainty in our
    estimate of the flow rate

Metering basics
  • Consider also a simple example of transferring
    liquid from one tank to another using a bottle of
    around 1 litre volume
  • If we very carefully count the number of bottles
    of liquid we put into the tank then we should be
    able obtain a fairly accurate result

Metering basics
  • However, if at the end of the transfer we have
    put 100 full bottles of liquid into the tank and
    the last bottle is not full then we would have to
    estimate the remaining quantity, e.g. between ½
    and ¾ of a litre
  • It is obvious then that there is some uncertainty
    in our estimate of the volume of liquid

Metering basics
  • If we repeat the transfer of fluid again and this
    time after 100 full bottles we have less than ½ a
    bottle left then it is obvious that there is
    further uncertainty, probably arising from
    differences in how much liquid we have in each
    full bottle

Metering basics
  • It can be noted that the terms accuracy and
    uncertainty have both been used in the above
  • Accuracy and uncertainty tend to be used
    interchangeably in industry
  • The term accuracy should only really be used for
    qualitative descriptions of measurements

Metering basics
  • e.g. it is acceptable to say that our estimate of
    the river flow rate is not very accurate but we
    should not say that our measurement of the liquid
    transfer has an accuracy of better than half a
  • In the latter case, as it is a quantitative
    description of how good we think our estimate is,
    it is more appropriate to use the term
  • i.e. we would say the measurement has an
    uncertainty of plus or minus half a litre

Metering basics
  • The term uncertainty is used to quantify the
    doubt about how well the result of the
    measurement represents the quantity being
  • Our earlier example of the river flow can be used
    to show that when a result is calculated from a
    number of input quantities then it too will have
    an associated uncertainty

Metering basics
w 10 m /- 1 m h 2m A 20 m2 /- 2 m U 10
m/s Q 200 m3/s /- 20 m3/s
Metering basics
  • Uncertainty analysis has been applied for many
    years in various fields of industry and has been
    applied in the field of flow measurement since
    the 1960s
  • Standard mathematical and statistical methods are
    now well established for estimating the
  • Detailed exploration of these methods is beyond
    the scope of this course but a few important
    points should be recognised

Metering basics
  • Uncertainty defines the range of values around
    the measurement result within which the true
    value is expected to lie
  • A statement of uncertainty should have an
    associated statistical statement of probability,
    which is often referred to as a confidence level
  • A confidence level of 95 is most commonly used
    in flow measurement

Metering basics
  • If the result of a measurement is a value of 100
    and is stated to have an uncertainty of /-10 at
    a confidence level of 95 then it is expected
    that the result will lie between 90 and 110, 19
    out of 20 times
  • This represents the central part of a probability
    distribution that looks like this

Metering basics
  • Every flow measurement has an associated
  • The level of uncertainty that can or should be
    tolerated is dependent on the application
  • If we are measuring produced water discharge on
    an offshore platform then the local government
    regulations may require an uncertainty of /-10
  • However, it would be unwise to accept a
    measurement uncertainty of even /- 1 for an oil
    custody transfer

Metering basics
  • Consider a custody transfer of a load of 500,000
    barrels of crude at 100 a barrel
  • An uncertainty of /- 1 would mean that the
    seller could give away up to 500,000 worth of
    oil without getting paid for it
  • On the other hand it would also be possible that
    the buyer could pay the full amount 50,000,000
    and only receive 495,000 barrels of crude

Metering basics
  • It is generally true that the lower the
    uncertainty of the metering system the more it
    will cost to purchase and/or operate
  • Therefore, there is a point at which it no longer
    makes economic sense to try to continue to reduce
    the uncertainty of the metering system

Metering basics
Cost of metering system
Financial exposure

Increasing uncertainty
  • Definition of flow measurement
  • Why flow is measured
  • Oil gas applications
  • Flow basics
  • Metering basics
  • Measurement concepts
  • Accuracy and uncertainty
  • Calibration concepts
  • Flow meter performance measures

Metering basics
  • Calibration is the set of operations that
    establish, under specified conditions, the
    relationship between values of quantities
    indicated by a measuring instrument or measuring
    system, and the corresponding values realised by
  • The above is the ISO definition of calibration
  • This tells us that calibration is a process of
    comparison and that the comparison is performed
    between our measurement and a standard of some

Metering basics
  • Using time as an example it is relatively easy to
    understand what calibration means
  • We would normally set the time on an old
    mechanical clock to match the time on modern
  • A week later we might return to see if the old
    clock is running fast or slow
  • It is this comparison process is a calibration
    and in this case the wristwatch is our standard

Metering basics
  • In this example we might also adjust the old
    clock after we have compared it with our watch
  • The important thing to recognise is that it is
    the process of comparison that is the
    calibration, not the adjustment

Metering basics
  • When calibrating the old clock we have used the
    wristwatch as our standard because we expect a
    modern digital watch to sufficiently accurate for
    our purposes
  • We assume the watch to be accurate and expect
    that the manufacturer of the watch has checked it
    against an even more accurate standard
  • The manufacturer in turn should have checked his
    standard against a more accurate standard, and so

Metering basics
  • Eventually the process of comparison should lead
    back to the internationally recognised definition
    of the second, which in fact is defined by as the
    time taken for caesium atoms to emit
    9,192,631,770 periods of a specific form of
  • This process of linking a measurement back to a
    definitive standard via a number of intermediate
    standards is called traceability

Metering basics
  • Traceability back to a common standard is vital
    for many purposes including trade
  • For example, the price of a barrel of oil is
    meaningless unless the seller and the buyer are
    both agreed on a standard to use for the barrel

Metering basics
  • It has already been stated that calibration is
    the process of comparison, and not the process of
    adjustment of the measuring instrument
  • However, calibration is very often carried out to
    obtain information that is used to adjust the
    measurement device or to apply conversions or
    corrections to the measured values
  • We will now use our earlier example of
    transferring liquid from one tank to another
    using a bottle as another illustration of the
    importance aspects of calibration

Metering basics
  • Transferring 100 litres of liquid 1 at a time is
  • If we decided to use a bucket instead of the 1
    litre bottle then we could probably transfer the
    liquid a lot quicker
  • If we want to transfer 100 litres of liquid using
    the bucket then we need to know how many litres
    our bucket will hold

Metering basics
  • If we fill up the bucket using the 1 litre bottle
    and count how many bottles are required then we
    have just calibrated our bucket
  • If the liquid is being transferred for sale, then
    we could find that the accuracy of our 1 litre
    bottle is questioned and it will be necessary to
    calibrate it also
  • i.e. we then need to establish traceability of
    our calibration

Metering basics
  • If, halfway through transferring the liquid we
    were to drop the bucket and dent the side of it,
    we would then have to check it using our 1 litre
  • i.e. we would have to recalibrate the bucket

Metering basics
  • In summary, we can see that calibration is a
    useful and necessary process when
  • The relationship between the measurement and the
    standard is not yet known
  • We know approximately what the relationship is
    but want to reduce the uncertainty in the
  • We suspect that the relationship has changed
    during use of the measurement device

  • Definition of flow measurement
  • Why flow is measured
  • Oil gas applications
  • Flow basics
  • Metering basics
  • Measurement concepts
  • Accuracy and uncertainty
  • Calibration concepts
  • Flow meter performance measures

Metering basics
  • When we are making flow measurements it is
    normally important to know how well we can expect
    the flow meter we are using to perform
  • For a custody transfer application we would be
    interested in the overall uncertainty of the
    measurements as illustrated earlier in this
  • However, there may be other characteristics of
    the flow meters that we are interested in

Metering basics
  • Normally we are interested in particular
    characteristics either because these are more
    important to us than the overall uncertainty, or
    because we need to know these characteristics in
    order to quantify uncertainty

Metering basics
  • K-factor is a term that is used to describe the
    output of a meter that provides an output in the
    form of a series of electronic pulses
  • These pulses can be counted on an electronic
    counter and then converted to a quantity using
    the k-factor, which has normally been obtained
    previously by calibrating the flow meter

Metering basics
  • Error is a term used to describe the difference
    between the measurement made by a flow meter and
    the actual flow rate quantified using a
    standard, and is normally quantified in
    percentage terms

Metering basics
  • Error and uncertainty are related but different
  • If a flow meter reads 101 and the uncertainty is
    /- 10 then we would expect the true value to
    lie between 91 and 111
  • If the actual flow rate were 100 then the meter
    would be reading with an error of 1
  • However, if our flow meter is the only
    measurement device we have in this application,
    then although we have quantified the uncertainty,
    we cannot know what the error is

Metering basics
  • We can only quantify errors when comparing the
    flow meter with a standard by the process of
  • The purpose of such a calibration is normally to
    quantify and then correct for any apparent
    errors, to reduce the uncertainty of the

Metering basics
  • Presenting results in the form of an error plot
    is often more useful than plotting measured
    results against actual results, as illustrated in
    the following slides

Metering basics
  • The table and graph below show the results of a
    flow meter calibration

Metering basics
  • If we calculate the error in percentage terms we
    can visualise the performance of the meter much
    more clearly

Metering basics
  • Linearity is a term used to describe how close to
    a straight line the results would be if we
    plotted the meter reading against the actual flow
  • Examples of calibration results from linear and
    non-linear flow meters are given in below

Metering basics
  • Linearity is normally expressed as a percentage
    difference between the meter reading and the
    expected result using a straight line fitted to
    the data
  • Linearity is important in terms of ease of
    calculation of flow measurements
  • Good linearity (i.e. a response close to a
    straight line) also makes it easier to check
    meter performance as it means we do not have to
    attempt to check detailed characteristics by
    carrying out calibration tests at many flowrates

Metering basics
  • In order for a statement of linearity to be
    useful, it should be accompanied by a statement
    of the range of flow rate (sometimes called
    turndown) that it is applicable for

Metering basics
  • Repeatability is a term used to describe the
    spread of results obtained from a flow meter when
    the flow is not changing
  • Repeatability is determined by repeating a
    calibration test several times one after the
  • There are a number of different ways of
    quantifying repeatability

Metering basics
  • The most widely recognised method is to calculate
    the standard deviation of the repeat results,
    multiply it by a factor of 2.83 and express the
    result as a percentage of the average value of
    the repeats
  • A more simple and convenient way of calculating
    repeatability is to simply take the difference
    between the maximum and minimum values as a
    percentage of the average

Metering basics
  • For example, consider the following data obtained
    during a series of five repeat calibrations
  • 50 52 49 48 51
  • The difference between the maximum and minimum is
    4 and the average value is 50 so the
    repeatability according to the simple method is
  • Calculating the repeatability using 2.83 times
    the standard deviation, the repeatability is 8.9

Metering basics
  • Repeatability and uncertainty are related but
  • Repeatability is essentially a measure of the
    randomness of the result
  • The different concepts of repeatability, error
    and uncertainty are illustrated in the following

Metering basics
  • If the repeatability of a device is good and the
    possibility of error small, then the uncertainty
    is low

Metering basics
  • If the repeatability is poor then the uncertainty
    must be high

Metering basics
  • However, if the repeatability is good but the
    possibility of error is large, then the
    uncertainty is high

Metering basics
  • Calibration is used to reduce errors or offsets
  • Good repeatability is important in order to make
    it easy to perform a calibration of the flow
  • Because repeatability is a description of the
    randomness of the measurement, it holds that even
    with poor repeatability, taking many repeat
    measurements will eventually give an average
    result that we can use for calibration
  • This is best illustrated by example

Metering basics
  • The figure below shows 100 randomly generated
    numbers between 0 and 1 representing individual
    measurements from a flow meter

Metering basics
  • With a large enough set of measurements the
    average result would be very close to 0.5

Metering basics
  • The bold line shows the running average
    calculated after each measurement is taken

Metering basics
  • We can see from the graph that the more
    measurements we average together, the closer to
    the true average we get

Metering basics
  • Sometime flow meter performance claims can be
    confusing or misleading
  • For example, sometime uncertainty or accuracy
    is stated as a percentage of full scale
  • In this case, the uncertainty at the flow rate
    that the meter is used at could be larger than
    you might initially think
  • This is best illustrated by a couple of examples

Metering basics
  • A flow meter is designed to operate up to a
    maximum of 1000 m3/hr and the statement
    accuracy, /- 1 of full scale is made
  • This actually means that the uncertainty of the
    flow measurement is /- 10 m3/hr irrespective of
    the actual flow rate
  • That means that if the meter was being used at 50
    m3/hr then the uncertainty in percentage terms at
    the flow rate is /- 20

Metering basics
  • Similarly a statement of linearity in these terms
    can be deceptive
  • Such methods are often used when manufacturers
    claim to cover very wide flow rate ranges with
    one meter
  • Here is another example

Metering basics
  • One manufacturer claims an uncertainty of
  • 2 of flow rate over a range of 101
  • Another manufacture claims an uncertainty of
  • 1 of max flow rate over a range of 201
  • Both meters cover the same flow rate range
  • Which is best?

Metering basics
  • 2 of flow rate over a range of 101
  • 1 of max flow rate over a range of 201

Metering basics
  • Linearity or repeatability are sometimes used
    alone to describe the performance of a flow meter
  • It should be clear from earlier discussions that
    a flow meter could have a significant uncertainty
    even if it has good linearity and repeatability
  • For example, a meter could be linear and
    repeatable, but the slope of the relationship
    between actual and indicated flow could be very
    sensitive to installation effects or to the
    effects of changes in fluid viscosity

Metering basics
  • An example of how installation conditions may
    affect a flow meter

Metering basics
  • The presentations have introduced some basic
    concepts that are important in flow measurement
  • It has illustrated that it is important to
    consider fluid properties and flow conditions
    when measuring flow
  • Basic concepts of calibration and uncertainty
    have been introduced
  • In most circumstances meters should have a
    traceable c
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