Title: Spring 1999 General Membership Meeting
1Spring 1999 General Membership Meeting Friday,
May 21, 1999, 100 P.M. 132 Electrical
Engineering East
2SPSEE members help at EE Open House October 24,
9am - 3pm
EE West Mark Wharton, Larry
Burton, Harry Bell, Vivek Goyal, Ray Lunnen,
Tom Collins, J. Kevin Kelly, and Steve
Racunas Thank You!
3Phone Calls to Prospective EE Undergrads FYI
Tom Walsh made calls between 2-15-99 and 2-23-99.
Contacted all 7 students. 3 were 100
1 was 75 yes
3 were 50 yes Two (100) said they
were waiting to hear from the honors program. One
(50) said it depended on money (his parents were
not U.S. citizens).
4From http//www.engr.psu.edu/SPSEE SPSEE
Tri-fold Ray Lunnen has developed a new SPSEE
Tri-fold to help others learn more about SPSEE.
A MicroSoft Word97 version of this trifold is
now available for downloading and
viewing (and printing out). Click on the
following link and then choose to either view it
online or save it as a .doc file. You can then
print it out on your own printer if you wish!
SPSEE Tri-fold
5SPSEE Tri-folds given to Graduating Students
(Undergrad and Grad) Copies of SPSEE Tri-folds
(money donated by Tom Collins). Worked
with EE Secretaries Francine, Georgia and Diana.
SPSEE Tri-folds were placed in 115 graduating
seniors and 35 graduating graduate students
mailboxes (total of 150). Also, sent an
email to each of those students indicating that
an SPSEE tri-fold was in their mailbox.
6- SPSEE Cost Center
- The current balance sheet shows 163.60.
- Note This balance is composed of
- the original 63.60 from Tom Collins, and
- 100.00 from the Penn State Engineering Society
(PSES) through Cindy Jones.
7Goals 1. Develop an SPSEE letterhead from the
SPSEE logos originally designed by Corey
Poncavage. (Shrink it down to an appropriate
size and keep it clear enough to read. As of
now, just shrinking the whole image with equal
proporations makes the letters below the logo too
small to read.) 2. Place this SPSEE letterhead
in a downloadable .doc file on the web so that
those wishing to use it can download it. (Also,
a good place to keep it for future uses.)
8Goals 3. Work with Tom Collins to develop a
MicroSoft Access97 Database of the Active SPSEE
members. Email addresses and mailing addresses
can be updated much more quickly. Labels for
mailing lists can also be developed more quickly.
A database will allow sorting and searching for
projects much easier than is currently.
Categories of interest can be maintained for
9From SPSEE Tri-fold Ready to Get Involved? Im
interested in getting involved in these SPSEE
activities ? Student Recruitment ? Co-op
Assistance ? Planning Committee ? Student
Mentoring ? EE activity support ? Send
information about the next SPSEE meeting or
event dates.
10Goals 4. SPSEE members organize and make
contacts at their organizations to increase the
number of companies working with Penn State
Electrical Engineering for the Senior Design
Project Industrial Sponsors. Prof. Charles
Croskey spoke at the last SPSEE General
Membership Meeting and asked for our help. We
could use the same technique as we did for
opening lines of communication for Co-Op.
11Hello All, We are still working hard in
designing an interactive web-based program to
help students decide which major in the College
of Engineering would be right for them. We don't
have enough information yet about what it is
exactly that engineers do. Your personal
experience and knowledge would add greatly to our
data base and if you would share it with us by
answering the 4 questions below, we would
really appreciate it. The information you provide
will help us design scenarios for the different
majors so that students can explore the ones that
may be of most interest to them. Please send your
answers to me at jlp8_at_psu.edu or to
Jayne Klenner-Moore (the graduate assistant
working on this project) jxk325_at_psu.edu,
241 Hammond Bldg. Jean Landa Pytel Assistant
Dean for Student Services College of Engineering
jlp8_at_psu.edu 814-865-7539
12 1. What type of engineer are you? 2. What type
of companies have you worked for before becoming
a faculty member and/or with what type of
companies are you currently working ? 3. What
were your duties in that position or those
positions and/or what are your duties in your
current position. 4. Tell us briefly how you
did your job on a day-to-day basis before
becoming a faculty member and/or what you may be
doing now as a consultant. Did you interact with
other types of engineers, and if so, what types?
What kind of problems did you generally get
assigned? Did you work indoors or out-doors, did
you travel a lot, etc. Thanks very much in
advance for sharing your knowledge and
experience. If you have any questions about this
project and how it will be used, please don't
hesitate to let me know.
13Goals This can lead into keeping the SPSEE web
page fresh by having answers to those questions
by an SPSEE member (and if we have their picture
we can include that too since EE Dept. now has a
new digital camera!) Thus, we could have an
SPSEE Member of the month at very top of page
with a few lines about who they are and maybe a
quote that they like. Also, something in the EE
Announcements page could be placed saying check
out the SPSEE feature member of the month by
clicking here ___ for more visibility among
students and faculty. Something that all SPSEE
members can do (no matter how far away they are
from University Park). Some of that information
could be placed in the SPSEE database for future
14- SPSEE Goals
- Increase awareness of AlumniOnline (mentoring)
both among members and among
students. - SURVEY of all active SPSEE members to ask what
kind of projects that they would
like to see us do (and be a part of) - Revisit other ideas that were brought up before
but that were not addressed? - New ideas?
15 Differences between the SPSEE Graduate
Fellowship and the SPSEE Cost Center Different
Administrative/Financial Accounts.
16The SPSEE Graduate Fellowship Fund has a budget
and fund number that was assigned through the
Office of Gifts and Endowments. Contributions to
that fund go through that office and are logged
into that account. To donate money to the
SPSEE Graduate Fellowship Fund, either
write a check to Penn State during the
University-wide Penn State Campaign and
check the 'check box for SPSEE Graduate
Fellowship Fund',
OR write a check to Penn State and
attach a note to the check indicating that you
would like to direct your donation
to the 'SPSEE Graduate Fellowship Fund'.
Money is given to students from the SPSEE
Graduate Fellowship Fund by Penn State.
The money is from the interest that accrues each
year, and is given to students based upon the
needs of the EE Department. Final
decisions on who to give the money to are made by
the EE Department Head. To make this
decision, the EE Department Head consults with
the SPSEE President and the EE faculty.
17 The SPSEE Cost Center has a budget and fund
number that was assigned through the EE Gift
Fund. Contributions to that fund go directly
through the EE Department and are logged
into that account. To donate money to the
SPSEE Cost Center, either write a check
to Penn State and give the check directly to
Glenna Young, or Connie Burger,
and ask that the money be deposited to the
SPSEE Cost Center,
OR write a check to Penn State and send
it directly to the EE Department,
ATTN Connie Burger, and attach a note
indicating that you wish the money
to be deposited to the SPSEE Cost Center.
To obtain money from the SPSEE Cost Center,
either obtain an estimated cost from
the vendor and then have Connie or Julie Corl
type up a "Limited Order" with a
description of what is being purchased
and the estimated cost. That is given to the
vendor and then an invoice is obtained
from the vendor and then given to Connie. She
will then have the University's
Accounting Department process a check and mail it
to the vendor, OR
you can pay for the task yourself and take
the receipt to Glenna or Connie to
be reimbursed by the SPSEE Cost Center.