Title: 2nd Meeting of Spring Quarter
1Society of Women Engineers
- 2nd Meeting of Spring Quarter
- April 21, 2005
2SWE Exec Officers 2004-2005
- President Kristen Kesse 07- present
- Vice President Emily Martini 07- present
- Secretary Nicole Jones 08 - present
- Treasurer Nicole Reinert 07 - present
3SWE Coordinators / Chairs 2004-2005
- Events Rachel Marker 08 - present
- E-Week Stephanie Lee 06 - present
- Banquet Emily Hamburg 08 - present, Colleen
Pater 08 - present - Webmaster Mike Borowczak 07 co-op,Rob Shields
07 - present
4SWE Advisors 2004-2005
- SWE Faculty Advisor Anita Todd
- SWE Counselor Rhonda Myers
5SWE 20th Recognition BanquetChairs Emily
Hamburg Colleen Pater
- Monday, May 16th from 530pm - 900pm
- Dinner provided contacting Faculty club
- Keynote Speaker Christa Theodore
- 5 Scholarships to Incoming Freshmen sent out
letters - SWE bucks award winner announced
- Current and New Officers/Advisors Recognized
- Company sponsors recognized
- All UC SWE National Members recognized
6SWE Regional Conference 2006Chairs Nicole
Jones Rachel Marker
- Received 3000 donation from Toyota (Platinum
sponsor) - Other company letters sent by April 30th (We will
need help stuffing and mailing letters, following
up with company reps, finding speakers!!) - Next meeting Wednesday, April 27th at 6pm in 649
Baldwin (folding letters)
7SWE Engineering Outreach ProgramBBBSVice
President Emily Martini
- Ongoing Events
- Study Sessions - Every Monday, Thursday,
beginning April 7th - Location TBA - 2005-2006 Planning Meetings - Every other Monday
(following Engineering Tribunal General Meetings
645 PM) - Â Social Events
- Red's Game vs. Dodgers - Friday, May 6th - 700
PM - Paintball - Saturday, May 21
8SWE WebsiteWebmasters Mike Borowczak Rob
- Website has been updated
- Please email webmaster with any comments or
concerns! - Email uc.swe.webmaster_at_gmail.com
9Rowe Center Womens Study Room
- Located in Baldwin 658
- Available for women students, faculty, and staff
- Just swipe your UC Student ID to enter
- For any questions, please contact Director of the
Rowe Center, Julie Burdick at BURDICJL_at_UCMAIL.UC.E
10SWE Spring Quarter EventsChair Rachel Marker
- Relay for Life 4/29/05 6pm to 4/30/05 12pm
McMicken Commons - College of Engineerings Reds Night Friday,
May 6th at 710pm - Cost 4.50 for Bleachers seats
- Must sign up and turn in money to SWE office (650
Baldwin) no later than Wednesday, April 27th
11SWE Love An Engineer T-shirts
- Colors Navy Blue, Pink, Black
- Cost 10.00 each
- All Pre-ordered must be picked up and paid for by
Friday, April 29th!!!!
12SWE National Member Bags
- If you are a National Member and you have not
picked up your black bag, please do so after the
meeting! - See Secretary Nicole Jones
13SWE Elections 2005-2006
- You may nominate yourself or someone else.
- According to By Laws, if you win, you must become
a National SWE member for that school year (20) - Positions are very flexible this year!
- Great Resume Booster!
- Email ballots this year to accommodate students
on co-op and keep confidentiality. - According to By Laws Constitution only National
Members may vote.
14Available Positions
- Please specify what quarters you are running for
or if it is for the entire year. - You may run for more than one position but they
will be distributed in the order below (ranked
according to By Laws workload) - President (1)
- Vice President (2)
- Secretary (2)
- Treasurer (2)
- Events Coordinator (2)
- Outreach Coordinator (2)
- Webmaster (2)
- Publicity Chair (2)
- E-Week Chair (2)
- Banquet Chair (2)
If you would like to nominate yourself or someone
else, please email Nicole at jonesn3_at_email.uc.edu
At the meeting on 4/21/05 we will also be taking
nominations and please be prepared to say a
little something about yourself ? GeTtInG
InVoLvEd is SWEet!
President Vice President Secretary 1.
Kristen Kesse yr 1. Emily Martini
fall/wtr 1. Rachel Marker -yr Nicole
Jones spr/sum 2. Robin Forry
Fall/Wtr Treasurer Events Outreach 1.
Nicole Reinert sum/wtr 1. Stephanie Lee -
yr 1. Kate Stanton yr Colleen Pater
fall/spr Banquet Webmaster 1. Paige
Forney 1. Rob Shields Amber
McDonough - yr Mike Borowczak yr 2.
Shannon Wiehe Fall/Spr E-Week Publicity
1. Alan Gerken - Wtr 1. Viktorija Cecil -
yr 2. Jennifer Midkiff - yr Email
ballots to Anita Todd by May 4th!
16President Kristen Kesse
- I am currently a third year Material Engineering
student and I have been involved in SWE since I
was a freshman. Â I began working as Events
coordinator during my Freshman year and got SWE
involved many philanthropy projects such as the
March of Dimes. Â I have served as SWE President
for the past two years and completely revitalized
the organization. Â I have witnessed the
organization start with only 5 members and grow
to almost 40!I worked to bring the 2006
Regional Conference to the University of
Cincinnati and I continue to work to open up
leadership opportunities to women in our
organization. Â I have also worked very hard to
keep good relations between SWE, the CoE, and
other engineering organizations by meeting
monthly with each. Â Last spring our organization
received the award as best student group of the
quarter. Â I also initiated "SWE bucks" as a
reward program for attending various events and
selling SWE T-shirts for fundraising.I am also
involved in BBBS and Engineering Tribunal.I
look forward to a new year of SWE especially in
our first ever conference year! Â My goal for SWE
next year is to continue to increase involvement
from undergraduates, to help set ground rules for
SWE in the future, and to make the Regional
Conference a success!
17Vice President Emily Martini Fall/Winter
- Â I am a third-year electrical engineeringstudent.
 I have been involved in SWE since freshmen
year. Â For the past two years, I have served as
vice-president. Â I have worked closely with Julie
Burdick to try to arrange some outreach events
forgrade school and high school girls. Â - I have also kept SWE connected with the
Engineering Tribunal/SWE Big Brother/Big Sister
program. Â My main goal fo rnext year would be to
work on testing new methods to increase
attendance of girls at SWE outreach events.
18Vice President Nicole JonesSpring/Summer
- I am a 2nd year Electrical Engineering student.
I currently hold the office of Secretary for
Society of Women Engineers and I am also a
co-chair in the Regional Conference planning for
2006. When I first came to SWE my freshman year,
I realized what a great organization it is! It
is an excellent opportunity for women engineers
to meet each other and get involved in
activities, such as socials and community
service. - This year I would like to run as Vice President
for spring quarter 2006. I am very energetic
about SWE and love making it a better
organization! I want to work to get more women
in engineering and also to keep them in
engineering. As Vice President, the outreach
program is one of my main priorities and I would
love to work with future students as well as
current students. I will be on co-op for
Fall/Winter next year and therefore will be
missing out on a lot, but I plan to make up for
it spring quarter!
19Secretary Rachel MarkerAll Year
- I am a sophomore in Materials Engineering and
co-op at GE Aircraft Engines in Evendale. I
joined SWE my freshman year and became involved
right away!! During my freshman year I went to
the Regional Conference at Carnegie Mellon, where
we won the bid for the 2006 Regional Conference.
I was then appointed to co-chair for the
conference along with Nicole Jones. I also won
the SWE Bucks award at our annual banquet my
freshman year. - This year I was the Events Coordinator for our
section. I planned events including Habitat for
Humanity, Cincinnati Housing Partners and Relay
for Life. In the winter quarter I was also
acting secretary while our elected secretary was
on co-op out of town. - I am very motivated and worked hard with the exec
board this year to increase membership, get more
girls active in our section and plans to make the
2006 Regional Conference a success.I believe I
would make a good secretary because I have
experience from the winter quarter and want our
SWE section to continue to grow each year. I will
help brainstorm new ideas and help carry out
tasks that need to be done in order to reach our
goals. I am also well organized and have good
time management skills. I am also involved in
Engineering Tribunal, BBBS and Alpha Phi Omega (a
service fraternity organization.)
20Secretary Robin ForryFall / Winter
- I am 2nd year Computer Engineering major (Class
of 2008). I would like to run for SWE Secretary.
I have been to many SWE meetings and event and am
looking for a way to become more involved. I have
great organizational skills and enjoy work like
book keepinging. Which these both seem to be
skills of the SWE Secretary. - I have not had any prior leadership roles in SWE,
so I am hoping to gain some leadership abilities
that I can use in the future. I want to apply my
skills to help keep SWE organized an
function-able so that we can continue to grow as
a great organization.
21Treasurer Nicole ReinertSummer / Winter
- I'm a Biomedical Engineering Major, class of '07.
 I've been a member of SWE since freshman year
and have served as Treasurer for the part two
years. Â I'm currently co-oping with Procter and
Gamble here in Cincinnati and have previously
worked in the medical device field. Â - I plan on being in Cincinnati during the two
quarters I'm running for. Â I've had a great time
with SWE and would love to continue to
participate in the future.
22Treasurer Colleen PaterFall / Spring
- I am a second year chemical engineering major
from Cincinnati, Ohio. Â I am currently the
banquet co-chair and am applying for the position
of treasurer (mainly section I, also some summer
duties). Â I am involved in a few other
organizations on campus, namely University Honors
Association (where I am vicepresident for the
04-05 school year this included alot of
Treasurer activities) and Engineering
Ambassadors. Â - I am trying to increase my involvement in
engineering organizations. Â In observing SWE
executive and group meetings, I feel that I can
bring my past experience in this group as well as
my experience as being a group treasurer in order
to do a good organized job.
23Events Coord. Stephanie LeeAll Year
- I'm going to be in my senior year of aerospace
engineering (class of '06), and have been
involved in SWE for the past two years, serving
as the Events Coordinator as well as E-Week
Chair. Â I'm also involved with the UC chapter of
AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and
Aerospace), and Engineering Tribunal, where I
served on the E-Week Committee last year. Â I am
also a member of Alpha Phi Omega, which is a
service organization committed to serving both
the campus and community. Â - I'm interested in running for this
positionbecause I'd really like to help get more
girls involved in SWE, and as the events
coordinator (or chairperson) I'd be able to plan
worthwhile and fun events and encourage others to
participate. Â - As far as ideas go, I'd like to participate in
Habitat for Humanity again next year, as well as
Relay for life and the Crosstown Helpout. Â I'd
also like to plansome social events, for example
getting together to watch the UC games, movie
nights, ect. As events coordinator I would be
able to help plan conference next year, which I'm
very excited about! As I said earlier, next year
is my senior year, so I am available to hold the
position for the entire year. I am currently on
co-op in Virginia at the Naval Surface Warfare
Center, which is why I am unable to attend the
SWE meeting, but if you have any questions please
feel free to e-mail me at leesi_at_email.uc.edu.
24Outreach Coor. Kate StantonAll Year
- Â I would like to be Outreach Coordinator for SWE
next year. This past year I helped with SWE's
"Take Apart a Toaster Day". Â I have also been
involved with SWE at a previous university,
leading a group of girls and boys at "Take Your
Daughters and Sons to Work Day". Â Outside of
school, for the last four years, I have mentored
a teenage boy and girl through the national
organization Big Brother/Big Sisters. - I never was exposed to engineering in grade
school or high school, and mentoring kids and
enlightening them to the opportunities that they
have is very important to me. Â I look forward to
getting more involved with UC's SWE and
increasing participation in SWE's outreach
activities next year.
25Webmasters Mike Borowczak Rob Shields (All
- Rob is a 4th Year Computer Engineering Student,
currently on co-op with Xetron in Cincinnati, OH.
 He has been the SWE webmaster for the previous
year along with Mike B. Â He has already witness
the redoing of the SWE website once, and is
currently working on a new an improved version of
the site which will allow much more functionality
to it. He is willing to work hard on developing
UC SWE's presence on the internet as well as help
with any technical issues sprouting up dealing
with the web or any computer issues had by
- Mike is a 4th Year Computer Engineering Student,
currently on co-op with Texas Instruments in
Houston Texas. He has been the SWE webmaster for
the previous year along with Rob Shields. He has
already redone the SWE website once, and is
currently working on a new an improved version of
the site which will allow much more functionality
to it. He is willing to work hard on developing
UC SWE's presence on the internet as well as help
with any technical issues sprouting up dealing
with the web or any computer issues had by
26Banquet Chairs Amber McDonough Paige Forney
(All Year)
- We feel we can work good as a team and accomplish
what needs to be done. We have both been active
in SWE and want to do more to help this wonderful
organization. We are aware we dont have much
experience with only being freshman, but feel it
will be a great opportunity to get involved.
Putting this banquet together will take a lot of
time, but we feel it will be rewarding to see the
end product. Through this position we will gain
leadership skills as well as personal skills that
will help us further on in life. We hope you
will consider each of us for this position and we
promise to not let you down.
27Banquet Chair Shannon WieheFall/ Spring
- If I am elected to banquet chair it will be my
first official elected position, so I am very
appreciative for the opportunity. I have
participated in other organizations suchas ASCE
(American Society for Civil Engineers) at UC and
in high school I was involved with student
council and the fellowship of christian athletes.
- I am currently involved with the planning of the
SWE conference for 2006 and I plan to apply what
I learn from that to the responsibilities of
banquet chair. I am very responsible, organized
and hard working which I think all together makes
me a good candidate. I'll be co-oping in the
winter and summer so I'll be back in school in
time for the banquet.
28E-Week Chair Alan GerkenWinter
- I am a third year materials engineering student
and I havebeen in swe for two years. Â I was gone
this previous winteron coop, but was on the our
e-week team two years ago. Â Ithink I would be
capable of forming our e-week team andrunning
the duct tape event we are in charge of.
29Publicity Viktorija CecilAll Year
- Cecil was born and raised in Lithuania. She
graduated from Jonavos J. Ralys High school in
June of 1999, same year Viktorija was accepted to
Kaunas University of Technology to study
electrical engineering. In the summer of 2001 she
moved to the United States to pursue the American
Dream. Currently she is a pre-junior in the
University of Cincinnati where she is continuing
studies towards Electrical Engineering degree.
One of her biggest hobbies is - going after
something she really wants, regardless how
impossible it may sound. Being a publicist for
SWE is a challenge she looking forward to.
30Publicity Jennifer MidkiffAll Year
- I am an Aerospace major. Id like to join SWE and
I want to nominate myself as Publicity Chair for
next year, Publicity Chair would be a very
fitting position for me because of my artistic
ability. I'll try and come to the next meeting.