Writing in Social Studies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Writing in Social Studies


When applying the writing process it does not ignore the final ... Students can look at the material and record any difficult words and find their meanings. ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Writing in Social Studies

Writing in Social Studies
  • By Sara Svajgl

How Does Writing in Social Studies Enhance
  • Writing requires knowledge and thought from the
    student and while they are engulfed in writing
    they do not only express knowledge, but they also
    discover knowledge. When students write they
    develop the ability to make well-informed
    decisions, they tend to act responsibly, and
    writing enhances critical thinking. When
    students write it shifts the responsibility for
    learning from the teacher to the student. When
    students have the ability to write they feel a
    sense of achievement. When a writing assignment
    is designed correctly the students are not only
    required to gain knowledge, but they must
    determine what knowledge to retain, which to
    discard, and how to present it. Writing can tend
    to lead to more questions and to the discovery of
    connections between people, events, and ideas.
    Lessons that require writing can contribute
    greatly to the success of the student.

What is the Approach to Teach Writing in Social
  • One of the most talked about issues in writing
    today are whether to focus on the finished
    product or to emphasize the process of writing.
    In the Social Studies content area many teachers
    focus on the process of writing and they tend to
    get great results. When applying the writing
    process it does not ignore the final written
    product because it still determines the students
    achievement. Although when using the process of
    writing approach, especially in Social Studies it
    indicates the awareness of the linkage between
    writing, thinking, and learning. The use of
    writing as a way of learning is based on research
    dating back to the 1970s. That examined the
    common steps of successful writers. They are
    broken down into five steps. These steps are
    the prewriting stage which is the brainstorming
    step, next is the drafting or actual writing
    stage and here is where the student begins to
    write knowing that this is a tentative copy. The
    third step is the revising stage and this is
    where the student makes changes in both the
    content and the structure. The fourth step the
    editing stage and in this stage the student will
    review the document in light of the decisions
    made during the prewriting stage. The last and
    final step is the publishing or presentation
    stage in this stage the student will present a
    final copy.

Which Approach Works the Best?
  • Studies show that there was not a big difference
    between the essays written by students where the
    teacher focused more on the final product and
    those who focused more on the writing process.
    However, the study did find that students who
    used the process of writing elements are more
    likely to be better writers. Students are more
    likely to acquire higher order thinking skills
    when using the writing process. However, the
    tangible goal of student writing in Social
    Studies is to demonstrate knowledge and
    understanding of history.

Who is the Disabled Reader?
  • Most experts believe that any child whose reading
    level is two or more grade levels below grade
    placement should be classified as disabled.
    Students who are reading below their grade level
    are overwhelmed with long reading assignments,
    definitions, questions, and research reports
    often required in the social studies class.
    Special instruction through resource programs
    frequently centers around basic skills, so that
    poor readers are additionally handicapped by lack
    of exposure to the academic, study, and library
    skills necessary to survive in the classroom.

What Are the Needs of the Disabled Reader?
  • Some of these students may have difficulty
    following directions because of their short
    attention span and vocabulary deficits. The
    teacher should be clear when giving directions.
    Writing in Social Studies is characterized by
    main idea, fact versus opinion, and variations in
    reading rate. This style of writing can become a
    problem for disabled readers, who need
    instruction to develop these skills. Sequence of
    events and cause and effect are often visible in
    a social studies materials as in charts or
    timelines. The teacher should make an effort to
    draw attention to and explain the information in
    the graphs. The distinguishing of fact from
    opinion is a critical reading skill, one that is
    closely related to social studies. Although a
    higher form of comprehension, the separation of
    fact from opinion can be taught to even a poor
    reader, though the use of direct instruction.
    Some reading problems occur when learners bring
    insufficient background knowledge to the reading.
    The richer the background brought to the reading
    by readers, the better their ability to integrate
    new information from the printed page with the
    information acquired through prior experiences.
    Students who lack adequate background in content
    and language, like disabled readers, do not
    comprehend as well as other readers.

Strategies to Use to Teach a Disabled Student
  • Instruction in study skills can boost the poor
    readers achievement and increase self-esteem.
    The teacher can introduce an assignment by
    reading the title and then asking the students to
    hypothesize what it may be about. Students can
    look at the material and record any difficult
    words and find their meanings. Also since visual
    note taking uses both the left and right side of
    the brain, the chances for recall are greater,
    and students feel a sense of accomplishment that
    merely reading a section does not provide.
    Remember that when teaching all students have a
    different learning style and there are many ways
    to teach the same content. If the main teaching
    strategy used is the text book then the disabled
    reader will suffer. Use a variety of methods to
    teach the same material. You can use taped
    records of written material, interviews, class
    discussions, and organization of information in
    charts or graphs.

Writing in the Social Studies Classroom
  • To incorporate writing into a lesson so students
    would develop a higher-level of thinking skills,
    Blooms Taxonomy is a great way to instill
    higher-level thinking skills. Students must
    first recall information, then comprehend,
    restate, or summarize, next they will apply
    facts, rules, and principles, then they are to
    analyze their information, next the students will
    use synthesis which is to take the combination of
    ideas to form a new whole idea, and finally
    students will evaluate their information. A goal
    of is to increase thinking. If students are
    given the chance and the background to think on
    higher-levels they will succeed and benefit
    greatly. A teacher in South Dakota performed a
    nine week lesson of writing for her social
    studies class. Instead of test, the students
    were given a writing assignment. At the
    beginning she had mixed feelings from her
    students, some liked the idea and others did not.
    When the nine weeks ended most of the students
    realized that the writing skills they learned
    would be useful to them in the future. More
    importantly, students felt they had actually
    learned something in this nine week time period.
    One concern the teacher had with this program was
    the evaluation part. She has the students help
    with revision, but she graded very leniently
    because she did not want to discourage the
    students. Social Studies teachers need to
    incorporate writing into their lesson because it
    does help the students comprehend and learn.

Writing in Social Studies is Our Business
  • Many social studies teachers are reluctant to
    incorporate writing assignments into their
    curriculums. A report prepared by the College
    Board of New York stated Although literature,
    language, and composition may be the special
    province of English, competence in writing for
    example pertains to all academic disciplines.
    Thus, skill in writing should be developed in
    other subjects as well as English. The skill of
    writing in all disciplines does not only fall
    onto the English teacher. Teachers in math,
    science, social studies, etc. must also help
    teach the art of thinking critically through
    writing. To assist students with using
    higher-level thinking skills the teacher can use
    Blooms Taxonomy technique with their students.
    Using Blooms Taxonomy is an excellent way for
    students to see the connections between writing
    and thinking. Some social studies teachers may
    be concerned on how to integrate writing into
    their curriculum. The educator must incorporate
    writing into their classroom with creativity, or
    it will become a nightmare. Planning an
    effective good writing task is challenging, but
    well worth the time.

What Has Been Found About Good Instruction
  • Teachers of the social studies content that tie
    writing into their program of instruction promote
    learning because writing develops higher-order
    thinking and promotes better understanding of the
    content. Professor Herbert Applebee of Stanford
    University conducted a research on writing in the
    classroom. He found his research was consistent
    with the notion that writing activities
    contribute to the development of higher-order
    thinking and lead to a better understanding.
    Social Studies educators have produced a number
    of experimentally based literature justifying and
    applying writing as an instructional tool in
    teaching social studies. This theory gives at
    least three important benefits for students. The
    first benefit is that writing stimulates
    higher-order thinking as students gather
    evaluate, select or discard, organize, relate
    facts, concepts, and generalization in the fact
    of composing. The second benefit is that of the
    manipulation of data comes a realization of new
    relationships, new insight and new knowledge.
    Finally, the third benefit is students must
    grapple with the effects of point of view, both
    the writers, and the readers. By doing this they
    come to better appreciate the role of the
    perspective in creating and interpreting. By
    using writing to help students learn the content
    and thinking skills necessary for the reasoning
    and learning tasks required in social studies.
    Henry Giroux

Teacher Notes Writing in Social Studies
  • Writing in the social studies area is very
    similar to other types of expository writing.
    However, there are some ways in which this type
    of writing differs form essays for other
    subjects. The biggest difference is that, in
    social studies, you must support your statements
    with specific information taken from charts,
    graphs, photos, text, maps, etc. that provide or
    support a thesis or research question. In
    addition to writing book reports, book reviews,
    persuasive essays, and research papers, there are
    two specific types of essays in social studies
    and they are Thematic Essays and Document Based
    Questions. It is vital to keep in mind that
    writing in the social studies content is viewed
    in light of teaching expository writing in

Activities to Enhance Writing in Social Studies
  • To incorporate writing into the Social Studies
    curriculum you can add fun and rewarding learning
    activities into your lesson. Some examples are a
    Tribal Fact Book, designing a War Propaganda,
    creating a Bill of Rights for a make believe
    country, interviewing and researching a Famous
    Historical Person. These are just a few examples
    you could try to bring some fun writing
    assignments into your classroom.

Tribal Fact Book
  • To begin this activity you will need to break
    your students into groups. In these groups they
    will pick a Native American tribe and they will
    together research information on the tribe for
    their fact book.

Materials Needed for the Tribal Fact Book
  • Research material (books, internet, magazines)
  • Examples of Tribal Fact Books
  • Construction Paper
  • Crayons, Markers, Map Colors
  • Glue/Tape
  • Scissors
  • Hole Puncher
  • String/Yarn

How to Construct the Tribal Fact Book
  • The teacher will discuss with the class facts and
    information on Native American tribes. The
    students will then be divided into their groups
    and together they will choose a Native American
    tribe to research. At this time the teacher will
    show examples of fact books to give the students
    an idea on what is expected of them. The class
    will be given one class session for research in
    the library and the teacher will assist the
    students on where to find their information and
    encourage several sources. The role of the
    teacher is to assist the students in the creation
    of their fact books.

Rubric for the Tribal Fact Book Activity
  • Students will be graded on
  • 1. Creativity
  • 2. Neatness
  • 3. Use of Resources
  • 4. Historical Facts
  • 5. Use of Pictures and Drawings
  • 6. Following Directions

Creating a War Propaganda
  • To start this activity the teacher will begin by
    introducing the students to propaganda posters
    used in past. After there is a clear
    understanding of a propaganda poster students
    will design their own propaganda poster.

Materials Needed for Creating a War Propaganda
  • Poster board
  • Paints and brushes
  • Colors/markers
  • Examples of propaganda posters

How to Construct a War Propaganda Poster
  • Students will work individually on this project.
    The teacher will point out to the students the
    issues that were faced during war time to help
    students with ideas for their poster. The
    teacher will assist the students in the creation
    of their propaganda posters. When the class has
    completed the posters they will present them to
    the class.

Rubric for the Propaganda Poster
  • Students will be graded on
  • Creativity
  • Neatness
  • Use of Pictures and Drawings
  • Following Directions
  • Presentation of the Poster to the class

Creating a Bill of Rights
  • To begin this activity the teacher will explain
    and teach the students the Bill of Rights of the
    United States of America. Students will need to
    understand the history and make up of the Bill of
    Rights to begin this activity. Students will
    design and write a Bill of Rights for a make
    believe country in groups. This activity is to
    help students realize the problems that were
    faced by our Founding Fathers. Also this
    activity is to see what rights the students feel
    are important.

Materials Needed for the Creation of the Bill of
  • Poster Board
  • Markers
  • Colors
  • Tape
  • Copy of the United States Bill of Rights

How to Construct the Creation of the Bill of
  • Students will be divided into groups. The
    teacher will inform the groups that they are a
    new country and they must create a Bill of Rights
    for that beginning country. The students are
    given thirty minutes to create a new country, the
    Bill of Rights, and a flag. When time is up they
    will present to the class their creations and
    tape their final project to the wall. The
    teacher will assist the students in the creation
    of their countries and their Bill of Rights.

Rubric for the Creation of the Bill of Rights
  • Students will be graded on
  • Creativity
  • Neatness
  • Working well with the Group
  • Presentation
  • Participation

Interviewing and Researching Famous Historical
  • To begin this activity students will be put into
    groups. They will pick an important person from
    the past and they will have one week to put
    together a script of life of this person. This
    activity is to help students learn about
    important people of history. This gives students
    a new way to learn and it is a fun activity.

Materials Needed for the Research and
Interviewing of a Famous Historical Person
  • Researching tools (books, internet, magazines)
  • Props
  • Paper

How to Construct the Research and Interviewing of
a Historical Famous Person
  • The students are put into groups and are given
    one week to organize and present the life of a
    historical famous person. The students will work
    together and decide what famous person they will
    research. Once they have decided the teacher
    will approve the selection and the group will
    begin to research and write a script that
    persons life. The students will be given one
    day in the library for research and will be
    encouraged to use several sources. When they
    have completed the assignment they will turn in a
    script and act out for the class on the life of
    the historical famous person. The teacher will
    approve the topic of research and assist the
    students in the creation of their script on the
    historical famous person.

Rubric for Research and Interview of a Historical
Famous Person
  • Students will be graded on
  • Creativity
  • Participation
  • Following Directions
  • Script
  • 5. Entertainment

Annotative Bibliography
  • ERIC. (1987). Improving Writing Skills through
    Social Studies. ERIC Digests No. 40.
  • http//www.ed.gov/databases/ERIC_Digest
  • This site was created by the Educational
    Resources Information Center. This site
    discusses recent research on the linkage between
    writing and learning, successful approaches to
    teaching writing, and suggestions for including
    and effective writing component in the social
    studies curriculum.
  • ERIC. (1990). Social Studies and the Disabled
  • http//www.ed.gov/databases/ERIC_Digest
  • This site was created by the Educational
    Resources Information Center. This site
    discusses who the disabled reader is, what the
    special needs of the disabled reader are, and
    what strategies are used to teach social studies
    to disabled readers.
  • Griffin, K. (1997). Writing in the Social
    Studies Classroom.
  • http//www.ncte.org/pdfs/members-only
    /vm/0042-april97/vm0042Writing .pdf
  • This site is a personal web page emphasizing
    writing in the social studies classroom. It
    lists many ideas on topics related to social
    studies. With each idea there was a description
    about the assignment and feedback from the
    students. This is a useful site and the teacher
    described in detail how to conduct the classroom.

Annotative Bibliography
  • Anderson, R. (2002). Writing in Social Studies
    It is our Business.
  • http//bhhs.sheridank12.net/public_html/randerson/
  • This is a personal web page dedicated to
    writing in social studies. It addresses the
    importance of writing in social studies
    classrooms and provides suggestions for writing
    activities in social studies. It also contains
    links to other sites containing information and
    rubric about critical thinking strategies such
    as Blooms Taxonomy. I found this site to be
    very useful and valid.
  • Maryland State Department of Education. (1988).
    What Have We Learned About Good Instruction.
  • http//www.mdk12.org/insrtuction/success_mspap/gen
  • This site was created by the Maryland State
    Department of Education. It discusses the
    benefits of writing across the content areas,
    especially social studies. This site also
    discusses the research done that shows the
    benefits to writing in the content areas and also
    how writing stimulates critical thinking skills.
  • City School District of Albany, New York. (2002).
    Teacher Notes Writing in Social Studies.
  • http//www.ahs.albany.k12.ny.us/AHS/depts/library/
  • This site was created by the city school
    district of Albany, New York. It discusses the
    similar types of expository writing. I found
    this site to be very informative and useful for a
    social studies teacher.

Annotative Bibliography
  • EdScope, L.L.C. (1996). Tribal Fact Book.
  • http//www.lessonplanspage.com/ssArtLANativeAmer_T
  • This site was very useful in finding new and
    fun ways to improve students writing skills
    through social studies. This lesson plan
    explained in detail how to conduct this lesson to
    a social studies classroom.
  • OFCN Academy Curricular Exchange. (2000).
    Creating A Bill of Rights.
  • http//ofcn.org/cyber.serv/academy/ace/soc/cecsst.
  • This lesson is very educational and rewarding.
    It explains in detail what is expected of the
    students, the materials needed, and how to
    conduct the class. In my opinion this is a very
    good activity to incorporate writing into a
    social studies classroom.

Annotative Bibliography
  • CanTeach. (1996). Creating War Propaganda.
  • http//www.canteach.ca/elementary/wsoccult6.html
  • This lesson is very creative and educational.
    With this assignment students can have fun while
    having writing incorporated into a lesson. This
    site gives you what is expected from the
    students, materials needed, and how to conduct
    the class. This lesson will be fun and
  • TeachersNet. (1997). 269 Famous Historical
  • http//www.teachers.net/lessons/posts/269.html
  • This lesson, in my opinion is very fun and
    effective. The lesson is explained very well on
    how to conduct the class in this activity.

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