Title: KPMG Talkbook Fullpage
Form CMS-2552-96 Update (Transmittals 18 and
19) Don Fry Director, Healthcare Advisory HFMA,
New York Chapters March 30 - April 2, 2009
2Summary of effective dates and significant
- The effective dates for instructional changes
vary due to different implementation dates. - TRANSMITTAL 18
- Worksheet S-3 Part II the instructions were
revised to accommodate the inclusion of fees and
hours for legal and consulting services in
contract administrative and general costs. - Worksheet S-5 Questions 16 through 19 added
to capture data associated with Darbepoetin Alfa
(Aranesp) for renal patients - Worksheet B-2 Lines 3 and 4 added to
accommodate post stepdown adjustments for
Darbepoetin Alfa (Aranesp) - Worksheet E Part B revised to reflect that
interns and residents not in approved programs
and professional services of teaching physicians
is not subject to LCC - Changes to the electronic cost reporting
specifications are effective for cost reporting
periods ending on or after April 30, 2008.
3Summary of effective dates and significant
- Worksheet S-2 Question 30.04 is revised to
emphasize that subproviders in a CAH are
reimbursed for GME on Worksheet E-3, Part IV,
while the CAH is reimbursed for GME at 101
percent. - Worksheet S-2 Question 63 is added to indicate
if the cost report was filed using the PSR in
its entirety or in part. - Worksheet A-8-2 Columns 2 and 11 are revised
to reflect the use of generic physician
identifiers (Dr. A, Dr. B, etc.) as opposed to
confidential or traceable identifier such as the
physicians name, NPI, UPIN or social security
number, etc. - Worksheet E Part A Question 24.98 is added to
capture all credits received from manufacturers
for replaced medical devices in accordance with
change request 5680, transmittal 1509, dated May
9, 2008.
4Summary of effective dates and significant
- TRANSMITTAL 19 (Continued)
- Worksheet L, Part I - Lines 2 and 4.01 through
4.03 are revised to reflect the phase out of the
IME adjustment factor in accordance with the
August 19, 2008 Federal Register, Vol. 73, No.
161 on page 48672. The IME adjustment factor is
reduced by 50 percent for services rendered
during the period 10/1/2008 through 9/30/2009
and is eliminated for services on or after
10/1/2009. NOTE The phase-out of Capital IME was
reversed in H.R.1. American Recovery and
Reinvestment Act (AKA the Stimulus
legislation), Section 4130. CMS has advised
2552-96 system vendors not to implement the
change noted herein for Worksheet L Part I. CMS
will confirm this reversal in Transmittal 20. - Changes to the electronic cost reporting
specifications are effective for cost reporting
periods ending on or after October 31, 2008.
5Worksheet S-2, Line 30.04 (T19 change)
- Line 30.04--If this facility qualifies as a CAH
is it eligible for cost reimbursement for IR
training programs? Enter a Y for yes or an N
for no. If yes, the GME elimination is not made
on Worksheet B, Part I, column 26 and the program
would be cost reimbursed. If yes complete
Worksheet D-2, Part II. Additionally, CAHs are
reimbursed for GME in subproviders on worksheet
E-3, Part IV and are reimbursed for GME in the
rest of the CAH at 101 percent of reasonable
cost. When a CAH has subproviders, it must
maintain separate records (for the CAH and
subprovider(s)) documenting the FTE count, time
spent and which component the resident is
training in.
6Worksheet S-2, Lines 40.01 through 40.03
- To capture home office identifying information
when the provider is part of a chain
- Section originally added in T16 FI / MAC name
and FI / MAC number added in T17, clarified in
7Worksheet S-2 (T18 change)
- ADDITION OF S-2 LINES 61 AND 62 (Multi-campus)
- Line 61--If this facility is part of a
multi-campus complex and was issued a separate
CCN (formerly known as a provider number), enter
a Y for yes, otherwise enter N for no. - Line 62--If you responded Y to question 61,
enter all campus(es) information (including this
campus) as follows name in column 0, the county
in column 1, state in column 2, zip code in
column 3, the CCN in column 4, the CBSA in column
5, and the FTE count for this campus in column 6.
If additional campuses exist, subscript this
line as necessary. - NOTE Per 2/3/2009 conversation with CMS These
instructions will be clarified in the near future
(Transmittal 20!) to indicate that these
questions pertain only to multi-campus hospitals
under one hospital provider number that have
campuses in more than one CBSA.
8Worksheet S-2 (T18 change)
- ADDITION OF S-2 LINES 61 AND 62 (Multi-campus)
Appearance in ICR-2008 - NOTE ICR-2008 currently provides ten subscripts
to Line 62, numbered 62.01-62.10. We will expand
the number of subscripts if needed, based on user
9Worksheet S-2 (T19 change)
- Line 63--Was this cost report filed using the
PSR (either in its entirety or for total charges
and days only)? Enter Y for yes or N for no
in column 1. If Y, enter the paid through
date in column 2 (mm/dd/yyyy).
10Worksheet S-3 Part II (T18 change)
- Line 9.03--Enter the amount paid for management
and administrative services furnished under
contract, rather than by employees. Include on
this line contract management and administrative
services associated with non-overhead cost
centers that are included in the wage index. - Examples of contract management and
administrative services that would be reported on
line 9.03 include, department directors,
administrators, managers, ward clerks, and
medical secretaries. Report only those personnel
costs associated with the contact. DO NOT
include on line 9.03 any contract labor costs
associated with lines 21 through 35 and
subscripts for these lines. DO NOT include the
costs for contract top level management chief
executive officer, chief operating officer, and
nurse administrator these services are included
on line 9. DO NOT include costs for equipment,
supplies, travel expenses, or other miscellaneous
items. (10/1/2003b).
11Worksheet S-3 Part II (T18 change)
- Line 22.01--AG costs are expenses a hospital
incurs in carrying out its administrative and/or
general management functions. Include on line
22.01 the contract services that are included on
Worksheet A, line 6, column 2 (General Service -
Administrative and General, Other). Contract
information and data processing services, legal,
tax preparation, cost report preparation,
clerical, and purchasing services are examples of
contract labor costs that would be included on
Worksheet S-3, Part II, line 22.01. Do not
include on line 22.01 the costs for top level
management contracts (these costs are reported on
line 9) or non-overhead management and
administrative contracts (these costs are
reported on line 9.03).
12Worksheet S-5 (T18 change)
- ADDITION OF S-5 LINES 16 THROUGH 19 (Darbepoetin
Alfa (Aranesp)) - Line 16--Enter the direct product cost net of
discount and rebates for Darbepoetin Alfa
(Aranesp) Include all Aranesp cost for patients
receiving outpatient, home (method I or II), or
training dialysis treatments. This amount
includes Aranesp cost furnished in the renal
department or any other department if furnished
to an end stage renal disease dialysis patient.
Report on this line the amount included in line
57 of Worksheet A. - Line 17--Based on the instructions contained on
line 16, enter the dollar amount of Aranesp
included on line 64 (home dialysis program) from
Worksheet A. - Line 18--Enter the number of micrograms (mcgrs)
of Aranesp furnished relating to the renal
dialysis department. - Line 19--Enter the number of micrograms of
Aranesp furnished relating to the home dialysis
Costs entered on S-5 Lines 16 17 will be
removed via a post-stepdown adjustment on
Worksheet B-2 line numbers 3 and 4)
13Worksheet S-5 (T18 change)
- ADDITION OF S-5 LINES 16 THROUGH 19 (Darbepoetin
Alfa (Aranesp)) appearance in ICR-2008
14Worksheet A-8-2 (T19 change)
- List each physician using an individual
identifier (not the physicians name, NPI, UPIN
or social security number of the individual, but
rather, Dr. A, Dr. B, , Dr. AA, Dr. BB,
etcetera). However, the identity of the
physician must be made available to your fiscal
intermediary upon audit. When RCE limits are
applied on a departmental basis, insert the word
"aggregate" (instead of the physician
identifiers) on the line below the cost center
description. - NOTE Although these changes are being made in
Transmittal 19, this is a clarification to
instructions that have been in place since
Worksheet A-8-2 was first created in the early
1980s. It was never CMS intent that physicians
actual identities would be reported on Worksheet
15Worksheet B-2 (T18 change)
LINES 16 AND 17 appearance in ICR-2008
16Worksheet E Part A (T19 change)
- Line 24--Enter any other adjustments. For
example, enter an adjustment resulting from
changing the recording of vacation pay from cash
basis to accrual basis. (See CMS Pub. 15-I,
2146.4.) Specify the adjustment in the space
provided. Enter on line 24.98 all credits
received from manufacturers for replaced medical
devices (See change request 5680, transmittal
1509, dated May 9, 2008). Only FI/contractors
complete line 24.99 by entering the sum of lines
52, 53, 55, and 56.
17Worksheet E Part B (T18 change)
TEACHING PHYSICIANS IS NOT SUBJECT TO LCC - Line 7 Enter zero (0) on this line because the
hospital / component cannot bill separate charges
for services of residents (in unapproved or
approved programs) which are reimbursed under
Part B. - Line 9 Enter zero (0) on this line because the
hospital / component cannot bill separate charges
for the direct patient care services rendered by
physicians in teaching hospitals under the
election described in 42 CFR 415.160.
18Worksheet I-1 (T18 change)
10-16 - Lines 10 through 16--Include on the appropriate
lines costs directly charged to the renal
department after reclassifications and
adjustments. Report other direct costs on line
16 that cannot be specifically identified on
lines 11 through 15. - NOTE Line 15 should exclude the costs of EPO
and Aranesp administered to ESRD patients in the
renal department and home program identified on
Worksheet B-2, lines 1, 2, 3 or 4.
19Worksheet I-2 (T18 change)
- Line 14.01.--Report the direct costs of Aranesp
net of discounts furnished in the renal
department. Include all costs for patients
receiving outpatient, home, or training dialysis
treatments. This amount includes Aranesp cost
furnished in the renal department or any other
department if furnished to an end stage renal
dialysis patient. Enter Aranesp amount for
informational purposes only. This amount is not
included in the total on line 16. - Line 15.--Report the costs of other services
furnished and billed in the renal department that
are paid for outside the composite payment rate. - Line 16--Add columns and enter totals. Since
lines 14 and 14.01, column 9 are shaded, no costs
for EPO and Aranesp are included in the total for
line 16, column 9 and column 6, lines 14 and
14.01 should be excluded from total. - Column 9--Add columns 1 through 8 for each line,
except lines 14 (EPO) and 14.01 (Aranesp), and
enter the total.
20Worksheet I-3 (T18 change)
NEW LINE 14.01 (ARANESP) - Column 10--Use subtotal costs in column 9,
Worksheet I-2 to allocate overhead cost. To
compute the unit cost multiplier, transfer the
amount from Worksheet I-2, line 16, column 9 to
Worksheet I-3, line 16, column 10. Do not
allocate overhead costs to lines 14 (EPO) or
14.01 (Aranesp).
- CMS web site URL for cost reporting forms
- http//www.cms.hhs.gov/Manuals/PBM/itemdetail.asp?
Form CMS-2552-09 Progress Update Don
Fry Director, Healthcare Advisory HFMA, New York
Chapters March 30 - April 2, 2009
24What Needs to Happen
- Based on recommendations, CMS is revising the
Cost Reporting Forms and Instructions - The Cost Report must be internally reviewed by
various CMS divisions to validate that the
changes comply with their data requirements. - The Cost Report must be released to the industry
for Comment, in the form of a prior
consultation draft. The announcement must appear
in the Federal Register. Organizations, such as
AHA, HFMA and state hospital associations have
historically taken a great deal of interest in
such changes. - The Office of Management and Budget must review
the cost report to verify that the cost report
conforms with federal budgetary requirements.
- In late February 2008, a very rough, incomplete
preliminary draft was provided to the cost report
system vendor community for initial comments.
This draft contained selected sets of forms but
no instructions. - The original estimated release date for the prior
consultation draft was May, 2008. To date, this
has not occurred. - There is a Federally-mandated minimum of 150 days
elapsed time between publication in the Federal
Register and approval. - Once approved, the cost report will be effective
for Fiscal Years Beginning on or after a specific
date. CMS had been aiming for 10/1/2008. This
would have meant that the first full-year cost
reports using the new forms would have been due
150 days after September 30, 2009. - The actual release date of the prior consultation
draft will determine the actual effective date,
considering the 150-day comment period.
26Highlights of the February 2008 rough draft
- All references to Old and New capital removed
throughout cost report - Cost center list renumbered
- Subprovider I and Subprovider II designations
replaced by - Subprovider IPF
- Subprovider IRF
- Subprovider Other
NOTE At this time, this is all subject to change
by CMS
27Highlights of the February 2008 rough draft
- Worksheet S-2 Part I
- List of provider components (lines 3-17) includes
columns for CBSA (all lines) and Provider Type
(hospital / subproviders only) - Hospital-based HHAs continue to list multiple
CBSAs on Worksheet S-4 - Questions reorganized into sections by function
- Inpatient acute care PPS
- PPS-Capital
- Teaching hospitals
- TEFRA providers
- Title XIX inpatient services
- Rural providers
- Miscellaneous cost reporting information
NOTE At this time, this is all subject to change
by CMS
28Highlights of the February 2008 rough draft
- Worksheet S-2 Part II
- New questions, generally organized by type of
provider - Many questions on draft S-2 Part II are also on
current 339-95 questionnaire - ALL PROVIDERS
- Provider Organization and Operation (addresses
change of ownership, provider Medicare
termination, transactions with related
organizations / individuals) - Financial Data Report (confirming preparation of
financial statements by CPA, indicating of
expenses revenue on C/R differ from those in
the financials) - Bad Debts (includes asking if providers bad
debt policy changed and if deductibles
co-payments were waived by the provider) - PSR Data (questions asking about use of PSR
data to prepare the cost report and the extent of
adjustments made to PSR data) - Rural providers
- Miscellaneous cost reporting information
NOTE At this time, this is all subject to change
by CMS
29Highlights of the February 2008 rough draft
- Worksheet S-2 Part II (continued)
- Contract services, cost of home office / related
organization personnel, Wage Related Costs - COST REIMBURSED PROVIDERS
- Capital Related Cost (asset status, impact of
appraisals on depreciation expense, new/amended
leases, policy changes) - Interest Expense (new loans / mortgages,
treatment of funded depreciation, replacement /
recall of existing debt) - Purchased Services
- Provider-Based Physicians
- Home Office Costs
- Change in Bed Compliment
NOTE At this time, this is all subject to change
by CMS
30Highlights of the February 2008 rough draft
C, D-series) - Line 90 (Other capital) positioned with other
capital-related lines as Line 3 - Blank lines at end of each cost center category
for future expansion - COST CENTER CATEGORIES
- General Service Lines 1-23
- Inpatient Routine Service Lines 30-46
- Ancillary Service Lines 50-73
- New ancillary cost center Medical Implants
Charged to Patients - Outpatient Service Lines 90-93
- Other Reimbursable Lines 95-102
- Special Purpose Lines 105-117
- Nonreimbursable Lines 120-124
- Total Line number is now 200 instead of 101
NOTE At this time, this is all subject to change
by CMS
31Highlights of the February 2008 rough draft
- Worksheet S-7 completely reorganized to include
SNF-related questions from 2552-96 S-2 and to
eliminate obsolete columns - Worksheet D Part V completely revised to
eliminate obsolete columns - Worksheet E Part A DSH and IME calculations
moved to separate worksheet Bed Days
calculation moved to Worksheet S-3
NOTE At this time, this is all subject to change
by CMS
32Highlights of the February 2008 rough draft
- Worksheet E-3 Parts I, II, III will be separate
worksheets for IPF, IRF, LTCH, respectively - Worksheet E-3 Part IV to combine functions of
old E-3 Parts IV and VI
NOTE At this time, this is all subject to change
by CMS
33The cost report has always been important, even
in the age of prospective payment
- Most Medicare providers and services
(approximately 88) are now paid under a form of
PPS instead of a cost-reimbursement system. - CMS uses cost report data for purposes that are
critical to the proper updating of prospective
payment systems Market baskets and payment
adequacy analysis. - CMS market baskets are used to update payments
and cost limits in the various CMS prospective
payment systems. - Payment adequacy analysis is used as a tool to
determine if Medicare is paying fair and
efficient rates for different classes of
providers, different types of services, and for
Medicare relative to non-Medicare populations. - When providers do not validly and completely fill
in relevant cost report fields, CMS is compelled
to make assumptions about the validity of those
CMS New PSR System Don Fry Director,
Healthcare Advisory HFMA, New York
Chapters March 30 April 2, 2009
36CMS Web-Based PSR System
- The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
(CMS) has been developing, over the past few
years, a web-based PSR tool for Intermediaries
and providers to access PSR summary and detail
data files for cost report purposes and for
financial analysis. - CMS contracted in 2003 with CGI Federal, a large,
independent government systems IT contractor, to
redesign, program and implement the system.
37CMS Web-Based PSR System
- Why redesign Medicares PSR system?
- The Medicare PSR legacy system has been in use
since 1985, and has had 38 version updates in
that time. - The technology, although adequate, is out-dated
and cumbersome to maintain. - The current system is installed on multiple
mainframe computers located at various Medicare
Fiscal Intermediary sites around the country.
38CMS Web-Based PSR System
- What will be the advantages of the new PSR
system? - A web-based system allows direct access to data
and reports by providers as well as MACs. - The system and the data will reside on servers at
CMS in Baltimore instead of in multiple FI
locations. This will aid in timely updates and
maintainability of the system. - Users will be able to obtain summary or detail
reports based on their specific requirements of
date ranges, report types and provider numbers. - Users will be able to obtain data in PDF or CSV
39CMS Web-Based PSR System
- What is the current status of the new PSR
system? - Originally expected to go-live in April, 2007.
- System has been tested and is ready for use.
- However, CMS delayed implementation pending
satisfactory implementation of a security
front-end called IACS - CMS finally released the new system in February,
2009. - The first cost report FYEs will be 01/31/2009.
40CMS Web-Based PSR System
- What is IACS?
- Individual Authorized Computer Services
- A gateway security front-end to all CMS
web-based systems requiring a user ID, password
and profile - The profile identifies the user, systems to which
they have access, provider numbers to which they
have access, contact information, etc.
41CMS Web-Based PSR System
- When the new PSR is released, what will it look
like? - Two formats PDF and CSV
- PDF affords better readability
- CSV enables importation into Excel for further
analysis - Much of the data remains the same, but is
presented in a more logical and user-friendly
format. - Lets take a look at the before and after formats!
42Legacy Report 110 Summary
43New Report 110 Summary
44New Report 110 Summary Section and Line
45New Report 110 Summary Section and Line
46Legacy PSR Detail Report
47New PSR Detail Report PDF File
48New PSR Detail Report CSV File
49CMS Web-Based PSR Report Request Process
- Request a summary report by entering report
parameters in a sequence of Web pages -
50CMS Web-Based PSR System
- Summary Reports can be requested on-line by the
provider and will be returned to their system
in-box. This file can then be saved to the
providers local hard drive or server for further
review and analysis. - Detail Reports (with PHI data) can be ordered
on-line, but must be mailed to the authorized
provider contact on a password protected CD-Rom
by the MAC. - NOTE Only providers have access to this system
at the present time, not chains or consultants.
51CMS Web-Based PSR System In-Box
Displays a list of all reports that have been
submitted for processing. If there are no
reports, There are no results to view at this
time message appears.
52CMS Web-Based PSR System
- Reports should be deleted from the in-box after
saving to hard drive or server. Reports not
deleted after 21 days will be automatically
deleted by the system. These can however be
reordered at any time. - Use parameter criteria for zeroing in on needed
data, dont order everything. Select based on
report types, dates, provider numbers and formats.
53CMS Web-Based PSR System
- CMS will be providing training in use of the
system. This may entail web-based training or
live sessions conducted by MACs. - On-line Help system steps you through the
process, and should be able to answer most of
your questions.
54 CMS Web-Based PSR System