Title: Kein Folientitel
1Opinions from modellers / software providers
would be nice to have GTF, but nobody forces us
to do so we are quite content with the formats
currently available too ambitious if I need
to exchange some data I can do that on a one to
one ad hoc basis, thats good enough
proprietary formats protect out know-how and our
market shares users urge us for more
compatibility, to any other product and other
platform where is the market? what is it good
for? no problem to write 11 translators and
include them in our software as needed
2Opinions from modellers / software providers
past experiences with similar attempts were too
bad therefore waste of time and money (even
if the travel expenses etc. are reimbursed - but
not the daily labour rates!) no
commitment by the EU EU must be first mover
not us (the software industry) not evolved
enough to justify involvement (currently) BUT
all expressed interested in the subject and
the vision!
3Findings ...
widely diverging opinions gt great chance to
gain leadership by the EU if
first-mover! personal discussions (phone,
email) had good reponse and Web forum /
mailinglist bad response (probably due to too
little critical mass) gt web forum, maillinglist
/ TN best way to proceed? Alternative?First
small group of software providers defines,
builds and installs a GTF (pilot test
cases) Then modellers, experts comment