Title: Commanders Vision
1Commanders Vision
A Battalion led by officers and NCOs that are
professional in appearance and conduct at all
times. Soldiers who want to achieve success in
everything they do. We fight hard to
understand commanders intent and mission. We
accomplish all missions with professionalism.
We successfully execute several missions
simultaneously. We plan in depth, train hard and
play hard. We sustain a reputation for
outstanding performance in everything we do. We
work everyday to be the best Patriot Battalion
in the United States Army.
2Commanders Philosophy
My philosophy is simple and focused on the
basics. I strongly believe in taking care of
soldiers and families, taking care of your
equipment and ensuring your soldiers are trained
and ready to deploy tomorrow. If you focus on
these areas everything else falls in place. My
philosophy focuses on the 4 readiness
conditions - Soldier/Family Readiness (Taking
care of soldiers and family is not just taking
care of them personally, but also ensuring they
are trained and ready to deploy tomorrow as a
leader have you done everything you can to ensure
this?) - Logistics/Maintenance Readiness (CDRs
and Leaders are doing maintenance on their
vehicles on command maintenance day! Leaders are
spot checking PMCS and QCing 5988Es. Property
accountability at all times) -Training Readiness
(Train to standard and use quantified objectives
to measure your success or if you need to
retrain.) - Combat Readiness (You may get the
call tomorrow ensure you and your unit are
3- Commanders Philosophy
- You are Officers, NCOs and Soldiers in the US
Army - I expect your actions to reflect this - Junior leaders will be empowered to execute
missions - Junior leaders make decisions on your own (right
or wrong and learn from them) - You will possess a professional attitude and
appearance at all times - You have direct access to me anytime Dont
hesitate to use my experience - Understand intent If you dont understand,
seek your boss out and get clarification - Meet your suspenses and move paperwork Dont
let actions sit in your unit area or in-box - Dont drop an issue without a recommended
solution - Use the I/D/R format (one slide) - Develop your Soldiers Empower them and
check/follow-up often. Allow them to make
mistakes and then review the mistake. Ensure
they are counseled I will check quarterly. - MDMP, Rehearsals, ROC Drills and AARs
Essential to the success of your execution.