Title: IAEA
1IAEAs Programme on Environmental Modelling for
RAdiation Safety(EMRAS II)WG7 Tritium Working
Introduction Workshop 28-29 September 2009 EDF,
Chatou, France
- IAEA Scientific Secretary
- Volodymyr Berkovskyy, IAEA
- Working Group Leader
- Dan Galeriu, IFIN-HH,
- Romania
- Hydrogen is ubiquitous in the environment and is
part of many chemical compounds, including water
and most organic materials. As an isotope of
hydrogen, tritium enters freely into these
compounds and its movement through the
environment can be inferred from the cycling of
hydrogen. As a result, tritium behaves
differently in a number of respects from other
radionuclides - In aqueous systems, tritium moves as a
non-reactive, non-absorbed constituent with the
bulk water flow. Accordingly, the environmental
transport of tritium is governed in large part by
local and global hydrologic cycles. - As a gas, tritium moves in response to its vapor
pressure gradient and can, under some
circumstances, move against the water vapor flux. - Tritium deposited from the atmosphere to soil and
plants is readily recycled back to the atmosphere
via evapotranspiration, forming a secondary
airborne plume. - The processes responsible for tritium transfer
have time scales as short as minutes. Tritium
can be rapidly taken up by organisms but just as
rapidly lost. As a result, tritium transfer is
highly dependent upon the environmental
conditions prevailing at the time and place of
release and the time of measurement. - Tritium can be effectively incorporated into
biological systems, including the human body, as
organically bound tritium (OBT). Many
environmental pathways to humans. - OBT has long biological half-life in humans and
biota - Tritiated hydrogen, which is biologically inert,
can be oxidized in soil to tritiated water vapor,
which is about 20,000 times more radiotoxic. - Although tritium is substantially heavier than
other hydrogen isotopes, it is usually
incorporated into larger molecules. Therefore,
isotopic effects, although present, are not
important in environmental tritium transport,
except in OBT formation. BUT for OBT Very short
range, so damage depends on where in cell, eg
close to DNA
3PAST RESULTS Scenario V1.05 in the Tritium WG
- Farmland was exposed with 1E10 Bq/m3 of HTO in
air for one hour starting at midnight in one case
and at 10 a.m. in the other, 30 days before the
harvest of the various crops. - In most cases the predicted concentrations among
the models agreed within one order of - magnitude and for some endpoints within two
orders of magnitude. The higher - discrepancy occurred after the night. Some
processes are highlighted that may need - further experimental work to improve the model
performance - HTO in soil
- 1. deposition beneath plant canopies and
re-emission from soil, particularly in stable air
and low wind speeds - 2. number and thickness of soil layers needed to
describe vertical movement in soil and between
soil surfaces and atmosphere. - HTO in vegetation
- 1. deposition from the atmosphere particularly at
night when leaf stomata are closed or partly
closed - 2. effective rooting depth of different species.
- OBT in vegetation
- 1. rates of OBT formation, particularly at night
- 2. translocation of HTO and OBT to plant storage
tissues, grain, tubers and roots - 3. effect of stage of development of grain when
release occurs. - HTO and OBT in animal products
- 1. rates of OBT formation in animals
- 2. rates of loss of OBT from milk and meat
- 3. effect of time elapsed between release and
slaughter on concentration in beef.
4PAST RESULTS Scenario V3.0 in the Tritium WG
- The importance of better understanding of the
uptake of HTO and conversion to OBT in dark
conditions was pointed in the scenario V3.0
(BIOMOVS II 1995), where modelers were asked to
predict HTO in leaves and OBT in grains and to
compare with experimental data from FZK. - The primary purpose of the experiment was to find
out how much HTO enters the leaves when stomata
close at night and, if HTO is present in leaves,
whether it can become incorporated into OBT in
the dark. The results clearly show that HTO
enters plants at night and is converted to OBT in
the dark. From the experimental results some
transfer parameters were extracted. The velocity
of deposition was estimated to range from 16 to
23 mm s-1 in light and from 3 to 4 mm s-1 in the
dark. The loss rate factor was estimated to be
about 0.95 h-1 in light and about 0.15 h-1in the
dark. The rate of OBT formation was estimated to
range from 6 E-4 to 1 E-3 h-1 in light and
between 2 E-4 and 3 E-4 h-1 in the dark. This
rate is defined as the ratio between the OBT
concentration at harvest and the time integrated
HTO concentration in air moisture. - The deposition velocity in the dark implies a
canopy resistance of the order of 150-200 s m-1
(using the experimental data on wind in the
growth chamber) which suggests a stomata
resistance of less than 1000 s m-1. If the
stomata are completely closed, this would a
smaller value than expected for the cuticular
resistance. For daytime exposure, the estimated
deposition velocity is 3-4 times higher than the
model predictions, and consequently the canopy
resistance seems to be overpredicted by most
models. These assertions must be considered with
precaution because the finite size of the growth
chamber can influence the results if comparing
with large canopies in the field.
5Environmental and Radiological Impact of
Accidental Tritium Release
Review of past conclusions
- Philippe Guétat, Luc Patryl
- CEA - France
8th International Conference on Tritium Science
and Technology September 16-21, 2007 Rochester,
New York
6Conclusions for Scientistes
Review of past conclusions
- General features are known but
- Are we able to do better than a factor 10 ?
- What fundamental parameters should be known in
the vicinity of a tritium plant ? - Some experiments to realize
- deposition velocity
- Air-plant exchanges during the night
- Parts coming from air and from soil.
7Review of past conclusions
T and TRANSFER Ph GUETAT, CEA Thanks for their
help to C Douche, JC Hubinois, N. Baglan , D
Galeriu, Ph. Davis, W Raskob
CEA/DAM/VA UE scientific seminar emerging issues
on tritium 13/11/2007
8Conclusions for environment RD
Review of past conclusions
- Tritium does not concentrate in food chain
- About models
- Variability remains very large in case of
accident especially in rain and night cases. - Modification needed for wheat modelling -
realistic approach - About experimental Data
- Translocation of organic matter from leaves to
edible part of the vegetable. - Case of the night for experimental data.
- What about Tritiated particulates ?
- About modelers
- The present Tritium scientific community is very
small, - have to synthesize what is absolutely needed in
models for acute release. - This community could disappear from EU in the few
next years.
9Review of past conclusions
TOMORROW D. Galeriu, P. Davis, W. Raskob, A.
Melintescu IFIN-HH Romania AECL Canada
IKET Germany Invited lecture
8th International Conference on Tritium Science
and Technology September 16-21, 2007 Rochester,
New York
10Review of past conclusions
- The 1990 Aiken list was amended in 1997 by W.
Raskob and P. Barry. Sensitivities and hence
importance in this list vary with both inputs
and end points. Site- and task-specific analyses
must be done to identify the most important
processes in a given application. - Areas Requiring Further Work
- plant uptake of HTO at night
- rates of OBT formation in plants,
- particularly at night
- dispersion in soil
- reemission from soil and plants
- rates of OBT formation and loss
- in animals
- translocation to fruits and roots
- tritium behavior in winter
- HTO concentrations in the
- environment following an HT release.
11Review of past conclusions
With present knowledge, it can be argued that the
expected dose to members of the public from
routine tritium releases is unlikely to be higher
than 30 µSv/y for todays nuclear facilities.
Accidental releases of HT or aquatic HTO releases
have much lower radiological impact than an
accidental atmospheric release of HTO. EU
guidance on response to accidental releases is as
No emergency action beyond 800 m
No delayed action at any time beyond 3 km
No long-term action (longer than 1 year) beyond 800 m
Restriction on the consumption of foodstuff and crops limited in terms of timescale and ground area
Limited economic impact
The next generation of models for accidental HTO
releases must be improved to decrease
uncertainties and to cope with tighter regulatory
12Requirements for the Next Generation of Dynamic
HTO Models
Review of past conclusions
- Reliable atmospheric transport and dispersion
codes (particle models) with good representation
of reemission and inclusion of turbulence,
topography etc - Changing environmental conditions must be taken
into account - Several sub-models are needed to describe the
behaviour of tritium in soil and crops - The crop sub-model is most important and here the
plant physiological parameters must be
considered - Conversion processes from HT to HTO and further
to OBT have to be modelled - Sub-models have to be based on physical
approaches knowledge from other disciplines
should be used to derive general dependencies
based on data for other substances than tritium - Site-specific information on land use, soil types
and crop genotypes should be applied, together
with realistic habits for the maximally exposed
13Modelling the transfer of 3H and 14C into the
environment - lessons learnt from IAEAs EMRAS
Review of past conclusions
- A. Melintescu and D. Galeriu
- Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics
and Nuclear Engineering, Bucharest-Magurele,
International Conference on RADIOECOLOGY
Bergen, Norway
14Suggestions for improving H-3 and C-14 accidental
release models
Review of past conclusions
- Models must include more reliable atmospheric
transport and dispersion with turbulence data and
topography, as well as improved area source for
re-emission - HT conversion into HTO in soils must be analysed
starting from basic science and modelled
accordingly with local soil properties - The influence of environmental condition on the
transfer of tritium to plants must be included
and generic models must separate wet, dry, and
hot or cold situations - Knowledge from agricultural science must be
incorporated, including physiologically based
crop growth modelling (photosynthesis, partition
of newly formed dry matter, genotype influence,
evapotranspiration) - For OBT production at night it must develop an
improved model based on a deeper analysis of
plant processes - Translocation in fruits and roots must be
modelled using knowledge in agricultural
research tests with experimental data are
needed -
- Robust operational models based on energy
metabolism are needed for transfer in animals - The predictions for contamination of eggs or
broilers must be experimentally checked - For cold climate, tritium behaviour in winter,
including washout by snow, dry deposition to snow
and the fate of tritium in the snow pack must be
studied - A further reduction of uncertainties must be
based on the ability to use site-specific
information on land use, local soil properties
and predominant crop genotype characteristics,
together with realistic assumptions concerning
habits of the maximally exposed individual.
- The Working Group focuses on the development of a
dynamic reference model that allows the
estimation exposure to tritium subsequent to
accidental releases. For this purpose, the
processes involved in the transfer of tritium in
the environment will be analyzed in dependence on
the environmental conditions, season and time of
the day. A main issue is the integration of
actual weather data to enable reliable estimation
of the tritium behavior. - Our meeting must
- - discuss and harmonize the views of
participants concerning the approaches for
developing the conceptual model for tritium
accidents (atmospheric and aquatic) - - agree on the structure and scope of the
conceptual model - - identify potential gaps in knowledge and
expertise, which should be addressed during the
model development - - define the structure of the technical
document and share tasks according to the
expertise of each participant and the interests
of his/her organization or institute - - elaborate the work plan for developing the
conceptual model and - - distribute specific tasks to be accomplished
and reported at the next EMRAS II Technical
Meeting (2529 January 2010).
16Task groups
- Task Group I covering - Tritium washout-
HT/HTO deposition-reemission - - Actual evaporation and transpiration
and connected HTO - concentration dynamics- HTO
uptake and retention in plant in rain condition
- Movement of HTO to deeper soil layers-
Winter case (particularly deposition on snow and
how - to deal with snow)Task Group II
covering - Use of growth models - define the
minimal needs- OBT formation in night -
Translocation of OBT from leaves to edible plant
partsTask Group III - Modelling the
transfer in aquatic food chain
- 11 members of WG7 responded to the questionnaire.
From their replies, some preliminary conclusions
can be reached - There is interest in both liquid and atmospheric
releases. - About half of the respondents have an interest in
HT emissions. - Plants of interest include
- pasture, lucerne, vegetables (leafy and root
vegetables), - rice, wheat, corn, tomatoes, potatoes,
apples and citrus fruits, grapes. - For Cernavoda add sunflower and sugar beat
- Animals of interest include cow ( milk), sheep
( milk), beef, goat, pork, chicken, fish,
boars. - All agree that the local climate and soils have a
large influence. - Some prefer compartmental models with
site-specific parameters. There is an increased
interest in process level modeling of minimal
complexity. -
- To be conservative is the requirement, but with
no details on how to control the robustness.
18Expert view (IAEA)
- It is especially important to focus on the
uncertainties and sensitivities that are involved
in modeling the behavior of tritium in the
environment after accidents. - Although we know much about the behavior of water
in the environment, the reliable prediction of
tritium concentrations in environmental media
subsequent to an accident is the result of the
complex interaction of a number of factors that
are subject to hourly, daily and annual
fluctuations. Due to these large uncertainties
related to the environmental conditions at the
time of the accidental release, predictions are
unavoidably associated with considerable
uncertainties. - However, these inherent problems in tritium
modeling are not clear to everybody. Therefore,
it would be very important for the work to - to identify the main contributors to uncertainty
- to identify the critical periods during the year
in relation to resulting exposures to tritium - to identify the important and sensitive
parameters, having in mind hourly, daily and
annual variations in parameters/processes - to explore the practical possibilities in
determining those parameters - to get an idea about the achievable
reliability of tritium modelling under practical,
this means under accidental field conditions - to get a clear idea for which phases of the
tritium accident the application of a tritium
model is desirable and useful.