Title: IAEA Technical Meeting/Workshop
1IAEA Technical Meeting/Workshop on Topical Issues
on Infrastructure Development 9-12 February 2010
Managing the Development of a National
Infrastructure for the Nuclear Power in Thailand
Mr. Chavalit Pichalai, Deputy Director Nuclear
Power Program Development Office (NPPDO) Ministry
of Energy, Thailand
2Thailands Energy Policy (PM Abhisit
- Intensify Energy Development for Greater
Self-reliance? expediting investment in EP of
energy within the country, in JDAs and in
neighboring countries. - Set the Policy on Alternative Energy as a
National Agenda ? by encouraging production and
use of alternative energy, particularly biofuels
and biomass, to enhance energy security
encouraging production use of RE at the
community level expediting greater use of NG in
the transportation sector and promoting RD of
all forms of RE.
3Thailands Energy Policy (PM Abhisit
- Supervise Maintain Energy Prices at
appropriate, stable affordable levels? by
setting appropriate price structure managing
prices through market mechanism and Oil Fund and
encouraging competition and investment in energy
business. - Promote Serious and Continuous Energy
Conservation and Efficiency ? focusing the
transportation, industrial, service household
sectors, by setting energy efficiency standards
of electrical appliances buildings and
supporting development of mass public
transportation and rail systems. - Promote Energy Production Consumption
concurrently with Environmental Protection?
giving importance to tackling of global warming
by promoting CDM projects.
4 Electricity Generation in 2008 (Based on type of
Renewables 1.4
Coal Import 8.2
Oil 1.0
Natural Gas 70.0
Lignite 12.6
Water 4.7
Total Electricity Generating
Diesel 0.2
From Loas 1.6
148 TWh
From Malasia 0.3
Source Electrical Generating Authority of
5RE Development Strategies (2008-2022)
Source DEDE
Target 5,608 MW Existing 1,750 MW
Promotional Measures
BOI/ Revolving Fund
- Adder cost 3,858 MW
- Mini-hydro/wind/solar
- Biomass/biogas/MSW/Hydrogen
Adder cost
Target 7,433 ktoe Existing 3,007 Ktoe
Ethanol Target 9.0 M lt/day Existing
1.24 M lt/day Biodiesel Target 4.5 M
lt/day Existing 1.56 M lt/day Hydrogen
Target 0.1 M kg.
Reduce energy use 4,237 ktoe/yr Reduce energy
import 99,500 M Bt/yrReduce GHG 13 MT/yr
Reduce energy use 19,700 ktoe/yr Reduce energy
import 461,800 M Baht/yrReduce GHG 42 MT/yr
NGVExisting 108.1 mmscfd Target 690 mmscfd
(6,090 ktoe)
Estimate at average crude oil price in 2008 at
94.45 USD/barrel
Remarks Preliminary estimate _at_ Jan09
6Current Nuclear Power Program
- The National Energy Policy Council (NEPC)
approved Thailands Power Development Plan
2007-2021 (PDP 2007) and the Thai cabinet
acknowledged and approved the PDP in June 2007. - One major issue stipulated in the PDP 2007 is the
designation of nuclear power generation option to
supply 2,000 MW of electricity in 2020 and
another 2,000 MW in 2021. - March 2009, NEPC approved the PDP2007 (rev. 2),
1,000 MW of electricity in 2020 and another 1,000
MW in 2021 for nuclear power generation.
7Future Fuel Mix for Power Generation
(PDP 2007 Revision 2)
8Cabinet Approval on October 30 and December 18
- Appointment of Nuclear Power Infrastructure
Establishment Coordination Committee (NPIECC) - Establishment of Nuclear Power Program
Development Office (NPPDO) under the Ministry of
Energy - Approval of Nuclear Power Infrastructure
Establishment Plan (NPIEP) and the budget for the
first 3 years (2008-2010)
9Appointment of 5 Sub-committees
- The following 5 sub-committees have been
appointed to assist - the NPIECC with the coordination of NPIEP
implementation - Sub-committee on Legal System, Regulatory System
and International Protocols - Sub-committee on Nuclear Power Utility Planning
Coordination - Sub-committee on Industrial and Commercial
Infrastructure, Technology Development and
Transfer, and Human Resources Development - Sub-committee on Nuclear Safety and Environmental
Issues - Sub-committee on Public Information and Public
10Nuclear Power Project Schedule
Preliminary Phase 1 year 2007
Pre-Project Activities Phase 3 years 2008-2010
GO NUCLEAR ! Government to approve the project
Project Implementation Phase 3 years 2011-2013
Construction Phase 6 years 2014-2019
Commercial Operation 2020
11NPIEP Milestones for Nuclear Power Program
NPI Nuclear Power
Infrastructure NPIEP NPI Establishment
Plan NPPDO Nuclear Power Program
Development Office NPP
Nuclear Power Plan NRB Nuclear
Regulatory Body
24 September 2007
2nd Milestone Call for Bids (Financial
1st Milestone Policy Decision (Knowledgeable
3rd Milestone Start Operation (Commissioning 1st
Milestone 0.2 (To prepare for policy decision)
Milestone 0.1 (Nuclear power option included in
PDP 2007)
GO NUCLEAR Policy Decision
- Phase 1
- Pre-project Activity Phase
- - approve NPIPC
- - set up NPPDO
- infrastructure work
- started
- survey of potential
- sites
- feasibility study
- completed
- - public information
- participation
- Phase 2
- Program Implementation Phase
- implement NPIEP
- Milestones
- - full NRB established
- legislation international
- protocols enacted
- suitable sites for bid
- selected
- technology /qualified
- suppliers selected
- Phase 3
- Construction Phase
- - NPIEP fully implemented
- biding process
- completed
- - design engineering
- - manufacturing
- construction
- installation
- - test runs inspection
- NPP commissioning
- license
- Phase 4 Operation Phase
- - commercial operation
- - O M
- planning for
- expansion
- industrial and
- technology
- development plan
- Phase 0.1
- Preliminary
- Phase
- appointed
- Issues
- Milestones
- considered
- - NPIEP prepared
3 Years
6 Years
1 Year
3 Years
2011 -2013
2008 -2010
12National Strategy and Strategic Plans for the
Development of Infrastructure for Nuclear Power
Time Line of the Readiness Report Preparation for
6 Sub-tasks
Sub-tasks 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011
Sub-tasks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1
1. Legal System, Regulatory System and International Protocols
2. Nuclear Power Utility Planning Coordination
3. Industrial and Commercial Infrastructure, Technology Development and Transfer, and Human Resources Development
13National Strategy and Strategic Plans for the
Development of Infrastructure for Nuclear Power
Time Line of the Readiness Report Preparation for
6 Sub-tasks
Sub-tasks 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2010 2011
Sub-tasks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1
4. Nuclear Safety and Environmental Issues
4. Nuclear Safety and Environmental Issues
4. Nuclear Safety and Environmental Issues
5. Public Information and Public Participation
5. Public Information and Public Participation
5. Public Information and Public Participation
6. Draft Readiness Report of Thailand Nuclear Power Plant Establishment
6. Draft Readiness Report of Thailand Nuclear Power Plant Establishment
6. Draft Readiness Report of Thailand Nuclear Power Plant Establishment
7. NPIECC Consideration
8. IAEA Expert Visit
9. NEPC Consideration
10. Cabinet Consideration
NEPC National Energy Policy Council
NPIECC Nuclear Power Infrastructure Energy
Coordination Committee
14National Strategy and Strategic Plans for the
Development of Infrastructure for Nuclear Power
Organization Responsible for Readiness Report
Preparation (IAEAs 19 issues)
IAEAs 19 Issues Responsible for Milestone 1 Responsible for Milestone 1
IAEAs 19 Issues Sub-Committee Organization
National position  SC 1-5  NPPDO
Nuclear Safety  SC1, 2, 4  OAP/ EGAT
Management  SC2  EGAT
Funding and financing  SC2  EGAT
Legislative framework  SC1 OAPÂ
Safeguards  SC1, 2, 4 OAP / EGATÂ
Regulatory framework  SC1, 2  OAP / EGAT
Radiation Protection  SC1, 2, 4  OAP / EGAT
Electrical grid  SC2 EGATÂ
Human resources development  SC1-5 OAP/ EGAT/ TINT
15National Strategy and Strategic Plans for the
Development of Infrastructure for Nuclear Power
Organization Responsible for Readiness Report
Preparation (IAEAs 19 issues)
IAEAs 19 Issues Responsible for Milestone 1 Responsible for Milestone 1
IAEAs 19 Issues Sub-Committee Organization
Stakeholder involvement  SC 5 EGAT
Site and supporting facilities  SC 2  EGAT
Environmental protection  SC 4 M.of Science / M.of Natural ResourcesÂ
Emergency planning  SC1, 2, 4  OAP / EGAT
Security and physical protection SC1, 2Â Â OAP / EGAT
Nuclear fuel cycle SC1, 2Â Â OAP / EGAT
Radioactive waste SC1, 2Â OAP / EGAT
Industrial involvement  SC 3 M.of Industry/ F.T.I/ Thai Chamber of CommerceÂ
Procurement  SC 2 EGAT
16- Chairman of this sub-committee is secretary
general of OAP. - In 2010 NPPDO and OAP will conduct a study
project to improve present law enforcing Atoms
for Peace Act 1961 and its regulation last
issued in 1997 which aim at drafting NRB law
covering key issues such as organization
structure and functions, criteria for civil
liabilities, international protocols, safety etc. - EGAT/ Burns and Roe Asia,Ltd. feasibility study
will end at May 2010 with conclusion on technical
and safety aspects, technical aspects, safety
aspects, security and safeguards of NPP.
171 program dissemination of nuclear power
knowledge with 8 seminars in Bangkok and
11 Programs Plan to be launched consecutively
with 2009 projects but will emphasize on more
various groups e.g. children, young blood,
candidate sites surrounded communities etc.
- 9 programs public communications, knowledge
dissemination to communities, medias,
participating organizations
18Summary of Finding from Seminars in 2008
Most frequently asked questions (FAQ) can be
combined into 4 major groups
necessity of having nuclear power plant in
Other alternative or renewable energy sources
Costly construction
Fuel cost
Economic benefit of having nuclear power plant in
Readiness of having nuclear power plant in
Public Acceptance
Fear of explosion/ Radiation
NIMBY not in my back yard
Change from NIMBY to WINBY
19- During 12-22 May, 2009 a visit of 2 IAEA
experts, Dr. Poong Eil Juhn from Korea and Dr.
Ioan Rotaru from Romania visited Bangkok with
gaining experiences of NPP development in Korea
and Romania. The 2 experts had also observed and
recommended on preparedness of Thailand based on
IAEAs 19 issues. - During Milestone 1 NPPDO in collaboration with
Ministry of Energy, OAP and EGAT, by their
experts and working team had attended technical
visited to NPP in China, Japan, Korea etc. and
also international conference at IAEA office in
Vienna. - During 27-29 January 2010, a conference in
Bangkok between IAEA expert, Mr. Masahiro AOKI
and OAP/EGAT/NPPDO for project review meeting for
THA 4015 Technical support for upgrading
/establishment of infrastructure for introduction
of nuclear power. - In July and October 2010, NPPDO plan to invite
IAEA expert twice for discussion and review
preparedness and readiness of Thailand on NPP
project before government approval in 1st Quarter
- Developing the basic Infrastructures to support
the NPP Project - Focusing on Public Information and Awareness
- Preparing the Readiness Report
- Making decision to proceed the NPP Project in 2011
21Thank You