Title: South African Crime Trends 1994 - 2000
1Parliament, NEPAD the African Peer Review
15 October 2004, Cape Town, South Africa
2SAIIA Resources
- eAfrica www.saiia.org.za
- Seminar Series CSOs Parliaments other interest
groups - Media Training
- Mailing List
- APRM Toolkit
- Ayesha Kajee emailkajeeai_at_saiia.wits.ac.za
3What is Nepad?
The Nepad Document
- 4 Initiatives - Peace Security, Democracy and
Governance - - Economic and Corporate Governance
- - Capital Flows
- - Market Access
- 6 Sectoral Priorities
- Infrastructure Gap Human Resource Development
Agriculture - Environment Culture Science and Technology
4Nepad A Simpler Definition
- Nepad Is Five Things
- Joint Negotiations/Pressure on the World
- Re-organising Continental Institutions
- Driving Regional Projects
- Learning How to Solve African Problems
- Managing Delivery
- At Three Levels
- Continental, Regional, and National
5Why the Definition Matters
- Two views of Nepad All bad or all good
- Opens space for public conversation
- Nepad on 2 Tracks International Talks Vital, but
National Delivery is Key
6The Simplest Definition
- Nepad Reform
- Reform Changing How Africa Does
- Business at Every Level
7Hope and Caution
8(No Transcript)
9Peer Review Mechanism
- Share/Advise on Best Practice
- 3-5 Year Cycle, 6-9 Months per Review
- Ad Hoc Intervention Between Reviews
- Parliamentary oversight and monitoring
- Pre-Review
- During Review
- Inter-review Period
10Five Aspects of Governance
- Democracy good political governance
- Economic management governance
- Corporate governance
- Socio-economic governance
- Cross-cutting issues corruption, gender,
poverty, public participation, decentralisation,
11Parliamentary Influence
- To Parliament
- By Parliament
12CSO Intervention points
Intervention Points
C o u n t r y V I s I t
APR Secy arranges Technical Assess-ments on big
issues. Reports to APR Secy and country.
APR Secretariat Background Paper
APR Secy Develops Big Issues Paper Issues paper
may identify issues requiring more in-depth
analysis thru Technical Assessments
Country APR Focal Point
Country self-assesses-ment
Country drafts Programme of Action (POA)
13SAIIA Resources
- eAfrica www.saiia.org.za
- Seminar Series CSOs Parliaments other interest
groups - Media Training
- Mailing List
- APRM Toolkit
- Ayesha Kajee emailkajeeai_at_saiia.wits.ac.za