Title: Prehistory and Early Civilizations
1Prehistory and Early Civilizations
2Oldest Human Communities
-Origins east Africa -Nomadic hunters and
3What is prehistory?
The time before the invention of writing
Where did the first writing system emerge and
what is it called?
4What is an archaeologist?
- A scientist who learns about early people by
excavating and studying artifacts and the traces
of early settlements
What is an anthropologist?
-A scientist who studies and tries to recreate a
picture of early peoples cultural behaviors and
5The Paleolithic Era the Old Stone Age
- Man makes use of crude stone tools and fire
- The strongest survive the Ice Ages
6The Neolithic Revolution
- About 10,000 BCE, humans began to cultivate crops
and domesticate certain animals.
This leads to.
-an agricultural surplus, permanent settlements
and the rise of civilization!
7Culture and Cultural Diffusion?
- A groups unique way of living
- The exchange of beliefs, ideas, and goods from
one group to another
8Now for some questions!